Safeguards Due Diligence Report Project Number: 42203 - 025 November 2020 Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Northern Rural Infrastructure Development Sector Project – Additional Financing Houay Bong Irrigation Subproject Prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for the Asian Development Bank. This safeguard due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. 2 GRANT No. 0534-LAO (SF) LAO PDR Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Department of Planning and Cooperation Northern Rural Infrastructure Development Sector Project Additional Financing Final Land Acquisition and Mitigation Due Diligence Report Houay Bong Irrigation Subproject Bokeo Province November 2020 Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. in association with Lao Consulting Group Co., Ltd. NRI-AF LAMDDR Houay Bong PRI Subproject TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1. INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Project Status 4 1.2 Phase II Land Acquisition and Compensation Background 4 1.3 Objective of the DDR 5 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 6 2.1 Northern Rural Infrastructure Development Sector Project – Additional Financing 6 2.2 Houay Bong Productive Rural Infrastructure Subproject 6 3. SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT 10 3.1 Loss of Private Land 10 3.2 No Physical Displacement 11 4. SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION AND PROFILE 11 4.1 Socio-Economic Baseline for Subproject Area 11 4.2 Social Impacts 12 4.3 Socio-Economic Survey of Affected Households 13 4.4 Existing Vulnerable Affected Households 13 4.5 Severely Affected Persons 14 5. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 16 5.1 Requirements 16 5.2 Achievements 16 5.3 Villagers’ Feedback on Compensation and Rehabilitation Work 18 6. COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISMS 18 6.1 Requirements 18 6.2 Grievance Approach 19 6.3 Complaints 19 6.3.1 No Complaints during FS and DED Stages 19 6.3.2 Expected Complaints during Construction Stage 20 7. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 20 7.1 Lao Requirements 20 7.2 ADB Regulations 20 7.3 Agreed Key Principles 21 8. ENTITLEMENT, ASSISTANCE AND BENEFITS 23 8.1 Entitled Affected Persons 23 8.2 Subproject’s Safeguards Conditions 23 8.3 Subproject Impacts and Mitigation 25 8.3.1 Loss of Land and Compensation 25 Land Acquisition 25 First Compensation Component: Land Titling 25 Second Compensation Component: Agriculture Support 27 8.3.2 Loss of Houses and Other Structures 27 8.3.3 Loss of Crops and Trees 27 8.3.4 Loss of Common Property Resources 27 8.3.5 Income Restoration 27 8.4 Benefits 27 9. RELOCATION OF HOUSEHING AND RESETTLEMENT 29 10. INCOME RESTORATION AND REHABILITATION 29 10.1 Allowances 29 10.2 Special Assistance 29 10.3 Complementary Mitigation Measures 30 11. RESETTLEMENT BUDGET AND FINANCING PLAN 30 11.1 Planned Land Acquisition and Actual Compensation Costs 30 i NRI-AF LAMDDR Houay Bong PRI Subproject 11.2 1st Approach: Compensation or Contribution 30 11.3 2nd Approach: In-kind Compensation - Land-Titling & Agricultural Support 31 11.4 Actual In-kind LAC Budget 31 11.5 Corrective In-cash Compensation Budget 32 12. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT 32 13. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 33 13.1 Subproject Schedule 33 13.2 In-kind Compensation Implementation 35 14. MONITORING AND REPORTING 35 14.1 Internal M&E 36 14.2 External M&E 36 15. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 37 15.1 Conclusions 37 15.2 Completed Compensation and Suggested Start of Rehabilitation Work 37 15.3 Recommendations 38 15.3.1 Integrated Tasks 38 15.3.2 Corrective Action Planning 38 ii NRI-AF LAMDDR Houay Bong PRI Subproject LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Subproject’s Summary of Affected Assets, Households and Impacts .................................... 10 Table 2: Subproject’s Summary of Main Findings of SESAH ............................................................... 15 Table 3: Subproject’s Feedback from Village Consultation Meetings on LARC.................................... 17 Table 4: NRI-AF Main Steps of Grievance Mechanisms ...................................................................... 19 Table 5: NRI-AF Key LARC Objectives................................................................................................ 21 Table 6: NRI-AF Main Components of Compensation Approaches ..................................................... 22 Table 7: NRI-AF Categories of Entitled Affected People ...................................................................... 23 Table 8: Subproject’s Social Safeguards Matrix ................................................................................... 