Indiana University campus Bloomington life Vol. 14, No. 2 A newsletter for parents, partners, and families of IUB students Spring 2005 Hoeppner is back home in Indiana Experience leads to or the third time, Indiana football has long-term success reached into the cradle of coaches to or today’s college student, long-term suc- lead the Hoosiers. F cess is rarely an accident. It takes planning Miami (Ohio) University coach Terry F and a willingness to reach out for opportuni- Hoeppner signed a five-year contract and ties that will sharpen professional skills and was introduced as the 26th head coach of the allow students to approach the world of work Hoosiers on Dec. 17. Miami has a long his- with more confidence. In addition, each year tory of sending football coaches on to bigger students are assuming more responsibility for programs. In fact, the first IU team to play the cost of their college education. Through in a bowl game and the last Hoosier team to services provided at Indiana University’s appear in a bowl game both played under Career Development Center and Arts and former Miami coaches. John Pont, who took Sciences Career Services, students are finding IU to the Rose Bowl in 1968, and Bill Mallory, internships and summer employment op- who directed the Hoosiers to six bowls in eight portunities that meet financial challenges and seasons, both coached at Miami University. broaden their knowledge of the world of work. Hoeppner succeeds Gerry DiNardo, who The Career Development Center lists job was dismissed after the 2004 season. Rick vacancies on a year-round basis. Work-study Greenspan, director of athletics at IU, said he and non-work-study positions are made talked to several outstanding coaches in the Terry Hoeppner sees a rosy future at IU. available to students on CDC’s Web site (www search process, but that Hoeppner stood out .indiana.edu/~career). During the spring se- above the others. Hoeppner said. “I know what it takes to win mester, the center begins listing a wide variety “I looked for more than a coach,” said here. We’re going to build a championship of summer, full-time, and part-time opportu- Greenspan, who placed a bowl with a rose in football team. This is no joke. Our goal is to nities in the Bloomington area. IU alumni are it on the lectern during the introduction. “I take Indiana back to the Rose Bowl. Anything contacted within the tri-state area for potential looked for a partner, a partner in excellence. less would be selling ourselves short. If you job openings and positions in the Midwest. And it was time to add a Hoosier to Indiana think you can or you think you can’t, you’re Each February, the center sponsors Camp football.” right. Well, I think we can.” Day, which provides students with the oppor- Hoeppner, a native of Woodburn, Ind., who Hoeppner led the RedHawks to a 48–24 tunity to explore summer work with camps spent 19 years at Miami, said it was a difficult record in six seasons as head coach. He from around the nation. Working at a sum- decision to leave, but added that he is a Hoo- concluded his stint at Miami by coaching the mer camp helps students develop hands-on, sier at heart, and the Indiana job was a dream RedHawks against Iowa State in the Indepen- relevant leadership skills and gain or further come true. dence Bowl on Dec. 28. enhance their skills in outdoor education, “There is really only one job that I would — Reprinted with permission from the January/ counseling, communication, and problem ever leave Miami for, and it’s right here,” February 2005 issue of Indiana Alumni Magazine solving. Counseling at a camp is an invaluable experience that will enhance personal growth for those students who may want to go into teaching, personnel work, or any youth-ori- Making IU a welcoming place for all ented profession. ne of the advantages of attending a large tion among people. With one of IU’s primary In April, the center sponsors the Summer Ocampus such as Indiana University is missions being to develop understanding, Jobs Fair. Students who want to stay in Bloom- the opportunity to meet people from various awareness, and appreciation of all people in ington over the summer and take classes have backgrounds, many of whom come from our community, the Commission on Multi- this opportunity to talk with several on- and different parts of the United States and across cultural Understanding was established in the off-campus employers about summer employ- the world. Diversity can also bring about early 1980s. ment in and around the city. discomfort, misunderstanding, and frustra- (continued on page 2) (continued on page 2) 1 On campus SAB — The spirit behind IU Athletics U’s Student Athletics Board has been an tremendous history surrounding Indiana Iintegral part of the IU Athletics Depart- University and IU athletics. ment and student body for 48 years. The Any IU student can become a mass member organization has grown tremendously and its of the organization. As a member of SAB, responsibilities within the athletic department there are many opportunities available to have continued to expand over the years. SAB students. The roles of SAB are diverse and can was created to give the athletics department a include selling merchandise on football game link to the students. In return, SAB provides days, judging the slam dunk contest at Mid- students with the opportunity to be an active night Madness, organizing campus activities SAB students take their spirit on the part of the planning, organizing, and success- like Homecoming and Parents Weekend, and road to Ohio State. ful completion of athletic events. simply cheering on the Hoosier teams. The mission of SAB is to be “the spirit These are just a few of the tasks that SAB behind IU athletics.” This is accomplished by performs to assist the athletics department Experience encouraging student involvement in all IU and all varsity sports. For more information, (continued from page 1) athletic events. As Student Athletics Board visit www.iuhoosiers.com/sab. In addition to part-time employment, members, students can become a part of the students need to participate in one or more internship experiences during their time at IU. Internships are short-term work experi- COMU ences with intentional learning goals. They Indiana (continued from page 1) involve special-project work combined with University campus As COMU executive council member Mela- general duties and often present the opportu- Bloomington life nity to interact with supervisors in a mentor- A newsletter for parents, partners, and families of IUB students nie Payne, who also serves as associate director of orientation programs, put it, “We want the ing relationship. Internships may range from Campus Life is published twice an- Indiana University Bloomington campus to four weeks to more than a semester in length nually through the cooperative ef- be welcoming to all and to be a place where and can be full time or part time, depend- forts of the Indiana University Alumni campus community members can learn from ing on the student’s goals and the employer’s Association, the IU Foundation, and the one another and share of themselves.” needs. Internships develop professional skills Division of Student Affairs to provide COMU is dedicated to combating discrimi- and allow students to gain firsthand insight useful information and news to the nation in regard to race, religion, sexual ori- into a career field or organization. families of IUB undergraduates. entation, gender, age, ability, and language, as The staff at the Career Development Cen- well as other forms of discrimination. COMU ter and Arts and Sciences Career Services ac- Division of Student Affairs meets once a month to discuss policies, pro- tively support all IU students in their pursuit Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs & grams, and issues that need to be addressed on of internship experiences in a wide range of Dean of Students ..... Richard McKaig campus and in the surrounding community. career fields and locations. Drop-in advising Assistant Dean of Students & Specifically, COMU works on diversity issues hours are available Monday through Friday Editor ................... Suzanne J. Phillips related to student, faculty, and staff poli- from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The center also offers IU Foundation cies. COMU also provides diversity training, on-campus recruiting; an online résumé President ..............................Curt Simic “teachable moments” programs, and awards to book where students can post their résumés; Director, those who participate in diversity efforts. computerized internship listings from all over Annual Giving ........... David Spencer Each summer, COMU takes part in the world; a two-credit-hour course, Q400 Job orientation programming for new students. Search Strategies for Liberal Arts Students; IU Alumni Association While touring the IU campus with your son and seven career fairs throughout the semes- President & CEO ...............Ken Beckley or daughter, you might have seen COMU ter to bring students and employers together. Senior Vice President & represented at the orientation tables. You may In addition to these student services, the COO .............................John Hobson have picked up some brochures or even signed center continually works to develop relation- Director of Student up to have your son or daughter be put on ships with a wide array of employers, helping Programming ..............Sondra Inman COMU’s e-mail distribution list. If this is the them to create, market, recruit for, and evalu- Editor for Constituent case, we hope that your student has enjoyed ate their internship programs. All types of Periodicals ........................ Julie Dales the announcements they have received.
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