Mattrirpofpr lEo^nittg Artragfl DflOy CircokitkNi For the Mfmtk off BUjr. 1946 ■ Thfl VPwthir rsrenaet off U. H. Weutber irisqii Kapla of 3 Gilman street, Hart­ ford. Conp.- , Fashion Show 9,065 Clesv oud eeel toulghtt “ ■ iiia j A b o u t T o w n "This office immediately made c pti t eouse developing high eiouffinoee. Heard A long Main Street Member off the Audit nriTPHTPl! 4 1T T TTI liriPiTlIrl claim for the damages to the said MALE HELP WANTED Mrt ethenviee fi||r oafl wanuir. Contractor, Frank S. Kapla. and , To Be Feature Bureau off CIronlatlotts Th« Carroll club will hold » And on Some of Mmche$ter*§ Side Streets^ Too he referred the matter to his In­ Indoor and Outdoor Work , dance at S t Jamea'a School Hall, surance Oompaiw, The Travelers Good Pay! Permanent Workl Manehdtter— A City of Village Charm Monday aveiUng. Vacation With Pay! Insurance Co. oT'Hartford, repre­ Is Hi)(hlight of Benefit Yesterday’s edition of 'Hie Her- • Says he never had such a demand sented by Ralph '' F Harrison. (Claasifled Advertlaing oa Page Tha Hartford Dlatrict County Life, Sirkneas and Accident Insurance Free! ^ VOL. LXV„ NO. 213 MANqiESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1940 $ (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS aidd carried two stories which prob- for-clothespoles before. Oaim Department, ."iT Prospect Bridge Parly' at Center council meeting and the Memo­ ably were the most-penwed items street, Hartford, Conn., and he in ' Apply ' rial Service of the Veterana of in the entire edition by the local 'People'raising chickens find that turn stated that inasmiKh as Chiireli H all Foreign Warn will be held at West residents for whose benefit they the shortage of grain and the Kapla had contracted with' The WUUngton town hall, Sunday at were printed. We refer to the ar- common poultry feeds threatens THE ORFORD SOAP, CO. 3:30 -p.m. Manchester. Delegates Bariett Company, of 40 Rector A fa.Mhion show of .summer wear tides on anthallan, the new coal- to wipe out their flocks. Those with street. New York City, to supply ■ Unions Preparing . and alternates will attend. will be the fe^ lire /if the Y W t’A 73 Hilliard Street tar derivative which has proved large- flocks can’t finil a market the road tar, the damage was, beneficial In the treatment of hay for the mas food*and it doesn't do benefit b rld ^ p a rty, which will be Brace Walls to Seek therefore, the responsibility of the The 81st annual convention of .-fever. any good to kill them ofl because held on ni’xt Thursday afternoon tha Dental Hygienists of Connecti­ said Barrett Company, which With no great visible effect.^ ex­ they can't eat them up fast ehoiigk. f ’onipany is insured by The Globe at 1 :.'J0^elm k in the banquet hall cut, » ’as held in the Heublein For Ship Strike; cept reddening of the nose and wat­ They are fortunate if they ftave Indemnity Co, of .New York, and | I of Ccr^tei rhurch. The clothc.s and hotel in Hartford, the 6th and 7 th freezing units to store them. a will be supplied by Burton’s ering of the eyes from continual represented by K, A, Gilcreast, of June. Mrs. Hasel Hooey Gees, One day this week we were told Iain street. sneezing, those who do not suffer Claims Mgr., 6.'50 .Main street, Fire Victims’ Bpdies; dental hygienist for the local from hay fever afe sometimes in­ of a local farmer going into a ies.sert will be served during the schools, attended. grocery store and buying several Hartford, Conn.' In the inve.sliga- ashion show and bridge and other clined to scoff at the woes of suf­ tlon by Mr. Gilireast of the Globe Reject Pay Plan ferers. Yet during the sea.son when big packages of-Quaker O.ats. He game., will be played for prizes was asked how he couUI use such 1 Indemnity Co he a.scertaine.l that during the afternoon. hay fever is rampant life is one Call S141 period of misery after another for a large quantity. He replied that I * Barrett (.ompaiiy had hired a I The YW CA has iicen function- — FOR CAR PAINTING the afflicted, of which there arc he didn’t rat thorn but he WAR fprd-• beionRinR to U . T. (jilbtrt j ing in .Mapehe-ster under the of- Maritime Union Turns 15 Are Known Dead .’