Catalogue of magazines in the collection of the CATALO.W of MAnAZ1NES 1N TT-7, COLUCT1ON of AP17nNA U1ST0TUAN. April, 1910. A . :77.1CA7 A7THPC70L0c10T. July 1892. Fewkes, J. Walt e r. Tusayan Ceremony. Villard-Pandelier South American 7xpe1ition. ay 1908, 7ough, Walter. P.nvironment Inter-relation. 7ov. 189. Fewkes, J. Walter. Pacffic Coast Shells. From Tusavan Pueblos. cot. 189C. 77o:de, 7, 7. Pue7)10 Indian Clans. Anril 7odhe, 7. 7. Pueblo Snake Cereonies. Feb. 196. Hatthews, WashinTton. A. 7avalo Ceremony. Jan. 1894: Fe7k03, J. W. Certain Persona:es Who Aplear in Tusayan Ceremonials. Suicide Among Primitive Teor)les. Au,. 1806. Fewkes, J. W. Two Puins Recently Pis- - ce,vereJ in the Ted ock Country of Arizona. ray, 1196. Fewkas, J. T. Prehistoric Culture in Tusayan. Partial List 'Mogul_ Animal Hale loril 1894. roewke, J. W. 7inshi-c, of Tanoan- Speaking Comunity at "lusayan.1- 7.1atthews, Tashington, The Pasket D'cum. Cot. 1694. Fewkes, J. 7. Tinshilo of Tu ran JOUTTAL nr A717P1CAN F0L7L0T7. .Tan, -ch 1001. Mntthews, 7ashngton. 77,v aj O Tiht Ch,tnt. Anril-June 19- 3 . 73:1 -Los, T. interpretation of 7atchl a -Tor'fliy. 19 06. Fe-rkes, J. W. Sky-Cod 60333 la 70pi , - - - . c'on,--Songs of the Nava j4 00. ' t. 1094. 7[-tth-r Sept. 1888. Stephens, A. M. Legend of the Snake Order Of the Moquis. - As Told By Outsiders. Dec. 1897. Matthews, Washington. The Study of Ceremony. Ancient Mexican Superstitions. AMERICAN NATURALIST. June 1881. pueblo Pottery. Sept. 1896. Hyatt, A. The Chasms of the Colorado. AUGLO-AMERICAY. Oct. 1900.. Blackman, ,E. E. Quivera--History And Legends. 2nd. part. AMERICAN GUOLOGIST. March 1901. Blake, W. P. Geology of Arizona. AMERICAN JOURNAL OP SCIENCE. March 1883. Blake, W. P. New Locality Where Green Turquoise Occurs. Oct. 1900. Davis, W. M. Notes on the Grand Canon. APPLETON'S BOOKLOVERS MAIAZI7E. Jan. 1906. Sadie, A Tale of the American Desert. Nov. 1905. Sabin, E. L. On The Western Sheep 'Range. Harriman, Karl A. A Pair of Mules. APPLETON'S POPULAR SCIENCE 'iONTTLY. Jan. 1886. Kunz, Geo. F. Agitized Tood In Arizona. Aug. 1891. Shufeldt, E. Head—flattening As Seen Among The Navajos. Sept. 1897. Tourney, Prof. James W. The niant Cactus. Oct. 1899. Dorsey, Geo. Hopi Indians of Arizona. June 1874. Leow, Dr. Oscar. The Mogul Indians of Arizona. June 1382. Cushing, Frank. Zuni Social Myths And Religious Systems. THE ARGOSY. April 1898. Jayne, Lieut.'R. F. The Butt of Apache Humor. (Story.) • March 1898. Jayne, Lieut. R. F. Cochita's Last Raid. (Novel.) May 1907. That Fellow From Arizona, CENTURY. March, 1902. Hyde, Albert E. The Old Regime In The Southwest. An Apostle to the American Ind ians. May 1883. Cushing, Frank. My Adventures in Zuni. Dec. 1882. Cushing, Frank. My Adventures in Zuni. Feb. 1883. Cushing, Frank. Adventures in Zuni. Nov. 1902. Muir, John. Grand. Canon of Colorado. Jan. 1889. Remington, F. Horses of the Plains. Aug. 1889. Remington, F. An Artistb Wanderings Among the Cheyennes. Jan. 1896, Fletcher, Alice. Life Among the Omahas.. Tilson, Thomas, The Trumpeter of the Troop. Sept. 1904. Fossil Wonders of the West. CAMERA CRAFT. Dec. 1905. photographing in Hopi Land. THE CALIFORNIAN. May 1895. Robinson, R. E. L. Lost Races in Arizona. Nov. 1893. Early Americans, Yuma, Arizona. July, 1892. Gill, E. S. Phoenix, Arizona. June 1893. Lummis, C. P. Grand Canon, Colorado. Aug. 