I»; r ’ - jianr^^Bter tuButag Ififralb TUESDAY, AUGUI^T « , 1960 ATaragt Didly Net Press Run The W i . • F A C E FOURTEEN Par the Weak Bndad FaiacSat o f U.'ll ming, and six in North Oaroltna Jnaa 4tli. 1960 Luther Leaguers plus ana Pomona Orango tn that Five Youths Face A b o u t T o M p state. Ho goes on to say that tho RADIOS 1 3 ,125 Tasker-Dollak Community Service Contest this Two Town Courts Low around 76. _ To Host Caravan year 1* enuubing all record* for Memter af ths Audit early TIuuaday, Jeiw~ MaaehMter Lodg* o f Maaoiis wUl Deputies who. served under Ira Bureaa af ObPMriattoa ' ' toraaoB. High In Mhh'j 'n total entries. States with 100 per Five, local yDutha who are al­ , Potferton'ii M aneheM ter~^A City o f ViUago Charm Ijold a special meotiox tonight Four membera of. a N4w BSng- F. Wilcox of Merrow when he was cent participation include:'Arkan­ ready awaiting presbntaUon in Lodge wtO open « t 6:4B and mem- land Conference Caravan team will master of the State Orange, 'or- sas, Connecticut, Delaware, Min­ Manchester court, were arrested 190 Center SL—Cor. of Chnrcb ben wUl proceed to the W atl^ - conduct a "Stay at Home Leader- ganlited as the IFW CHub, have nesota, New Jersey, Rhode'Uland, yesterday <m warrants from the IfPeirt Funeral Rome to ^cxmOttot ^ Virginia and Wyoming. VOL. LXXIX, NO. 259 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CGNN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1960 (ChuaUled Adverttiing en' Pago 18) ' PRICE FIVE ahip School" at Emanuel Lutheran been earning funds to build a n)uch vnilimantic court, charging them Kaaonle Hemorlid aervlce for Wal­ Church Thursday through Sunday. ^ Aotivitleo In Area with breach of- peace and wilful ter H. Leggett at MB. The four yoUng people on the needed staff house at the Grange Manchester Orange will meet damage to property of another. caravan team are among 36 Au- Camp In Winchester. It is to be Aug. 3. Coltunbia Orange has its Arrested wrere Robert E. Gor- Membata of the DAY Auxiliary. guatana youth who are visiting built in honor of Wilcox in recog­ regular meeting scheduled for that ifian, 22, of 691 Porter'St.; Harold Governor Bars U.S. 'Dealer Halts No IT, wiU meet tomonwir at 8 Luther Leagues during the aum-^ nition of the fact that it was dur­ evening also at Yeomans Hall at R.. Hagenow Jr., 20, of 17 Duval p.m. at the VFW Home. Membera Soviet Bloc Urging mer.* ing his term that Grange camping 8 o'clock. On Aug. 4, Coventry SL; Peter A. Koehlpr, 20, o f 321% Sales of Moskvitch are reminded to bring articlea for Orange will nieet 'at p.m. Marl­ Members of the Emanuel Lu­ started in Ckmnectlcut. 8 Oakland St.; Walter R. Hicklng, Special Session ■ ■ ■ f the grocery baaket ther League in charge of arrange- To that end a roast beef dlrnier, borough and Glastonbury will 18, of 91 Charter Oak S t; and Syracuse, N.Y., Aug. 9 OP)—The menta for the caravan visit are featuring, home made brewl and ornlt their meetings. Ronald J. Krlstcnff, 20, of 212 Cen­ Russlan-msde Moskvitch automo­ a Set to A mid-week serWce of the Cov­ Ronald Erickson, president of the pie, will ^ served at the camp on ter St. ■ — ' Boycott for Aug. 15 On Jobless Pay bile will not be sold in the United enant Congregational Church wilt League; Robert Richards. Carol Aug. 14. SetTlnga will be at 1, 2, All five were turned over to Wll- be held tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at SUtes unUl U2 spy-pilbt Francis Lucious, and Marilyn Armstrong. 5 and 6 p.m. Subordinate Grange Mrs. Cunningham limantio police. Gary Powers-is ffrod by the So­ the home of Mr. and Mra. J<*n Members of the caravan team secretaries have the list of those They are aCcUsed of eaualng a Hartford, Aijg. 3 (A*)— Gov­ 3. Chlldera, 81 Starkweather S t viets, auto dealer Rol»ert ‘Castle will meet with Laither League persons who are selling tickets for Notes 78th Year distuibance in that city on the UN Arms Cut Parley ernor Ribicoff today quickly says. counselors and ofBcers and with thfe event which must be pur­ night of July 27, and throwing a squelched the idea of calling ‘"The Moskvitch is in mothbails Hose Oo. No. 2, KighUt I>iatrict chased in advance. The Waterfront tire iron through arcgr window. Fire Department will hold a drill the entire League membership. a special 8ession of the legis- until Mri (Nikita) Khrushchev Sessions will Include Bible study, will be supervised on this day and Mrs. Annie W.' Cunningham, 23 Manchester police also arrested tomorrow at 6:30 p.m., to be fol­ the youths that night «a the result Washington, Aug. 3 (iip)—.WormaUy to the Aug. 15 meeting latpre to enact a law pro­ (Soviet premier) sends Mr. Pow­ Sends Troop the public is wfelconii-r^ a visitation to homes of unchurch­ Union St, was honored at a party before Commission Chairman Luis ers home , driving one,” Castle lowed by a meeting. In celebration of her 78th birthday of a disturbance at a Jocal snack The United States challenged viding unemployment com­ ed or. inactive youth, a fellowship Washinaton News Z o n i 11'! Z ! F A ' ■ 0 Padilla Nervo of Mexico proposed said yesterday in announcing sus- last Saturday at the' home of her bar. Soviet Premier Nikita S. A 20-minute color aound film, supper, news time, and a laither Roy Battles, assistant to the na­ it formally on Friday. But many pensation for strikers after pSnsion of . the pale o f the small tional master, says a well know-n sdh-ln-law and dau^ter, Mr. and They w/ere freed the next morn­ "Bob Cumminga ViaiU the Air League workshop. Khrushchev today to resume Were reported reconsidering be­ seven weeks. — cars. On Sunday, the final evening of commentator pretty well summed Mrs. Robert Tucker of TalcoAvlUe. ing tmder bonds of 8100 each for y\>rco Academy,” will be ahown court appearance next Monday. ■erious disarmament discus­ cause of the Soviet stand. The At .his press conference today, Castle said he expected to get the 4-day visit, parents,, board up Grange philosophy w-hen he said Guests from Massachusetts amd feeling in some delegations' seemed the (Jovernor said he had "no in­ tomorrow at 8 p.m. on the gyounda that in these critical times; all of Connecticut attended the party. sions with the western pow­ $1,400 each for the 10,000 Rus­ Units at the home o f Dr. and Mra. R. K. Each caravan team will also It s DMKMSIMROIN to be that a disarmament meeting tention" of calling a special leg­ sian cars he had contracted to Im­ share in the leadership school ua/might giva^ more thought to our Before her retirement, Mrs. Chin- ers instead of trying to “dis­ without one of the world’s two'big Butterfield, 91 Alton S t Air Force ningham was employed at . Man­ islative session for such a pur­ port. scheduled for the area conference, obligations as' citizens of a free tract and confuse” world opin­ armed camps would only underline pose. li was called for in s pe­ Cadet 3.C. Robert B. Donovan, son nation, and to our individual re­ chester Memorial Hospital. of Mr. and M n. David Donovan, and several of the teams will FOR RENT ion with propaganda. and cement the deadlock between tition sent hiln by 300 striking sponsibilities for preserving de­ Mra. Cunningham has five chil­ 8 and 16 nun. Movie Projeoton To Enter 85 Alton St., la home on leave un­ participate in one or more Bible Quinn’s Pharmacy , That was the U.S. reply to the West and the-Commimists. workers at the United Aircraft camps. mocracy, rather than to what we dren, Merlin Cunningham, 158 —sound or eUent, also W mm. The State Department said,'how­ D illo n Seems til Aug. IT and will answer quea- can get FROM government. Hawthorn St.; Roland C u n ^ g - h Khrushchev message to the Corp.' Hamilton Standard division Members of the caravan team to elide projectors. ever, that it was going ahead with in Windsor Locks and Broad tiona regarding the Academy. Battles, reports that many new ham, Edward Cunningham ' and 873 MAIN ST. leftist “World Conference Anyone interested is Invited, visit. Emanuel Church are Rolf it* proposal' for the corhmlssion Brook. Haasanid of Berkeley, Calif.; Granges are being organized all M'aybelle Cunningham, all of 23 WELDON DRUG CO. against Atomic and Hydro­ Nixon’s Choice Saturday over the nation with one in Alas­ Union St., and Mrs. Tucker, and PhoiM M r 3-4135 meeting even without the Russians. The 'Governor said he had not David Minge of Worthington. 901 Ham St. Tel. MJ 8-B821 gen Bombs” which is meeting Press officer Lincoln White said received the petition, although Minn.; Karen Segerhammar of ka, two In California, one in W yo­ five grandchildren. hi Tokyo, In Washington, any . government published reports said he had. By ADRIAN FOBTKH FRESH Los Angeles, Calif., and Marcia head — including Soviet Premier Shortly before the Governor’s For S ecretary SkeUenger of Oladstone. Mich, Khrushchev told the group Nikita Khrushchev could at­ comment, Butler Seedman, presi­ Elisabethville, The Cknigo, Ramo BATTE91ES members and young adults will be that the Soviet government tend the commission meeting if dent of Lodge 743 of the Interna­ By JOHN SCAU Aug.
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