Bihać jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija Unique nature - Rich history PL OD CENTRE FOR PROMOTION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Bihać jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija Unique nature - Rich history Doživite Bihać i prirodni raj Nacionalnog parka “Una” u Bosni i Hercegovini! Prvi put dođite na naš poziv, sljedećih puta biće to isključivo Vaš odabir! Experience Bihać and natural treasures of the National Park Una in Bosnia and Herzegovina! Respond to our first invitation and the following visits will be exclusively your choice! Srednjovjekovni grb grada / Medieval City Coat of Arms Izdavač / Publisher:˝PLOD Centar” Bihać – Centar za promociju lokalnog razvoja / “PLOD Centre” Bihać – Centre for Promotion of Local Development • Dizajn / Design: Damir Midžić • Fotografije / Photos: Damir Midžić, Željko Mirković, KES “Limit”, “Una RC Kiro Rafting”, “Kostel Commerce”, “Opal Exclusive” • Tiraž / Copies: 3500 • Print: “Grafičar” Bihać Brošura je urađena u sklopu projekta „Stvaranje zajedničkog turističkog brenda na području općine Bihać kroz interesno povezivanje ključnih lokalnih pružalaca turističkih usluga“ This brochure was created within implementation of the following project „Creation of joint tourism brand of Bihac area through interest grouping of key local tourist service providers“ PL OD CENTRE FOR PROMOTION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Užitak za radoznale, Enjoyment for the curi- za avanturiste, ous, the adventurers za umorne... and the tired.... Odlučite li da vrijeme odmora provedete If you decide to spend your vacation in Bihac upravo u Bihaću i njegovoj okolici, garantiramo and its surroundings, we guarantee that the effects vam da će dojmovi koje ćete ponijeti sa sobom biti it will have on you will be unforgettable and you are nezaboravni i sigurno ćete se vratiti po još. Doticaj sure to return for more. A mix of East and West, old istoka i zapada, starog i novog dati će zanimljiv and new will intrigue each guest. Bihac will welcome osjećaj svakom gostu. Bihać će vas svaki put you each time you come and greet you with the well prigrliti kao dragog gosta i pružiti vam nadaleko renowned Krajina hospitality and warmth. You will poznatu krajišku gostoljubivost i srdačnost. U to ćete se uvjeriti na svakom koraku, u hotelu, kampu experience it at every corner, hotel, camp or private ili u privatnom smještaju. Toplina, ljubaznost i accommodation. Friendliness, kindness and good uslužnost okruživat će vas cijelo vrijeme vašeg service will follow you during your entire stay. This boravka. Tu se nastanila i ljepota. Ovdje je priroda is where the beauty lives. Here you will find the od koje zastaje dah. breathtaking nature. Bihać: Unique nature - Rich history 4 Ovdje je i prirodni raj nacionalnog parka UNA Prvi nacionalni park u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine zove se po rijeci Uni i gotovo u cjelosti se prostire na području općine Bihać. Posjetiti ovaj park neprocjenjivo je iskustvo za sva čula. Smaragdna rijeka Una dominira cijelim bihaćkim krajem, a prostire se u dužini od 80 kilometara. Bogata je slapovima i vodopadima, brzacima i prava je poslastica ljubiteljima ekstremnih sportova, raftinga i ronjenja. Ona je stanište za oko 170 različitih vrsta ljekovitih biljaka od kojih je jedna vrlo rijetka i dobila je ime upravo po rijeci Uni - Campanile unensis - unska zvončica. Tridesetak vrsta riba, i veliki broj riječnih rakova koji žive samo u čistoj vodi, pravi su raj za ribolovce. Posebno je zanimljiva čovječja ribica koju nalazimo u slivu Une, u podzemnim vodama Grmeča. Waterfall Štrbački buk Flora i fauna Nacionalnog parka Flora and fauna of National Park Bihać: jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija 5 Here is the natural heaven of the National Park Una National Park Una is the first proclaimed national park in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it was named after the Una River. Most of it spreads within the area of Bihac Municipality. Visiting this national park is an invaluable experience for all your senses. This emerald river dominates the entire area of Bihac and spreads in the length of 80 kilometers. Una is rich with waterfalls, cascades and currents and represents a real challenge to the lovers of extreme sports, rafting and diving. Una is a home of 170 different medicinal herbs, one of which is very rare and was named after the river – Campanile Unesis – the Bell of Una. Over thirty different sorts of fish and great number of river crabs, which only inhabit clear water, live in the Una River and are a real thrill for the fishermen. Proteus anguinus (Olm), a blind amphibian endemic, is especially interesting and can be found in the basin of the Una, in the underground water of Grmec Mountain. Planine Plješevice i Grmeča su vidikovci The mountains Pljesevica and Grmec are the bihaćke kotline, a njihova blizina omogućuje observatory points of the Bihac basin and their šetnje, ali i užitak u planinarenju, biciklizmu proximity to the city offers an opportunity to enjoy the