
November 15, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 22645 Marcello Mattricciano; Dean E. ligence, by definition that job required and the fact that he was on the plane Mattson; Robert D. Mattson; Walter someone who could keep secrets, some- with President Kennedy, or at that Matuza; Choi ‘‘Irene’’ Mau; Timothy one who could be trusted with the time Senator Kennedy, as they re- Maude; Charles J. Mauro; Nancy T. greatest intelligence which our coun- turned from Los Angeles after having Mauro; Dorothy Mauro; Charles A. try has, that which protects the na- secured the Democratic nomination in Mauro; Robert J. Maxwell; Renee May; tional security, the health and well- 1960, he was devoted to the Apollo pro- Tyrone May; Keithroy Maynard; Rob- being of every American, out of the en- gram and, indeed, remained, until his ert J. Mayo; Kathy Mazza; Edward tire institution, Tip selected Eddie Bo- last days, one of its great champions. Mazzella, Jr.; Jennifer Mazzotta; land to be the first chairman of the We recall in this institution his wis- Kaaria Mbaya; James J. McAlary; Permanent Select Committee on Intel- dom as it related to the Boland amend- Brian McAleese; Patricia A. McAneney; ligence. Because he was someone that ment and Nicaragua. He saved this Colin Richard McArthur; John every Member, Democrat and Repub- country from a disastrous journey had McAvoy; Kenneth M. McBrayer; Mi- lican, would trust. we proceeded with military support for chael Justin McCabe; Brendan F. And so, without question, as the 20th Nicaragua. Today, Mr. Speaker, with McCabe; Charlie McCabe; Robert century’s legislative history is written, the exception of Cuba, every govern- McCallum; he will be looked back upon as someone ment in Central and South America is And I would encourage my colleagues who was the quintessential public serv- freely elected. His impact on housing to contact our colleague, the gentle- ant, elected as a State representative programs because of his subcommittee woman from Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN when Roosevelt was President. He chairmanship at VA–HUD happens to DAVIS), to help us read the names of served in World War II, was elected and be profound. those who fell in the tragedy on Sep- served in Congress in the Korean War, But there was another side of Con- tember 11. in the Vietnam War, and all the way gressman Boland, and I think my col- f through to the point where not only league, the gentleman from Massachu- was the Reagan era ending but the setts (Mr. MARKEY), and others in the TRIBUTE TO FORMER CONGRESS- George Bush, Sr., administration was delegation again hold it in highest re- MAN EDWARD P. BOLAND about to begin. What a legacy that he gard. Congressman Boland only talked The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under leaves to this country, to his family. to reporters from the hometown news- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- So we in the Massachusetts delega- paper. In 36 years in this institution, uary 3, 2001, the gentleman from Mas- tion, without question, will miss him; Congressman Boland had one fund-rais- sachusetts (Mr. MARKEY) is recognized but we know so too will all of his col- er, and really was upset that he had to for 30 minutes as the designee of the leagues, all of his constituents, and all go to it. He thought that the only alle- minority leader. who came to know him in this great giance he owed to anyone was to those Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I appre- country. people back in the Second District of ciate having this time in order to I would like to turn now to the gen- Massachusetts. speak about our great beloved, de- tleman who succeeded Eddie in the And here is an even more compelling parted colleague from the State of United States Congress in his seat in statistic, given the modern nature of Massachusetts, Edward Patrick Bo- Springfield, and, in fact, was Eddie’s Congress. Congressman Boland held land. He served in this institution for choice to carry on the political and one press conference in 36 years to an- 36 years. He was elected in 1952; he spiritual legacy that he brought to the nounce he was retiring; and he did it on served until 1988. Congress from the City of Springfield, Hungry Hill, where 36 years before he He loved this institution, and this in- the gentleman from Massachusetts had announced he was running, with- stitution loved him. He arrived in 1952, (Mr. NEAL). out a press conference at that time. with his best pal, Tip O’Neill, another Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Mr. It is remarkable that his legacy freshman Congressman coming from Speaker, I want to thank my colleague, could have been as pervasive as it was, the eastern part of the State. They the gentleman from Massachusetts given the fact that by nature he was were roommates for 24 years here in (Mr. MARKEY), who is the dean of the fairly shy and really did not care for Washington, really only staying here Massachusetts delegation, for orga- the limelight and did not care for the on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, nizing this Special Order as we pause in national attention that his years in and immediately returning to their remembrance of my friend and former Congress and the Boland amendment home districts after the close of busi- Congressman, Edward P. Boland. and the housing programs that he ness on Thursdays. Congressman Boland came here in championed brought him as they were And that is how it went in their little the midst of the Eisenhower landslide; put in front of the American people. apartment over all those years until and he won that first race, I believe, by It is the honor of a lifetime to have Tip was elected Speaker and brought 5,000 votes. And for 36 years he served known him. I attended one day this re- Millie down. However, it had been pre- here virtually, but with a couple of ex- markable Christmas luncheon that he ceded just a couple of years before that ceptions, without challenge. What I had every year after he retired, which by Eddie breaking his long years of think is ironic about the Boland leg- many of the people that had elected bachelorhood and marrying Mary acy, beyond the kindness that he ex- him State representative 50 years be- Egan, a marriage that produced four hibited time and again, was the affec- fore all attended faithfully. At one of beautiful children that were, without tion that he held for this old House. He those luncheons, the fellow he de- question, the pride and joy of his life. revered his service in this institution, feated, I believe in 1934, for State rep- Now, for those that knew Eddie, he respected it, and believed time and resentative from Hungry Hill, was still and for always will be thought of again that this was one of the best jobs there. And when asked why he was as a legislative giant, as someone who that anybody could ever hope to hold. there, he simply pointed out that a half motored around on the floor of the Eddie Boland came from Springfield’s century before Eddie Boland had re- House like the Energizer Bunny, mov- Hungry Hill. He was the child of Irish tired him from public life. And with ing at the speed of sound from deal to immigrants. For 50 years, 50 years, he that graciousness Boland simply deal to deal to deal as he worked his was elected. Think of it, at least 25 smiled and laughed, and they had a legislative magic. And whether the elections, and at the end of those 25 wonderful moment of friendship and Member was Democrat or Republican, elections he could say, at retirement, harmony again. Eddie Boland was universally re- he was undefeated and untied. What a I am struck by that service, I am spected. remarkable legacy indeed that was. struck by the legacy, but I would like When, in 1977, Tip O’Neill decided But there are projects across this to take all of the young Members that that it was necessary to create a Per- country that bear his imprint. Because have come to this Congress during the manent Select Committee on Intel- of his relationship with John Kennedy last 2 years and say to them: you VerDate Aug 04 2004 12:58 May 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H15NO1.001 H15NO1 22646 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 15, 2001 should understand the reverence that was speaking at an event in Granby, ernment to be a positive force in peo- Eddie Boland held for service in this in- and I was certain that he could be ple’s lives and in the duty of those in stitution. He really believed that this heard all of the way to South Hadley. government to do everything within was one of the great arbiters of fairness Over time I learned that Congressman their power to ensure that result. in American life. He really believed Ed Boland was not just heard, but at- It has been said that he treated his that this institution was courageous tention was paid when he spoke. He constituents the same way as he treat- and visionary in the manner in which was heard all the way down the hall to ed his friends. That explains not only it proceeded. But not only did he feel the Senate. He was heard by Presidents his success at the polls, but the high strongly about this institution, he was at the White House.
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