MH AC4 From the producers of the DUNGEONS DRAGONS®Game 6858 & OFFICIAL GAME ADVENTURE ADVENTURE FOLD-UP'MFigures featuring Pit oftheYiperby Kim Eastland 'M Jazzup your he roic clashes with these colorful 3·0 accessorlesl Tes t your courage In VIPER's'" po is onous pit! "" ........ �.ndlhe�.II._I� WId ,.....01 __ C--"II_ r..nIn _ fIctItIou. do Group. MARVEL .,.y � IMnt Ally "-,pllonI .,. � 01 ..... ........ Com'" not ...... 10 Of �. SUPaIH£AOES MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS IncIudI!1og . II'Y1n9 or _ IN 1_ --....... rIt*I to,......... doNd.... -.ty .... M'l"O'itI Com'" Group Comic, DUMGEOHS .. DflAGONS, PROOUCTS OF m.rtuo 01 , ... ,.84 MIl ..... TSA, Inc:. �\aI. QfouP dM InduetrIH Coo'ponIllon. All YOUR IMAOIHAllON, ADVENTURE FOLD-UP •• ...... 01 � ,."ODUCTSOf "01,111 IMAOINATION" _ 1M T811 Right, "... .....d. Prinl.d In lhe U.S..... bynil Inc. GerM o.tIgn. , ... logo .. "*",,fI<.owned nil A'I Rights R.......cI. � .. 1IIc. ," . v- I. .1 J 1 / ' ' 1.1; /If I / .1 . ,, ' , . 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J ' ...Q�, _ / . �-:.-- .-=,�� ." ' . {;7b ;7-, //. .',. 'U-; . ,: ' I';g . or' , r'· ,, " ,(/. : /' .�, , /./ F'· I . k l/r; G.meoth" �4TS�AIIR'///14 'R"'�rl' ,,/. / / /1. J :,/ ' // .;: / . y/. /� NIHILIST'" COMPLEX MAP REFEREE SCREEN • I·, I I I- - - - - - , - I I I I - - KEY , I I I I - - - - L - x f- x INNER WALL • I I I I - -C-- I I I 1- I I • !. - - - - PERIMETER WALL I I I • l- I - - " I I I I -;; REINFORCED WAl L - - - - - --1f- - " - - I •• • I " -L 3 f- - - F AREA BORDER - - - - - � I I NORMAL SLIDING • I I- - E-CF:'1DOOR f- f- f- - f- f- I 1::1 HANGAR DOOR I I g f- - f- f- I I I I SLIDING BAY 000R f- f- I- --!z 1:1 f"""C=J"=3 I- • l- I- FORCE FIELD I Z .:IE -� , r- ... f- f- r- I-- � ... '--- , � w � f- l:lf- I- w I-- I MONITOR -t r"" y - l- I- l- I- I- -:tT .. - I I LARGE VENT .. f- f- l- I- • OPENING 0 • 0 l- I- I I STACK OF BOXES f- f- - I I 1c5lz')1 I- - _. Ig I PNEUMATIC TUBE �- l- I- -\ I- l- ACCESS e "l- I I I f::, I I- - e l- • • � w I- f- I I I '" I-- w � Q I-- • I > I I J I f- > f- l- I I >< ... - - WAREHOUSE MAP I I l- I- I- <l "I- L- l- I- 1--1 l- I- In l- I- I I l- I-l- l- I- l- I- I., I l- I- l- I-IL I- l- I- I- oI-l- x l- I- l- I- l- I- l- I- l- • I-- " I-- f- l- f- f- l- f- :.1- f-l- I-- I-- l-I-- l- I- I-- f- l- I- I-- I-- l- l- I-- ",I-- f-f- I-- • f- � «I f- '"I-- f- f- f- l- I-- l- f-l- I-- I-- I-- e l- I- I-- l- I-,...l- I- l- I- I- l- I- l- I- I- l- I- I- zl- l- I- l- I- l- I- l- I- l- I- ,!. l- l- • • I-- l- I- .. It> l- I- • I-- I-- l- I- l- I- l- I- l- I- 0 f-I-- I- I--" I- l- ��I- l- I-- l- I-- 1 " I I- l- I-- I-- I-- i- I-- f- l- I- f- • I I I I f- i- f- f- I- 0- f- i- l- f- l- I- f- I I I I I I I I I -I I -\ I l- I- l- I I ... I I I- I- ... ... I '1 I- l- f- ... I 101';j I I I I •• I I I • 6858XXX1437� 1-1, 1964 TSA. In<:.All R,ghts Reserv&d HOW TO ASSEMBLE FOLDING TSfI'.ADVENTURE FQlO.UP" FlgurH to assemblebecause they useonly • ADVENTURE FOLD-UP Flgl,lral one 01 ways. Either backwarda, 'I' "'Y ara folded two lndi­ few �.basle All you heve to 00 I, cut !hem �, !oldon !he dotted line and glue cated by a duhed line Of forwards, indiceted by a dastI and dottedHne. Some figu,... themtogether. Since -.raJ basiC aI'Iape$.r. used, onceyou know how 10 assemble may Mve bothfolds. To make it euler to fold the figure on a straighl ijne you should IhatIhape, you can put IOgelher mos1 foId.up figures. "acore"the line of the loki."Scoring" II crAting I crflUflin the peperon the line otthe