❖ Bibliography Note: This bibliography contains the sources used in the text above. To assist readers with other projects, it also includes a broader list of publications that have been involved in the developing story of the crater. Abrahams, H.J., ed. (1983) Heroic Efforts at Meteor Crater, Arizona: Selected Correspondence between Daniel Moreau Barringer and Elihu Thomson. Associated University Press, East Brunswick, 322 p. Ackermann, H.D. and Godson, R.H. (1966) P-wave velocity and attenuation summary, FY-66. In Investigation of in situ physical properties of surface and subsurface site materials by engineering gephysical techniques, annual report, fiscal year 1966, edited by J.S. Watkins. NASA Contractor Report (CR)-65502 and USGS Open-File Report 67-272, pp. 305-317. Ackermann, H.D., Godson, R.H., and Watkins, J.S. (1975) A seismic refraction technique used for subsurface investigations at Meteor crater, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 80, pp. 765- 775. Adler, B., Whiteman, C.D., Hoch, S.W., Lehner, M., and Kalthoff, N. (2012) Warm-air intrusions in Arizona’s Meteor Crater. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, v. 51, pp. 1010-1025. Ai, H.-A. and Ahrens, T.J. (2004) Dynamic tensile strength of terrestrial rocks and application to impact cratering. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 39, pp. 233-246. Alexander, E.C. Jr. and Manuel, O.K. (1958) Isotopic anomalies of krypton and xenon in Canyon Diablo graphite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 2, pp. 220-224. Altomare, C.M., Fagan, A.L., and Kring, D.A. (2014) Eolian deposits of pyroclastic volcanic debris in Meteor Crater. Lunar and Planetary Science XLV, Abstract #1448. Amoroso, L. (2006) Age calibration of carbonate rind thickness in late Pleistocene soils for surficial deposit age estimation, Southwest USA. Quaternary Research, v. 65, pp. 172-178. Anders, D., Kring, D.A., and Holzheid, A. (2010) Carbonate-rich material associated with Meteor Crater impact melt particles. Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, Abstract #1799. Anders, E. and Lipschutz, M.E. (1966) Critique of paper by N.L. Carter and G.C. Kennedy, ‘Origin of Diamonds in the Canyon Diablo and Novo Urei meteorites.’ Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, pp. 643-674. Artemieva, N.A. (2006) Size and velocity of Canyon Diablo meteorite - models comparison (abstract). Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 41, p. A17. Artemieva, N. and Pierazzo, E. (2009) The Canyon Diablo impact event: Projectile motion through the atmosphere. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 44, pp. 25-42. Artemieva, N. and Pierazzo, E. (2011) The Canyon Diablo impact event: 2. Projectile fate and target David A. Kring (2017) LPI Contribution No.2040 251 melting upon impact. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 46, pp. 805-829. Barnes, W.C. (1934) The "discovery" of Meteor crater. Museum Northern Arizona (Flagstaff). Museum Notes, v. 7, pp. 5-8. Barringer, B. (1964) Daniel Moreau Barringer (1860-1929) and his crater (The beginning of the Crater Branch of Meteoritics). Meteoritics, v. 2, pp. 183-199. Barringer, B. (1967) Historical notes on the Odessa Meteorite Crater. Meteoritics, v. 3, pp. 161-168. Barringer, D.M. (1905) Coon Mountain and its crater. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, v. 57, pp. 861-886. Barringer, D.M. (1910) Meteor Crater (formerly called Coon Mountain or Coon Butte) in northern central Arizona. Paper presented at the National Academy of Sciences, Princeton University, Nov. 16, 1909. 24 p. (plus 18 plates, and 3 maps). Barringer, D.M. (1914) Further notes on Meteor Crater, Arizona. American Journal of Science, v. 39, pp. 482-483. Barringer, D.M. (1924) Further notes on Meteor crater in northern central Arizona (No. 2). Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, v. 76, pp. 275-278. Barringer, D.M. (1958) From what direction did the meteorite come? Foote Prints, v. 30, no. 2, pp. 23- 28. Beaty, J.J. (1966) The great crater controversy. Frontiers, v. 30, pp. 112-117. Bennett, J.H. and Manuel, O.K. (1967) On the origin of noble gas anomalies in Canyon Diablo graphite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 3, 95-100. Bills, D.J., Flynn, M.E., and Monroe, S. (2004) Hydrogeology of the Coconino Plateau and Adjacent Areas, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5222, 116 p. plus plates. Bingham, W.F. (1937) Summary of findings from exploration, geophysical survey, and test-drilling at Meteor crater, Arizona. Pan-American Geologist, v. 68, pp. 196-198. Bjork, R.L. (1961) Analysis of the formation of Meteor crater, Arizona: A preliminary report. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 66, pp. 3,379-3,387. Blackwelder, E. (1932) The age of Meteor Crater. Science, v. 76, pp. 557-560. Blau, P.J., Axon, H.J., and Goldstein, J.I. (1973) Investigation of the Canyon Diablo metallic spheroids and their relationship to the breakup of the Canyon Diablo meteorite. