- ' ' mm X )C>^rg L- Kl. S . * 6w«/>^ «« WfcrtlitWSO^ * - 6C)INB'J£i£' INDEX (Volume VII. — 1927) O). ALBANIA. CHINA. Communication from the AJ.ba- Statements of British policy ... 48 nian~Government r.' 202 Statements of Chinese representa- ALCOHOLISM 303, 319 tive 48 ARBITRATION, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT. REDUCTION OF ARMAMENTS. 7, 46, 69, 100, 138, 197, 247, 285, 4, 38, 58,93, 184, 215, 270, 273, 308, 27&> 3i6, 339 272, 325 Advisory Committee. 46, 69, 247 Aggression, Wars of . 271, 307 Article 107 of Treaty of Lausanne. 71 Arbitration and Security Commit- Buoyage and Lighting of Coasts. tee • • • ' 355 47, 198, 218 Article XI, Committee on (See Co- Calendar Reform 248 venant). Centre of Information. 47, 70, 287 Civil Aviation 38 Combined Transport. 47, 198, 218, 249 Communications with the League Communications affecting the ii times of emergency (See Com- League in cases of emergency. munications and Transit). 69, 215, 248 Council^, Committee on Disarma- Identity . Documents for persons N ment 60, 272 without nationality . 7, 69, 287 Economic Aspect of Disarmament Inland Navigation Statistics. 138, 278 Questions (Sub-Commission B) . 59 Maritime Tonnage Measurements. Financial Assistance for States 46, 101, 218 attacked 186 Maramarosi-Tarsasag Railways . 71 Methods and Regulations to enable Ports and Maritime Navigation. 46 * the Council to enforce the obli- r Report on Memel Harbour Board, 248 * gations of the Covenant. 184, 356, 376 Revision of Rules of Organisation. National Defence Expenditure. 39, 71, 287 59, 186 Third General Conference. 70, 191, Preparatory Commission for the 247, 286, 316 Disarmament Conference. 59, 93, Transit Cards for Emigrants. 69, 248 185, 272, 325, 354 Treatment of Masters and Crews in Third, Session ’93 ports 47 Fourth Session 325, 354 Texts adopted at first reading. 105 COUNCIL. 56, 180, 187, 264, 340 Private Manufacture of Arms, 58, Forty-fourth Session , . 56-87 (No. 3) Sf 94, 185, 310 Forty-fifth Session. 180-206 (No. 6) Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Right sof Investigation. ... 4, 356 Working of League organs in case | M Sessions. 7 . 264-305 (No. 9) of emergency 60 Forty-eighth Session. 340-375 (No. 12) ASSEMBLY 33, 264-321 (No. 9) T7 Election of non-Permanent Mem- Eighth Session. 264-321 (No. 9) bers 62, 277 Convocation 133 £5 Reduction of number of sessions. General Survey 264 H '-fi87, 357 Resolutions 307 Retirement of Viscount Ishii.. 181 Single Transferable vote 278 CHILDREN AND VOUNG PEOPLE, COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUS- PROTECTION AND WELFARE TICE, THE PERMANENT. 2, OF. 51,86,103,140,204,300,318,336, 271 36, 57, 92, 132, 181, 212, 236, 266, Advisory Commission. 103, 140 sfy, 323, 346 Child Welfare (See also Health). Twelfth Session 181, 212 103, 140, 205, 300 Chorzow Case. 37, 58, 92, 132, 183, Traffic in Women. 51, 86, 204, 300, 212, 270, 323, 351 336, 371 Competence of European Commis- Report of special body of Experts. sion of Danube. 37, 92, 132, 183, 86, 336, 371 244, 269, 266, 34; (1) Owing to a printing error the pages of No. xo begin with the same number as those of No. 9. To av oid confusion, the pages of No. xo will be indicated in italics in this Index. Composition of Court 34^ FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF Conciliation Commission, appoint- LEAGUE. Budget 3°5; 320, 321 ment of Members 271 320 Lotus Case. 3, 37, 183, 215, 236, 266 Contributions in arrears Legal position of States which do Mavromatis Concessions. 