His Divine Grace A. C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness IN THE GURUKULA SCHOOL IN DALLAS, TEXAS AND AROUND THE WORLD . HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA. RAMA RAMA . HARE HARE children's school of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has one hundred children, ages 3-13, and thirty well-trained teachers. They rise early, bathe and attend early-morning worship of the Lord in the Guru kula temple. And later, during the day, the children study English, math and Sanskrit. Love of Kr~Qa is dormant in the heart of everyone. So when a child comes in touch with a natural way of life, full of good association, intelligent direction and worthwhile activity-in other words, when he comes in touch with Kr~Qa consciousness-his dormant love awakens. He becomes strong, self­ controlled, honest and satisfied. And when he grows up, he can become qualified to lead the world away from materialistic peril and into secure service to the Lord. Thus Gurukula is producing spiritual leaders for the world of tomorrow. Through Kr~Qa consciousness, anyone, of any age, can be as satisfied as the children of Gurukula. One need only chant the holy names of God, as found in the Hare Kr~Qa mantra- Hare Kr~Qa, Hare Kr~Qa, Kr~Qa Kr~Qa, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Ram a, Hare Hare-and get to know one's eternal relationship with Kr~Qa. A self-realized person must know what is Gurukula is one of more than eighty matter, what is spirit, and who is the worldwide centers of the International controller of both. Matter consists of Society for Krishna Consciousness, things that have no independent life, like which was established in 1966 by His stones, machines and even our very Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami bodies. Spirit is the living force. And the Prabhupada. This magazine, Back to controller of both is God Himself, Lord Sri Godhead, will tell you about the Hare Kr~Qa. The children at Gurukula ("the Kr~Qa movement and the philosophy of place of the spiritual master") are Kr~Qa consciousness. As you look cultivating self-realization by engaging in through it, on page 18 you'll find an practical service to Kr~Qa. Guru kula, the article telling you more about Guru kula. BACK TO GODHEAD 1 BACK TO GODHEAD THE MA FOUNDER GAZ INE OF THE HARE KRISHNA MOVEMENT (under 1hc direction or His Oiv1ne Gruce Sri Srim;.d Bhak1isiddh:in1a Sarasv-.ati Pr;tbhupffda} CONTENTS I lis Oh'ine Grare A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupida " In the Beginning Was the Word" 3 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada BHAKTIVEDANTA BOOK TRUST COORDINATOR llamsnduta dasa How the Tea EmTOR Jayadvaita dasa chings of Lord Caitanya Came to the Western World (part 3) 9 EDITORIAL BOARD Y:tduvnra driSa, ViS.ikhli-devi diisi, Jaylidvaita dasa by His Holiness Brahmananda Svami SANSKRIT EDITOR Jagannlilha dasa K~~l.'a Conscious Calendar PRODUCTION MANAGER Rlidhlivallabha dasa 15 ART DIRECTOR lndrapramada driSa The Basic Scientific Guidebook of II.WSfRATORS Muralidharn dasa. Bharadraja dasa, Yadura~i-devi dasi. l'aril<$it driSa Spiritual Realization-BHAGAVAD-GiTA AS IT IS 16 by Ruci dasa I'I!OTOGRAI'Ht:RS Bhlirgava