S1746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 no time to waste. We are going to need Grassley Marshall Scott (FL) Cornyn King Rubio all the help we can get, particularly Hagerty McConnell Scott (SC) Cortez Masto Klobuchar Sanders Hassan Menendez Shaheen Cotton Lankford Sasse from experts like Dr. Murthy and Dr. Heinrich Merkley Shelby Cramer Leahy Schatz Levine to get it done. Hickenlooper Moran Sinema Crapo Lee Schumer I yield the floor. Hirono Murkowski Smith Daines Luja´ n Scott (FL) Hoeven Murphy Stabenow Duckworth Lummis Scott (SC) VOTE ON LEVINE NOMINATION Hyde-Smith Murray Sullivan Durbin Manchin Shaheen Inhofe Ossoff Ernst Markey Shelby The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Tester Johnson Padilla Feinstein Marshall Sinema Thune question is, Will the Senate advise and Kaine Peters Fischer McConnell Smith Tillis consent to the Levine nomination? Kelly Portman Gillibrand Menendez Stabenow Mrs. MURRAY. I ask for the yeas and Kennedy Reed Toomey Graham Merkley Sullivan Tuberville nays. King Risch Grassley Moran Tester Klobuchar Romney Van Hollen Hagerty Murkowski Thune The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Lankford Rosen Warner Hassan Murphy Tillis sufficient second? Leahy Rounds Warnock Heinrich Murray Toomey There appears to be a sufficient sec- Lee Rubio Warren Hickenlooper Ossoff Tuberville Luja´ n Sanders Whitehouse Hirono Padilla Van Hollen ond. Lummis Sasse Wicker Hoeven Peters Warner The clerk will call the roll. Manchin Schatz Wyden Hyde-Smith Portman Warnock The bill clerk called the roll. Markey Schumer Young Inhofe Reed Warren The result was announced—yeas 52, Johnson Risch Whitehouse NAYS—2 Kaine Romney Wicker nays 48, as follows: Hawley Paul Kelly Rosen Wyden [Rollcall Vote No. 134 Ex.] Kennedy Rounds Young The nomination was confirmed. YEAS—52 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under NAYS—4 Baldwin Hickenlooper Reed the previous order, the motions to re- Braun Hawley Bennet Hirono Rosen Cruz Paul Blumenthal Kaine Sanders consider are considered made and laid Booker Kelly Schatz upon the table, and the President will The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Brown King Schumer be immediately notified of the Senate’s OSSOFF). On this vote, the yeas are 96, Cantwell Klobuchar Shaheen action. the nays are 4. Cardin Leahy Sinema ´ The motion is agreed to. Carper Lujan Smith Casey Manchin f Stabenow f Collins Markey Tester Coons Menendez CLOTURE MOTION LEGISLATIVE SESSION Van Hollen Cortez Masto Merkley Duckworth Murkowski Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant --- Warnock Durbin Murphy to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the PPP EXTENSION ACT OF 2021— Feinstein Murray Warren Senate the pending cloture motion, Gillibrand Ossoff Whitehouse MOTION TO PROCEED Hassan Padilla Wyden which the clerk will state. Heinrich Peters The legislative clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Cloture CLOTURE MOTION having been invoked, the Senate will NAYS—48 resume legislative session and the mo- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Barrasso Graham Portman tion to proceed to H.R. 1799, which the Blackburn Grassley Risch ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Blunt Hagerty Romney Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby clerk will report. Boozman Hawley Rounds move to bring to a close debate on the mo- The senior assistant legislative clerk Braun Hoeven Rubio tion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, H.R. 1799, read as follows: Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse a bill to amend the Small Business Act and Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, H.R. Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) the CARES Act to extend the covered period Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) 1799, an act to amend the Small Business Act Cornyn Kennedy Shelby for the paycheck protection program, and for and the CARES Act to extend the covered Cotton Lankford Sullivan other purposes. period for the paycheck protection program, Cramer Lee Thune Charles E. Schumer, Patrick J. Leahy, and for other purposes. Crapo Lummis Tillis Brian Schatz, Debbie Stabenow, Patty Cruz Marshall Toomey Murray, Martin Heinrich, Kirsten E. PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator Daines McConnell Tuberville Gillibrand, Jon Ossoff, Jeanne Sha- from Connecticut. Ernst Moran Wicker heen, Mark R. Warner, Kyrsten ORDER OF BUSINESS Fischer Paul Young Sinema, Catherine Cortez Masto, Tina Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I ask The nomination was confirmed. Smith, Ron Wyden, Jacky Rosen, Ben- unanimous consent that following VOTE ON TURK NOMINATION jamin L. Cardin. morning business tomorrow, Thursday, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- March 25, all postcloture time on the SMITH). The question is, Will the Sen- imous consent, the mandatory quorum