132, 183, 62 215,244,269, 264 not pay their contributions. Optional Clause, acceptance of. 4, Supervisory Commission. 51, 104, 375 57, 270 GERMANO-POLISH MIXED ARBI- Revision of rules of Court 270 TRAL TRIBUNAL. Sino-Belgian Dispute. 2, 36, 132, 183 Appointment of President .... 84 Statute, Signature of 57 GRECO-BULGARIAN FRONTIER. Treaties conferring jurisdiction Conciliation Commission 298 upon the Court. 4, 57, 92, 133, 215, 244, 270, 27J HEALTH ORGANISATION. 5, 4L 62, COVENANT 40, 274 96, 135, I9L 278, 312, 273, 326, 357 Amendments of Covenant .... 274 Health Committee. 41, 63, 192, 273, Article 11, Committee on 40 326, 357 DANZIG. 72, 103, 199, 224, 290, 353, 3^ Conference of Health Experts on 6 Anchorage of Polish warships. 291, 365 Child Welfare 96 Jurisdiction of Danzig Courts. 293, Health Insurance . • 43, 271, 353 Influenza Epidemic .... 5, 44 Manufacture of Aircraft . 224, 291 Interchanges of medical officers. Payment of Expenses of High 43, 97 Commissioner 73 International Continuation Course. 5 Storage and transport of war ma- International Rabies Conference. terial. 103, 199, 292, 293, 365 135, 330 Liaison with Latin-America . 326 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL OR- Liaison with NationalHealth Ad- GANISATION. 6, 46, 97, 128, 137, ministrations .... '328 192, 217, 245, 279, 313, 274, 331, 358 Malaria Commission 45, 328 Economic Organisation. Mission in Latin-American coun- tries 278 Economic Committee. 46, 64, 217, Montevideo Conference on Infant 281, 3L3, 259 Mortality 191 Bills of Exchange .... 65, 333, 361 Consultative Committee 358 Office international d'Hygitne pu- blique, cooperation with. 42 Double Taxation and Tax Eva- Sleeping Sickness in Centra! Africa, sion 7, 97 330 Economic Conference. 63, 128, 192, 97, HUNGARY. 279, 313 Requests from Hungarian Govern- Final Report 145 ment 202, 296, 369 Economic Crises 137 Economic Statistics .... 65, 361 INTELLECTUAL COOPERATION. Exploitation of products of the sea 361 8, 101. 198, 219, 289, 316, 278 False Customs declarations. ... 65 Committee on Intellectual Coope- Foreign Arbitral Awards. 65, 100, ration 2I9 194, 282,. 315, 362 Artistic and Literary Relations 221 Import and Export Prohibitions Cinematograph Questions. 222, 290, 317 and Restrictions. 69, 194, 274, Committee on Intellectual Wor- 331, 360, 362 222 kers Simplification of Customs Forma- Coordination of Libraries .... 101 lities 64 Coordination of Bibliography. 102, 220 Tariff Nomenclature. 245, 277 360 Education of Ycuth in the Aims Treatment of Foreigners . 64, 360 of the League 72, 2*9 Financial Organisation. Intellectual Property. 220, 3^4 Financial Committee. 66, 194, 283, International Institute for the Uni- 1 315, 334 fication of Private Law 7 Counterfeit Currency. 196, 276. 363 International Students Organisa- 102 Financial Reconstruction (See also tions Refugees). Museum Questions 8, 278 Bulgaria ... 67, 285, 315, 362, 363 National Committees 222 Danzig 66, 67, 283 University Relations 220 Estonia 67 INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS I Greece 68, 284, 315, 363 4, 40, 60, 94, L34, 88, 216, 245, Financial Organisation (contd.) : 274, 3IL 272 2I(5 2 2 Hungary 68, 363 Accessions. 5, 135, , 45, 74, 2 2 Portugal 363 3IL 73, 3 5 3 Form of Treaties negotiated under Pacific Islands 78 the auspices of the League. 