24 Table 9: Subproject’s Compensation Components and Costs ............................................................. 25 Table 10: Qualitative Assessment about Compensation Component Land Titling ............................... 26 Table 11: Subproject’s Entitlement Matrix ............................................................................................ 28 Table 12: Subproject’s Compensation Items and their Rates ............................................................... 31 Table 13: Subproject’s Land Acquisition and Compensation Budget ................................................... 32 Table 14: Subproject Performed and Scheduled LAC Activities ........................................................... 34 Table 15: Subproject’s Implementation Status of Compensation Package .......................................... 35 Table 16: Subproject’s Performance of Land Titling Compensation Activities ...................................... 35 Table 17: Compensation Completion Status ........................................................................................ 38 Table 18: Overview on Land Acquisition, Compensation and Proposed Construction Start ................. 38 Table 19: Recommended Tasks .......................................................................................................... 38 Table 20: Corrective Action Plan ......................................................................................................... 39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Locations of PRI Subprojects ............................................................................................. 8 Figure 2: Layout Map of Houay Bong PRI Subproject ...................................................................... 9 ATTACHMENT Attachment 1 LARC Fact Finding and Screening Attachment 2 LAC Consultation and Coordination Attachment 3 Survey Results Attachment 4 Survey Documentation Attachment 5 Complementary LAC Documentation Attachment 6 External Monitoring ToR WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ha - hectare kg - kilogram km - kilometer m - meter m2 or sqm - square meter m3 - cubic meter CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 02 November 2018) Currency unit - LAK is the Lao currency kip $1.00 = LAK 8,548 iii NRI-AF LAMDDR Houay Bong PRI Subproject SELECTED ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank AH Affected Household AP Affected Person CA Corrective Action CAP Corrective Action Plan CEF Compensation and Entitlement Form DAFO District Agriculture and Forestry Office DCO District Coordination Office DDR Due Diligence Report DED Detailed Engineering Design DEDC Detailed Engineering Design Consultant DMF Design and Monitoring Framework DLMA District Land Management Authority DMS Detailed Measurement Survey DOI Department of Irrigation DONRE District Office of Natural Resources and Environment DOP Department of Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry DPWT Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport DRC District Resettlement Committee EA Executing Agency EMO External Monitoring Organization FHH Female Headed Household FPG Farmers Production Group FS Feasibility Study FSD Feasibility Study Design GIC Grant Implementation Consultants GOL Government of Lao PDR HH Households IA Implementing Agency IOL Inventory of Loss ISbS Irrigation Sub-Scheme Lao PDR Lao People's Democratic Republic LAC Land Acquisition and Compensation LACR Land Acquisition and Compensation Report LAMDDR Land Acquisition and Mitigation Due Diligence Report LARC Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Compensation LFNC Lao Front for National Construction LMA Land Management Authority MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MPWT Ministry of Public Works and Transport NLMA National Land Management Authority NPMO National Project Management Office NRIDSP Northern Rural Infrastructure Development Sector Project NRI Northern Rural Infrastructure NRI-AF Northern Rural Infrastructure Additional Financing (the “Project”) iv NRI-AF LAMDDR Houay Bong PRI Subproject SELECTED ACRONYMS NSC National Steering Committee OPWT Office of Public Works and Transport O&M Operation and Maintenance PAFO Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office PAM Project Administration Manual PBME Project Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation PIU Project Implementation Unit PONRE Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment PPME Project Performance Monitoring and Evaluation PPO Provincial Project Office PPSC Provincial Project Steering Committee PPTA Project Preparatory Technical Assistance
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