BOOKS AND AUTHORS Grades 3 to 8 “Children Must Lead Big Lives” The Books of Eva Ibbotson These rich, humorous middle-grade novels offer meaningful messages, memorable characterizations, and heartfelt storytelling. By Monika Schröder he British author Eva Ibbotson, think children must lead big lives . is made and the nuns who requested a who died in October 2010 at the if it is in them to do so.” In Ibbotson’s family of quiet ghosts for their coun- Tage of 85, was best known for her books good prevails over evil, and try abbey end up with the Shriekers, a witty fantasy stories. Born in Vienna, those who show kindness toward couple who shrieks constantly, scaring she was nearly 50 when she published others and are able to grow beyond the livestock. But Oliver, whose evil her first book, !e Great Ghost Rescue, their self-centeredness lead “big lives,” cousins wanted to scare him to death in 1975. Ibbotson’s humorous charac- important messages for children and by sending him the Shriekers, hoping terizations of eccentric witches and adults alike. they would inherit his mansion after friendly ghosts make her books a his demise, benefits from this error. great favorite among young readers. Ghost Stories He befriends the calm Wilkinson In the classroom her books can model ghost family, and they help him to descriptive writing as well as provide Ibbotson’s ghosts have human char- thwart his cousins’ evil plans. excellent read-alouds. acteristics and form strong emotional !e Haunting of Granite Falls also Her historical fantasies often center bonds with their human counterparts. centers on the relationship between on orphans who have an adventure Her masterful, funny characterization ghosts and humans. Twelve-year-old and ultimately find a new family. After through exaggeration gives students Alex’s haunted Scottish castle is sold, her parents’ divorce, young Ibbotson an opportunity to learn how humor is dismantled, and moved to Texas. !e spent part of her early years shuttling achieved in storytelling, and they can ghosts, who raised Alex, include a between her father and mother, and use excerpts from Ibbotson’s books as according to Ibbotson herself, this models for their own ghost stories. experience resulted in her need for In !e Great Ghost Rescue, happy endings. In an interview quoted Ibbotson’s first novel, young Rick cre- in the British newspaper !e Guardian ates a sanctuary for a group of ghosts she explained: “I was always on some who lose their ancestral home due to large train going about and wishing I modernization. While each floating had a home. So when I came to write, phantom has a special disgusting consciously or unconsciously I always characteristic, Ibbotson still manages had to make things right for the hero to make them all likable, and readers or the heroine.” will relish this macabre story. Ibbotson’s books model compas- In the companion novel, Dial- sion and kindness. Toward the end of a-Ghost, Miss Pringle and Mrs. Journey to the River Sea, Miss Mardon Mannering manage an agency that says to Mr. Murray, “Perhaps I’m sends ghosts who need a home to mad—and the professor, too—but I people in need of haunting. A mistake www.booklistonline.com/booklinks March 2011 Book Links 17 Viking, a governess, and a vampire, until the age of seven, tells the story As part of an author study, teachers and they have difficulties adjusting to of 11-year-old orphan Annika, who could ask students to extract com- their new environment. has been raised by two servants and mon themes in Ibbotson’s historical lives happily in the household of their adventures. A guided reading question employers, two professors. A rich might be to look at how the author German lady arrives and claims to creates a sense of place while entwin- be Annika’s mother and takes her to ing fiction and fantasy elements. a decrepit German estate. Here a mys- tery around a Russian gem unfolds, Witches, Wizards, and Aunts and Annika helps to solve it. Lovely and innocent, Annika, like many of My favorite of Ibbotson’s books, Ibbotson’s other main characters, is Which Witch? was shortlisted for likable despite her too-good-to-be- the Carnegie Medal in 1978. When true nature. magician Arriman wants to get mar- ried, he holds a contest for the local witches. And what a contest it is! !e ladies show off their specialties, and readers expect that Belladonna will win, as she can rely on the magic powers of her pet earthworm, Rover. In !e Beasts of Clawstone Castle, But when Madame Olympia, a Rollo and Madlyn are staying with skilled witch from London, arrives, their aunt and uncle in a castle, where things take a different turn. Drawing they help generate funds for the Arriman and the witches