FIVE GENERA TIO NS OF MORMONISM A Grigg Family Genealogy E\IBRACING THE ANCESTRY. LIFE AND DESCENDENTS OF Dr. Anderson Irvin Grigg \\'rittl'n, edited and compiled by his great-grancldaughter CLEO GRIGG JOH:\'SOl\' Boise, Idaho Copyright 19,'i6 By CLEO GRIGG JOHNSO'.\ PRINTED JN U.S.A. DESERET NEWS PRESS ·,S<C?-"'~C?-"'~(?'.~(?-'.~(?0~7'<~(?-'.(S,,;(?'.(S,,;'7'~~(?" 1D,dirc11,J lo III)' J!,rd11i/p,m'11/s PARLEY i\foRMON GRIGG. SR. AND AMANDA CATHERINE OYLER whose humilitv. faith and v.rorks have had a profound influence upon the lives of their man\' descendants. ~?~~?~~~~~~~~~~c;==-;.~~~J'~lf~ INTRODtTCTION For the past seven years I have been deeply interested in genealogical work. In searching out the pedigrees of various ancestors, I became highly interested in the life of my great-grandfather, Dr. Anderson Irvin Grigg. I do not know just when I became inspired to collect the family rec­ ords of the doctor's ancestors and descendants and compile them into a book with anecdotes, pictures and history for the benefit of his ever increasing posterity-many of whom owe their opportunities of living in this choice western land to this valiant, wise and farsighted little doctor. Dr. Grigg and his sons and daughters were not num­ bered among the earliest pioneers of Utah. But, like many other Mormon families, theY were in the frontier settlements reclaiming the arid land, e{1during the hardships and priva­ tions of pioneer living; fighting against cold, disease, inade­ quate housing, poor rations and meagre clothing. The lack of proper tools and mechanical power did not stay them from hueing down the timber, tilling the soil and building homes. If it had not been for the Church with its Ward organiza­ tions, pioneering as it was known in Utah, and later in Idaho and Oregon, would have been intolerable. In these organiza­ tions the people worked together, played together, worshiped God and tried to live His Gospel. They were able to make their own amusements, sports, jobs, and to help one another in financial need and sorrow. The ~formon Church can not be classed with the Catholic ( paganized christianity) nor with the Protestant group ( reformed Catholicism) for it is the revealed Church of Jesus Christ established in these latter days by the Lord through the Prophet Joseph Smith for the restoration of the ten lost tribes of Israel. It has all the simple ordinances of the Primitive Church with Apostles, Prophets, Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons. The gifts of healing, revelations, prophecy and others were again bestowed upon the believer. Like the early Israel organizations there is no paid min- YI l :\"TRODliCTIO:\" isb·y. Nearly every man and hoy over twelve years of age holds the Priesthood of God. The Priesthood ( not priest­ craft) held by Adam, Abraham, :\loses and the Prophets of old. The Priesthood held by the Apostles in the time of Christ. The Priesthood that was restored to the Prophet Joseph in modern times. It is the Lord's Authority to His people to act in His Name. It is the power by which God and His Son, Jesus Christ, created this world and other worlds without end. It is the secret of life itself. There is no :\Iormon familv, then or now, that cannot tell of miracles of healing perfa'rmed in their homes by the Elders of the Church. The Elders were called upon often to heal the sick and injured in the pioneering days-for doc­ tors were few and far between. In manv homes the father can restore his loved ones to health h~: the power of his Priesthood. Healing the sick by anointing with oil and the laying on of hands is a God-given gift. There is no mystery. The secret is in having the power to transfuse needed life-giving substances and energies-from the ones doing the administer­ ing-into the body of the afflicted one in the ~ ame of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost. When an Elder feels the strength lift up out of him, he knows the afflicted one is healed. Likewise Christ felt the sb·ength and virtue leave him, when, in the press of the multitude, the invalid woman touched the hem of his gar­ ment and was healed by her own faith. When Dr. Grigg accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the gift of healing the sick was bestowed upon him. His sons and a great many of his grandsons and great-grandsons were blessed with the ~ift of healing the sick and afflicted. Instances of some of the miracles performed which are set forth in this book are not given to the world in a spirit of boasting, but rather in the spirit of testimony, that the de­ scendants of these humble men mav know of the faith and works of their fathers. · It will be noted that various ones in this volume refer to their Pah·iarchal Blessing. The stranger and the non­ :\Iormon will inquire "What is a Patriarchal Blessing?" For 1:-.TRODlXTIO:\" vii their information it is a blessing given by prophecy and revelation from God through one, a Pah·iarch, set apart in the Church with this special calling. One must live worthily to receive one and to fulfill it afterwards. The Patriarch only indicates the gifts the Lord would give us. To look upon him as a fortune-teller is an offense against the Priest­ hood . .