mmmmmm ' KO>' '' ' 1 iflj i¦ oiff ;V}>l^iiiT; ji r3n|ii|o{0 \wioHfHDi>P 9n'J Ji i ^' -¦ ¦¦ ' " ^•^¦< : «;' c : . ¦ - !U.S- ^ ^^ i t ^ ,tiK ! ;r w' hatmuvMripp tyMhAiammili-UQWJi^gfpif iiifti ,,^0 cry ^ ^z ^m ^^i ^m uUulW^UMife ¦: ».I LJII UUUUIJIIII JV'^u iiuiiplii.s- .^nilooHt T :. ~?$ 'X*"' - ~?i' Y-^V.!a9qy«&K»oII-ft^^ggj*i ¦ ¦• '; ' ; -.?«'?? ''vU'-"- -.. Av A^'SS^feS ^f^iifel ^l' ¦ : I ^ib'^oigvfaag-^e'KogAgB^eiHfestei !.'.!>¦ >, %., :'.^¦¦.t' ';;iJ.(If 1.p8!f.",ao.tAaziJwtiT;vtL&oi)iii.aon r n ' rr ". ' ' ' '1' 1 . 1 ^^¦ ' 'f ~ ^ ' -; ";?>0il< j !»|l)i9.I<ifini*ft jajt7|^iitfB({it l»yiijK !ihrjhl 'h;i.l¦-.. ' ? ' THE WATERFORD NEWS. _ aKtoqri-coni »>jft4ailro^yfet'Tl^*''' 'l"« -riiimi; i iii ..P^f 1.: SHIPPING STEAM TO NEW YORK. MAY SHOW &Jk 18©4 I >-.,-imi» M(i i,iiins 7<i \rli~y-i. stiLix.laaw t) 91! I i! 'i v every Friday Evening at 49 King street * ;. -iirJ •/!¦ - ..'-I ¦ Published c 01 ,.:t tUBE&) icWCflflON' •KOOiv «> '¦ ¦ >¦; <> [Opposite the Provincial Bank.] >e~ 4K£filfV rpHE Liverpool, New York , 'FIRST-CLiS^FA^i#«(SilSlliSkl, G«)feER- WATERFORD AND. MILFORD HAVEN DONNEL-L-& CO ., f TO.' Ml QVAY.ltiW'&neif np-f oitimtieieeptioBiy -X^jv/BTT^IVyjt. JL and intendPhiladelphia Steam Ship HAZLETON , 0' : - w -<i " ' t'ioii:; * . : i v.! KICE THREE PENCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE) 13S. MAIL STEAMERS Company despatching '4'({'^fl gl^^?M.%- 1 H9? c#3hiSft£#,>»a6iW "*iW»K'-?i- . ;l,w-;q.vi'! I' ROYAL ^riWfl ^tfj^jP theii , ;with all tbe leading STAMPED , 4d. ; Y EARLY, 17S. 4d. ~ * most respectfully to announce the return of Miss WARD from, LONDON l.oiii (;i;?. o,I n'-^nciiioJitfUJJu z '-Jul Persons not wuMiFW'UV^PropeVtyffi ipoisBdOfiot vm «*4HPHS|iSMHBi Full-powered Clyde-built Iron Screw BEG ' ¦' y oppotte tie Starlit"Route), DAILY CO M M U N I C A TI O N Steamships, carryjng^th'e United States Mails, '''' • • '• Fashions in (Nearl ¦ th *^^f*yril»e»^Tl«l«t:*eIrint«re«tto m»k*\liB' 1 BONNETS . .oxia.IIfl lo iJmO m . i 1 ' 'Sxidm is bothspMioiiBand . (Sundays Excepted,) From QUEENstOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK LADIKS HATS, I STRAW , r commendisto the following ARTI- of uai S's'&DiUH8Md«iloe " ¦ $(m!W¦ m6te¦y - ' ; OtPECIALIiY ' ' • :' SKIRTS, ¦BAm& TOtas; • [ ¦ - ¦/, ftrTurniture Salei." ' . MILLINERY, I - ' -M - i > J lo ty; '^4'®^^al SW PRINTING BETWEEN THE SOUTH OP IRELAND, as follow : ; :.i .. ^.r-.i.-ii;; - J. .i. , .:;• !/. .. GBNBEAp^ OK CLE^froj i to.ft, ~ . ', SOUTH WALES AND ENGLAND EDINBURGH Monday, 30th May. ALSO THE i RETURN THEIR.BUYERS¦fylTH ..^.. ( . ;T!HOMAS;:»fAlVStf, ; )?;pprietor. , ^ : ^Notico . of the Public:— . - ' Via Watcrford and Milford Haven, in connection with CITY OF WASHINGTON Thursday, 2nd June. ¦ HQSIEflY-and . 1 KVEKY DESCRIPTION MANTLES, PRINTS, , MMBN^., .¦ :• . ; • ; : 3 < HOB Express Trains on tbe_ Gr«at Western, South Wales CITY OF MANCHESTER Thursday, 9th „ GREt'and WHITE ' PJBBONSc,., ,., , ., GLOVES. STRONG FULL-BODIEd tEA ... : SBs, - :- Limerick Waterford and Kilkenny, SHAWLS, ' ' ' " 3». 