D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan Area DANKO »UREPI∆, B.Eng. Traffic Infrastructure Hrvatske telekomunikacije Review Planinska 1a, 10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska U.D.C.: 629.052.3 IVAN BO©NJAK, D.Sc. Accepted: Jun. 23, 2003 Fakultet prometnih znanosti Approved: Dec. 15, 2003 VukeliÊeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska TON»I BAUK, B.Eng. Hrvatske telekomunikacije Planinska 1a, 10000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska FORMATIVE EVALUATION OF OPTICAL NETWORK PROJECTS IN METROPOLITAN AREA ABSTRACT Unlike most of the old approaches to planning network facilities, we adapt new paradigm with for- The paper discusses the approach to formative and sum- mative evaluation where teletraffic engineering and mative evaluation of alternative solutions for next generation service management interact in different levels of optical access network. Unlike most of the old approaches systems description. Beyond the standardised techni- to planning of network facilities, we adapt the new paradigm cal solutions at the physical and logical layer, huge where teletraffic engineering and service management inter- act at different levels of systems description. The basic thesis work has to deliver effective solutions to customers is that formative traffic evaluation has to be the key part of and other stakeholders: network operators, service initial and ongoing project activities in deploying new tech- providers, vendors, local community, etc. nological solutions in urban telecommunications network. The basic thesis is that formative traffic evalua- Passive Optical Network (PON) is analysed as one effective tion has to be part of initial and ongoing project ac- solution because it satisfies the broadband traffic require- tivities in developing and deploying new solutions in ments with minimal amount of optical equipment and fiber metropolitan area access networks. Several technical deployment. Free-space optical wireless network is marked solutions for a next-generation optical access network as new flexible solution for bridging gaps in broadband will be considered. The basic problem is to provide servicing. broadband services to subscribers, who in general do not have direct fiber access to the network. Growing demand for broadband Internet access require proper KEY WORDS adaptation of existed and new solutions such as free- space optical wireless technology. telecommunications, evaluation, traffic, access, optical network 2. APPROACH TO FORMATIVE EVALUATION 1. INTRODUCTION Holistic view of telecommunications network pro- New technical solutions in access network and gram and projects require formative and summative liberalisation of telecommunication service provi- evaluations which include broader stakeholders (not sion open new questions about effective design and only shareholders) perspective [2], [7]. exploitation of access network which accounts for Formative and summative evaluation of metro- about 50% of the total investment in telecommuni- politan area telecommunication network projects cation networks. In addition to public copper-based has to be considered as two basic types of evaluation telephone network and cable-TV (CATV) networks, (see Fig. 1). The purpose of formative evaluation is to optical fiber and radio access technology become assess initial and ongoing project activities, while pur- competitive alternatives thanks to a favourable price pose of summative evaluation is to assess the quality trend. and impact of fully implemented projects. Promet ∑ Traffic ∑ Traffico, Vol. 15, 2003,Supplement No. 1, 177-181 177 D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan Area D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan Area Financial and economic analyses of projects have to be considered commonly with technological evalu- EVALUATION ations as parts of proposed holistic evaluations. In of Telekom this paper we are focused on technical issues related Network Projects with complex problem of evaluation of next genera- tion optical network in urban/metropolitan area. Future access network will normally consist of a fibre-based system from the local exchange up to a Formative Summative concentration or multiplexing point relatively close Evaluation Evaluation to the subscriber. The last section will have a system based on paired copper cable, coaxial cable or radio. Early stages Later stages Alternative solutions include fibre optic all the way to subscriber, i.e.: — FTHH (fibre to the home) solution, — FTTO (fibre to the office) solution. Figure 1 - Formative and summative Evaluation Fibre-optic systems become first choice in the sec- Basic steps in doing project evaluation are: tions next to the