Mali Humanitarian Situation Report ©UN3I8A7554/Dicko UNICEF/ SITUATION IN NUMBERS Highlights 1 30 June 2019 As of 30 June 2019, 147,861 people are internally displaced in Mali due to intercommunity and armed violence, mainly in the central regions. From January to June, several deadly armed attacks occurred in many villages in Mopti Region, 3,200,000 People in need causing hundreds of causalities and wounded and leading to massive internal displacement of over (Humanitarian Needs Overview 2019) 50,643 populations of whom 52% are below the age of 18 years1 In May, 876,805 children under 5 were vaccinated against measles in the northern and Mopti regions. 1,600,000 Children (<18) in need of From January to June, 60,291 children aged 6 to 59 months were treated for severe acute humanitarian assistance malnutrition in the 1,379 health facilities that provide treatment across the country. (UNICEF HAC 2019) As of June 2019, UNICEF had short-term emergency distribution of water and sanitation kits and sustainable water services to 94,530 people of whom (69,330 for temporary access and 25,200 for 76,888 Internally displaced children sustainable access in the regions). (Commission of Population Movements (CMP)Report, 30 From January to June 2019, UNICEF with its implementing partners provided to 65,573 children June 2019) (29,854 girls – 35,719 boys) community psychosocial supports in the regions of Mopti, Tombouctou, Kidal, Gao and the district of Bamako. 147,861 Internally displaced people As of June 2109, UNICEF enabled 42,638 children to access formal schools as well as informal learning (CMP Report, 30 June 2019) centers2. UNICEF’s Response with Partners 920 schools closed as of June 2019 (Education Cluster dashboard – June 2019) UNICEF Sector/Cluster UNICEF Appeal 2019) US$ 41.9 million Total UNICEF Total Cluster Results Target Results* Target Funding status* (US$) * Nutrition : # of SAM (severe acute 160,000 60,291 160,000 60,291 Carry-over: malnutrition) children (6-59 $6.6M months) treated (16%) WASH : # of affected population 85,500 69,330 1,000,0 109,042 provided with temporary access to 00 safe water (water trucking, Required: aquatabs, chlorine) $41.9M Health : #of children under 5 980,500 876,805 vaccinated against measles Funds Child Protection: # of children Funding gap : received: who received protection services 62,151 65,573 82,151 72,468 $3.1M including psychosocial support, $32.3M (77%) interim care, and family and * Funds available includes funding community reunification received against current appeal as well EDUCATION: # of out of school as carry-forward from previous year. boys and girls (3 to 17) affected by 150,000 42,638 357,000 38,6903 crisis accessing education 1 CMP: Population Displaced Report as of June 30, 2019 2 Education Cluster dashboard as of June 2019 3 Results of Education cluster are available as of April 2019; results of the 2nd quarter are being reviewed by the cluster and will be available in the next report Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs Following various violent incidents, the number IDPs increased from 61,404 in the first half of 2018 to 147,861 as at 30 June 20191, the majority of which is hosted in the north and central regions. From January to June 30, 2019, the humanitarian situation worsened. The education situation continues to deteriorate with 920 schools closed – of which 64% in the Mopti region alone - compared with the 735 schools closed in June 2018. During the reported period, the nutrition situation has been marked by high prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition in Gao (15,2%) while in Timbuktu, the number reached ‘critical’ levels (15.7%) based on WHO’s standards. A significant deterioration of nutritional status of children under-five (6-59 months) has equally been noted in Mopti region, with 11,478 SAM cases admitted (55% of burden) due to insecurity and populations internal displacement. In addition, children continued to be affected by violence and deteriorated security situation due to armed groups activities and the intensification of inter-community conflicts especially in the central region. Children are permanently victims of the consequence of this situation, including killing, psychosocial distress, family separation-unaccompanied and separated children, population movement, grave violations of children’s rights (234 incidents as of June 2019). Estimated Population in Need of Humanitarian Assistance (Estimates calculated based on initial figures from Mali Humanitarian Response Plan, January 2019 _OCHA _HRP 2019) Start of humanitarian response: Total Male Female Total Population in Need 3,200,000 1,568,000 1,632,000 Children (Under 18) 1,600,000 784,000 816,000 Children Under Five 660,000 323,400 336,600 Children 6 to 23 months 114,768 56,236 58,532 Pregnant and lactating women 