MATCHING PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Ernie Fenwick 2 Lea Hall Dunmow Road Telephone: 01279 730770 Hatfield Heath Bishops Stortford Email [email protected] Herts. CM22 7BL MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT 7.30 PM ON MONDAY 7th OCTOBER 2019 AT THE FOX INN, MATCHING TYE PRESENT Cllr Paul Moulds (PM), (Chairman) Cllrs. Roland Brockman (RB), Joan Bowerman (JB), Richard Morgan (RM), Jean Prevost (JP), Eugene Simpson (ES), Denis Udall (DU), In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick and 7 members of the public. 2228. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting. The following items were raised by members of the public • Thanks for the erection of the parking signs on the Village Green • Horsechestnut tree died at Housham Common. PM has spoken to John Kenney who will have a look at it on his next cut. Stump has to be left for wildlife. Now covered in brambles 2229. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE ECC Cllr A Jackson (AJ) away 2230. TO APPROVE MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd September approved and signed as a true record of the meeting. 2231. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS. RM declared an interest as a District Councillor for EFDC and a pecuniary interest in Hoggs Farm as he does business with them 2232. REPORTS TO AND FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS RM reported that the local plan is progressing and more sites have to be found for the removal of Jessell Green in Loughton. 2233. CLERKS REPORT On matters from the last meeting. Any business requiring a decision is listed on the Agenda. Correspondence i. EALC Ebulletin ii. EALC Training bulletin iii. Matching Green – Quotation J Kenney Services. PM proposed. Agreed. Clerk to advise JK iv. Police Bulletin for week commencing 9th September & 16 September v. Proposed essential grounds maintenance work to the cricket field vi. Highways Winter Briefing 2nd October 2019 vii. Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust (ABCT) - Matching Airfield, proposed airfield memorial, intended unveiling during 2020 - FAIRLY URGENT. Agreed to support the installation. Clerk to contact ABCT. Existing memorial to the American 391st bombardment group viii. Additional Member Training - Code of Conduct Chairman____________________________________ Date_______________________________ MATCHING PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, HELD AT 7.30 PM ON MONDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 2019 Page: 1 MATCHING PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Ernie Fenwick 2 Lea Hall Dunmow Road Telephone: 01279 730770 Hatfield Heath Bishops Stortford Email [email protected] Herts. CM22 7BL ix. Stop Stansted Expansion Press Release 9 September 2019 x. MGCC Variation on a Condition of Planning Approval. Record Council thanks to JK and Phil Maule for their efforts xi. Litter bins on the Green. Matching Green. No objection. xii. New season for Girls’ FOOTBALL, NETBALL, ROWING & LACROSSE 2234. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT • No Report 2235. MATCHING GREEN AND MATCHING TYE a) To consider issues for Matching Green • Signs have been erected for parking. • Bonfire will be repositioned and the build will commence on the weekend of 26th/27th October. Lighting at 7 pm no fireworks except for sparklers. • PM has negotiated a permit to fill the pond with 10,000 litres per day. 2 days were used so 20,000 litres was added to the pond. • The American crayfish that someone put into the pond but a resident has been clearing the crayfish but would like two more nets at a cost of £70. Agreed. PM to provide Clerk with details • Robert Blumson has refurbished the sign from the junction of Matching Green to Downhall Road and will be re-sited very soon. Clerk to write to Robert with the Parish Councils thanks. b) To consider issues for Matching Tye • Lights are not working in the alley at Rainbow Road to Parkside. • Large building in the rear of a house in Rainbow Road. JP will investigate • Neighbours dispute. JP dealing with this. • Kerbing at Rainbow Road • Mirror at end of Rainbow Road has been damaged again c) Housham Tye & Hobbs Cross Kerbing is in hand at sometime in near future 2236. JUBILEE FIELD • Safety Report 2237. HIGHWAYS • Verge cutting at Hobbs Cross. Clerk has sent plan showing parish boundaries to John Kenney. His second cut is in October. • Pothole in Carters Green is now larger and the west edge of the road is crumbling away. This is very dangerous to cyclists. 2238. FINANCIAL REPORT Bank Balance after approval of the following payments £17027.38 Payments to be approved Clerk Salary and expenses 399.97 HMRC PAYE 83.40 Payments to be approved by PM and RB 2239. PLANNING MATTERS Decisions by EFDC Planning Dept. None Applications Chairman____________________________________ Date_______________________________ MATCHING PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, HELD AT 7.30 PM ON MONDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 2019 Page: 2 MATCHING PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Ernie Fenwick 2 Lea Hall Dunmow Road Telephone: 01279 730770 Hatfield Heath Bishops Stortford Email [email protected] Herts. CM22 7BL i. Land at Potash Road Matching Green ; EPF/2217/19; Erection of two dwellinghouses (Revised Design 3) including the removal of existing underground storage tanks. (Revised application to EPF/0189/19). SUPPORTED AND we would be prepared to go to committee in support of this. ii. The Lilacs Matching Green; EPF/1611/19 & EPF/1614/19; Grade II Listed Building application for a proposed rear single storey extension, side two storey extension, replacement front porch, front dormer, renovations with repairs to the existing structure. iii. The Tractor Shed Threshers Threshers Bush; EPF/2127/19; Amendment to EPF/0932/19 - Raise roof additional first floor accommodation and insertion of dormers and roof lights to dwelling. (The Tractor Shed certificate of lawfulness ref: EPF/0131/18). RM left the meeting iv. Hoggs Farm, Carters Green, Matching; EPF/2260/19; Demolition of an existing barn & construction of x3 no. dwellings. (Revised application to EPF/2204/18). NOT SUPPORTED due to access problems and suspected bridleway infringement. This application means 6 recent new developments on this site on a very narrow road. RM re-joined the meeting 2240. REPORTS BY MEMBERS ON MEETINGS ATTENDED RB attended the local council liaison meeting and RM also attended as a district councillor. The following items were discussed Street Lighting Parish /Town Councils are required to enter into a 4year contract should they decide to opt for all night lighting. This would start in April 2020, the beginning of the financial year at a cost previously advised. Electric Vehicle Charging E.F.D.C. are investigating a uniform charging facility. This is necessary to avoid excessive charging costs. Some systems take up to 3 — 4 hours to charge a vehicle. Another review of this requirement will be carried out this year. Unauthorised Traveller Encampments. The meeting was informed that E.F.D.C. do not use the Essex County Council, Essex Countrywide Traveller Unit scheme. (cost) This means that Parish/Town Councils stand alone should the situation arise in having to deal with the removal of a unauthorised Traveller encampment which could prove very costly. It was agreed to invite representatives from the Police to the next meeting in March, so that recommendations can be put forward with a view of E.F.D.C. joining the scheme. Local Plan Progress An update on the plan to the District Council is expected on 26th September. The Inspectors comments are now under consideration in respect of any modifications. There is likely to be another consultation period before the final adoption of the Plan. 2241. MATTERS TO BE RAISED BY MEMBERS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA 2242. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS 28th October 2nd December 6th January Meeting closed at 8.36 PM Chairman____________________________________ Date_______________________________ MATCHING PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, HELD AT 7.30 PM ON MONDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 2019 Page: 3 .
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