NPA/DM/16/022 DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 01 July 2016 APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION BY THE COMMITTEE Report of the Head of Planning INDEX Item No. Description 1. 0207/16 - Change of use from agricultural to equestrian land; construction of stable block with concrete base under and turn-out area adjacent; erection of field shelter and shed (Full Planning Permission), land lying to the North of Cross View, Buckfastleigh 2. 0178/16 - Two-storey side extension (Full Planning Permission - Householder), 39 Emmetts Park, Ashburton 3. 0230/16 - Replace corrugated tin roof with slate roof incorporating roof lights (Listed Building Consent), Bagtor Barton, Ilsington 4. 0114/16 - Retrospective application for the provision of annex accommodation (Full Planning Permission - Householder), Little Sigford Farm, Sigford 1. Application No: 0207/16 District/Borough:South Hams District Application Type: Full Planning Permission Parish: Dean Prior Grid Ref: SX729647 Officer: Alex Gandy Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to equestrian land; construction of stable block with concrete base under and turn-out area adjacent; erection of field shelter and shed Location: land lying to the North of Cross View, Buckfastleigh Applicant: Mr & Mrs D Mabin Recommendation That permission be GRANTED Condition(s) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2. The caravan, play house and polytunnel currently sited at the application site shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority in writing, be permanently removed from the site not later than three months following the commencement of the development. 3. No jumps, enclosures, mobile structures and other equestrian paraphernalia, including field shelters, exterior lighting, horse tape or structures to further subdivide the field shall be sited on the land without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. 4. Any manure/dung heaps shall be sited in an area where it/they will not cause pollution of any watercourse or water source by the release of contaminated run-off. 5. The land and stables shall be used for private equestrian purposes only and shall not be used for livery, riding lessons, commercial equine breeding or commercial equestrian use of any kind. 6. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, details of the proposed landscaping and planting scheme shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The landscaping and planting shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme within twelve months of the commencement of the development, or such longer period as the Local Planning Authority shall specify in writing. The landscaping and planting shall be maintained for a period of five years from the date of the commencement of the development, such maintenance shall include the replacement of any trees or shrubs that die or are removed. 7. There shall be no artificial lighting on the site or buildings hereby approved without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Introduction The application site comprises a medium sized pastoral field of approximately 1 hectare which lies immediately north of Higher Dean. A small stable block, caravan, children's play house and polytunnel are currently sited on the land with multiple fences and horse tape subdividing the field. The application is presented to Members in view of the contrary view of the Parish Council. Planning History 0412/01 Construction of six dwellings, associated roadworks and open space provision Full Planning Permission Withdrawn 05 June 2003 9/16/026/96/03 Erection of size semi-detached houses for local needs, formation of parking area and children's play space. Full Planning Permission Withdrawn 19 August 1996 9/16/019/93/01 Six local needs houses and associated works Outline Planning Permission Withdrawn 23 May 1995 Consultations South Hams District Council: No objection. County EEC Directorate: No highway implications. Environment Agency: Flood zone 1, standing advice applies. DNP - Ecology & Wildlife The application site is within the South Hams Special Area Conservation: of Conservations (SAC) Greater Horseshoe Bat sustenance zone and within a strategic greater horseshoe bat flyway. Greater horseshoe bats and other light sensitive bat species could be negatively impacted if the development results in an increase of artificial light levels. It is therefore recommended that no external lighting is installed within the application site without prior written approval of the Authority. DNP - Trees & Landscape: No objection, subject to the details of the proposed hedging being agreed. Parish/Town Council Comments Dean Prior PC: Objection. The Council is concerned about paragraph 10 in the planning statement regarding any planning development in that area, which the Council would strongly oppose. The Council believe the proposed development can be achieved wihout a change of use from agricultural to equestrian use. The Council has no objection to proportionate permanent stabling. Dean Prior PC: No comment received Relevant Development Plan Policies COR1 - Sustainable Development Principles COR3 - Protection of Dartmoor’s special environmental qualities DMD1a - Presumption in favour of sustainable development DMD33 - Horse related development DMD4 - Protecting local amenity DMD5 - National Park Landscape DMD7 - Dartmoor's built environment Representations None to date. Observations PROPOSAL The application proposes the change of use of the field to equestrian use with stabling for up to three horses and a field shelter for hay and implement storage. The applicant has worked closely with Officers to improve the scheme's design. The number of buildings proposed has been reduced, an area of all weather turn-out removed, the development's layout relative to local landscape features has been improved and a mixed native hedgerow now bounds the development. The applicant has agreed the removal of the existing caravan, play house and polytunnel will be a condition of any forthcoming consent. LOCATION AND DESIGN The development occupies a fairly discreet location in the north west corner of the field. Although the proposed structures do not relate well to existing development and are located some 100m away from the residential properties to the south, they are clustered beside the field's only existing vehicular access. A location closer to existing residential development to the south would likely impact on amenity and require a track which would further impact on the landscape character of this field. The applicants have willingly bounded the development with a mixed native hedgerow to help mitigate its visual impact. The layout of the development has also been amended to avoid damaging the roots of a mature oak tree growing in the adjacent hedgerow. Two subdividing fences are proposed to help control grazing of the field. The stable block will provide stabling for three horses. To ensure the welfare of horses and husbandry of land the British Horse Society standards recommend 1 acre of land per horse and proportional area required falls if the horses are to be stabled. It is considered the stabling proposed is proportionate to this 2.5 acre field. EQUESTRIAN USE A change of use from agriculture to equestrian is proposed. Horse related uses have created some contention as to whether they constitute a material change of use from an agriculture use. A planning application is normally required for the use of land for the keeping of horses and for equestrian activities unless they are kept as livestock or the land is used purely for grazing. In this case the horses are being stabled, fed supplementary food and being used for recreational purposes. These uses do not fall within the definition of agriculture and are considered an equestrian use. POLICY AND LANDSCAPE IMPACT Policy DMD33 is clear that horse related development should conserve and/or enhance the character and special qualities of the Dartmoor landscape. The landscape has an agricultural character and the stables and equine use will have an impact on this character. Policy DMD33 and the National Character Area Profile for Dartmoor (150) recognise that horse related development can negatively impact on the character of the landscape. The Authority's Landscape Officer believes this isolated development will contrast with the pastoral agricultural landscape character. However, the proposals will concentrate existing development into a single well designed courtyard which will bring landscape benefits. On balance, whilst there will be some harm by introducing isolated development into the pastoral landscape the benefits of the development will neutralise this harm. ADJACENT DEVELOPMENT The Parish Council make reference to development in the immediate vicinity of the site. The land immediately to the south of the application site was the subject of an application for six dwellings, which was withdrawn in 2002. The site is not allocated for residential development and has not been the subject of any recent proposals. It is recommended planning permission be granted, subject to appropriate conditions. To limit any further landscape impact a condition is proposed requiring no jumps, enclosures, other equestrian paraphernalia, including mobile field shelters, exterior lighting, horse tape or structures to further subdivide the field to be sited on the land without the prior written
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