56,510 0 56,510 Humanitarian Leadership and Coordination Following the ministerial reshuffle in May 2019, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is responsible for humanitarian assistance while the coordination remains within the Ministry of Solidarity and Poverty Reduction. The Humanitarian Coordinator leads the coordination of the Humanitarian Country Team with support of a Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator recently arrived and based in Mopti. UNICEF leads 3 clusters (WASH, Nutrition and Education) and 1 sub- cluster (Child Protection). The Inter-cluster coordination forum regroups all cluster coordinators and addresses intersectoral aspects. At regional level, a similar humanitarian coordination structure called the “Groupe Interagences de Coordination” is in place in Mopti, Timbuktu and Gao. Humanitarian Strategy UNICEF in Mali strategy is aligned with the interagency Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and the Government's national Humanitarian plan. UNICEF Mali is supporting the Government to manage SAM cases through an integrated package of activities, including hygiene promotion and the provision of water treatment and hygiene kits. UNICEF is continuing to rehabilitate and construct water systems and provide full package of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to health centers and. Health support is focusing on immunization campaigns and Integrated Management of Childhood Illness(IMCI). In affected areas, UNICEF is promoting the continuity of education through community mobilization, community learning centers and the provision of school supplies. UNICEF is providing psychosocial support to conflict-affected children; support the release of children from armed forces and groups; facilitate the reunification of unaccompanied and separated children with their families; and provide girl survivors of gender-based violence with community care and socio-economic reintegration. Summary Analysis of Programme Response Nutrition By the end of the first semester of 2019, 60,291 under five-children (6-59months) were treated for severe acute malnutrition in health centers across the country, representing 38% of the cases expected this year. Admissions increased drastically in the second quarter due to insecurity in the Mopti region (intercommunal conflicts) and massive displacement of populations to the Segou region. Despite this serious humanitarian situation, the performances of the health centers remain in the recommended standards: Cure rate 92,2%, death rate 0,7% and defaulter rate is 7,2%. Also 127,041 children were screened during the reported period and especially in June during the coupling of the screening with some activities of high impact: Week of intensification of nutrition activities (SIAN) and Local Vaccination Some 616,737 children aged 6 to 11 months and 4,872,636 aged 12 to 59 months were supplemented in Vitamin A during the week of intensification of nutritional activities (SIAN) held in April 2019. With the beginning of the rainy season and the volatile security situation in Mopti region, humanitarian needs are increasing and will require an adequate response. The 2019 SMART survey process is already underway which will integrate the collection of data on the Infant and Young Children Feeding. WASH As of June 2019, UNICEF supported 69,330 people (of which 50,244 people from May to June) in Mopti, Sikasso, Timbuktu, Gao and Menaka regions through short-term emergency kits distribution including water treatment products. Some 25,200-people gained access to safe water through the rehabilitation and construction of 63 water points (27 in May and June benefiting to 10,800) either through boreholes equipped with hand pumps, solar pumping systems or by wells). Some 94,530 people of whom (61,044 in May and June) benefited from both temporary and permanent drinking water services. Following the deadly attacks of the villages of Ogossagou and Sobane Dah, in the district of Bankass and Sangha respectively, UNICEF and its partners has implemented emergency WASH response (150 emergency latrines, 75 emergency showers, 5 washing areas, 3 waste management incineration pits under construction, 119 households received hygiene kits and tap stands) in IDPs camps and water treatment products to host communities. A total of 2,440 children with severe acute malnutrition and their family, representing a total of 14,640 people in Mopti, Timbuktu and Taoudenit regions were covered through distribution of WASH and Nutrition kits. Health The health system in the center and north regions continues to face the consequences of the ongoing crisis which led to interruption of service provision in many health facilities due to the absence of 11 health center directors and other
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