/1 ) ~ j ,.. ) Uniersity Computer Center Newsletter I i UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA-TWIN CITIES MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55455 contents bulletins CHANGE/6400/170-720/* P• 74 MERITSS up and running, no problems An additional "Introduction to UCC" class will be held on Tuesday, September 25th, 2:15-3:15 in NEW VERSION OF XEDIT P· 74 Mechanical Engineering 108. This will be an Highlights of Xedit 3.1 abbreviated version of tne October 5th class and is intended for users of the UNITE educational DATA BASE MANAGEMENT P· 75 system, however, other.; are 1o1elcome to attend. User group proposed, System 2000 notes VIDEO TAPE COPIES P· 75 Costs you more FOR SALE P• 75 USAGE STATISTICS p. 76 D 0 N' T FORGET THE SYSTEM CHANGE SHORT COURSE DESCRIPTIONS P· 77 I f SEE WRITEUP,UPGRADE. ntm.alttttr I Volume 13 Number 9 September, 1979 Director: Peter c. Patton Editor : Amy Koepke Comments about the content ot this newsletter, or suggestions for changes may be directed to the editor, 235a Experimental Engineering, 612/373-7744. The University of dinnesota adheres Lo L1te principle that all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to facilities in any phase of University activity 1o1ithout regard to race, I creed, color, sex, or national origin. I Copyright University of Minnesota, 1979. Permission to copy is hereby granted, provided that proper ackno1o1ledgement is given. ---------------------~~------ • - ,_J__.- ------------------- ~ . September, 1979 UCC NEI>/SLJ::TTER Page 73 s~veral powerful new commands have been added to During the weekend of August 25-26 a CDC Cyber provide XEDIT with text formatting capabilities. 170-720 replaced the MERITSS COC 6400. The following is a list of commands that have been As noted in last month's newsletter, increased added or changed in XEDIT 3.1, and a brief demand for computer time and for greater description of their functions. The abbreviation specialization forced the MERITSS upgrade. The of the command, if one exists, is shown in need for more and for faster terminals also brackets: contributed to the 6400's demise. ABORT Aoort XEDIT without writing changes We planned the change so you would notice only two anywhere. effects: we would be down the weekend of the change, and response time would improve. At the ASCII Change the current character set to full time of this writing, the upgrade can only be ASCII. viewed as a complete success. The change went so smoothly that the new system was brought up at BOTTOM n [B] 6:00 PM Sunday evening, only 40 hours after the l1ove to the bottom of record n, starting 6400 was shut down. The individuals involved in at the current pointer position. the upgrade will be unnamed. Special thanks are due to the Control Data Customer Engineers; to the EXPAND n [EX] MERITSS, Systems and Operations groups at UCC Expand the tabs in the next n lines. (especially for their late-night pre-installation efforts); to University Computer Services and its FINDLL n,i [FLL] Advisory Committee (for timely completion of the Locate the next n lines longer than right necessary negotiations and paper work); and to window margin i. MECC (for the speedy review of this procurement). FINDSL n,i [FSL] MERITSS will continue to use the KRONOS operating Locate the next n lines shorter than left system during Fall quarter. We expect to convert window margin i. to NOS 1.3 at the end of December, after thoroughly checking its performance on the Cyber JUSTIFY n,i,k [J] 74/172. Format the text within window margin i to fill window margin k in the next n lines. On-line system notes and future Newsletters will inform MERITSS users about future changes. LENGTH n [LEN] M. Skow, 373-7745 Print the length of the next n lines. L. Liddiard, 373-5239 LIST opl,op2, ••• ,opn Print information as selected by the options. Valid options are ALL, CSET, DEL, FLAGS, ESCAPE, MARGINS, Mi, PKOFILE, NEW ____ YEBSIQN ____ XEDIT_____ __ TABS, Y, and z. A new version of XEDIT has been placed on the LJUSTIFY n,i [LJ] system as a FUTURE product. It can be used bJ Left-justify the text within window entering the following commands: margin in the next n lines. X,FUTURE(XEDIT) LMARGIN n,i [LM] X,XEDIT(filename,options) Set left window margin i to n. The X, is necessary before the XEDIT cmwnand to tlORMAL Change the current character set to prevent tile system from running the current subset ASCII. version of XEDIT. PROFILE n [PR] In addition, a new indexed writeup has 11ee'1 Indent paragraphs n spaces and solicit a written. To list the XEDIT writeup indPx, 'e!ltcer fi_ller line for the JUSTIFY command. the com:nand: RJUSTIFY n,i [RJ] WRITEUP(XEDIT) Right-justify the text within window margin i in the uext n .lines. For full documentation on the new features available on XEDIT 3.1, enter the command: RMARGIN n,i [RM] Set right window margin i to n. WRITEUP (XED IT=FUTUttb;) TRUNCATE n,i [TRUNC] Under the new version of XEDIT, the concept of Truncate the next n llnes to right margin window margins has been g'reatly exvanded. There i. are now ten pairs of window margins that cctn he indexed individually on any command that uses WHARG1N c1,m,i [WM] window margins. The PRINT and REPLACE commands Set window margin i to n,,n. have also been enhanceJ t") J.Uttke !