Energy Tip of h~e Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE! Don't waste gasoline when GAZETTE you have to stop on a hill. Hold your car steady with the brake, not the accel- Guantanamo Bay, Cuba erator. Using the accel- erator not only wastes gasoline, it also causes needless wear and tear on volume 37 Number 130 Thursday, July 8, 1982 the engine. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? Israel wants total withdrawal of PLO troops top diplo- he wants to be sure that all part- WASHINGTON (AP)--The White House Israel sent one of its mats to Beirut to press for total ies in the conflict want the say it's hoping for full agreement withdrawal of all Palestinian guer- troops there and that they would in the Middle East on President Rea- rillas from Lebanon. It followed be safe. gan' s offer to send U.S. troops to by the Israeli Cabi- Lebanon to oversee a peaceful set- the rejection PLO be allowed to tlement of the crisis there. net that the Digesi' leave a political bureau in Beirut. Trident sub opponent And on Capitol Hill, there's It also said it would not agree to more support for the Reagan plan. Salvadoran the stationing of two small PLO EL SALVADOR (UPI)--Two But in Israel, it became clear yes- To blockade USS Ohio say an American fighting units with the Lebanese rebel leaders terday that some snags still have journalist, who has been missing army. to be ironed out before the con- SEATTLE (AP)--A long-time opponent for one and one-half years, is The Israeli official is to dis- flict can be solved. of Trident nuclear submarines says being held in a government prison. cuss that position with U.S. envoy he plans to row a 12-foot boat into The family of John Sullivan says Philip Habib. Israeli officials the path of the USS Ohio when it the U.S. embassy has claimed it say their government is giving arrives in Seattle this summer. can't check out such reports. TV commercial upsets Habib more time to work out a solu- tion to the conflict. The Federal Transportation De- declaring the demonstra- BUENOS AIRES (UPI)--Argentine mili- partment is tary leaders dined together last House Speaker O'Neill Israeli tanks and artillery tion site off limits. night in an effort to patch up blasted Palestinian positions a- But Trident foe, Jim Douglass, of be- says he and at least 20 others plan differences. Army Commander Nico- WASHINGTON (AP)--Democrats are round the southern edge The to enter the restricted waters-- laides said he was optimistic the giving unfavorable reviews to a sieged West Beirut yesterday. deppite the threat of 10 years country's three-member ruling junta Republican TV commercial telling Palestinian news agency said Is- ad- in prison and a $10,000 fine. could be revived. Some high-rank- voters that President Reagan is raeli ground troops tried to near ing military officials are accept- to be credited for fatter Social vance from their positions but ing posts they initially declined. Security checks. the paralyzed Beirut Airport, The spot started running nation- were stopped by Palestinian forces. Woman weathers much; the LONDON (UPI)--British Rail offi- wide this week, featuring a postman Israeli forces surrounding West Beirut cials are wondering whether they who says: "I'm delivering Social Palestinian enclaves in But she gains in protest should keep trying to lure striking Security checks with the 7.4 per- allowed drinking water and electri- for engineers back to work--or save cent cost of living raise that city to flow to the guerrillas yester- DES MOINES, Iowa (AP)--For six days money by ordering a complete shut- President Reagan promised." the first time in four days up a food and now, Anne Bullington of Des Moines, down of the country's rail system. House Spea er Tip O'Neill charges day. But they kept has been sitting in a lawn chair Strike-defying workers enabled that the administration tried to fuel blockade of the Palestinian outside her home, holding a picket Britain to increase its rail ser- delay and cut the increase. sections. reads: "Mother On Strike." vice yesterday, but not by much. sign that chairman of She has sat through hea-vy rains Rail chiefs are to confer today. In Washington, the a. House Foreign Affairs subcommit- and temperatures in the mid 90's. President Mrs. Bullington says her goal is to WASHINGTON (UPI)--The White House Popular tourist beach tee says he'll support com- bring to the attention of her five says President Reagan probably will Reagan's proposal to send U.S. children that she is a human being. intervene with an Executive Order bat troops to Lebanon. Closed due to shark he'll go along So far, all but one of the