Daily Report Daily Christian Advocate The General Conference of The United Methodist Church Portland, Oregon Monday, May 16, 2016 Vol. 4, No. 6 United Methodist Women Outreach Evident at General Conference by Yvette Moore Leadership development is a hallmark of United Methodist Women’s mission with women, children, and From the translation booths to the plenary floor, from youth. United Methodist Women scholarships, programs, the episcopal chairs to the delegates and advocates on and transformative educational experiences are designed both sides of the bar, General Conference is filled with to open new opportunities and equip women and youth to people impacted by the 150-year mission outreach of United Methodist Women that’s being celebrated today. (Continues on page 2148) Agenda for Monday, May 16 6:30 A.M. Elections: Committee on Agenda and Calendar Trustees of John Street Church 7:00 A.M. 250th Anniversary: John Street Church (7 minutes) Seminary Students Briefing Elections: Committee on Reference Judicial Council 8:00 – 9:00 A.M. Secretary-designate of the General Conference Worship Commission on the General Conference Preacher: Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey General Agencies Consecration of Deaconesses and Home Missioners University Senate 9:00 – 10:00 A.M. Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters Opening Prayer 12:30 – 2:00 P.M. • Reports (as needed): Lunch Recess – on your own o Committee on Courtesies and Privileges 12:40 P.M. – 1:10 P.M. o Committee on Credentials Service of Holy Communion (Oregon Ballroom, 203) o Committee on Correlation and Editorial Presider: Bishop Linda Lee Revision 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. o Committee on the Journal Opening Prayer o Committee on Reference Global Social Principles (10 minutes) o Committee on Agenda and Calendar Calendar Items & Conference Business o Committee on Presiding Officers 150th Anniversary: United Methodist Women o Monitors (3:53 P.M.) (7 minutes) Consent Calendars 4:00 – 4:20 P.M. Four Areas of Focus (15 minutes) Afternoon Break Vital Congregation Moments (5 minutes) 4:20 – 6:10 P.M. Opening Prayer 10:00 – 10:20 A.M. Calendar Items & Conference Business Morning Break Africa University (5:25 P.M.) (15 minutes) 10:20 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Higher Education Report (5:40 P.M.) (30 minutes) Opening Prayer 5:00 P.M. – Daily Deadline for DCA Printing Voting Demonstrations 6:10 – 6:30 P.M. Closing Devotion 6:30 P.M. Adjournment 2146 Monday, May 16, 2016 Daily Edition Vol. 4, No. 6 2147 Worship Leaders Contents for May 16, 2016 UMW Outreach. 2145 Prelude: Martin Methodist College Chamber Choir; Announcements. 2149 Pulaski, Tennessee Mission Marching in the Light of God . 2150 Call to Worship: “GC4JC”. 2151 Yvette Richards; Missouri Errata. 2151 Nora Colmenares; North Georgia Gulfside Assembly. 2152 Stanislas Kassongo; West Congo Committee on Reference Report. 2153 Julio Vilanculos; Mozambique South Monitors Report. 2154 Prayer: Deb Williams; Desert Southwest New Petitions . 2155 Scripture Reader/Confession & Assurance: Inter-Jurisdictional Committee Molly Vetter; California-Pacific on Episcopacy . 2156 Scripture Reader: Timothy McClendon; South Carolina Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters. 2158 Sermon: Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Louisiana Area Calendar . 0000 Sermon Illustrator: Lauren Hudson, Louisiana Proceedings. 0000 Introduction of the Consecrands: Clara Ester; Deaconess Presentation of Deaconesses and Home Missioners: Harriett Jane Olson; General Secretary/ Daily Christian Advocate CEO, United Methodist Women Editorial, Sales, and Subscriptions Examination of the Consecrands: Bishop Pedro Torio; Oregon Convention Center Baguio Area, The Philippines Consecration Leaders: Editor. .Brian Sigmon Gary Locklear; Home Missioner Managing Editor . .Marvin Cropsey Emma A. Cantor; President, DIAKONIA Editor, Advance Edition. Norma Bates Region Asia-Pacific News and Features Editor . Patty Meyers Cristina N. Mañabat; President, Assistant Editor. .Kent Sneed Harris Memorial College Computer Manager/Calendar Editor. .Mike Cunningham Consecration Prayer: Bishop Rosemarie Wenner; Computer Assistants. .Eric Sipes, Rebecca Burgoyne, Germany Episcopal Area Clay McKinney Consecration Anthem: Centenary College Choir; Verbatim/Composition Editor. Shirley Shelton Shreveport, Louisiana Audio Manager . George Dunn Audio Assistant . Raymond Hieronimus Transcription Supervisor. Kelsey Spinnato Copy Editors . Selena Cunningham, 6:10 p.m. closing devotions Mark Lockard, Shane Raynor Scripture Reader: Helene Bindl; Austria Provisional Office Manager . Frances Merritt Help Desk Assistant . Chari Greer Reflection Reader: George Wilson; Liberia Index Editor . .Robert Swanson Production Managers . .Annaleigh Christie, Lisa Huntley Sales Manager. Jeff Barnes Distribution Manager . .Scott Spradley 2148 Monday, May 16, 2016 Leaders prepare for opening worship on May 10 at the 2016 United Methodist General Conference in Portland, Ore. From left are Bishop Rosema- rie Wenner, the Rev. Taylor Burton-Edwards, the Rev. Megan Shitama Weston, Krystl Johnson, Bishop Joaquina Nhanala, and Bishop Rudy Juan. