EXEMPLAIRE h A .-. NATOCONFIDENTIAL COPY ORIGINAL:ENGLISH/FRENCH VERBATIM RECORD PUBLIQUE 6th July 1990 C-VR(90)36 PART II VERBATIM RECORD LECTURE of the EN NORTH ATLANTICCOUNCIL MEETING WITH THE PARTICIPATION MIS - OF HEADS OF STATE ANDGOVERNMENT held on FRIDAY,6TH JULY 1990 DÉCLASSIFIÉ - -at LANCASTER HOUSE LONDON PDN(2014)0016 - COMPTERENDU de la REUNION DU CONSEIL DE l'ATLANTIQUE NORD AVEC LAPARTICIPATION DES CHEFS D'ETAT DISCLOSED ET DE GOUVERNEMENT tenue le VENDREDI 6 JUILLET 1990 PUBLICLY - LANCASTER HOUSE LONDRES DECLASSIFIED NATO/OTAN, 1110 Brussels. NATOCONFIDENTIAL NATO CONFIDENTIAL -2- C-VR(90)36 PART II SUMMIT DECLARATION PUBLIQUE Mr. WORNER Good morning,Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me wish you all a very good morning,and turnto our agenda. As I told you yesterday,and you kindly agreed, we will start with the discussion and LECTURE adoptionof the Sumnit Declaration. EN And so, I passthe floor to Minister Van denBroek, toreport to us on the result of the deliberations by Foreign Ministers. MIS - Hans, you have thefloor. Mr. VAN DEN BROEK Thank you, Mr. Chairman. DÉCLASSIFIÉ - We spent a wonderfultime together as Foreign Ministers yesterday,and the Ministerial drafting Group which I had thehonour of chairingconcluded its work last night, and the fruits of its labours are now before you. As you will see, Mr. Chairman, we havebeen working on the PDN(2014)0016 - text of the draft that was presented to us by President Bush and we believe that, in fact, the structure and the thrust of that draft was largelymaintained. Nevertheless, I alsobelieve that we cansay that all Allies havebeen able to bring their own viewpointsto bear on the draft, and I think we havebeen able to accomnodate theseviewpoints withoutlosing the imagination andpunch of the message whichthis DISCLOSED Declaration conveys. Well,Ministers were able to construct an almost bracketless text. You will beaware thatthere are three issues that are still broughtbefore Heads of State and Government for final resolution, and PUBLICLY theyconcern the paragraphs 2, 8 and 14. In paragraph 2, theshort - sentence"they havechosen Europe'' is in doubt because in the viewof many delegationsthe underlying thought isalready contained elsewhere inthe paragraph.Chairman, a good night'ssleep would lead me to making a compromise proposal,here, and to read"they are choosing a Europe wholeand free". In paragraph 8, it was notpossible to determine whether the DECLASSIFIED liaisonwhich the Soviet Union and countriesof Central and Eastern Europe are invited to establish with NATO should be qualified by the NATO CONFIDENTIAL -2- NATO CONFIDENTIAL 3 -3- C-VR (90)36 PART II Mr. VAN DEN BROEK (Cont'd) PUBLIQUE adjectivelldiplomaticll and whether this should be done at Ambassadorial level. You will findthese difficulties represented in the twosquare brackets,paragraph 8. Could I suggest, Mr. Chaiman, that the Counci 1 adoptthe formulation "establish regular diplomatic liaison with NATO", which does notexclude, after all, Ambassadorial representation, without LECTURE however predeterminingthat elevated level. So far for paragraph 8. EN Then, maybe more difficult, is paragraph 14 that hasposed difficulty,specifically to the delegation of Iceland. The Icelandic MIS - governmentwishes to make surethat naval arms controlis not excluded fromfurther joint arms controlendeavours in the 1990s. As thenotion ofnaval arms controlgives difficulties to other delegations, I don't know how here we could really find a compromise. Maybe, Mr. Chairman, the Prime Minister of Iceland would be willing to cornent somewhaton hisideas here. DÉCLASSIFIÉ - Then, finally, Mr. Chairman,and maybe I should have started bythat: it is not a difficultpoint, but it isworthwhile maybe to have a brieflook at it. That is the opening lineof the Declaration. And again,after a good night's sleep, I havebeen wonderingwhether it wouldnot be-better to have ... I turn back to the first page, paragraph 1, the first line, asking myself whether it wouldnot be appropriate to move the first two linesto paragraph 3, to begin PDN(2014)0016 - paragraph 3 with the two first lines of paragraph 1, so that the Declaration may open with, not "Now Europehas entered a new more promisingera", but with the line, paragraph 2 "Europehas entered a new promisingera". That would then be theopening of the Declaration. And paragraph 1 would move to paragraph 3. DISCLOSED Those were my comnents, Mr. Chairman. Mr. WORNER First of all, let me thankyou personally, Hans, and all PUBLICLY - Foreign Ministers for what I consider to bean excellent job that you havedone untillate last night or even the morning. My personal impression is really that we have in front of us a Declarationwhich matches thechallenge we areconfronted with. And I have to thankalso those of our staffs who co-operated so well. And now, .I propose that we go throughthe Declaration, DECLASSIFIED starting with those points still in brackets and thesuggestions you made. And I have one additionalpoint. I was toldthat on one occasion in the Declaration, we