JESSE LEE PRIZE WINNERS the Latest in the Jesse Lee Series Has Been Published by Scarecrow Press, Inc

JESSE LEE PRIZE WINNERS the Latest in the Jesse Lee Series Has Been Published by Scarecrow Press, Inc

JESSE LEE PRIZE WINNERS The latest in the Jesse Lee Series has been published by Scarecrow Press, Inc. The Sectional Crisis and Northern Methodism: A Study in Piety, Political Ethics and Civic Religion by Donald G. Jones 349 pages $15.00 A special offer is in effect for the latest three volumes in the Jesse Lee Series The 1979 volume by Donald Jones Hands on the Ark: The Struggle for Change in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,. 1914-1939 by Robert Watson Sledge 264 pages $8.95 Gilbert Haven, Methodist Abolitionist: A Study in Race, Religion and Reform, 1850-1880 by William Gravely"" 272 pages $8.95 122.50 fotthe three Postage additional 262 General Index Volume XVII, October 1978-July 1979 abolition of slavery, 17, 225-238 Beeson, Isaac, 94 Adrian College, 105 Benson, Frank T., 79 African slaves, 220 Benson, Lee, 240, 242 Alabama, 129, 135 Berein, Samuel, 216 Alabama Conference (MP), 93, 94 Bernard, David, 242 Alexander, Robert, 149 Bertholf, Thomas, 145, 147 Allegheny Conference, 245 Billington, Ray Allen, 35 Allen, John L., 149 Birtwhistle, N. Allen, 183 Allen, Young J., 156, 162, 165, 170, 173 Bishop of London, 186 Alliance of Radical Methodists, 184 Black, William, 60 Ames, Edward S., 148 Blackbird, Joseph, 129, 148 Andrew, James 0., 9, 10, 11, 226, 233, Board of :Missions (M. E. South), 156 235, 236, 237, 238 Boltzius, Johann Martin, 213, 214, 215, Anglican Church, 217 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221 Anglo-Chinese College, 156, 158 Book Committee, 156 Antimasonic Crusade, 239-252 Book Reviews, 115, 205, 261 Apache Indians, 149 Boot, John Fletcher, 129, 139, 147, 148 Archbishop of Canterbury, 186 Boutwell, William T., III Arkansas, 129 Boxer Rebellion, 157 Arkansas Conference, 136, 152 Brace, Henry J., 110 Armstrong, C. M. 172 Brackney, William H., 210, 239 Armstrong, Lebbeus, 242 Breithaupt, Professor, 212 Armstrong, William, 151 Brewster, William H., 245 Arthur J. Moore Chair of Evangelism, 4, British Wesleyan Forward Movement, 24 13 Brockway, William H., III Asbury, Francis, 67, 72, 73, 78, 84 Brokenback Church, 67 Asbury School (Alabama), 128, 136, 146 Brown, George, 75, 76, 93, 94, 99, 103, Associated Methodist Churches, 70, 87 104 Atlay, John, 180 Brown, George W., III Avery, Charles, 94 Brown, John, 129 Ayer, Lyman W., III Brown, Mary Capers, 146 Brown, O. E., 173, 175 Browning, Wesley, 150 Baird, Alvin, 142, 145 Brunson, Alfred, 106 Ball, R. H., 95, 96, 99 Bunhill Fields, 179 Baltimore Conference, 67, 226, 230, 231, Burlingame, Anson, 29 232 Burlingame Treaty, 30, 33 Bancroft, Jane M., 25, 26 Burnett, John, 139 Bancroft, P. S., 103,104 Bushyhead, Jesse, 137 Barnes, William S., 94 Butler, Christopher, 186 Barton, J; Hamby, 59 Butler, P. M., 149 Bascom, Henry, 91 Bassett, Ansel H., 69, 79 263 264 METHODIST HISTORY Cah-bage, John, III Clawson, Samuel, 74 Calhoun, John C., 128, 129 Clay, Henry, 82 CaliIornia, 30 Clough, William, 226 Campbell, Archibald, 129, 139, 147, 148 Coffee, John, 153 Campbell, William, 104 Coggan, Donald, 186 Camp Meetings, 80 Coke, Thomas, letter, 59-63; 180 Candler School of Theology, 4 Colbert Institute, 150 Cannon, William R., 2, 3 Colhouer, Thomas H., 80 Capers, William, 128, 152 Collier, William, 91, 103 Carney, C. I., 133 Collingsworth, John, 8 Carr, John H., 151, 152 Collins, J. A., 230 Carroll, Henry King, 20, 39 Collins, W. D., 145 Carroll, William, 95 Colquitt, Albert Holt, 4 Carson, Herbert! 