7+(2/'(67:((./<1(:63$3(5,17+(&$1$',$1:(67 7KH 0LQQHGRVD We acknowledge the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.7ULEXQH 6LQFH Volume 132 Issue 52 Friday, March 13, 2015 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax Bring in the Houses Book Browsing Photo by Ashley Hanks Work at West View Estates continues as another home is brought onsite. An occupancy date of August has been targeted. By ASHLEY HANKS the homes are expected to ready for occupancy by the be delivered to the site in end of the summer. ith the recent $4.5 the coming weeks, wth all Th ere have been nu- Wmillion investment 15 expected to be in place merous inquiries made announcement from the next month. from people interested in Provincial Government for These family-style obtaining residency in the the Minnedosa Commu- bungalows will feature a new West View Estates. nity Housing Association, patio and treed yard and Th e Town and Minnedo- progress is clearly under- will accommodate low to sa Community Housing way at West View Estates moderate income families Association encourages located in the southwest with aff ordable housing. those people to watch for corner of Minnedosa. “Our intention is to further information on this Late last week, anoth- physically have all the in the coming weeks. er phase of pre-fabricated homes delivered by early “Our goal is to have homes was moved into spring,” stated Beth Mc- the homes fi nishined and the new aff ordable hous- Donald from Horizon landscaping done with a ing subdivision, located Builders. With about 50% completion date of middle between 6th and 7th Av- of the project completed of August for occupancy,” enues, west of 4th Street and the scheduling of the McDonald said. Photo by Ashley Hanks S.W. In total, there will be delivery of the rest of the Th is project is a most 15 homes with just under homes from the manu- welcome addition to the Books galore at the Rotary Book Sale… people browse through the wide half of them already de- facturer underway, these community’s housing situ- selection of titles to fi nd the ones they are most interested in. livered. Th e remainder of homes could possibly be ation. See story on Page 2 :HZLOOHOLPLQDWHWKHFRQIXVLRQDQG 2I¿FH+RXUV XQFHUWDLQW\WKDWPDNHWD[WLPHVRWD[LQJ 0RQGD\)ULGD\ &DOOXVIRUDFRQYHQLHQWDSSRLQWPHQW 6DWXUGD\ &RQWDFW&DOOLH0HQGULNLV(G0DJXLUH (YHQLQJV$YDLODEOHE\$SSRLQWPHQW RU-RKQ0HQGULNLV 2 Friday, March 13, 2015 Th e Minnedosa Tribune The CHANGE is Coming By ASHLEY HANKS cent, a program for street gymnasium where there they arrived at high school, is going on in the world students to get involved children in Kurdistan, Sa- will be live and silent auc- they wanted to be involved around me, not just in my in not only their own com- HANGE – Citizens maritan’s Purse and the tions, a performance by the and volunteering for the community”, mentioned munity but also in the CHelping All Na- Christmas Cheer Board. MCI Jazz Band and a pre- CHANGE Committee be- Josh. world. Th ese students are tions Grow Equally, this Th e students involved in sentation from Port in the came a part of their high “It opened my mind to well versed in what is go- is what some students this year’s CHANGE group Storm. Port in the Storm school life. CHANGE is diff erent concepts around ing on around them and at Minnedosa Collegiate are raising funds for proj- is an organization similar something that has af- the world,” said Riley. “I will continue to make a (MCI) are all about. Riley ects such as KIVA which is to the Ronald McDonald fected these students in a never would have known diff erence wherever they Barrett, Daniel Vasquez, a non-profi t organization House where families can positive way. “It is a way some of the students I have may go. Sydney Austin and Josh with a mission to connect have a place to stay that is to reach out to all students met through CHANGE”. Th ey hope to see ev- Woychyshyn are commit- people through lending aff ordable when they are and make it fun,” stated Riley added, “It let me eryone who can make it ted to making a change in to alleviate poverty. Le- receiving medical treat- Sydney. “It also gets you to turn my thoughts into ac- out to the benefi t, there the community but also in veraging the internet and ments in Winnipeg. focus on something other tions and to understand will be some great auction the lives of people all over a worldwide network of Th e CHANGE stu- than just yourself”. what is happening around items for you to bid on and the world. microfi nance institutions, dents all began volunteer- “I have learned more the world.” help raise money for the Th e CHANGE Com- KIVA lets individuals lend ing in elemetary school at about the world and it Committees such as CHANGE Committee. mittee was started in 2012 as little as $20.00 to help Tanner’s Crossing. When opened my eyes to what this are a great way for when students wanted to create opportunity around start making a diff erence in the world. the world. Th e group com- In order to raise these mitted to helping out and funds, the CHANGE Com- Buying Bargain Books raising funds for causes mittee and its students including housing in Haiti, will be holding a benefi t an orphanage in St. Vin- on March 22nd at the MCI By ASHLEY HANKS family, science, fi ction, started its annual book sale up tables and organize the history and mystery, there back in 1990 with John and books. Th is makes it easier he annual Minnedosa was defi nitely something Lois Neabel taking on the for consumers to fi nd the TRotary Club Book Sale for everyone. task of organizing it in the titles they were looking for. Have a news tip started Tuesday at the For the “hands-on” early years. For 25 years Th e Rotary Club plans to 50+ Centre. With so many people there were all sorts the book sale has become a use the funds raised from or story idea? books, there were many of books for gardening, popular fundraiser for the this year’s book sale for options for customers to cooking, lifestyles and Rotary Club. Th e books at a variety of community, Let us know! choose from. With titles to crafts. For those who like to the sale are donated from provincial and interna- please the masses in ro- play, there were games and residents of Minnedosa tional projects they sup- 204-867-3816 mance, adventure, travel, puzzles and for those who and surrounding area as port. While there has not [email protected] crime, humor, inspiration, want to relax there were well as the Minnedosa Re- been any specifi c projects movies and CD’s. Th ere gional Library. selected for this year, Polio was also an extensive chil- Th is year’s book sale Plus and Prevention and dren’s section, for kids of setup took three days with schools in Ethiopia will any age. 10 people helping each day benefi t through the Rotary Th e local Rotary Club and about 15 hours to put Club. Minnedosa Credit Union Annual Meeting Monday April 6th Supper at 6:00 p.m., meeting to follow at 7:00 p.m. Held at the Minnedosa United Church Hall Tickets $8.00 per person, available at the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h e Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 13, 2015 3 Do You Find Students Generating Momentum Me Attractive? By ASHLEY HANKS n Wednesday March Living in O4th, groups of grade six to eight students from Paradise the surrounding area By gathered at the Minnedo- sa Community Confer- VERN MAY ence Centre (MCCC) to EDO, Minnedosa & Area CDC talk about Climate Change and how it is a Social Jus- tice issue. Since 2002, the see you casting longing glances my way as you absent Manitoba Council for In- Imindedly fl ip through the magazines in the travel sec- ternational Co-operation tion. I can tell you aren’t really into them. It is obvious (MCIC) has hosted a num- those booklets bore you-after all, they’re all the same and ber of successful confer- you’re tired of the same old thing. You are searching for ences on international de- something more- you are curious and want to explore… velopment issues for both When you notice me you become excited. Your heart middle years and high beats a little faster and your breath becomes quick. You school students. lick your lips, trying to decide how you can get closer but Th e conference has a something is holding you back. Now it’s my turn to act. I purpose of engaging stu- am smooth, confi dent and know I can fulfi ll you in ways dents in discussions of Photo by Ashley Hanks others can’t.
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