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UMNS grow as needed leaders for church and society. er people are struggling for justice in the world, and how Junie Nkonge, 24, of the Democratic Republic of we all have a commitment to make a difference.” Congo is a French translator for General Conference. Ms. Vickers now also advocates for environmental She is also a United Methodist Women scholarship justice and teaches sustainable principles to children in recipient who graduated from Tennessee State University the Nanticoke community. with a master’s degree in business information systems “That’s my second baby,” Ms. Vickers said of her last week. environmental justice work. “My dream is to start an education center for women She will be attending United Methodist Women’s in the Congo,” she said, sharing her desire to teach Mission U later this summer and is preparing to teach computer skills to women. “Coltan is a mineral found in the organization’s mission study on Climate Change next every cell phone, and they get it from Congo mines, but year. still our country is so far behind in technology. Maybe I Bishop Joaquina Nhanala of Mozambique Episcopal can actually help change this and create jobs.” Area, said United Methodist Women scholarships help Kayleigh Vickers, 25, of Indian Mission United underwrite her studies as she prepared to follow her call Methodist Church in Millsboro, Delaware, came to Gen- to ordained ministry eral Conference as an advocate with the Native American “I am a product of United Methodist Women,” Bish- International Caucus. In 2013, she represented United op Nhanala said and added that she’s not alone. “A lot of Methodist Women in a young people’s environmental women are now in a position to have a say because of the justice seminar in Tokyo, Japan. efforts of United Methodist Women.” “I always knew about social justice work from a Bishop John Yambasu of Sierra Leone Episcopal Native American perspective, but at the seminar I learned Area was already a clergyperson when he first had direct more about environmental justice issues, including those contact with United Methodist Women mission outreach, in Japan and Korea,” she said. “It helped me see how oth- but it came at a critical time in his ministry. Daily Edition Vol. 4, No. 6 2149 “I was director of youth ministries in Sierra Leone important role in how the institution serves women stu- in 1990, and the rebel war had devastated life,” Bishop dents today. Yambasu said. “Many young people had lost parents and “From the very beginning, strong United Methodist had dropped out of school. The country’s entire economy Women representatives like Rose Catchings intentionally was shattered. Funding to develop transformative minis- focused on women as they envisioned Africa University,” tries for these young people was most challenging. This Ms. Stevens said. “Today, women are 53 percent of Afri- is when United Methodist Women came through with ca University student body. That’s not an accident. That’s scholarships and funding to support skills training pro- an outcome of The United Methodist Women mission.” grams and organizing seminars and leadership develop- Ms. Stevens said United Methodist Women con- ment workshops for the long journey to transformation.” tinued support of Africa University women students In 2001, Bishop Yambasu became part of the first through scholarships and grants that are empowering class of United Methodist Women’s regional missionar- them to change their communities. She shared the story ies specially charged to work with women, children, and of a young woman graduate from Malawi who received a youth on peace building, education, health care, and gen- United Methodist Women grant to attend a global health der justice. This work required networking with U.S. and seminar in the United States and now travels 200 miles international ecumenical and governmental organizations every weekend to serve rural women. like the All Africa Conference of Churches, the United “The gifts and talents of women are realized because Nations, UNICEF, and more. of United Methodist Women,” Ms. Stevens said. “United “This was a major turning point in my life,” he said. Methodist Women members in small towns and big cities “The opportunity to be in mission with the poor to bring sacrificially invest in the lives of people who they may healing to children whose lives were battered by abuse, never see. We cannot thank them enough.” conflict and diseases like AIDS opened my eyes. The exposure helped shape my life and lay the foundation for Yvette Moore is the director of communications for me to become a bishop of the church today.” United Methodist Women. Andra Stevens, communications director for Africa University, said United Methodist Women played an Announcements Pop-Up Worship to hear about current progress, future possibilities, challenges for sustaining the project, and the need for Young People’s Ministries of the General Board churches to become partners to the project. Refresh- of Discipleship is sponsoring a “Pop-Up Worship” ments will be served. We hope to see you there! Come service this Sunday at 9 a.m.
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