motion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, ate advise and consent to the Turk call has been waived. H.R. 1799, the PPP Extension Act, be nomination? The question is, Is it the sense of the considered expired and the motion to Mr. PETERS. I ask for the yeas and Senate that debate on the motion to proceed be agreed to; that the only nays. proceed to H.R. 1799, a bill to amend amendments in order be the following: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a the Small Business Act and CARES Kennedy, No. 1401; Rubio, No. 1405; fur- sufficient second? Act to extend the covered period for ther, that it be in order for Senator There appears to be a sufficient sec- the paycheck protection program, and PAUL or his designee to raise a Budget ond. for other purposes, be brought to a Act point of order; finally, that at 11 The clerk will call the roll. close? a.m. tomorrow, the Senate vote in rela- The legislative clerk called the roll. The yeas and nays are mandatory tion to the amendments in the order The result was announced—yeas 98, under the rule. listed and on the motion to waive, if nays 2, as follows: The clerk will call the roll. made; that if the motion to waive is [Rollcall Vote No. 135 Ex.] The senior assistant legislative clerk agreed to, the bill be considered read a YEAS—98 proceeded to call the roll. third time and the Senate vote on pas- The result was announced—yeas 96, Baldwin Cantwell Cramer sage of the bill as amended, if amend- Barrasso Capito Crapo nays 4, as follows: ed, with 60 affirmative votes required Bennet Cardin Cruz [Rollcall Vote No. 136 Ex.] for passage, all with no intervening ac- Blackburn Carper Daines Blumenthal Casey Duckworth YEAS—96 tion or debate. Blunt Cassidy Durbin Baldwin Booker Cardin The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Booker Collins Ernst Barrasso Boozman Carper objection? Boozman Coons Feinstein Bennet Brown Casey Without objection, it is so ordered. Braun Cornyn Fischer Blackburn Burr Cassidy Brown Cortez Masto Gillibrand Blumenthal Cantwell Collins The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Burr Cotton Graham Blunt Capito Coons ator from Colorado. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:45 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.043 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1747 GUN VIOLENCE tired early to spend more time trav- Boulder will heal, but this scar will Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, it is eling, skiing, and visiting his daughter always be there. My daughter’s genera- hard to believe that I am on this floor Erika. tion will always bear the burden of a again after losing 10 more people, this After learning of her father’s death, national government that did nothing time in Boulder, CO, to another hor- Erica wrote: ‘‘My dad represents all to protect them. They and the children rible mass shooting in our State. things Love. I am so thankful he could that I used to work for in the Denver I am sure the Presiding Officer walk me down the aisle last summer.’’ Public Schools carry a burden that we doesn’t remember that last week, after Lynn Murray, age 62. Lynn was a didn’t carry. They have grown up with the events in Atlanta, I went over to mother of two and a retired photo di- a reasonable fear that they will be shot his desk, and I said that we were so rector for prominent national maga- in their classrooms or in their schools sorry in Colorado for what had hap- zines. or at a movie theater or in any public pened in Atlanta, and then, just 3 or 4 Her husband John said: ‘‘I just want place. days later, it happened again in Colo- her to be remembered as this amazing, I didn’t grow up in an America with rado. amazing comet, spending 62 years fly- more gun-related deaths than virtually I have spent the last day learning ing across the sky.’’ any country in this world, and we can’t about the victims of this terrible Jody Waters, 65 years old. Jody accept it for their America. I am not crime, and I want America to know owned a boutique clothing store named asking anybody here to show the cour- what extraordinary human beings we Applause on Pearl Street Mall, where age that Officer Talley showed or the have lost in my State. Here they are. she remembered all her customers and other men and women of law enforce- Denny Stong, age 20. Denny was a their favorite brands. She was a moth- ment who constantly have to deal with graduate of Fairview High School, an er of two and a grandmother who loved the inability of this place’s capacity to introverted, smart kid who loved his- horses and hiking. A friend said: When deal with these issues. I am just asking tory and model airplanes. Jody walked into the room, ‘‘she was a us to show an ounce of their courage by He had been covering shifts at the breath of fresh air, a light.’’ doing whatever we can to keep weapons Finally, Officer Eric Talley.
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