61 Palestine and Transjordan .... 226 Ratification. 5, 41/60, 61, 95, 135, South-West Africa 227 216, 245, 274, 273, 325 Syria and Lebanon 77, 226 Registration. 4, 40, 61/ 94, 134, Postponement of deposit of Or- 216, 245, 274, 272, 325 ganic Law 81 Reservations, admissibility of. 188, 311 Tanganyika 226 INTERNATIONAL LAW, PROGRES- MEMEL 201, 248 SIVE CODIFICATION OF. 62, MINORITIES 81, 366 95, 189, 276, 310, 311, 357 In Upper Silesia 81, 366 International Organisations : Relations between the League and OPIUM. 11, 49, 85, 204, 299, 318, 282, bodies set up under its autho- 330, 370 rity 290, 317, 364 Advisory Committee. 11, 49. 85, International Relief Union. 87, 229, 299, 282 302, 318 372 Opium Production in Persia. 85, Conference for establishment of 300, 318 Union 229 PRESS EXPERTS CONFERENCE. 12, 88, 205, 253, 304, 320, 373 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Administrative Tribunal. 321, 375 REFUGEES. 67, 68, 84, 203, 284, 285, Appointment of Officials 88 302, 315, 319, 363, 373 Conditions of work in Secretariat. 205 Armenian Refugees. 203, 373 League Buildings. 88,143,304, 321 Bulgarian Refugees. 67, 195, 285, Library. — Construction and En- 315, 363 dowment 305, 322 Greek Refugees. 68, 195, 284, 315, 363 Organisations and Commissions. 13 Greco-Bulgarian Refugees. 84, 202, Visits to Secretariat: 298, 369 President Mazaryk 87 ROUMANIA. LEGAL AID FOR POOR 372 Requests under Article 11 of the LITHUANIA. Covenant. 84, 202, 296, 369 Request of Lithuanian Government. 366 Death of King Ferdinand 234 SAAR. 9, 47, 73, 138, 200, 249, 279 MANDATES. 76, 81, 225, 293, 317, 281, Appointment of Chairman of Go- 334, 365 verning Commission 73 Permanent Mandates Commission. Freedom of transport and transit 225, 281, 335 over Saar railway rouds. ... 73 General Questions 80 Reports of the Saar Governing List of Questions for Annual Re- Commission 9, 249 279 ports 225 Resignation of Chairman 47 Observations of accredited repre- sentatives 79 SALAMIS CASE 293, 369 Observations of the Mandates SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE KINGDOM. Commission on Annual Reports. 76 Communication from Serb-Croat- British Cameroons 78 Slovene Government 202 British Togoland 78 SLAVERY 205, 301, 319 French Cameroons 226 STRAITS COMMISSION ... 11, 203 French Togoland 226 Iraq 76 WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN THE Nauru 227 NEAR EAST, PROTECTION OF. New Guinea 227 301, 31S PRINTia BY BIR6ER-LEVRAULT, NANCY - PARIS-STRASBURG — 1^28 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS V»I. VII. Mo. 1. Published on February l&th, 1999. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page I. Summary of the Month. Januarya) Execution of Arbitral 1927 1 awards pronounced II. The Permanent Court of Interna- abroad 6 tional Justice 2 b) Double Taxation and Tax 1. The Sino-Belgian Dispute . 2 Evasion 7 2. The "Lotus” Case 3 3. Communications and Transit. 7 3. Acceptance of the Optional Identity Documents for Per- Clause 4 sons without Nationality . 7 4. Treaties of Conciliation, Ar- 4. Intellectual Co-operation . 8 bitration and Judicial Meeting of Museum Represen- Settlement concluded by tatives 8 Switzerland VI. Administrative Questions. ... 9 III. Organisation of the Right of In Twenty-Eighth Report of the vestigation Saar Governing Commission .
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