1893. A Navajo Blanket. Californian—Overland. Wozencraft. Through Northern Mexico in 1849. COSMOPOLITAN. Mo. 1896. "A Legend of the Navajos". Aug. 1895. "The Stampede on the Turkey Track Range". By Will C. Barnes. Jan. 1905. "In Arizona". Cyrus T. Brady. Nov. 1895. "The Samoan Disaster." CRAFTSMAN. June, 1906. "The Hopi Indians". Marc, 1907. "The Destruction of Our Indians." .Arril, 1907. "Pueblos od The Painted Desert." May, 1907. "Primitive Folk of the Desert." (Hopi Indians.) June, 1907. "Religious Dances of the to i." CURRFNT L1TRATURE. July, 1909. "The Rise of General Leonard Wood." DONAHUE'S. Aug., 1901. An Old Mission in Arizona," EVERYBODY'S MAGAZINE. June, 1907, "Making An Individual of the Indian." July, 1903. "The Wooing of . Ali-te." (Story.) Picture-"Custer's Demand" Schreyvogel. Jan. 1902. "The Making of a Navajo Blanket." By Geo. Pepper. FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY. Oct. 1900. "The Estuffa." Nov. 1890. "Costa Rica Customs." FORESTRY AND IRRIGATION. March, 19 0o. "Yuma irrigation Project." ”Black Mesa Forest Reserve." FOUR TRAoK NEWT!. Oct. 1904. "The "Big Cry" Of The Tollapais." HARPER'S 1T7W MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Nov. 1900. "Fruit Growing in America." Dec. 1387. "Precious Stones In The United States." Sept. 1903. "An Americn Indian Composer." By Natalie Curtis. April, 190E'). "Gamesters of tie Tilderness." By Agnes C. Laut. Sert. 1896. "A. Summer Among The Cliff-Dwellings." By T. Mitchell Prudden. June, 1897.. "An Elder Brother to the Cliff-Dwellers." By T. Mitchell Prudden. Aug. 1898. "Under The Spell of the Grand Canon." By T. Mitchell Prudden. Oct. 1901. "The Trial Path." By Zitkala-Sa. March, 1901. "In A Fox Canon On The Gila." By Cyrus T. Brady. Aug. 1902. "The Primeval North American." By Charles Hallock, M. A. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS. 1898. "Los Angeles In The Adobe Stage." "Early Postal Service in California." 1903. "Origin of the Trouble Between The Yumas And Giant on." 1396. "A Two Thousand Mile Stage Pide." 1893. "Old landmarks on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains." LAUD oF SUNSHINE. June to December, .1895. Jan. to Dec.', 1896. Jan. to Dec., 1897. Jan. to Dec., 1898. Jan. to Dec., 1899. 1000 to Dec., 1906. LEND A TTAND. April, 1891. "History of the Chiracahua Apaches." Isabel B. Eustis. Jan. 1890. "The Apaches At Mount Vernok." McCLURE'S MAGAZINE. Sept., 1905. "On Bright Angel Trail." By William Allen White. Feb. 1902. "Delmar of Pima." (Story of New Mexico.) Hamlin Garland. _ June, 1902. "The Roping At Pascoe's." (Story.) Ray Stannard Baker. MUYSEY'S MAGAZINE , July, 1903.- "Our National Forest Reserves." NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE. July, 1903. "Chalcedony Park." P. I. Greare. July, 1897. "The Casa Grande Ruin of Arizona." By Cosmos Mindeleff. Sept. 1904. "The Navajos and Their Blanket Weaving." By Geo. L. Patterson THE NATIONAL (107GPATE1C.MAGAZ1NE. April, 1909. "Panama Canal." May, 1909. "Call of the West." June, 1909. "When the Country is rifty Years Older." July, 1909. "Alaska." "Eucalyptus Trees." Aug., 1909. "The Colorado Desert." Sept. 1909. "Pre-historic Ruins of Tsankawi." Feb. 1906. "Arizona And New Mexico." NATIONAL MAGAZINE. March, 1909. New Mexico. (Also poem on Lincoln.) 