_l~~'-' ~~r i·h~· wLtd·JW margins. s. Collins, 376-5262 ----------------------------~~~~---~~·--------------~···------------------· Page 74 UCC NEWSLETTl':R Sep tenil>er , 19 7 9 .... ----------------- .. --~--. ------------------ ... --· ~. DAIA __BASE ___ MANAGaENT @adc payable to the University of Minnesota. A list of UCC video tapes can be obtained by using USER GROUP: the WRITELJP(VIDEO) control statement. L. Fetcher, 376-1637 With the expansion of data base management systems at UCC (we now have four: System 2000, SIR, DMS170, QUERY UPDATE), users have indicated an interest in forming a DBMS users groul'· If you are interested in joining, please call me at 376-1761. I will set up a time for an ______________ fa:. ___ -5*-______________ .. -.- arganizational meeting to elect officers and to There are a number of Portacom PC8ll0 JJOrtable set objectives. UCC will support the users group terminals available for $SOO.OO each. These new in any efforts to improve and increa~e Data Base units provide hac<l-copy, operate at 10 citaracters Management Systems usage at the University. ;:>er second, and include a built-in C~coustic coupler. If interested, contact Dan Wnealdon, SYSTEM 2000 NOTES: 376-8153 or 373-4877, for more information. You cannot use the COHPOSE module in System 2000 version 2.60 on the Cyber 74, since the COMPOSE module requires 5 7200 central memory, great<e r 1 h.,,l the Cyber 74's maximum timesharing vali•lati'-''l· ·\n ______ SHORT_ .,CO\ESES __ .. ·---- attempt to use COHPOSE on the Cyber 74 will result Tite University Computer Center (UCC) short courses in a "Fatal Error Trapped" message. We urge all consist of an "Introductory Group" and seven data base users to move their data bases to the sequences which emphasize different co>up<.lting Cyber 172. areas. Explanation of the seven categories follows: A comprehensive list of known System 2000 1nohle•J'i is available on microfiche in the UCC Reference TEXT PROCESSING on the computer includes any kind Room. This list is known as the early wacning of computerized text ur r\at'l e.\iting, formatting, system (EWS) documentation. Users snould check concordances, searching and/or matching. What you first with the System 2000 consultant at 376-1761 are reading is an example of text processing if they have any questions. entered, stored, formatted, and printed by the computer. System 2000 Version 2.40 will be removed from all systems (Cyber 74, Cyber 172, Cyber 170) by the SCIENTIFIC CUMJ>UTING involves complex numerical beginning of Winter Quarter 1980. Any data bases calculations, of ten referre<l t•> as "number created with System :woo version 2. 40 can be crunching." Tnis kind of computing usually easily converte<l to Sys tern 2000 version 2. 60 requires much more computing than reading and merely by accessing these data bases from System writing (input and output) of information. 2000 version 2.60. This will automatically update all internal tables to 2.60 structure. If you STATISTICAL COMPUTING derives statistical results have any questions, please call 376-1761. from collected data with the aid of statistical J. Cosgrove, 376-1761 packages available on the computer system. BUSINESS DATA PROCESSING usually includes payroll processing, inventory control, and personnel record-keeping and reports. _____ .YJDEQ__ IAPE .. COPES ______ _ DATA BASE HANAGEt·1ENT SYSTEMS (DBMS) allow for eas; l1edia Resources recently told us that they will, storing retrieving, querying, and updating of very in future, charge for copying video tapes. We, in large amounts of related information. Common uses turn, will pass this expense on to you, if you of DBMS are inventories, and personnel data bases, request copies of our video tapes. The followi.ng cllld mailing lists. rates are effective immediately: GRAPHICS PROCESSING includes creating visual SINGLE COPY material with the aid of the computer. Examples are graphs, pictures, movies, art, visual Time in hours 1/2 3/4 simulation, interactive JesLgn, line drawings. I University $ 7.78 $11.67 $15.55 t1ICROCOMPUTERS the new "personal computers," Nonuniversity $11.05 $16.57 $22.08 used for many kinds of applications. Using "micros" involves some experience with a programming language, and knowledge of the DOUBLE COPIES capabilities of the particular micro you're working with.
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