4d. I- '• AtrottON/p^J . Watcrford and , Aud every , Thursday, and.every alternate Monday. SILKS . - CALICOES, FEATtfER^an^ " PARkCflUm : Especially adaptedfor Large Cofttumm. '. Maehitu>iyffirmingImp Mmenit,[ ' Stock, FOR in the Cabin Passage by the Mail Steamers every Wednesday, . • . &c.,. Sic. , /. Travelling and other Trains South of Ireland. , FANCY DRESSES, SHEETINGS, FLOWERS, : *c. ¦" .:v.r. ;-:> ;•_ .:,, ... PUBLIC BOD1KS, „ rr^HESE Fast Rnd Well-appointed Steam- 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to tbo accommodation. .Xf aiif e. H i* Stocfc ;tif CARPETS !s. cr8 carry"-I>B Her Majesty's Mails, Sail Cabin Passageby Saturdays' Steamers, 13 Guineas. BLACK GLACE SILKS much under present Market Prices. A Large CASSELL'S F«J^GOgl?E%Ui^.4o 8d. R THb ^^l #AX8H 'S rieit'Awfcbn of Horses, .cmM^^s. -V > ' ' l A ¦' ' : II /T PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, •VfojRfv^-Dnily (Sudavs excepted), Forward Passage, 7 Guineas, including all Provisious and DAMASKS, considerably under Market Value. • ' ' ' ' : Invaluablefor Famuy Use. 1V1 .TraTeJBpgVe ^l^'.^-*6-? Will t^e pterib ^¦SaSSSfc FROM WATESPOED—From the Adelphi cooked. 1 ON 1 DAYSi ¦ ¦ ^- SHOW DAYS MONDAY, 30th INSTANT, AND FOLLOWING 1 : ON. MONDAiTi 6TH : O / JUNJE; I86^u MERCHANTS, AND Wharf immediately after tba arrival of the Limerick Train Passengers .for Canada, tho United States, and British '' ff ioti 'R "'"* ' . Os. 8d at Three o'clock in the Afternoou reaching Milford Haven Columbia booked through on Very advantageous terms. WATERPORD. «y oWveJ-OPPOSii'E' THE MARKET-HOOSB. ' MAIZENA C0teitf ;% ' DOBBYN'S yETERINAHX EVERY WARK , 47 QUAY, ly excellentfor Food.• ¦¦ At M R LATJIIENCE TRADERS IN (wind and weather permitting) in tiino to euablo Passengers 1 ly 'immediately: Exceeding ' '' ' .' For further particulars apply in Belfatl to JOHN McKEE, a good 3ALJ^SWtfiN for Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, and Gloves. App E\^biUfMeni;.BeM^'d-ttreti, ^ilerford,. k'XLCUTED WITH to proceed by the 9 5 a.m. Express Train to London, reach- nt the Company's Offices, 103 Victoria-street; in Queenttovm, WANTED, I'EJV . ' will ORDER OP SALB :. :. • . : . TASTE, ing Pnddington at 6 0 p.m Third Class Passengers to C. & W. I). SEYMOUR & Co. ; and in Liverpool to HUNTLEY and PA^MERSiCelebrated ., ; Dogs &c. at bo forwarded by tho Through 5 a-m. tram to Loudon.— Travelling.rVetyeJts, - Harness, Game , IUSTE, ^ WILLIAM 1NMAN, 62 A 63 Tower Buildings South, 2 A.Y N O V EL -TIE S. READING LUNCH BISCUITS ... Os. 4d • Passengers arriving at Milford Haven on Sunday morniugs Water-street • or to GEORGE F.ETHERST0N, Clonmel; M Twelve o'Clock precisely..'! . ' .. - .. < ¦ ''•.- • ASP ¦ ¦¦ Riding and Family B ufses, at One o'clock . will leave per the 9 15 a.m. Train. [all5-tf/] T. S. HARVEY, Quay, Watcrford. • ' Hunters, PKICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, From M ILFOBD HAVEK, from tho Railway Pier Daily, at ; . J. P EN D E R l'ALE PRIMROSE SOAP, of the ) „ ., Colts, Driught*nd Farm Horses immediately after. 715 p.m, Sundays oxcepted, after the arrival of the 9 16 tun. - • : °?' od propertyfor this Sale will WEKKLY STEAM- COMMUNICATION WILL SHOW HIS fiiHMtlngrt.fi Mamifaeture • ¦si . /- ffgfPe rsonsintending t* (.The Quality of tho Work Considered), Express Train from l'addiugton Station, London, reaching required to have it'entereaat Mr DOBBTM'S, or at Mr. Wnterfonl (wind aud weather permitting) so as to secure the TO NEW YORK. on or befoi"4r AT FASHIONS, on MOKIDAY Next; MAY 30th, WELSH'S Office , 1M Custom-houH Quay., departure of the 0 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork, and the SUMMER ' ¦ .:¦, ' " ¦° ., v.WATEfiFORB HESTAUfeANT;¦ ,. : entry, iB. Od. 1 • F ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • • 