CONSTRAINTS ON TRANSPORT AND EMPLACEMENT MECHANISMS OF LABILE FRACTIONS IN LUNAR COLD TRAPS. D. Rickman1 and L. Gertsch2, 1NASA (Earth Science Office/MSFC/NASA, 320 Spark- man Drive, Huntsville, AL 35805, [email protected]), 2Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rock Mechanics & Explosives Research Center, 1006 Kingshighway, Rolla, MO 65401, [email protected]). Introduction: Sustaining the scientific exploration For this discussion we assume that concentrations of the Solar System will require a significant propor- of labile molecules on the Moon are geographically tion of the necessary fuels and propellants, as well as limited to polar-region cold traps. other bulk commodities, to be produced from local raw General Constraints: Several constraints on the materials [1]. The viability of mineral production de- transport and/or concentration mechanisms in lunar pends on the ability to locate and characterize minea- cold trap environments should be studied. ble deposits of the necessary feedstocks. This requires, Species Applicability. First, the mechanisms must, among other things, a workable understanding of the singularly or together, work for all labiles detected. mechanisms by which such deposits form, which is the Further, they should be able to explain observed rela- subject of Economic Geology. tive abundances. Until better data arise, e.g. from on- Background: Current understanding of the distri- site sampling, we assume that all species listed above bution, abundance, and mechanisms of transport and are present in the lunar cold traps. emplacement of lunar volatiles are very problematic Relative Ages. Cabeus Crater formed after the lu- [2], a point brought out by most authors discussing nar crust stabilized. The LCROSS-observed labiles are lunar volatiles [3] [4]. There are many speculative younger than the host regolith, which is younger than models about transport mechanisms and sources [5] [6] the crater, though the particles composing it are older. though residence times are unknown [7]. Al-though Detection Constraints. Neutron detectors are sensi- available data are either very limited (LCROSS, tive to H. Radar is interpreted as sensitive to water ice, GRAIL) or ambiguous (LAMP, radar, LEND, M3), but for neither are controls well-constrained. These some constraints on the transport and deposition mech- instruments are blind to other labile molecules, due to anisms at work can be deduced. the fundamental concepts employed in their operation. First, it is important to understand what is being Also, the spatial resolution of the observations varies considered. The term “volatile” refers to easily mobi- between instruments and missions. lized materials that “leave the scene”. LCROSS data, Ore Sources: The original source for the observed however, show that some do not leave. “Labile” is a labiles must be within, beneath, or outside their current more accurate term; it means something that moves. location, which for LCROSS is a crater. This paper further considers only ions, atoms, or mole- If the source is inside the crater and the labiles can cules, in contrast to solid phases. move without leaving it, gravity would concentrate The list of known lunar labiles is intriguing: H2O; them at lower elevations (all else equal). However, the Hg; ultra-light species (H2S, NH3, SO2, C2H4, CO2, detection of Hg from GRAIL impacts on the side of a CH3OH, CH4, OH, CO) [2]; Br [8]; Ar [5] (a true vol- massif suggests that gravity concentration is not domi- atile); and soluble and insoluble organic matter (IOM). nant. The observations of [13], while relevant for The latter two, though not identified, must be included H2O, do not explain the presence of other molecules as they are now known as substantial components of observed by LCROSS. [14] suggests a possible source comets [9]. Only traces of C are found in Apollo sam- for some but does not match the observations. ples [10]. Given the molecules of (3), additional mole- Within the Crater. Deposits of volatile materials cules known in comets should be anticipated as well on the lunar surface from whatever source would rap- [11]. The LCROSS and LAMP observations of Hg idly sublime into space, an unlikely main origin. [12] suggest the possible presence of elements such as Beneath the Crater. If the labiles came from crus- Ag, Se, Te, etc. tal rock, multiple processes are required to create and Direct observation of significant concentrations has move them through the crust to the shallow regolith been limited to LCROSS and GRAIL data. The depths where LCROSS impacted them. LCROSS impact was in Cabeus Crater, 100 km wide, The terrestrial equivalents of the mafic and ultra- at latitude 81.5⁰ S. The GRAIL impacts were farther mafic magmas postulated for the Moon are “dry” com- from a pole (75.6⁰ N) and on the slope of a massif. pared to those associated with granitic intrusions, so it There LAMP detected H and Hg, but study of these seems likely that lunar magmas likewise would not be results is not as advanced as for LCROSS so they are significant sources. not used substantially here. Furthermore, movement of magmatic water on atmosphere, and surface transport of species from the Earth leaves obvious petrologic signs, which are absent point sources discussed above [16] [21]. in Apollo samples and lunar meteorites. Molecules deposited from vacuum at low tempera- The combination of labiles reported from LCROSS ture may form amorphous rather than crystalline sol- does not match that expected from terrestrial layered ids. The presence of other molecules may either inhib- mafic intrusives [15]. These lines of evidence indicate it or seed crystallization. The material may be amor- that the source of the labile molecules in Cabeus is not phous at near atomic scales or it may qualify technical- beneath the crater floor. ly as glass. Alternatively, unexpected compounds Nearby on the Surface. If the labile fractions origi- could form (e.g., terrestrial deposits of methane clath- nated in the near-surface outside the crater, they must rate were found only recently, but are abundant in cer- have moved through crustal rock, through regolith, tain regions). across the lunar surface, and/or through space. The rates of deposition from diffuse sources would Cabeus is an eroded crater with subdued walls. be very slow compared to deposition by water-related Light molecules outside the crater could move through mechanisms on Earth. This greatly limits the possible fractures or the regolith blanket, but crater wall expo- textures of regolith and labile materials, which in turn sure to these reservoirs would be limited. affects the mineability (from both the excavation and Hypervelocity impact pressure waves can transmit processing perspectives) of potential ores. enough energy to break down impacted rock into con- Conclusions: Multiple deposition scenarios are stituent ions. A deposit of labiles could form where possible for labile materials on the Moon. This paper the transient conditions return to pressures and temper- suggests labile fractions moved diffusely through atures at which they re-condense. This would form a space; deposits may grow richer with depth until low spherical shell around the impact point, within the porosity rock; lateral transport is likely to have oc- pores of the near-field rock and regolith. curred with the regolith, at least for short distances; Each mechanism above could contribute to these crystalline ice may not exist; the constituent phases sites, but they do not satisfy the implied masses. could be extremely complex. At present we can con- Directly from Space. Much of the labile material strain the sources only mildly; once on the Moon, the probably arrived directly from space, either as a lim- transport mechanisms inherently mix and therefore ited number of large masses, such as comet nuclei or obscure the origins. However, the importance of ex- ejecta blocks, or as diffuse molecules [16]. panding our understanding of ore-forming processes Major constraints on the two end members are: (1) on the Moon behooves us to make the attempt. 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