\ly own Patriarchal Blessing, received in my forty-fifth year, gives the promise that I will perform a great mission in bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to my parent's kindred­ both living and dead-and to many others, and that light and truth shall shine forth from my person. It is my prayer that this book will he instrumental in helping to fulfill the pronuse. It is not the intent of this book to feature political pre­ ferment nor religious prejudice. Nor is it designed to be merely a church genealogical record. The object in view has been to portray the characteristic family traits and give the \·,u-ious achievements of the families in an accurate record. However, it is significant that those individuals and families, who like Dr. Grigg, have kept the commandments of God, and have tried to live up to the teachings of the Prophets and Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-often enduring the taunts and ridicule of their neighbors-have been magnified with knowledge and spirituality beyond understanding. And in most cases they have heen endowed with a large posterity and, often as not, they have acquired much wealth and worldy goods. While many of those who have opposed the Church have dwindled awav in unbelief to live narrow thwarted lives minus the fulh~ess of joy found in participating in the work of the Lord, their descendants have grown up with­ out a full knowledge of the Gospel-though many have the innate desire to know more about it. It has taken hours, davs, weeks, months and vears of letter writing, interviewing the older generations, b·avel, and research, in order to write the personality sketches, compile the genealogical data, and edit the material sent in. Some have responded with their records, pictures, and family viii l:\'TRODUCTIO:',; history promptly while others have been negligent in doing so. It is not our intention to slight any one, hut, where much has been received much can be given. There may be some mistakes in spelling of names and copying of dates due to the illegibility of some of the mate­ rial sent in. 1 MARCH 1954 CLEO Gmcc JOHNSON CONTENTS Triadic Origin of Name ------------------------:--·---··----------------------- 1 Gregg, Grigg, Griggs Colonial Heads in America ____________ 3 \\"illiam Gregg the Quaker ------------···---···-----·-·--·--··--·-------·--· 5 .\loses Gregg or Grigg ---------------------------·--····--·-·--·--·-·--------·-- 7 \Yilliarn A. Grigg -----------·--------------··-------·-··-----·------·--··-·--·-·-···- 10 Dr. Anderson Irvin Grigg ________________ ---------·---------------·----·-·· 12 Pamelia Leah Grigg Taylor -------------------------------------------------- ,34 Elizabeth Williams Grigg Shores _____________________________________ 76 Rosamond .\-lartha Grigg Callahan --··------------------------------···· 92 .\' ,mcy Jane Grigg Venable __________________________________________________ 111 James Henry- Grigg _______________________________________________________________ ll3 .\Luy Emily Grigg Tanner _________________________________________________ LS2 Parley .\-lormon Grigg, Senior ------------------------------ _______________ 159 .\ 1y Testimony ________________________________________________________________________ ,'317 Gardner Genealogy ______________________________________________________________ :319 Oyler Ancestry ···-------------------------------------····-----·-----·--------------32.5 Pell Genealogy -------------------------------------------------------------·--------•'336 ILLUSTRATIONS Dr. Anderson Irvin Grigg and wife ----·------- - . ................ Frontispiece Cleo Grigg Johnson ............... XI\" Priesthood Pedigree 20 Old Age -·-·····------- 28 William Alexander Grigg and wife 29 Payson Cemetery 2~ Daughters of Dr. Grigg Grandsons of Dr. Grigg :3:3 William Taylor and descendants . 41, 50 ..SL .52. 5:3. .57 Stoddard Family ........ .ss \i\Tilliam Franklin Taylor and descendants Hoalst Family Roberts Family . 75 Shores Families . .... 80. 81, 8,'3. 3.1, 85. 86 James Henry Grigg and descendants .... 114, 118, 121, 128, 1:39. 1:34 13,5, 136, 1:37. 140, 141 Parley :\formon Grigg, Sr. Family . .160. 166. 167 Parley :\formon Grigg, Jr. Family.. 186, 187, 194, 195, 203, 204, 21:3. 21--1 Ammon Anderson Grigg Family .... 222, 223, 2,'34, 2:35. 236, 237. 24.5. 250, 251, 265, 266, 273, 274, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283. 284 Sylvester Richardson Family ... 287, 288, 291.. 292 James Pace Family ..... .. 296, 297 Howard Richardson Family . .298, 299, 30:3. :304 Orin McClellan Family . :307 William Alexander Grigg Family . .:308. :312 James Wilford Grigg and ,vife . :312 First Grigg Family reunion ... ... :31:3 Gardner's ........ :32'3 Oyler's. :324 KEY TO NU~iBERS AND ABBREVIATIONS FAj\HLY GROUPS The first number is in parenthesis as ( 1) and points out the generation each person is born in and his relationship to Dr. Anderson Irvin Grigg.
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