TODAY INSIDE TODAY EDITORIALLY * HC, SJB · . ElECTIONS * SENIOR FAREWELL * SENiOR SURVEY VOLUME LVIT Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, North Carolina, Friday, May 10, 1974 No. 29 Student Acquitted SJB Action Questioned basically the same as social Christie stated that a quorum members were required to .be By CARLA GARDNER probation with a suspended for the SJB consists of four present for a decision. According Associate Editor sentence. members. to Christie, the SJB has been A student under social . There were five members of operating on the latter in­ The Student · Judicial Board probation is not allowed to the SJB present at the trial, as terpretation all year. acquitted sophomore Mark represent the school, Christie well as the two non-voting Christie said he believes when Anderson, from Gainsville, Fla., said. Social probation is therefore chairmen. However, the SG there are two ambiguous in an open trial Tuesday night, a more severe penalty for par· constitution states, "The judge statements, either interpretation according to Mark Christie, co­ ticipants in athletics than for and prosecution shall not serve could be used. chainnan of the SJB. other students. As a football on the jury and shall not be Dean of Men Mark Reece said player, Anderson had received counted in calculating the three­ Thursday that he was "calling social probation with a suspended fourths majority required for a into question the action of the sentence ·for the prior offense. SJB." decision. A minimum of seven C Convicts This status allows athletes to jurors must be present.'' Anderson was charged with participate in sports, although "There are two contradictory The Honor Council convicted a verbal abuse of a IU!iversity the former sentence can be sections in the constitution," freshman on a cheating charge official on duty, Christie said. considered. in case of any further Christie said. "That's the fault of and suspended him for the fall Charges were brought by Davis violation. the people who wrote the con­ semester in a closed trial Wed­ Smith, Head Resident of Kitchin stitution." nesday night. Dorm, and Tom Bridges, There were varying reactions The clause to which Christie The penalty also includes a Residence Assistant in that of the SJB members to the case. dorm. · was referring states, "The Board year of probation when he Fine Arts Center On The Rise Some members of the SJB were shall decide the questions of returns to the IU!iversity and a Reece explained that under the unhappy with the procedure of verdict and penalty by a three­ recommended F in the course. He Work continues on the Wake Forest Fine Arts Center, which Is and builders bave begun to lay the foundation. Poor weather has bylaws of the faculty, the College the case. Britt Ann Wright said, fourths majority vote of the jury must also report to the Honor scheduled ·for completion in the spring of 1975. Construction Is slowed· work, but the spokesman said the delay was no.more than was Review .Board may, by a three­ "I was upset by the way the case members present.'' No specific Council when he returns to the proceeding on schedule, according to a spokesman for George Cane, usuaUy expected. fourths vote of the total mem­ was handled by the SJB judicial number of jurors required is University for discussion with the Inc., the contractor. The underground footings bave been completed bership, request a review of the board.'' mentioned. chairmen. A record of the case case. H!l said he plans to call the John Ferguson, also a member Christie said he interpreted this will be submitted to the dean's case to the attention of the CRB, of SJB, stated, "I did not find out statement to mean that only four office. and the board must decide by about the trial until the last vote whether they will consider moment and I just rushed in .. .I Graduation Activity Slated it. "This is not an appeal of the think the procedures could have case," Reece said. been smoother." Officers Installed Dr. Alvin M. Weinburg, The Wake Forest Law School will December. He served briefly as Yet Reece declined to comment Ms. Wright said she was director of the Office of Energy graduate 111 students, the Many o( the annual student disappointed with the handling Bob Starnes, Bill Sutton, Andy the well-being traditional spirit of awards · given by various · director of the Institute for on his reasons for questioning the Ciriaco, and Eddie Barefoot were .the university. Research and Development and Babcock School of Management, Energy Analysis which he case, saying that he believed because there were not many departments have not yet been members present. inducted as student government Starnes then proceeded to fonner director of the Oak Ridge 58, and Bowman