according to castle’s urgently needed renovation by their descriptions is a fun activity to recruiting a group of terrifying ghosts, accompany a reading of the book. including a bloodstained bride and Another witch-centric title is Not Scottish feet, who attract tourists with Just a Witch, in which two longtime their frightening show. Young readers best witch friends feud at their school will enjoy the ghosts, but Ibbotson graduation, then go their separate also weaves deeper issues, such as ways until a dastardly villain tricks animal rights and land development, them into casting wicked spells for into the fast-paced story. !e Dragonfly Pool is set in England his benefit. As in many of Ibbotson’s in 1939. Tally doesn’t want to go to titles, Kevin Hawkes’ skillful, imagi- Historical Adventures boarding school, but once she arrives native ink drawings add to the atmo- at Delderton, a progressive co-ed sphere and the fun. After the sudden death of her beloved institution modeled after the boarding !e Secret of Platform 13 was pub- husband of 49 years in 1998, Ibbotson school Ibbotson attended, she enjoys lished in Great Britain in 1994, years took a break from writing funny the freedom granted to the children before Harry Potter’s departure from books. Instead she tried an adventure there. Tally watches a newsreel about story and wrote Journey to the River the tiny country of Bergania, whose Sea, the story of Maia, an orphaned king stands up to the Nazis’ demands, girl, who sets out with her stern and soon after organizes a group of governess to live with distant rela- students to participate in a folk-dance tives in the Brazilian rain forest city of competition in Bergania, chaperoned Manaus. Masterfully weaving many by their gentle teacher Matteo. Tally plotlines together, Ibbotson shows her and her friends meet the lonely Prince talent for characterization and also of Bergania, Karil, and help him flee vividly describes the Amazon setting: to England. Here, Ibbotson mixes his- this is a wonderful read-aloud for the tory and fantasy with great skill. !e classroom. children pursue idealistic goals, and Ibbotson continued to write their sense of solidarity and friend- longer, well-researched historical fic- ship prevail over evil; the epilogue, tion novels. !e Star of Kazan, set in set six years later, provides a touching Vienna, the city where Ibbotson lived conclusion. 18 Book Links March 2011 www.booklistonline.com/booklinks Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station, !e Dragonfly Pool. Illus. by Kevin and it makes a hilarious read-aloud. Hawkes. 2008. 416p. Dutton, !e title refers to the “gump”—a hid- $17.99 (9780525420644); Puffin, den doorway under the platform in paper, $7.99 (9780142414866). Also an abandoned London train station, available in an audio edition and an leading to a fantastic island where e-book edition. Gr. 5–8. magical creatures live peacefully with humans—that only opens every nine !e Great Ghost Rescue. Illus. years. When the infant prince of the by Kevin Hawkes. 1975; reis- island is kidnapped by the odious Mrs. sued 2002. 144p. Dutton, $15.99 Trottle (whose name means idiot in (9780525467694); Puffin, paper, German) and is brought to the real $5.99 (9780142500873). Gr. 3–6. world, the rulers of the island send a motley crew of magical creatures to !e Haunting of Granite Falls. find the boy and bring him home. Illus. by Kevin Hawkes. 2004. Young readers will enjoy creating 216p. Puffin, paper, $5.99 a “Missing Person Poster” for the amusement park. But with the help of (9780142403716). Gr. 3–6. prince, or comparing the unpleasant the kraken, a larger-than-life spirit of Raymond Trottle, whom the rescuers the sea, all turns out well. Because the Island of the Aunts. Illus. by Kevin believe to be the missing prince, with book touches on the theme of envi- Hawkes. 2000. 304p. Puffin, paper, Ben, the sweet-natured kitchen boy. ronmental preservation, students can $7.99 (9780142300497). Gr. 3–6. discuss the different relationship each character has to the natural world and Journey to the River Sea. Illus. how Ibbotson uses their reactions to by Kevin Hawkes. 2002. 336p. what they see on the island as a way Dutton, $17.99 (9780525467397); to define their personalities. Puffin, paper, $7.99 In her interview with !e Guardian, (9780142501849). Also available in Ibbotson said, “When I get stuck in an audio edition. Gr. 5–8. a book now, I usually try putting an aunt in. I find it difficult to write a Not Just a Witch. Illus. by Kevin book without aunts. With !e Ogre I Hawkes. 2003. 192p. Puffin, paper had to put in three aunts, if I remem- $5.99 (9780142402320). Gr.
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