October 30, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8603 using secret depositions to get around IN CELEBRATION OF FILIPINO at the University of Hawaii. She re- the sunshine rules of this House. Ev- AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH ceived the prestigious Jefferson Award erything is carefully, reprehensibly de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in 1986 for her service. signed to obscure reality. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Francisco Flores ‘‘Corky’’ Trinidad, This is a watershed moment of monu- Hawaii (Mr. CASE) for 5 minutes. Jr., of Honolulu was an award-winning mental, historic significance. For the Mr. CASE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today editorial cartoonist of the Honolulu sake of our constitutional Republic, we to recognize October as Filipino Amer- Star-Bulletin, who became the first must start over and do it the right ican History Month, a time for all Asian editorial cartoonist syndicated way. Americans to remember and celebrate in the United States. Unfortunately, today the Rules Com- the incredible past, present, and future And a loyal veteran of the 1st Fili- mittee will meet to mark up a resolu- of our fellow citizens whose heritage pino Infantry Regiment that fought tion that does absolutely nothing to lies in the great country of the Phil- alongside our troops in the Philippines change our dark course. ippines. during World War II, Domingo Los Don’t listen to Democrat talking I am especially humbled to do so as Banos was Hawaii’s first Filipino points. This resolution is political the proud Representative of Hawaii’s American school principal. cover disguised as good will. This is not First Congressional District, where live I was recently honored to join the a vote to authorize impeachment but a more Filipino Americans—close to promotion ceremony in Honolulu of vote to validate and continue the com- 200,000—than in any of our 440 districts Roy Macareg from colonel to brigadier mittee’s disgraceful, improperly-con- throughout our country. And with Ha- general in the Hawaii Army National ducted proceedings. waii’s Second Congressional District Guard, the first Fil-Am to become a This resolution permits the majority number two, at about 175,000, our Fil- general officer in the history of Ha- to continue holding proceedings in se- Am community in Hawaii stands at waii’s citizen soldier ranks. cret whenever the majority arbitrarily about 375,000, one-quarter of all Hawaii In Hawaii, we also regularly honor decides to do so; and, unlike previous residents and, by far, the largest per- the over 250,000 Filipinos who answered impeachment proceedings, this major- centage of any State or territory. the call to protect and defend the ity’s empty assurance to offer the mi- We observe Filipino American His- United States and the Philippines in nority the right to issue subpoenas is a tory Month in October because the the Pacific theater. In 2016, President sham. In fact, the minority is only au- first recorded arrival of Filipinos in the Obama signed into law the Filipino thorized to issue subpoenas if ADAM continental United States took place Veterans of World War II Congressional SCHIFF and the Democrats on his com- in 1587, when the Luzones Indios came Gold Medal Act to bestow Congress’ mittee agree with them, the exact ashore from the Manila-built galleon highest honor upon these worthy vet- same situation the minority currently Nuestra Senora de Esperanza in Morro erans. faces in all but name. Bay, California. We also, of course, celebrate, right It gives the President no right of due And in 1906, 113 years ago, the first 15 here in Congress, our proud Fil-Ams process and, instead, instructs the sakada, or contract laborers, arrived in who serve our country here, my col- chair of the Rules Committee to deter- Honolulu from the Philippines aboard leagues BOBBY SCOTT of Virginia and mine, down the road, what the proce- the SS Doric, marking the first sus- TJ COX of California. dures will be for participation of the tained immigration into our country Each and all of these lives of achieve- President of the United States and his and the humble beginnings of Fil-Ams ment are but a very small sampling of counsel. in Hawaii. a broader community that has In the resolution presented by the Today, our Fil-Am community num- achieved so much and contributed so majority, the President is given no bers some 4 million throughout our much to the rich fabric of our country. right to see evidence, present evidence, country, now the second largest of our And the story of Filipino Americans is call witnesses, have counsel present at Asian American groups. still in its early chapters. all hearings and depositions, cross-ex- The story of Filipino Americans is Why are Filipino