PALMS Sunderland & Morakinyo: Nypa fruticans Volume 46(3) 2002 Terry C.H. Sunderland African Rattan Research Programme Nypa fruticans, C/O Limbe Botanical Garden B.P. 437 a Weed in Limbe, Cameroon West Africa AND TUNDE MORAKINYO Iroko Foundation 83–85 Prince of Wales Road London NW35 3LY, UK Nypa fruticans, the mangrove palm, was introduced into West Africa in the early Twentieth Century and is now becoming a serious weed. The natural range of the mangrove palm, Nypa the brackish swamps of the Niger Delta (Zeven fruticans Wurmb, occurs from Sri Lanka and the 1971). It is from these two single points of entry Ganges Delta to Australia and the Solomon and that the species has today colonized large areas of Ryukyu Islands (Uhl & Dransfield 1987). However, coastline throughout West Africa. the ability of Nypa to colonize areas outside its Zeven hinted at the potential capacity of the existing natural range has been reported from species to become naturalized and forecast that “.. Trinidad (Bacon 2001), Panama (Duke 1991) and [Nypa] will eventually spread rapidly throughout probably most extensively, West Africa (Zeven the coastal districts of West Africa” (Zeven 1973: 1973). It is speculated that the source of the 36). Today, Nypa has colonized large areas along germplasm that has led to the establishment of the coastline of the Bight of Biafra, particularly in colonies of Nypa in the Neotropics originated in brackish and sheltered tidal areas such as river West Africa (Bacon 2001), where it was introduced deltas – areas where the dicotyledonous mangrove during the early and middle parts of the 20th species are more commonly found. The species century. Unlike in West Africa, the colonies of has now established itself as far south as the Wouri Nypa reported from the Neotropics are said to be Estuary near Douala, Cameroon and westwards somewhat localized and do not currently cover to Lagos. vast expanses of coastline. Unfortunately, this colonization has considerable Nypa in West Africa ecological implications. It has been observed that Nypa is a highly opportunistic species and the Although Nypa fruticans is currently restricted to dense monospecific stands that the species forms SE Asia, its historical distribution was much are out-competing the indigenous mangrove greater, and pollen and fruits of Nypa are common vegetation. This opportunism is exacerbated by fossils in many parts of the world. Nypa has not the fact that much of the mangrove forest of been present in West Africa since the end of the Nigeria and Cameroon is being felled to provide Eocene (Gee 1989); however, Nypa fruticans was fuel wood for smoking fish for commercial sale. introduced to West Africa at two main locations The resulting exposed mudflats are ideal in Nigeria. In 1906, seeds from the Botanic colonization areas for Nypa, and the indigenous Gardens of Singapore were used to establish a trial mangroves are unable to re-colonize the areas. plantation in Old Calabar from where a subsequent plantation was initiated in Oron in Recent environmental impact assessments carried 1912 (Holland 1922) – the Cross River Delta out for the oil industry observed that Nypa has population. In 1946, a further 6000+ seeds invaded the mangrove areas of the Niger Delta originating from Malaya were planted throughout especially around the Bonny and Imo Rivers and 154 PALMS 46(3): 154–155 PALMS Sunderland & Morakinyo: Nypofruticans Volume44(3) 2002 is causing long-term ecological damage (SGS minor cutting for thatching (Holland 1922), the Environment, 1995).Mangroves in areasadjacent Nypa palmremains considerably under-utilized in to petrochemical installations are frequently in West Africa. Most communities in the Niger Delta poor condition. Wherevermangrove cover is poor seemto be completely unaware of the possibility 'palm and the ground is bare Nypa can rapidly invade, of obtaining wine' ftom Nypa. Teaching out-competing native mangrove species and local communities to tap the inflorescencewould causing permanent