mentionedthe nations as 'lour former NATO CONFIDENTIAL -3- NATO CONFIDENTIAL -4- C-VR (90) 36 PART II C. Mr. WORNER (Cont'd) PUBLIQUE adversaries", and there was a suggestionthat we shouldsay "the governments",because the nations as suchhave never been our adversaries.That's another additional remark and our Staff will look for the place where we have it. LECTURE Let me start with the first point, the suggestion by HansVan denBroek to move the first sentence down to the beginning of EN number 3. Isthere any objectionto that? That is a good suggestion; I don't seeany objection, so this is agreed. MIS - Andnow, let us turnto the first bracket: first page,second paragraph. The suggestionby Hans Van den Broek is "theyare choosing a Europe wholeand freen1. Any cornent? M. Dumas? DÉCLASSIFIÉ - M. DUMAS Oui, c'était une suggestionfaite par la délégation française, mais 1 'amendement proposépar M. Van den Broeknous convient tout h fait. Nous sornesd'accord. Mr. WORNER PDN(2014)0016 - Mercibien. I seeno objectionto it, so this is agreedand it reads now "theyare choosing a Europe wholeand free". Now, let me move to the nextbracket which is page 4, paragraph 8. The suggestion of DISCLOSED Minister Van denBroek is to drop the first bracket that would read "to establishregular diplomatic liaisonIl and then to delete "at Ambassadoriallevel", and replace it with llNATOtl, so it wouldread "but to establish regular diplomatic liaison with NATOII. PUBLICLY I - May have cornents on that? Minister Dumas: DECLASSIFIED NATO CONFIDENTIAL -4- NATO CONFIDENTIAL -5- C-VR (90) 36 PART II PUBLIQUE M. DUMAS M. le Président, Pour al lerà 1 'essentiel, tous les arguments ont été échangés LECTURE hier, de part et d'autre, à l'appui desdeux formules qui sont entre crochets.Je n'insisterai pas outre mesure. Je penseque la suggestion EN faitepar M. Van denBroek, quirejoint la proposition française, c'est-à-dire maintenir 1 'expression "des liaisons régulières" n'exclut MIS - pas que dansce cadre de liaisonsrégulières, il y ait desdiplomates et éventuellement,des ambassadeurs. Ce sera à la discrétion dechaque pays. Donc, cetteformule-là nousdonne satisfaction,d'autant plus qu'elle était, à l'origine, une formulefrançaise. M. WORNER DÉCLASSIFIÉ - C'est-à-dire que si un ambassadeur est envoyé, on ne s'y opposera pas. C'est aux paysde l'Est qu'il appartient de prendre la décision.Est ce qu'il y a des contributions? There - is .no request for the floor so I take it that we agree and I repeat''not just to visit, but to establish regular diplomatic liaison with NATO". Thank youvery much and I turn now to paragraph 14, PDN(2014)0016 6, - page where we had in brackets,"Furthermore, we will examine the possibility of the extension of arms control measures to navalforces". There was nocompromise suggestionby the Chairman of Foreign Ministers, so I open thefloor. Prime Minister Hermannsson, youhave thefloor. Mr. HERMANNSSON DISCLOSED Mr. Chairman, may I start by thank'lngthe Foreign Ministers for an outstandingjob. I thinkthey have written a document which we can be proudof in most respects. It certainly is a message ofco-operation insteadof confrontation, as you suggested inyour openingremarks. But PUBLICLY it seems to us thatthis co-operation ends at the seas, unfortunately, - and we think it is extremelyimportant to extend such co-operationto the seas. I am certainthat Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was right when she told us yesterdayabout the continued build-up of the Soviet navalforces. We want toput those under control. We inthe Atlantic are faced with growing traffic of Soviet nuclear submarines and we have had severalaccidents in the Norwegian Sea and theBarents Sea which indeed impose a threatto our surroundings, so we strongly object to DECLASSIFIED NATO CONFIDENTIAL -5- NATOCONFIDENTIAL -6- C-VR(90)36 PART II Mr. HERMANNSSON (Cont'd) PUBLIQUE navalsystems and naval arms beingexcluded, specifically as paragraph 14 is written.Therefore we havesuggested that a sentence be includedsaying, IIFurthermore, we will examine the possibility of the extensionof arms control measures to navalforcesIl. We couldaccept some other writing of the sentence, but I would like to have it LECTURE primarilyas it is. I would like to suggest that if this is not acceptableat all as a compromise in theparagraph "conventional" be EN struckout, which actually refers to the present stage. It wouldbe struckout in three places. The sentencewould then read "We will seek MIS - through new arms controlnegotiations" (striking out llconventionalll) and thesixth line also would then read lato limit theoffensive capabilities of armed forces in Europe" (strikeout llconventional") and finally also the second lastline "follow-on arms controltalks" (strike out "conventional").Furthermore I also suggest that the third last line wouldread Itto prevent any nation from maintaining disproportionate military powern1. Strike out Ilon thecontinent'', which then would be DÉCLASSIFIÉ - understoodto also include the seas.
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