Americans among amine witnesses, make objections re- the story of America. From very hum- our most successful communities? Gen- lating to the examination of witnesses ble beginnings, they have risen through eral Macareg spoke to some of that at or the admissibility of testimony and hard work, sacrifice, commitment to his promotion ceremony when he cred- evidence, or respond to evidence and advancing the next generations, and ited his own success to the hard work testimony. mutual support to achieve so much al- and sacrifice for him and his five sib- How can President Trump defend ready. lings of his father, a laborer, and moth- himself if he cannot see the evidence Hawaii Fil-Ams, in particular, have er, a teacher, to the values they in- against him? Just as importantly, how been trailblazers: stilled, and to the constant nurturing can the American people make an in- Peter Aduja became the first Fil-Am and support of his broader community. formed judgment? elected to public office in the United That well describes Filipino Ameri- Under this resolution, the House States when he was elected to the Ha- cans overall, that and a full and con- would deputize ADAM SCHIFF and JERRY waii territorial House of Representa- stant embrace of the values, respon- NADLER, handpicked by Speaker tives in 1954. sibilities, and opportunities of Amer- PELOSI, to be prosecutor, judge, and Benjamin Menor became the first ica, while honoring and treasuring the jury. The majority chooses what is Fil-Am higher court judge as associate rich heritage of their ancestral home- seen and unseen by the American peo- justice of the Hawaii State Supreme land. ple. Court. All of this is why I recently joined This is a Star Chamber proceeding Ben Cayetano was the first Filipino Congressman COX in introducing H. reminiscent of some of the most egre- American Governor of a U.S. State. Res. 621, a resolution to express sup- gious practices of tin-pot dictators. Major General Antonio Taguba was port for the permanent designation of Political coups are often shrouded in the second Filipino American pro- October as Filipino American History patriotic overtones. Look past the moted to general officer rank in our Month. talking points and empty promises Army. We urge our colleagues’ support to from Democrats. We must expose what Eddie Flores, Jr., bought the first promote an ongoing appreciation of the this resolution really does and the ca- L&L Drive-In on Liliha Street in Hono- contributions of Filipino Americans to lamitous consequences for due process lulu in 1976, turning it into a national our country and to the rich diversity of and separation of powers it will un- franchise. our Nation. leash. Carolina Dizon Wong was the first To Fil-Ams everywhere: ‘‘Thank you Silence in this matter is complicity. Filipino American woman to obtain an very much and God bless’’—‘‘maraming We must rally together to fight back M.D. degree. salamat po and dios ti agngina’’—and for the sake of the country we hold Ines Cayaban was the first Filipino congratulations. I truly look forward dear. The fate of our Nation depends on American graduate of the school of to partnering with you on your next it. public health, nursing, and social work proud chapters. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 31, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30OC7.008 H30OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 30, 2019 RECOGNIZING PENNSBURY ATH- erans Small Business Week, which will the Trump Department of Defense in LETIC ASSOCIATION 12-AND- take place from November 4 through May. That is the substance. UNDER AND 8-AND-UNDER BASE- November 8. Twice MITCH MCCONNELL during this BALL TEAMS Our veterans are some of the most summer called up the Trump adminis- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The highly skilled workers in our Nation. tration and said, ‘‘Where’s the aid?’’ Chair recognizes the gentleman from They are the product of rigorous train- Mr. MCCONNELL couldn’t get a good an- Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 ing, an ironclad commitment to team- swer. minutes. work, and the remarkable ability to And then on July 18, we know that Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I succeed where others might fail. the Office of Management and Budget rise today to recognize the Pennsbury Veterans not only fight for and pro- in the White House held a meeting Athletic Association 12-and-under and tect this country but are trained with where it was made clear that the rea- 8-and-under baseball teams, who were the skills and leadership qualities that son the aid had been held up is because both honored for their championship- are needed to own and operate success- of a directive from the President of the winning seasons.
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