walks, mountain hiking, biking and hunting. The ili lovu. Bogate su srnama, divljim svinjama, mountains are rich with deer, wild boars, bears, medvjedima, vukovima, lisicama, te fazanima i wolves, foxes, pheasants and black grouses. Picnic tetrijebima. Izletište Šabina Greda na Plješevici je ground Sabina Greda on Pljesevica Mountain is on na nadmorskoj visini od 1225 m, odakle se pruža an altitude of 1225m, where you will experience a jedinstven pogled na veći dio bihaćke kotline. unique view of the Bihac basin. Pogled na selo Zavalje Mountain Plješevica View of the village Zavalje Bihać: Unique nature - Rich history 6 Bogatstvo prošlosti vidljivo je na svakom koraku... Na ovom području je locirano i obilje kulturno- historijskih spomenika. Crkva Sv. Antuna građena je krajem XIX stoljeća, a završena 1894. u maniru zapadno- europskog eklekticizma. Uz toranj crkve je i veliki kameni sarkofag, ukrašen kamenom plastikom i heraldikom. Smatra se da je sagrađena na lokaciji gdje je i bila jedna od porušenih srednjovjekovnih bihaćkih crkava. Katolička crkva u Bihaću spada u red onih sakralnih građevina čiji se tipovi mogu sresti širom sjeverozapadnog dijela Hrvatske. Crkva Sv. Antuna je devastirana u toku II svjetskog rata. Od crkve je ostao samo toranj pored zidanog turbeta (mauzoleja). Fethija džamija. Jedina je europska islamska Crkva Sv. Ante / The Church of St. Antun bogomolja u gotičkom stilu. Najočuvanija je sakralna građevina na ovim prostorima. Sagrađena je prvobitno kao crkva svetog Antuna Historic wealth is Padovanskog krajem XIII i početkom XIV stoljeća. Dolaskom Turaka na ove prostore i osvajanjem posljednje utvrde u Pounju - Bihaća (1592.godine), visible at every corner... crkva se preuređuje u glavnu džamiju u gradu i dobiva naziv Fethija (u prijevodu - osvojena). There are plethora of cultural and historic monu- ments in the Bihac area. The Church of St. Antun was built at the end of XIX century, and was finished in 1894 in a Kameni sarkofag pod tornjem Sv. Antuna West-European eclectic style. Next to the church Stone sarcophagus next to the tower of St. Antun tower is a large stone sarcophagus decorated with stone plastic and heraldic. It is said that this church was built in a location where previously stood one of the ruined medieval churches of Bihac. This Catholic Church is one of those types of religious buildings that can be found in the wider region of North-West Croatia. The Church of St. Antun was devastated during the World War II and today you can only see the tower next to which is a mausoleum. Fethija Mosque is the only European Islamic construction built in gothic style. It is the best preserved religious building in this area. Fethija was firstly built as a church of St. Antun Padovanski at the end of XIII and beginning of the XIV century. With arrival of the Turks in this area and their conquring of the last fortress in Pounje – Bihac in 1592, this church was converted into a main mosque in the city, which is when it was named Fethija – maeaning the conqured. Bihać: jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija Džamija Fethija / Fethija Mosque 8 Kameno Turbe potječe iz vremena austro- The stone Mausoleum dates from the period ugarske vladavine u Bihaću. Tačno vrijeme njegove of the Austro-Hungarian reign of Bihac. There does izgradnje nije poznato, ali postoje činjenice not exist an exact date of its construction, however, da je nastalo odmah nakon ustoličenja nove the facts allude that it was probably built right upon the establishment of the new Austro-Hungarian austrougarske vlasti. Za vrijeme turske vladavine authority in this area. During the Turkish reign it izgrađeno je originalno od drveta i nalazilo se na was originally built of wood and was located at mjestu porušene katoličke crkve. Kada je nova vlast a place where used to exist a destroyed Catholic krenula s izgradnjom crkve na starim temeljima, church. When the new authority started to build sagrađeno je i novo turbe od lokalnog kvalitetnog a church, at a location where an old one existed, kamena bihacita. Nova lokacija je od stare bila they also built a new mausoleum from the local udaljena samo nekoliko metara, a taj potez vla- stone “Bihacit”. New location of the mausoleum was just a few meters away from the old one, and sti zadovoljio je i muslimanski i katolički živalj this move of the authorities was acceptable for the Bihaća. Sve do danas se sačuvalo nekoliko legendi Muslim and Catholic population of Bihac. There are o njegovom nastanku i o tome ko je sahranjen a few legends about the Mausoleum and who is u njemu. buried within. Bihać: jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija 9 Kapetanova kula. Prema legendi koja je Capitan’s Tower. According to an old legend, dijelom utemeljena i na historijskim činjenicama, which is partially supported by historic facts, Kapetanova kula – Bihaćka utvrda, spasila je život Kapetanova kula (Capitan’s Tower) – Fortress of ugarsko-hrvatskom kralju Beli IV od tatarskih Bihac, saved a life of the Hungarian-Croatian King konjanika.
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