Native Plant Nursery Price List ORDERS & INQUIRIES Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (EST) Phone: 574 586 2412 Fax: 574 586 2718 [email protected] Minimum Order: Plants: $150 minimum, full flat quantities per species. Seed mixes: 0.25 acre minimum for standard Cardno NPN mixes, $150 minimum for custom seed mixes. Individually bagged seed: $150 minimum, $5.00 per line item. A $1 per species bagging and labeling fee may be applied. Seed Testing: Seed is sold on a PLS (Pure Live Seed) basis. Individual seed test results may be provided after the order has been picked, for an additional fee. Additional certifications/inspections (DOT, state agencies) will be charged $100 per mix. Sizes & Pricing: Plug – Prices are per plug, sold in full-flat quantities of 32, 50, or 72 (dependent on species). 32s are square (2 ½” x 3”); 50s are square-tapered (2” x 5”); 72’s are square-tapered (1.6” x 2.4”) Quart – Prices are per pot. Quarts measure 4.2” square, 4.9” tall #1 Gallon – Prices are per pot. Trade gallons measure 6 3/8” diameter, 7 ¼” tall. Bare-root herbaceous – Prices are per rhizome. Size varies by species and season. Bare-root tree/shrub – Prices are per seedling. Sold in bundles of 25. Standard grade is 12” -18” from the root collar. Taller grades available upon request; call or email for pricing and availability. Ounce – Price is per PLS ounce of seed. Liners and other container sizes are available for contract growing. Call for pricing and availability. Compensation for Materials & Services: Orders less than $500 must be paid prior to shipping. A 25% deposit is required for all orders greater than $5,000 and a credit check will be required. Based on the results of the credit check, the client may be placed on “Advance Payment” terms. Deposits are non-refundable. If an order is not picked up or shipped within 30 days of original ready date, a 5% (of order total) monthly holding fee will be applied. In the event an order needs to be held over the winter months (December-March) additional holding fees will apply. Contract Growing: Custom-grown orders require a 50%, or more, deposit to begin growing the plants or seed. The deposit amount and time required to grow will be determined on a case-by-case basis. In most instances, order cancellations forfeit deposits. If order is not shipped within 30 days of original ready date, a 5% (of order total) monthly holding fee will be applied. Shipping and Pickup: FOB Walkerton, IN. Shipping via UPS: at cost, including packaging. Shipping via Cardno NPN delivery: $3.50 per mile, or as revised. We reserve the right to add fuel surcharges. Pick up: at the nursery during business hours, Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm (EST). Clients must report any discrepancies or damages within 72 hours of receiving shipment. Returns: Individually bagged seed, live plants, and standard Cardno NPN seed mixes can be returned, at client’s expense, within five business days of receiving the material. Shipping fees will not be refunded. Custom seed mixes cannot be returned. All returns are subject to a 10% restocking fee. Claims of damage in transit must be submitted within 72 hours of receiving shipment. If damage is not reported within 72 hours, return will not be accepted. Phone: 574.586.2412 Email: [email protected] Effective 6/28/2021 Native Plant Nursery Price List Herbaceous Species Botanical Name Common Name Plug Bareroot Quart Gallon Ounce Acorus americanus Sweet Flag $1.50 $4.50 $6.50 $15.00 Agalinis purpurea Purple False Foxglove $50.00 Agalinis tenuifolia Slender False Foxglove $50.00 Agastache foeniculum Lavender Hyssop $1.50 $4.75 $6.50 $35.00 Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant Hyssop $1.75 $4.75 $30.00 Ageratina altissima White Snakeroot $1.50 $4.75 $50.00 Alisma subcordatum Common Water Plantain $10.00 Allium cernuum Nodding Onion $1.75 $4.75 $12.50 Allium tricoccum Wild Leek $4.00 $25.00 Ammophila breviligulata Dune Grass $0.45 $5.75 Amorpha canescens Lead Plant $2.00 $5.75 $8.00 $20.00 Amorpha fruticosa Indigo Bush $8.00 $15.00 $25.00 Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem $1.30 $6.00 $3.75 $5.50 $1.75 Andropogon virginicus Broom Sedge $1.30 $4.00 $6.00 $12.50 Anemone canadensis Meadow Anemone $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $35.00 Anemone cylindrica Thimbleweed $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $90.00 Anemone virginiana Tall Anemone $2.00 $5.00 $65.00 Angelica atropurpurea Great Angelica $2.00 $4.75 $6.50 $10.00 Aquilegia canadensis Wild Columbine $1.50 $5.00 $6.50 $65.00 Aralia racemosa Spikenard $2.25 $150.00 Arisaema triphyllum Jack-In-The-Pulpit $3.00 $7.50 $9.00 $50.00 Arnoglossum atriplicifolium Pale Indian Plantain $2.00 $7.00 $15.00 Arnoglossum plantagineum Prairie Indian Plantain $75.00 Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed $2.25 $75.00 Asclepias hirtella Tall Green Milkweed $2.25 $75.00 Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed $1.50 $4.00 $5.50 $20.00 Asclepias purpurascens Purple Milkweed $2.50 $75.00 Asclepias sullivantii Prairie Milkweed $2.50 $75.00 Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed $1.75 $4.75 $15.00 Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed $1.75 $4.75 $45.00 Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed $1.75 $6.50 $75.00 Astragalus canadensis Canadian Milk Vetch $1.75 $8.00 Aureolaria flava Smooth False Foxglove $40.00 Baptisia alba White Wild Indigo $2.00 $4.75 $30.00 Baptisia australis Blue Wild Indigo $2.00 $4.75 $15.00 Baptisia bracteata Cream Wild Indigo $2.00 $5.00 $90.00 Baptisia tinctoria Yellow Wild Indigo $2.25 $90.00 Bidens cernua Nodding Bur Marigold $20.00 Bidens coronata Tall Swamp Marigold $25.00 Bidens frondosa Common Beggars-Tick $25.00 Phone: 574.586.2412 Email: [email protected] Effective 6/28/2021 Native Plant Nursery Price List Herbaceous Species Botanical Name Common Name Plug Bareroot Quart Gallon Ounce Blephilia hirsuta Wood Mint $1.75 $4.75 $100.00 Boehmeria cylindrica False Nettle $1.75 $20.00 Bolboschoenus fluviatilis River Bulrush $1.30 $10.00 Boltonia asteroides False Aster $1.75 $4.50 $30.00 Bouteloua curtipendula Side-Oats Grama $1.30 $3.75 $5.50 $1.25 Brasenia schreberi Water Shield $3.00 Brickellia eupatorioides v.corymbulosa False Boneset $30.00 Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome $2.00 $3.00 Bromus kalmii Prairie Brome $2.00 $12.50 Bromus pubescens Woodland Brome $2.00 $4.75 $15.00 Calamagrostis canadensis Bluejoint Grass $1.15 $3.50 $5.00 $80.00 Calamovilfa longifolia Sand Reed $2.00 $4.75 $6.00 Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold $2.50 $5.25 $50.00 Campanula rotundifolia Harebell $2.00 $4.75 $150.00 Campanulastrum americanum Tall Bellflower $1.75 $4.75 $65.00 Carex annectens v. xanthocarpa Small Yellow Fox Sedge $1.75 $4.75 $50.00 Carex aquatilis Long-Bracted Tussock Sedge $2.00 $5.00 $150.00 Carex bebbii Bebb's Oval Sedge $1.30 $4.00 $30.00 Carex bicknellii Copper-Shouldered Oval Sedge $1.75 $4.75 $30.00 Carex blanda Common Wood Sedge $2.00 $4.75 $75.00 Carex brevior Plains Oval Sedge $2.00 $4.75 $15.00 Carex buxbaumii Buxbaum's Sedge $2.00 $45.00 Carex cephaloidea Rough-Clustered Sedge $30.00 Carex comosa Bristly Sedge $1.30 $4.00 $5.50 $20.00 Carex crinita Fringed Sedge $1.50 $4.00 $15.00 Carex cristatella Crested Oval Sedge $1.50 $4.00 $50.00 Carex davisii Awned Graceful Sedge $100.00 Carex emoryi Riverbank Sedge $2.00 $5.00 $7.00 $125.00 Carex frankii Bristly Cattail Sedge $1.50 $4.00 $10.00 Carex gracillima Graceful Sedge $1.75 $4.75 $150.00 Carex granularis Pale Sedge $2.00 $4.50 $45.00 Carex grayi Common Bur Sedge $2.00 $4.50 $25.00 Carex hystericina Porcupine Sedge $1.50 $4.00 $15.00 Carex intumescens Shining Bur Sedge $35.00 Carex lacustris Common Lake Sedge $2.25 $5.00 $50.00 Carex lupulina Common Hop Sedge $1.75 $4.50 $25.00 Carex lurida Bottlebrush Sedge $1.50 $4.00 $15.00 Carex molesta Field Oval Sedge $1.50 $4.50 $30.00 Carex muhlenbergii Sand Bracted Sedge $25.00 Carex muskingumensis Swamp Oval Sedge $1.50 $4.50 $6.50 $15.00 Phone: 574.586.2412 Email: [email protected] Effective 6/28/2021 Native Plant Nursery Price List Herbaceous Species Botanical Name Common Name Plug Bareroot Quart Gallon Ounce Carex normalis Spreading Oval Sedge $1.50 $35.00 Carex pellita Wooly Sedge $1.75 $5.00 $50.00 Carex pensylvanica Common Oak Sedge $2.50 $5.50 $150.00 Carex plantaginea Plantain Wood Sedge $2.25 $4.00 $100.00 Carex prairea Fen Panicled Sedge $2.00 $100.00 Carex projecta Loose-Headed Oval Sedge $1.75 $50.00 Carex radiata Straight-Styled Wood Sedge $2.00 $5.00 $225.00 Carex scoparia Lance-Fruited Oval Sedge $1.30 $4.50 $25.00 Carex shortiana Short's Sedge $2.25 $4.75 $40.00 Carex squarrosa Narrow-Leaved Cattail Sedge $1.50 $4.50 $15.00 Carex stipata Common Fox Sedge $1.30 $4.00 $60.00 Carex stricta Common Tussock Sedge $1.75 $4.75 $75.00 Carex swanii Swan's Sedge $2.00 $5.00 $75.00 Carex tribuloides Awl-Fruited Oval Sedge $1.30 $4.00 $50.00 Carex typhina Common Cattail Sedge $1.50 $4.00 $15.00 Carex vulpinoidea Brown Fox Sedge $1.30 $3.75 $5.50 $8.00 Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue Cohosh $35.00 Ceanothus americanus New Jersey Tea $2.00 $8.00 $90.00 Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge Pea $1.75 $2.50 Chasmanthium latifolium Indian Wood Oats $2.00 $4.50 $6.50 $10.00 Chelone glabra Turtlehead $2.00 $4.75 $90.00 Cinna arundinacea Common Wood Reed $1.50 $4.50 $35.00 Cirsium discolor Pasture Thistle $1.75 $25.00 Claytonia virginica Spring Beauty $3.50 Clematis virginiana Virgin's Bower $2.00 $5.00 $30.00 Conoclinium coelestinum Blue Mistflower $1.75 $4.50 $60.00 Coreopsis lanceolata Sand Coreopsis $1.30 $3.75 $5.75 $4.00 Coreopsis palmata Prairie Coreopsis $1.75 $4.25 $65.00 Coreopsis tripteris Tall Coreopsis $1.50 $4.00
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