local exchange where network carries — define purpose of evaluation, large volumes of teletraffic. This section is designed as a ring-shaped and/or metropolitan transport net- — define measurable outcomes of projects and risks, work can be arranged in a ring structure with protec- — evaluation design (methods, instruments, etc.), tion switching as illustrated in Fig. 2. Traffic is routed — collect data and information, from the subscriber side to add/drop multiplexer — analyse data and information, (ADM). In the case of ring breaking, the traffic will — provide findings to decision-makers. be reversed so that none of it will be lost. ONV Break STM 1 ADM or STM 4 ONV or STM 16 SDH system ADM ADM - Add/Drop Multiplexer ONV - Optical Network Unit Figure 2 - Ring structure of metropolitan network 178 Promet ∑ Traffic ∑ Traffico, Vol. 15, 2003, Supplement No. 1, 177-181 Promet ∑ Traffic ∑ Traffico, Vol. 15, 2003, Supplement No. 1, 177-181 179 D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan Area D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan Area 3. TELETRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND 4. EVALUATION OF OPTICAL ACCESS FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS NETWORK ALTERNATIVES Formative evaluation of telecom network projects During the long period 1980-2000, the techno- have to begin through the initial phase of the project logical development of access network was slow com- and it must be done at several points in the develop- pared with rapid development of backbone network. ment phase of the network facilities life cycle. Tele- The growth of Internet traffic has actuated the prob- traffic analyses which include the existing and the new lem of the local loop or “last mile” as a bottleneck users and functional requirements is necessary for for broadband teletraffic requirements. In most cases effective formative evaluation of network resources digital subscriber line (DSL) cannot be an effective in urban/metropolitan area. solution because service providers do not provide Beyond the standardised technical solutions at the DSL services to subscribers located more than a few physical and logical layers, there is a large amount of kilometers from the local exchange. systems engineering works that must be done to develop Optical fiber is capable of delivering broadband effective solutions. Teletraffic engineering and service services at distances beyond 20 km in the subscriber management can be considered as the basic ingredients access network. A point-to-point (P2P) topology with of holistic telecommunication network development dedicated fiber runs from the LE to each end-user and deployment. Basic framework for analysing net- subscriber is simple but cost prohibitive solution. It work resource provisioning cycle is given in Figure 3. requires significant fiber deployment as well as con- Traffic demand can be forecast from historical data nector termination space in the local exchange. We and/or from service providers’ expectations. Based on can calculate that for N subscribers at an average the forecast traffic demand ((p,s,t) for defined popu- distance L [km] from the LE, a point-to-point solu- lation, space and time as backdrop variables*, the tion requires: access network can be appropriately dimensioned by — 2 N transceivers the TE functions in terms of network configurations, — N ( L [km] total fiber length. capacity and quality of service (QoS) parameters. Another solution with a remote concentrator This new approach is introduced and elaborated in (switch) close to the neighbourhood reduces fiber teletraffic technology textbooks [2]. The basic map- deployment but increases the number of transceivers pings are: to: √j,k Æ fi — 2N + 2 transceivers. TM A curb-switched architecture also requires electri- fi Æ cal power as well as backup power at the curb unit. where: √j,k denote traffic demand between nodes j and k Next possible solution is to replace the active fi denote traffic flows on link i curb-side switch with a simple and inexpensive passive TM denotes traffic matrix. optical component. These “passive optical network” Network Teletraffic Teletraffic subscribers forecast matrix Network Access Resource Network Control Availability dimensioning Matrix Services Teletraffic Management (SM) Engineering (TE) Figure 3 - Basic framework for analysing network resource provisioning 178 Promet ∑ Traffic ∑ Traffico, Vol. 15, 2003, Supplement No. 1, 177-181 Promet ∑ Traffic ∑ Traffico, Vol. 15, 2003,Supplement No. 1, 177-181 179 D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan Area D. »urepiÊ, I. Boπnjak, T. Bauk: Formative Evaluation of Optical Network Projects in Metropolitan
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