foldby IJaIng."artiat'. ltyIua or." old ink. bel pointno penthat longerhas Toscore, TOOLS NEEDED I to help you draw a w.lghl line and then, l,lsing the atyIus or ." old pen, draw UN ru.... • acluors • Pllper clips • ruler along thefolding line preaalng to INve a In the peper.This will maktI down CtNM crease • wtKte glue or P'lste • old Mil point � or stylus it euler to loki the paper. GLUING CUTTING Eadl -"'PIwhich reqlJifa gluing will posMU Iftap with the figureby euttlngalong the.olid outlines indicated In black. ligures bale aymbollor "glue CuI aparI ncI1 Some herl". The -"'PIli." exoeptlon, the entire is a gllJing have linn the! be cut to 10m! ligures by "atar" bale IS back aide l1,li"' solid .tlould • slot. TheM are kIentified .n.Ir lace.(See below lor furtherdetlill.) Belora gkIing be sure all artsand folds have been box and stand-upl. basic an.pes- ... w., comera "*". SptNd the gI""-nIv _!he ftap andthe !henwrap figura around and P'-It have Thlill windowis cut in In agaInI1 !he Indicated and theflgurl The doorfigure. abo cutout&. whefa. Ihepaper. order MM)I hold together. Paperdips willhelphold 10give you ITIOI1titemI, lIdditionalllgurft I'IaYII beendrawn on ItIeM cutoutaand you togetherIKltil !he glue Ia (Qd. shouldcareful be separating when them fromthe ooo rways. Itis all righl 10 cut the glue SYMBOLS !lap of evtouts• little 1horI. Cut and lIoIa __ Fold toward Each figureIs Labeledto IndIcete both what the pieceis and what figure itmight attach I Foldblek _____« ...L _ Glue hera to. Thi. wilt help elimlnal. confuliononce you I'IaYfI cut apart the pieces. Speclol Shope. J· Doors � . N A. lUbes (!/I J. �. A. B. Sl8rs Each side il and J . folded brock ..---- then In folded tIaIfforwards as '"" In the d'-gram. Glue is applied to the beck 01 the figura and glues�. ncI181m C. Star & lUbe fffi\ X==-lIcThe lorci/iald pillars are I � combination 01 •star shape and. tube shape. K. cannon D. Boxes Boxes ale ;u.s! lubes with end IIaps thll 10m!I bo glue the ligUI' in.o I tube. .... Fltst Then fok;I down lhe and ftaps and glue logethef. Similar to tabe. bcmt. '1' Tabs E. Tents Tentacle Pillar fold backwards and Iofm I gluing surf.c. L. There are types tents. A triangl,llartl,lbe but only gll/8Sat the for penial boxes such u the control pan.- two ot base. Those that on the top Three the sides should be along !he ••• rest table of cui and those that hang over a lIoIato millethe tentacles. The fourth aide, F. Stand-Ups wall. i. then IoIded as noted and tl,lCks down Into In the the tl,lbe forming a top. Two slots are cui base Iomringthree !abe. The two out· $ide In dirac- tabs are folded one .... ....� •• tion atIdthe center tabIe folded . in the oppositedit8Clion. ~F. G. Crates -_/ H. Comers N2 Sled Next, l,Is1ng the other figurn, pIIICe speclalleltl,lres such IS ventilation grit",desk HOW TO USE eratn. and machinery to repreaent key IeItl,lrn pr_nt in the room. Otherminor 1M. l,lse TSR'. ADVENTURE FOLD-UP" Flgl,lr"in playing MARVElSUPER HEROES'" tl,lrn are presumed be present, are Insignificant regarda to the play the To 10 but IS of adventl,lr", firll determine the lizaof the room. countingthe nl,lmbef01 spaceslor the game and therefora are not reprasented. The ADVENTURE FOLD-UP'" Flgl,lr" Ire room's width and length. Then, l,Is1ng the wall corners and tre&-atanding waltl, place. specially made to be l,lsed when playing with MARVEL SUPER HEROES" and these on the playing al,lrlacean eql,lalnl,lmbefol spaceaapart.
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