0V7RLAND MONTHLY. June, 1903. "The Grand Canon of Arizona." By Arthur Inkersley. March, 1900. "Types of Female Beauty Among the Indians of the Southr:est." G. Wharton James. March, 1871. "An Fpisode of Fort Desolation." Josephine Clifford. Oct. 1897. "A Desert incident." (Story.) April, 1898. "Lost in the Petrified Forest." Will C. Barnes. Aug. 1903. "Pre-historic Rock Paintings." Newton C. Chittenden. May. 1902. "The Preservation of the Cliff-Dwellings." "Adios." March, 1901. "Indian Paintings At Los Angeles." Oct. 1900. "Prehistoric Ruins of the Casa Grande." May, 1905. "Some Picturesque Ruins of Tucson." "A Great Copper Plant." (Morenci.) OUTDOOR LIFT. March, 19n7. "Stage Coaching in the r.loconino Forest." OUT Feb. 1908. "A Voyage Below Sea Level on the Salton Sea." Dr. P. T. McDougal. "Dad Lane's Buffalo Yarn." "The Coming of Law to the Frontier." Sept., 190 0 . "The Quin-Ahts1; 1 3 Quits." "A Camel Mint in Arizona." April, 1888. "A Paid Into Mexico." Lie -At. P.G.Carter. "Habits of the California Quail." Jan. 1906. "Jim Bridger; Master Trapper and Trail Maker. By Arthur Chapman. "The Teaming of he Test." (Pictures.) March, 1901. "Indian Dances Of The Southwest." Oct. 1901. "Mogul And Navajo Indian Srorts." O. Wharton James. March, 1902. Indian Blanketry. Jan. 1905. "The Heart of the Desert." C. F. Holder. "Kit Carson." By Emerson Hough. OUTLOOK. Feb. G, 1904. "Among the Navajos." . OUTDOOR LIFE. March, 1901. "A Belled Wolf of the Mohave Desert." (Story.) "Marriage Customs of the 'Hopi Indians." July, 1905. "Down Bright Angel Trail." Jan. 1907. "The Jewelled Forests of Arizona,." By F. 1. Goare. PF,ARSOU'S MAGAZINP. Oct. 1900. "The 'Petrified Forest of Arizona." Clifford Howard. PACIFIC MO7THLY. Jan. 1908. "Story of the Central Pacific." "The Last Stand of the Ar7onauts." "flown the Yellowstone Forty Years Ago." Aug. 1903. "Irrigation." May, 1906. Japanese Number. Dec. 1906. "At A Medicine of the Navajos." RECORDS OF THE PAST. Jan. 1904. "Arizona Ruins." J. Walter Fewkes. Oct. 1904. "History of Laguna And Acoma." "Expedition to the Southwest." Nov. 1904. "History of Laguna And Acoma." March, 1902. "Prehistoric Ruins of the Sout1u7est." REVIEW OF REVIEW'S. Hay, 1909. "Americanizing The Ostrich." April, 1906. "Problems of the Colorado Delta." July, 1899. "Scenes of Spanish Occupancy in Our Southwest." • June, 1908. "The Covernment's Great Storage Dams." June, 1906. "The Indian Today And Tomorrow." SCRIBNER'S TIAGAZ11flE. May, 1905. "Over Night On The Edge of the Grand Canon." Benjamin Brooks. March, 1905. "Portraits of Indian Types." Curtis. Sept. 1901. "A Burro Puncher." Walter A. Wykoff. Dec. 1878. "The Cliff Dwellers." Emma C. Eardacre. May, 1906. "Vanishing Indian Tyres." Clr:tis. July, 1891. "Outlawry on the Mexican Farder." SUNSET. Jan. 1908. "A Tenderfoot in Greenstone." (Copper Mines.) Rufus Steele. March, 1908. "Her Indian Lover." F. C. Hooker. (Story of San Carlos. May, 1904. "Like A Mirage Miracle; A Study of Tucson." July, 1907. "The Spur of War Paint." (Story.) March, 1906 . "Yuma." (Poem.) SUNSET MAGAZINE. -Nov. 1903. "The University of Arizona." Charles S. Aiken. Dec. 1905. "Stpry of the Pierce Mines." Jan. 1905. "The Rodeo At pinal." Aug. 1904. "Phoenix; Born of Water." April, 1905. "Ostrich Farming in Arizona." Nov. 1904. "Baja Ca1if3rnia. "Mariposa Lily." Jan.
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