dasa, Muralivadana dasa, Yaduvaru dlt~a. ViSlikhli-dcvi driSi TECI!NICIANS Madhusudana dli.Sa. Yamarlija dlisa. Gurukula 18 Gariylin dlisa, Cakradharn dlisa. by His Holiness SatsvarOpa dasa Gosvami Urukrama dlisa. Orville Grirfilhs. Viclor Gonzalez PROOFRf..ADERSSanto~a dlisa. Dravi<)a dli.Sa. Letters 24 Gopipara~adhana driSa, .layasacinandana dasa TYPt:COMPOSERS Rfll!iitmikli-dcvi dlisi, Mahrimliyli-devi dasi BACK TO GODHEAD Begins Its Tenth Year in the West 27 l'ublishcd monthly,$6.00 1>er year ($7.00 & outside USA). by the llhaktivcd:onHI Book by Jayadvaita dasa ~~ Trust, 3764 Watseka Ave .• Los t\ngcles. Calif. 90034. Editorial Oflici!S: 38 Tiffany Place, Brooklyn. N.Y. 11231. Cl974 Bhakti\<cdantn Book Trust INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KR ISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS All righL~ reserved. Printed in USA. CENTERS AROUND THE WORLD PRONUNCIATION OfSAI>SKRITWORDS AFRICA: Durban. S. Africa-c/oPopallal Kara. 201 Grey 764-1373: San Ia Domingo, Dominican Sanskrit words and names in Back to Godhead Republlc-Calle St.: Lusaka. Zambia-Twin Palms Road. P.O. Box 971 Cayetano Rodngucz No. 36. :1rc spelled according to" system that scholars (Central Aflica): Nairobi, Kenya-P.O. Box 28946 <E. throughout the world usc to show how to Africa)/ 31568. THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA: Ann Arbor. 11ron ounce e;~c h word. Vowels in Sanskrit are Michigan-718 W. Mad1son 48103/ (313) 665·6304: 1>ronounced almost as in ltalinn. The sound of ASIA: Bombay, India-Hare Kr1shna Land. Gandhi Gram Atlanta. Georgia-24 N.E 13th St. 30309t (404) I he shon a is like the 11 in b 111. The long a is Road. Juhu. Bombay 400 054/577315; Calculta,lndia- 892-9042: Austin, Texas-1003 E. 14th St. 78702/ (5t2) like the a in far and held twice :IS long as the 3 Alber! Road. Calcuua 7000171 44·3757: Hyderabad. 476·1 558: Boston. Massachuseus-72 Commonweallh shon a. and e is like the a in evade. Long i is India- Hare Knshna land. Nampally Slallon Road. AP: Ave. 021161 (617) 536-1669, Boulder Creek. Calilor­ like the iin pique. The vowel ris pronounced Jakarta. lndonesia-Gg. Kelmci IV: 8·A: Kowloon. Hong nia- 257 Sylvan Way 95006/ (408) 338-4465: Buffalo. like I he erin I he English word fiber. The cis Kong - 38 Mody Rd. 4/ II., Tsim Sha Tsuy/ 3·668061; New York- 132 81dwell Pkwy. 14222t (7 t 6) 882·0281. pronounced as in the English word cltai r. The Mayapur, lndia-ISKCON lnternalional Cenler. PO Sree Chicago, lllinois-1014 Emerson St.. Evanston 602011 aspirmed consonants(c/t.jh. dh, clc.) are Mayapur Dham. W. Bengal (Districl Nadia): New Delhi, ln­ (312) 475-9126: Cleveland. Ohio- t 5720 Euclid Ave. E. dla-19 Todar Mal 1>ronounced as in staun<'h·hean, hedge-hog and Lane. New Delhi 11 0001 ; Taipei, Cleveland 44112/ (21 6) 851-9367: Dallas. Texas-5430 Talwan- 185·19 HoPing red-/rot. The two as1>irants.tnnd .p tre like the E. Road. Section I, 5th Floor; Gurley Ave. 752231(2 14) 827 ·6330: Denver, Colorado- Tokyo, Japan- lchichome. 1-44 Mila, Minato·ku: Vrin­ 1400 Cherry St. 80220/ (303) 333·5461 English sh. and sis like the s in ~un. So pronounce : Oetroll. davana. lndia-Krishna-Balarama Temple. Cha1t1kara Michigan-8311 E. Jelferson Ave. 46214/ (313) Kmra as KRISHNA and Caitanya as OIAITANYA. Road, Raman Reli. Mathura. UP/ t 78. 