23 Commanche Indians, 149 Carter, Jimmy, 4 Coody, Joseph, 129 Cartwright, Peter, 136 Coody, William, 129 Cass, William D., 225-238 Copway, George, 109, 110 Cayuga Indians, 136 Costen, Z., 75, 76 Central America, 6 Coverdale, Miles, 256 Central Illinois Conference, 40 Cowan, J. E., 173, 174 Central Pacific Railroad, 30 Cox, John, 94 Chaplain of U. S. House of Represen­ Cox, Samuel C., 94 tatives, -82 Cox, Samuel K., 99, 102 Chapman, Jonas Drown, 226 Creek Indians, 127-154 Charlestown Hymn Book, 55 Croly, George, 57 , Chase, Henry P., 110 Cromwell, James 0., 60 Chautauqua Association, 242 Crosby, Sarah, 180 Checote, S~muel, 128, 145, 146 Cross, Robert, 36, Cherokee Bible Society, 148, Cumming, D. B., 139, 147 Cherokee. Indians, 127-154 Currey, Ben F., 130 Chickasaw Academy, 150 Curry., Daniel, 31 Chickasaw Indians, 127-154 child labor laws, 26 Chitta, 29, 155-177 China. Missiori Conference, 156 Dalbey, Joel; 94 Chinese Exclusion Act,33 Daniel, W. Harrison, 66, 90 Chinese Immigrants, 30 Davis, Jefferson, 12 Chippewa Missions., 106..114 Davis, Lyman Edwyn, 80 Choctaw Indians, 127-154 Dawson, John, 95 Choctawmatahaw, John, 132 deaconess movement, 24, 25 Christmas Conference, 6, 60, 67 Dearborn College, 82, 90 Christmas Watch Night, 146 Deford, J. H., 94, 104 churchextensiort societies,25 Delamotte, Charles, 213 city evangelization unions~25 Delaware Indians, 136 City Road Chapel, 178.. 199 Denny, Collins, 158, 160, 161, 163, 166, Civil War, 16,250 168, 169, 172, 173 Clark, William, 153 DePauw University, 39 Clarke, John, 59, 60 Dillard, J. M., 98 -----'----------- 1,';Dl. X ...''J().)-. DISCOVLHY. ~)l). U)(l. :200. 2~d ForenWll. Steplwn, 137 do{"\ofnl di~~l'rtfl[i(lns. dlrcklii-it, 203 Fo1's. Cyru" D., 17 Dndgf'. \Villiam Eo. Jr.. :)8 l,'oiill'r. Ann. /) Dorsey, Dennin B., ()(). 73 Found(·ry. The. 178 ')')f) 'l'1\1 [")..~)\\, J ._J~".,.;..(--' ...."_,, ...... d,' Francke, AUl!.u~1 Bf'rmann. :220 Downs. Elkn J.. ]S1 Francke, Gonlil'b August. 212-2~4 Drew Univprl!ity. :/) Franklin Collegt'. 7 Dugger. J. \V .. 9H Freemn:iunry. 239-252 Duke of Edinburgh. I H()-I H7 French. Abner. 226 Duncun.E. B., 14() Fullerton, Thomus ~leCun{'. 106·114 Dwyer. Jllm('~ A.• ~10. ~11 Gabriel, Halph H~'nry, 17 Endy, VirgilYollng Cook. :3 Gallt>J)tine. A., 94 EClst Indips. 223 Garrettson. Fr('f'born, 59-63 Eaton. Homer. 161, ]()4. 167. 176 Garrison, 'Villiam Lloyd. 2;:;2 Eaton, John, 15:3 Gf'ary Bill. 34 Ebenev?r !\'1nnuClI Labor School,109 Grn('ral Con[erpnce (MP). first. 87 Edward!', Cass Clark. 127 Gelwral Conference of 1844. 225-218 election of dt'legntes to General Con­ Genesee Conference. 40, 239. 253 e('rence, 5 Georgia, 3-]5. 45. 55. 129, 1.30,212-224 Eliot, T. S.. 57 Georgia Conft:·rence. 5, 8 Ellison. Gerald. 186 Georgia Conference (]VIPI. 93 Ely, Ed. F., 110, III Gerhardt, Paul, 45 Embury. Philip, (J7. 253-260 Germ i1 n pietism. 211 <~24 l~:,m1)llry. JHmlleC I....')-3;). , .:."'54'" Germany. 211-224 Emory College. 3, 12 Gett)'sburg Collt'ge and Semina ry. qz Emory University. ;3 Gill, John, 52 English. Donald. 187. 196 Goff, IV!. B., 103, 104 Episcopal Address, IQ. 2:3 Golder. l ..ouise. 25. 26 Epworth L<'ague. 2c~ Goode. \\'illiam H .• 151 Essex. James, H5 Goodrich, James H .. 110. 114 Eurnpl'::m immigrants. 