Gray School of established at Oak Ridge further comment might affect administer the swearing-in National Laboratory, wil be the Medicine, 73. announced. Those which have In defense of the procedures, officers for the 1974-75 academic been announced include Mary Associated Universities. In consideration of the case by the year in an abbreviated SG ceremony to the oher three of­ speaker at this year's com­ Cooper will deliver the bac­ February he became director of CRB. Christie said, "I don't care how calaureate sermon in Wait Susan Narice, receiving the one may feel about the outcome meeting on May 2. ficers. mencement exercises .to be held Joseph B. Currin Medal in the Office of Energy Research According to Christie, The meeting · was then ad­ at 9:30 a.m., Monday, May 27. Chapel Sunday, May 26 at 8:00 and Develooment, Anderson was on a "defacto" of the trial, but no one can argue Religion, David Michael Hughes, about the way it was conducted. Dean Mullen swore in journed as there was not a Athis time on the plaza in front p.m. Senior orations will be held Cooper, a Baptist layman, ai:;o probation from a prior SJB of­ President Bob Starnes, who of Wait Chapel, weather pennit­ at 2:30 p.m. the same day in receiving the American Bible It was conducted properly and in quorum in attendance. Another Society Award for Excellence in is vice president of the Baptist fense when charges for this promised to uphold the con­ SG meeting, on Tuesday May 7th, ing, 545 students wi1 receive the DeTamble Auditorium. World Alliance and president of violation were brought. He ex­ full accord with all rules for Biblical Scholarship, and William judicial board proceedings." stitution and his responsibilities was also immediately adjourned Bachelor's degree. In addition, 27 President and Mrs. James Ralph Continued on Page 3 plained that this probation is to his fellow students, as well as Master's degrees and four Scales will host a reception and Polhamus, receiving the William due to Jack of attendance. Ph.D.'s, two in biology and two buffet in the Main Lounge and on E. Speas Memorial Award in from the Bowman Gray the patio of Reynolda Hall from Physics. Graduate School, will be given. 5:00- 7:00 p.m. Honorary degrees will be awarded to Dr. Weinburg, to Owen Cooper, a Mississippi Scou And Hood Denied Tenure; chemical company executive and EXAM SCHEDULE president (}f the Southern Baptist Pl ·. -... " Reading Day ~~:~:~t~~~o~~ir~~~~ a tte, May'15- Wednesday Ellison, author of Tbe Invisible Van Meter Leave Posts Man, and to James M. Hayes, A.'M. P.M. retired general SlllJerintendent of the North Carolina Baptist Dr. Frank Scott of the The tenure system operates on that publication should weigh as · states that a professor !!an only thought he had better accept the May 16- Thursday lMWF 3'IT Homes for the Aging. -' mathematics department and an all-or- nothing basis. After heavily at a small liberal arts teach three years Without .a position since the job market is May 17- Friday 9:30 IT SIT Weinberg will receive the Dr. Wesley Hood of the education being with the university for a university like Wake Forest as it doctorate. Ms. Van Meter sa1d tight. May 18- Saturday 12 MWF 12 'IT honorary doctor of science department were denied tenure certain period of time (usually is going to in coming years. the un~versity had b~n "!llo.re Captain Joseph Hollis of the May 19- Sunday degree; Cooper, the doctor of last week. Edward Platte and six years), a professor is Scott said it was not stated in than fatr, more than Just" m 1ts department of military science May 20- Monday 11 MWF 1:30 TT humanities; Ellison, the doctor of I.JJrraine Van Meter of the history reviewed for tenure. He either his contract but he "realized the treatment of her. Site said the has been transferred by the May 21- Tuesday 9MWF 2 MWF letters; and Hayes, the doctor of department will also not be .re­ receives it and so can never be expectation:' for him to publish. a~istrati?n. "went out o!, its Army and so won't return next May 22- Wednesday 10 MWF Math and 4:30 IT divinity. turning next year because they fired, or he is released. Accor­ He also said the expectation had way m permtttmg us to ~y as year. Ms. Ann O'Hara May 23- Thursday 3MWF 8MWF Weinberg joined the Oak Ridge do not have doctorate degrees ding to Scott, ·approximately 70 "increased many-fold in the last long as she an~ Platte did. " Wilkiemeyer of the art depart­ National Laboratory in 1945 and and their time period for teaching per cent of Wake's professors are five years.'' If he had come up for Platte also saut there were no ment will also be leaving because was director from 1955 until last without Ph.D.'s has passed.
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