824·6000: Gainesville. Florida- 921 SW Depot Ave. 32601/ (904) 377-1496: Honolulu. Hawaii-15 MEM8t:RSIIIP 78 Ala AUSTRALIA: Adelaide. Australia- 13A Frome St. S.AJ Aoloa loop 96819/ (808) 839·2210: Houslon. Texas- For information on how you can become a 223-5115: Auckland. New Zealand- 67 Gnbbtehust 107 Knox SL 77006/ (713) 869·7809. Laguna Beach, rcgislcrcd member of the International Society Rd .. Mt. AlberU 668·666: Lautoka, FiJi-4 Nasok1 Sueel. California-641 Ramona Ave. 926511 (714) 494·9172: for Krishna Consciousness. please wri1e to the P.O. Box 125: Melbourne, Australia- 14 Burnell St. St. l os Angeles. California-3764 Watseka Ave 900341 Sociely's secrclary at 376~ Watseka Avenue, Kitd~. Victoria 3182/ 329·9844; Sydney. Auslralia-75 (213) 871 -07 !7; Miami, Florida-4001 Kumquat Ave .. Los Angeles, California 90034. Victoria St.. Bellvue Hrll/69·5547. Coconul Grove 33133t (305) 448· 7893: Monlreal, Canada-1626 PIE IX Blvd. HIV 2C5/ (5 14) 849·4319; ... lfom EUROPE: Amsterdam. Holland-Herengracht 96/ New Orleans. Loulslana-2936 Esplanade Ave. 70119/ Xerox 020·2494 10: Copenhagen. Oenmark-Riggervej I t . (504) 448- t 3 t3: New Vrlndavana. West Virginia-AD 1, University 2660 Brond by Strand : (Frankfurt A. Main), W. Ger­ Box 620. McCreary's Rrdge. Moundsv1lle. W V1rg1n1a Microfilms many-6241 Schloss Renershol. bei Kolllgstem-Taunus/ 26041/ (304) 845·2790: New York, New York-439 Hen­ ·---­ 06174·21357: Geneva, Switzerland- 9, chem1n du ry St .. Brooklyn t 12311 (212) 596·9658. 0\towa. --- Credo. 1213 Pelll Lancyt921·318; London. England-7 Canada-224 Besserer St. Omaroo/ (613) 236-9091: Bury Place. Bloomsbury WCII 01·405·1463: London, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-424 E. Woodlawn Sl. England-Bhakllvedanta Manor. lelchmore Healh. Wat· 191 441 (215) 849-1767: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanla- f\(4!;( 'ffqJ£ f-.01'1 ford c:oo,.f\[r[,.S~110N WD2 8EP. Herllordshuel Radlell. code 9276, 7244; 4626 Forbes Ave 15213/ (4 12) 683·7700: Portland, Manchester, England-382 Great Clowes St.. Sallord 7. Oregon-2805 SE Haw1horne 97214t (503) 234-1755: ONTIIE COVER Lanes: Paris, France-4 rue le Sueur. 75016 Pans/ St. Louis. Missourl-4544 Laclede Ave. 63108/ (314) 727 Lord Sri Km111. the S11preme PPrsonality of .02.02: Rome, ltaly-Sede Centrale: Via Mi slrella 2. 361-1224: San Diego. Calilornia-3303 Second Ave. Godheod, appears intlw spirimoi1WJrltf with His (Piazza Lodi) 00182: S toc khol m . Sweden­ 921031 (7 14) 291·7778: San Francisco. Callfornla- Solhagavagen 22. t 6352 Spangal 760·0852. 455 Valencia St. etemal consort. Srimoti Rlidhlirlini. This is an 94103/ (415) 861-6464: Seallle. Washington-4 illustration from Sri Coitanya·t;aritllmrta (the 00 181h Ave. East 98102t (206) LATIN AMERICA: Buenos Aires. Argentina­ 329·9348: Pastimes of Lord Co/tanya Mailliprablm). a Toronlo. Canada-187 Gerrard SL East. On­ Ecuador 473: Caracas. Venezuela- Galle LUIS Roche tario M5A 2E51 (416) 922·5415: Vancouver. Canada- classic spirilual text that has recently been No.6\, Colinas. De Los Chaguaramos/76-74-57: Mexico 1774 West 16th Ave.
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