child- to prevent the nation from being Lee Hamilton says ren have signed a contract recogni- hit with its first rail strike in with the idea if certain conditions says zing that status. four years. Locomotive engineers STINSON BEACH, Calif. (AP)--One are met. The Indiana Democrat the ocean's most-feared preda- and firemen threaten a Sunday walk- of to plague Stinson out over wages. tors continues Beach in California. Bank announces new military, DOD payday hours A U.S. Park Service official says 3 p.m. on the various paydays since WATERBURY, Conn. (UPI)--Police say a great white or blue shark estima- Effective July 15, the Windward new hours will be primarily for they don't know how many people ted at up to 13 feet in length was office of Central Fidelity Bank will the check cashing during the lunch hour are missing, and the Medical Exami- spotted about 35 yards from the onen the following hours for mili- and after 4:30 p.m. ner 's Office in Waterbury says it's beach yesterday. tary and DOD paydays only: On other days, the Windward fa- going to wait before trying to give Over the past two weeks, eight Open--1 a.m.-1 p.m.and 3 p.m.-6 p.m. will be open from 10 a.m.- a final death count. They know the sea lions and seals, that nave cility between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. recent tenement fire killed at apparently been killed by the CLosed Leeward banking hours will be least 11 people. Searchers report- shark, have washed ashore. The Exchanges, clubs and other organi- 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. on the indica- ed finding more human remains yes- beach is closed to swimmers at zations are encouraged to transact ted paydays. terday as they sifted through rub- least through Friday. their banking business beginning at ble left by the worst fire in the city's history. SHERWOOD, Ohio (UPI)--The entire National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day population of Sherwood, 800 people, tion Day and on this day we should "I call on all Americans to join was evacuated yesterday following WASHINGTON--The Congress has by recognize the special debt owed to in honoring those who made the un- the derailment of 24 Chessie system joint resolution designated July 9, Re- our fellow citizens who gave up common sacrifice of being held freight cars, including a tank car 1982 as "National P.O.W.-M.I.A. their freedom and their families captive in war, and their loved carrying an explosive liquid. The cognition Day." A presidential in the service of our country. We ones. tank car, buried under four other proclamation for this .occasion is must also remember our still-miss- "I call upon state and local cars in the tangled wreckage, con- as follows: ing servicemen, for whose families, officials and private organiza- tained 30,000 gallons of inhibited relatives and friends the anguish tions to observe this day with ap- butadienne, an extremely flammable "Since the Revoluntionary War, bitterness of war are enduring propriate ceremonies and activi- liquid. A fire official at the when General George Washington com- and accorded aspects. ties. scene said the tank car could "ex- plained of the treatment "Our nation must not forget and "In witness .whereof, I have here plode just like a big rocket with to captured soldiers of the Conti- has continue to seek answers to unto set my hand this 1st day of liquid fuel." nental Army, the United States will recognized the uncommon hardships their fates. Now, therefore, I, June, in the year of our Lord soldiers held Ronald Reagan, President of the Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Two, WASHINGTON (UPI)--A Ralph Nader experienced by our States of America, do here- and of the independence of the group has taken on the subject of prisoner during times of war. United designate July 9, 1982, as Na- United States of America the Two pacemakers, claiming many are un- "Called upon to defend American by P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Hundred and Sixth." necessary. A health research group ideals while undergoing extreme. tional Day, a day dedicated to all former said yesterday about 25,000 pace- adversity in violation of funda- prisoners of war, to those Ronald Reagan, President makers implanted each year, one mental moral standards and the in- American missing, and their families. of the United States fourth of the yearly total, aren't ternational codes and customs for still needed and waste about $280 million. the treatment of prisoners of war, A leading pacemaker expert disputed our soldiers have fulfilled their P.O.W.-M.I.A.
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