>.000,000 in the nation. .Striking ing the oats to his hens. ' " f Torringion. Conn., to make the I flees of the county organization, Army Adopts Get Our Estimate an average on a per capita basis ____ _ ] application, and contends that i which provides programs for Down Proposal to Give We heard a storv the other day i Gilbert is responsible for the women throughout Hartford would give .Manchester more than Seamen Shore Leave 23 Persons Unaccotilnted SOLIM ENE & FLAGG 1,000 sufferers. about why the Manchester High• ' damage. Mr. Gilbert Is insured lounty. This year iii .Manchester CITY CAB Silence Stand Atomic Power INC. school baseball game was held up with the Kmployers' Group, and the YW CA conducted a IZ weeks With Pay After East* IVeed Seen There wSs no Indication in either is represented by .Martin E. Miss Barhara/Ann Fox. daiigh program in which cour.ses in arts For in Blaze at D ih •34 Ceater SL Tel. 5101 article as to how large a supply until nearly 3:4.5. Manchester SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS Gormley. Atiorney-at-Law, 157 ter of Mr. and/Mrs. Walter E. Fox and crafts and public affairs were ern Ship Operators of the anthallan pills had been was playing host to Hall High of buque, la.; Red CroM Church street. New Haven. Conn. given. The local comniittee is hold­ OPEN ALL NU;HT On Gem Cas^ And Spain Top F o r Jobs made before public announcement West Hartford in a CCIL game at of 60 Garden street will be grad­ "B y direction of this office, the ing the bridge in an effort to make Accept Suggestion of the discovery. It may be that the West Side Oval. uated trovn Westbrniok Junior Col­ Continuefl Radio Ap­ Coach Tom Kelley of .the locals Superintendent of this cemetery up the budget which is necessary the supply Is not yet sulficient for lege, Rditlanr), Maine, tonioriow for the carrying on of the wonien's For Vets peal for All Personr looked around and noticed a key I together with A. H. Aimetti of All Jewels Believed Re­ Busy Calendar CEDAR POLES the needs of the eiitire nation, but, at two o’clock. .Miss Fox wa.s a program. Bulletin! undoubtedly, the new drug soon player was missing Just as he was the Manchester Memorial Com­ Registei'ed to Report | Ill- Mcs. Edward Dik is chairman of Washington, June 10.— </P) covered; Wap Depart­ will be appearing in the drug ready to give his starting lineup pany I has made a complete Inven. ent in Liberal Arts Curricii- CLOTHES POLES, the bridge committee. Bradley Tells Kiwanis stores of Manchester, .\pparcntly to the team manager. As the I tory of the damage, and same is She was active ig WE REPRESENT THE STRONGEST — Chairman Augustine B. ment Declines to Talk United Nations Plunges Fire Marshal Sayi this is not one of the common pal­ missing lad lived nearby, one of | otv file with each of the Insurance la.sque and Candle Dramatic club, Kelley (D., Pa.), of a House FENCE POLES, ETC. French and Spanush clubs, Secre- STOCK AND DiVlllRNI) About Latest Arrest Into Week of Heavy International 4,000,- Walls Sag Dangerously 3 liatives, however, as the scientists the students who was present waa Companies and in the office of tl I.4 bor subMmmittee said to* who have been testing the drug detailed to make a call on his Town Treasurer. Municipal Bi>i1d- tarjai Science club. International 000 Will Be Idle Next Driveways t|^Btallecl Relations club, and the Student PAYING day he is going ahead with Work; Debate Franco advise that it only be used by get­ home to learn his whereabouts. ing. Manchester. Olio Enlargcnicnt 'tVashlngton, June 10.— ~ The Bulletin! Christian Association. plans to work out a congres­ Fall Unless Jobs Made and Repaired ting a prescription from a doctor. The misting player was home. "Thla office has been ^otlat Army adopted a hush-hush atti­ Report Tomorrow aoiind asleep. He waa awakened with Every Roll of 1/% COM PANIES Dubuque, la,, June Ing with the representatives of the sional solution of the mari­ tude today About new develop­ and by the time he had dressed in Film Developed and I v C Ashes Removed It'a an III w’ind that blows no Insurance Companies, /and up to state of Maine. He .sent one pic- ■ INSURE time dispute now that other Atlantic a ty , tf. J., June 10— MP) (^P>— The death toll in a traf- I his baseball togs it was 3:45. ......................... Extra ments In the "greatest Jewel rob- New York, Juna lO—(65— The ! good, the adage RToefgocf and Francia date has no deflnite offer of set­ ture of a huge pile of wood such ■ ic fire at the Canfield hotel It is the I first time in memory IN Federal mediation -attempts ^ r y of modern times” — the looting United Nations tdtey plunged into —Gen. Omar N, Bradley, veterans j Fitzgerald believes it. This rainy tlement. It is now time for us to as can be seen at all time., out­ that a baseball game was held up ELITE STUDIO appear deadlocked.
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