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 78, pp. 363-374. Boone, J.D. and Albritton, C.C. Jr. (1938) The impact of large meteorites. Field and Laboratory, v. 6, pp. 57-64. David A. Kring (2017) LPI Contribution No.2040 252 Borchers, B., Marrero, S., Balco, G., Caffee, M., Goehring, B., Lifton, N., Nishiizumi, K., Phillips, F., Schaefer, J., and Stone, J. (2016) Geological calibration of spallation production rates in the CRONUS- Earth project. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 31, pp. 188-198. Brereton, R.G. (1965) Aeromagnetic survey of Meteor crater, Arizona. New York Academy Sciences, Annals, v. 123, pp. 1175-1181. Brett, R. (1967) Metallic spherules in impactite and tektite glasses. American Mineralogist, v. 52, pp. 721-733. Brett, R.G. (1968) Opaque minerals in drill cuttings from Meteor Crater, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 600-D, D179-D180. Briley, D.J. and Moore, C.B. (1976) A checklist of published references to Barringer meteorite crater, Arizona, 1891-1970. Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University, 71 p. Brown, F.M. (1933) The Age of Meteor Crater. Science 77, 239-240. Brown, D.E. and Lowe, C.H. (1980) Map of Biotic Communities of the Southwest. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. (Also published as a supplementary map to Biotic Communities: Southwestern United States and Northwester Mexico, edited by D.E. Brown, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1994). Bryan, J.B. (1978) Meteorite impact cratering on a digital computer: A simulation of the formation of Meteor (Barringer) Crater, Arizona. Meteoritics, v. 13, pp. 399-402. Bryan, J.B., Burton, D.E., Cunningham, M.E., and Lettis, L.A. Jr. (1978) A two-dimensional computer simulation of hypervelocity impact cratering: Some preliminary results for Meteor crater, Arizona. Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 9th, pp. 3,931-3,964. Buchwald, V.F. (1975) Handbook of iron meteorites. University of California Press, Berkeley, v. 3, pp. 937-942. Buddhue, J.D. (1948) A sieve analysis of crushed sandstone from the Canyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorite crater. Popular Astronomy, v. 56, pp. 387-389. Bunch, T.E. and Cohen, A.J. (1964) Shock deformation of quartz from two meteorite craters. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 75, pp. 1,263-1,266. Busch, M.W., Giorgini, J.D., Ostro, S.J., Benner, L.A.M., Pravec, P. Kusnirak, P., Ireland, M.J., Scheeres, D.J., Broschart, S.B., Magri, C., Nolan, M.C., and Hine, A.A. (2007) Physical modeling of near-Earth asteroid (29075) 1950 DA. Icarus, v. 190, pp. 608-621. Carlson, R.H. and Roberts, W.A. (1963) Project Sedan: Mass Distribution and Throwout Studies. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Report PNE-217F, 143 p. Camp C.L., Colbert E.H., McKee E.D., and Welles S.P. (1947) A guide to the continental Triassic of northern Arizona. Plateau, v. 20, pp. 1-9. Carter, N.L. (1965) Basal quartz deformation lamellae--a criterion for recognition of impactites. David A. Kring (2017) LPI Contribution No.2040 253 American Journal of Science, v. 263, pp. 786-806. Carter, N.L. and Kennedy G.C. (1964) Origin of diamonds in the Canyon Diablo and Novo Urei meteorites. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 69, pp. 2,403-2,421. Carter, N.L. and Kennedy G.C. (1966) Origin of diamonds in the Canyon Diablo and Novo Urei meteorites — A reply. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, pp. 663-672. Cernok, A. and Kring, D.A. (2009) Were carbonate impact melts produced from the carbonate-rich target lithologies at Meteor Crater, Arizona? Lunar and Planetary Science XL, Abstract #1825. Chamberlin, T.C. (1890) The method of multiple working hypotheses. Science, vol. XV, no. 366, pp. 92- 96. Chao, E.C.T. (1967) Impact metamorphism. In Researches in Geochemistry, v. 2, edited by P.H. Abelson, pp. 204-233. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Chao, E.C.T., Shoemaker, E.M., and Madsen, B.M. (1960) First natural occurrence of coesite. Science, v. 132, pp. 220-222. Chao, E.C.T., Fahey, J.J., Littler, J., and Milton, D.J. (1962) Stishovite, SiO2, a very high pressure new mineral from Meteor crater, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 67, pp. 419-421. Chao, E.C.T. (1966) Impact metamorphism. U.S. Geological Survey, Astrogeologic Studies Annual Progress Report, pp. 135-168. Cherukuru, N.W., Calhoun, R., Lehner, M., Hoch, S.W., and Whiteman, C.D. (2015) Instrument configuration for dual-Doppler lidar coplanar scans: METCRAX II. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, v. 9, 14 p., 096090, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.9.096090. Clark, S.E. (2011) Analysis of Ejecta Deposits at Barringer Meteorite Crater, Northern Arizona. M.S. Thesis, Northern Arizona University, 40 p. Collins, G.S., Mason, K.D., and Kring, D.A. (2016) Numerical modeling of Meteor Crater: Simple crater formation in a layered sedimentary target.
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