30 Gouclwr. John F., 161 t'vangelienlism. 17 GralHIm, James, 151 Granger. Franci~. 240 Gra\"(.'~, r. S.. 94 Federal Council of tIl(' Clmrdws of Christ. Green"ky. Peter, 111 Griffith. Horatio. 9-1 Fe<!f'm\ifll Pnrty. B3 Gronau, Israel Christian. 213. '214. 2J5, Fil,ld". Turt}(,. l~(). D9. 147 :;16, :.?]7.~18. 219 Filll1ln,l'. :MiIlnrd. 240. ~c\2 GuntPr. Edward. 1:.?fl Finley. J. B.. 233. 23H Finney. Chnrl,·;.; G.. 24:), 244, :2:;1. 252 Fi"hcr, \\'illinm.22() Haddock,Frank C .. :m Fltnnikpll. R. P., (}1 Hale·. Jn.~ . ll)(} Florida Conferenc(' (l\TPI, Q3 Halifax_ Count'-... J'\. C .. 6, -;9 Fp'who\\ Pnhli:,-hing Hon~l.'. HiO, 162. 10; Hall. Sherman. III Forh.·;,. Brll('f·D:1\id, H,() Hallt', 211-224 266 METHODIST HISTORY Hallensian pietism, 211-224 Ingham, Benjamin, 213, 214 Hamill, John N., 145 Iowa Indians, 136 Hamilton, John W.. , 40 Hammet, William, 59, 60 Hanna, Thomas, 94 Jackson, Andrew, 131 Hansen, A. J., 33, ,34 Jenkins, Jimmy, 6 Harding, Francis A., 230 Jennings, Arthur T., 249 Harding,Williattl, 94 Johnson, John, 109, lIO, Ill, 114 i. Harrell, John, 142, 145, 147, 148, 151 John Street Church, 254, 255, 257 Harris, Howell, 217 Jones, Evan, 137 Harris, Jeffrey, 193 Joplin, Harris G. S., 145, 146 Harrison, Edward, 94 Jordan, Philip D., 2, 16 Harrison, Peter, 145 Hawley, Bostwick, 39 Hayes, Rutherford B., 33 Ka'nsas Conference, 40, 136 Hayes, Mrs. Rutherlprd B., 37 Kavanaugh, B. T., lIO Haygood, Atticus G., 6, 15 Kavanaugh, William B., lIO Heck, Barbara, 67 Kaw Indians, 136 Hedstrom, Olaf, 29 Kearney, Dennis, 32, 33 Henkle, Eli, 94 Key, Francis Scott, 135 Henry, Jim, 128, 135 KickapooMission, 136 Henry, Matthew, 52 King, Cameron,30 Herheri, George, 54, -55 King, David, lIO Herrnhut~ ,211, 212,215 King, James, 41 Higham, John,35 Knights of Labor, 38 Hiller, G. E., 36 Kuleshuhby, Captain, 132 Hitchcock, ,.Ethan Allen, 147 Kurtz, Josiah, 94 'HoUoway, Fred G., 77 Holm$, Zelplla, '226 Hopewood, James, 94 labor unioils, 21, 26, 28 IIorton-,. Jothan, 244 Lacy, W. H.; 159; 160; 165; 166, 167, ,House,pf Commons, 182 169, 173, 174, 176 Howell, f'H., '94,9'5 Laishley, Peter T., 16, 94 IIughes,'Edwih'Holt, 73 Lamar,L. 'Q.C., 15 IIuht, William,226 Lambkin; W., 75 >J lIunter, At1dfew, 151, 152 Lambuth, W.,R., 157; 113 Hunter, George 'G. _~~II,':l95, 198 Lansi,ng, Isaac J,., 37 :IIuJton; Amos, 104, Lawrence; Alexander A., 202 HYrons, 44-'Sa Lawrence, Rob,ert,deTreville, 202 Lawson,_ J~mes, 107 lay representation, 5, 19,69, 71, 78: tUinois Conf~rence (MP1; '88, 94 Lee, Burwell, 147 lmathiu~ Lawi; 197 Lee, Luther; 244,250, 251, 252 inm1igrafits, 16-43 LeFlore, Greenwood, 129, 131, 133 Iildiapa Conference (MP)., 94 LentQll, Mrs. Mary, 187 IndiauMethodism, 127~l54 Leonard; ,A. ,B., 1pO, 161 Lewis, Pikney~94 Indian. - Mission"....Conference"- - . 128, 141, 153 Indians, 6 Lincoln, Abraham., 12 INDEX 267 Lloyd, Selwyn, 183 Methodist Protestant, The, 81, 87, 93, 102 Locke, George R., 225 Methodist Protestant Church, 67-105, 250 Locke, William B., 225 Mexico, 6 Locke, William R., 210, 225 Minnesota Conference, 108 longer pastorates for ministers, 5 Missionary Society, 136, 154, 159 Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin, 200-202, Mississippi, 129, 131, 135 235 Mississippi Conference, 149 , , Louisiana Conference (MP), 94 Missouri Conference, 136, 142 Lyon, Matthew, 128 Moderator of Free Church Federal Council, 186 Moore, Arthur J., 3, 4 McCreary, E.

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