displacement. The study certainly restrict the ability of the speciesto concluded that "Nypa is extending its range within reproduce.Hence the spreadof Nypa throughout the Niger mangrove systemand has the potential West Africa could be somewhat curtailed. problem" (SGS to become a substantial There have been some encouraging developments Environment, 1995). recently. InJune 2002,EIf Petroleum Nigeria Ltd. It has been observedthat where Nyprzcolonizes the announced that it would investigate means by mangroves, it completely chokes the mangrove which the Nyp6 invasion could be controlled vegetation in which fish breed. It is possiblethat (Obari 2OOZ).A month lateq the Nigerian Federal denseNypa colonization is affecting the breeding Ministry of Environment announced that plans of fish in the Niger Delta thus contributing to the were underway to eradicate Nypa and rehabilitate decline of fish populations throughout the area the Niger Delta's mangrove habitat (Oghifo 2002). (Living Earth Nigeria Foundation, pers. comm.). Lrrr,narunp,CtrEo The Nigeria Delta and the communities that live BecoN,P.R. 2001. Germination of Nypa fruticansin there are'relatively remote from mainstream life Trinidad.Palms. 45: 57-6I. in Nigeria, and thus, Nypa colonization has barely DurE, N. Nypa in the mangroves of Central begun to be an issue in Nigeria. Some America: Introduction or relict? Principes 35: environmental organizations are beginning to r27-132 realize that Nypa could be a potential problem. Two years ago, the Nigerian Conservation Fouc, F.W. 1992. Perspectivesfor sustainable Foundation (NCF) began proiect to assist local resourceutilization and management of Nipa communities with the manufacture of jewellery vegetation. Economic Bot. 46: 45-54. from Nypa. The idea was that utilization would GEE,C.T. 1989. On the fossil occurrencesof the curtail the growth of the palm in the area. The mangrove palm Nypa. Paper presented at the project has made little impact becauseit seems symposium; Paleofloristic and paleoclimatic that NCF did not consider the marketing aspect changesin the Cretaceousand Tertiary.Prague. and certainly to date, there is no massmarket for Nypa jewellery in Nigeria. A more viable alternative HoLL.nNo,T. 7922. The Useful Plants of Nigeria. might have been to teach local people in Nigeria Kew Bull. Misc. Inform . 9: 7l2-7 53. how to tap the Nypapalm for alcohol as is widely Onant,J.O. EIf tackles Nipa palm mangrove practiced in SEAsia (Fong 1993; Piiivoke 1984). menace. The Guardian Newspaper (Lagos) 18 Conclusion June 20O2. There is an urgent need for research to be Oghifo, B. 2OO2.Gov't to eradicate endangered Newspaper undertaken into the effects of the Nypa palm on specie [sic] palm trees. This Day the ecology of the West African mangrove (Lagos).7l July 2OO2. ecosystem and fish populations. Additional PATvOKE,A.E.A. 1984. Tapping Patternsin the Nipa researchis also needed into possiblemeans of Palrn (Nypa fruticans Wurmb). Principes 28: developing biological control methods to 132-737. supplement human control through harvesting SGSENvtnoNvnN-r'. 1995. Nigeria LNG Proiect: and utilization. Environment BaselineReoort, Gas Transmission Why was Nypa introduced to Africa in the first System. place? Initially intended to provide the people Unl, N.W. aNo J. DRaNSprnLp.1987. Genera with "a crop more valuable than mangroves" Palmarum. A classification of palms based on (Zeven 1973: 36), it was hoped Nypa wod.d the work of Harold E. Moore Jr. L.H. Bailey provide cheap and readily available sources of Hortorium & International Palm Society, Allen thatching as well as a light alcoholic drink (to Press,Kansas. pp 610. provide an alternative to felling the oil palm, the traditional source of palm wine). Unfortunately ZnvEN,A.C. 1977. The introduction of the Nipa these development interventions were not palm to West Africa. Journal of the Institute of appreciatedby the local people and, despitesome Oil Palm Research.5(18): 35-36. 155.
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