'Clock themornirig of Sale; Fee for despatch"one - . ' . .. Nine o The News Book and Job Printing , South of Ireland ; anil the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny and ^J ^KL ,, np.HE Undersigned irill <• . Five ptrC«nt from JL of tho undermentioned^ or other First- Confectioneryana Betosbment Rooms, Patchawrs to pay Auctioneer's Fees or MACHINE KULINU, Dublin. Passengers by the G a.m. Thud Class Traiu <3L^KH\I\^. Ml/.LINEHY , MANTLES, DRESSES, LACE CIRCULARS and SHA WLS, iyc, iyc, ' Auctioneer Paddingtou will also bo conveyed by tlicso Steamers at Be -dffigSZBK^class , full powered; British built Stoa'mciE , 9, BARRONSTRANb^T.' (opposite Great Chapel), „ ..THOMAS WALSH , AND BOOK-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, ' otcry TUESDAY, from LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK J. P. au ; MICHAEL" any 'rt of Country or Town. duccd Rates. FABBS. ^" Solicits Inspection. ^J HARTIGAN, PRbpiiEToa. Auctions attended in. p 1st Class aud 2nd Class calling at QUEENSTOWN ou the followingday, .to embark 100 Custom-house Quay , Waterford, 1863. tf fx WNos. 49 $ 50 King Street, Water/orJ. us APPRENTICE. Cabin. and Saloon Passengers and the Latest Telographic despatches :— WANTED—A YOUNG LADY . begs to call the attention of his friends and -• - GEORGE'S STREET. MH. Waterford to Puddington .. 50s. 40s. snip. ' . TOSS. cArr. TO sAa, . BS" WATERFORD, 5 & 0, • the Publio to the following Articles, Charges AUCTIONEER & VALUATOR BUTLER'S CATECHISM Limerick to do. ... 60s. 47s. WESTMINSTER..... '2000 Cutting 26th May. for which will be found extremel y moderate : J. Jamie- to the general Kilkenny to do. ... 55s. 44s. VIRGINIA 8878......Gracb To follow. son & Sons' . MALT WKISKEV, five years old ; George JOIIN HINTON, in returning thanks TO CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSKLLEKS, &c. PENNSYLVANIA 2976 Roberts confidence hitherto reposed 3rd Class and Deck, Waterford to Londoa, 24s. 6d. JAMES WALPOLE 8ayer & Co's. Celebrated OLD BRANDT ' PORT, SHEKRT, public, for the great LOUISIANA 2166 Brookin y ; and the large Patronage he On Sale at TJte News Office , R ETURN TICKETS— From Waterford to London, Ox- h and other WIRES ; Guinness's XX PORTER Bass & Co s in him as an Auctioneer, to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Waterford and its Vicinity, that he has ; ' begs to state that no (With ttie Recommendation of the Bisliop of Watcrford ami ford, or Reading, 1st class and saloon, 75s. ; 2nd Class Saloon 15 Guineas. BEGS EAST I KDU PALB A LE , in fine sporillng condition, on has experienced from his friends, Third Class £8 8s. just received a Choice Selection of on his part for the time to Lisinore, tlio Right Rev. Dr. 0 BRIEH,) and cabin, 60s. Draught and in Bottle ; Bewley and Draper's MISBRAL xcrlion shall be wanting TICKETS AH (tioso Steamers convey First and Third Class J'asicu. Valuations underta- Catechism for the Instruction, of Children, FAKES BY STEAMBK. RETUBN . WATBHS —none other kept. orne to give entire satisfaction. A. Cabin, Deck, Cabin Deck. gers. piotary aud Accommodation unsurpassed ly any BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS 's notice, nnd Auctions, in any part of BT TH E 8S5" Luncheon and Coffee ken at an hour Watcrfovd to Milford...l2s. Cd. 7s. 6d. 18s. 9d. lls.3d. other Lino. Suitable fo r the Season.
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