Tuesday, September 15, 1925 THE IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS 5 SPORT NEWS, VIEWS FOR IMPERIAL VALLEY FANS - r • California Howard Jones started his : € MOM N POP Don’t Tread on Me BY TAYLOR Here and There task of molding a Pacific coast con-; efcreuce championship eleven from; "N in Sport World more than 100 players who turned j Press Classified AdSection out with football togs. Jones, form j erlv coach at town, succeeds Elmer- J WiiM THE ! lienderson as coach at U. S. C. For Rent —Rooms, For Salt—Real Eatate LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15.—Stan-; New coaches in the Southern . Apartments and Houses islaus Zbyszko, flip Polish marvel California conference are Hog;- © RANCH WAINTED of Ohio WANT ADS! the atliletie world, lyni two falls Workman, formerly of State, TODAY’S FOR KENT—Sscveral good houses, from Rcnato Garelini, after whe> assumes his eluties tit llcdlands; furnished and unfurnished. Mrs. losing; <7?! j In for Hill toeik exchange a high class cit- the first full, hero last, night. Spalding command at; /V, | Lead. 783 l-ark. j 9tf rus grove near L. A. Park at is of *Mie LEFT City Zbyszko, whose age estimated University California, southern ONLY ONE San ; FURNISHED Fernando Mission. Will trade from 511 to 57 lost the branch, and Leo Calland, star at APTS and sleeping years, first, a clear and I'. last rates. Parkview assume. fall in 1!) minutes 110 seconds, as the S. C. year, nppcareel to d rooms, eumnier result coach at Whittier 7S< 'L 20tf of a headlock. Stanislaus college-. Those ?°u *4. W Apts. who return in then stepped out and grabbed the the southland circuit Q. &£ j § FOR RENT —Desirable in a are Siel Nichols A room W.E. next two in 10 minutes and 30 see- at Occidental, Fox HANCOCK, Realtor j I THOSE MAIN ST. LOTS modern home. 605 Heil onds and 7 minutes and 35 seconds! Stanton at California Tech, and clean, Avc. 14t6 with double arm Kugeiie Nixon at Pomona. * 540 grapevines. c^m/ Main Street dim Lotldos threw l*on Andreas Po 60 foot in width running through Phone 437 ? FOR RENT—Modern room, Oastanos in the eight semi with a to Broadway on West Main, 3 sold PI Centro windup a; beautiful home. Mrs. Virgil Pat- headlock and body scissors in 4!t ** 3?^. «c last week. Price .$1200.00, terms. wm ¦ ‘ terson. Imperial, Calif. Phones minutes. A TILDEN IS STILL <4 , 113 and 100. 14t3 FINE HOME Abie Kaplan threw Nick Velcoff! Jn the $3500 south side, all hardwood in minutes lit 110 seconds. FOR RENT—'Room adjoining bath. fJoors except kitchen GOING STRONG IN and screen "> room, modern house, hardwood Gentleman only. 851) poicli, lire place ' Brighton. and can be bought dedmny Lamar, Mexican junior! j floors in living and dining room; 14t3 wHAi.fvt I o\'r -w te ,-N • Hit situated « lightweight, who has been coming! | screen sleeping porch, nnfS„:r - NC-icMfcfOl? large s? TENNIS TOURNEY .-1» TMA' like a ; \ NICELY house afirb recently, will1 i in south part of city on paved street, furnished Apt. and house 77 ODtUO 1c At»C' meet Stewart McLean in the main | y w »V<‘ • - j House in first class condition. Will for rent. 448 So. Eighth St. 14tl - ’ A event By HENRY L. FARRELL ’w'NJu:.' AND vl”_7 A at ¦ Vernon tonight, give possession immediately. $5OO BARGAIN in " | FOR RENT LOTS until United Press Staff WITH ,T- & —Front room, 472 Main a Lamar, a short time ago a! Correspondent 1 \ • :!<¦/ y~~ 4 ,V, t cash, balance easy. | 'j «. 1v St. Suitable for of FOR MKT HILLS. N. V., • ;•.'.*¦• N. ¦ _ 1 or office. preliminary boy, fought his way ! Sept. 15.; B shop ISV'""t- one the- lie- has ~T 1 Inquire for Mr. Wilson. lltf . corner. to main event class bv of a —Despite narrow •1500 po,], reason | escape- f f^i ? | See NUFFER LAND CO. T of good bouts Jackie had ill practically all of his itnpor . jjj j «¦«» couple against I iOR in. t: ‘ ’ ?¦: # RENT—Close Cool, x&zss'&isr Fields and Lew J’alusn. i.t matches (his season. ¦ Big Hill' 508 Main St. large o f”?^ screened with fur- Tilden to 1 ¦ • porch, l4t t Mike Jlallariuo, the junior light! se-enis lie in no grave dan- C Phone 45-W nicely - %l PR nished of living room, for one or is in town and is: ger losing the natiiiuul tennis! weight champion, •-. i\ 1 two AND in gentlemen. Reasonable. 583 agreeable to a mateli with the win e-h.Mupiouship -which lie has held for & I ROOM HOARD private ! '"/: Brighton. be five- years. home. 1266 Adams, men prefer- lltf tier, which may staged at Wrig < 7. j There red. 14t f ley J-'iehl, September 29. are sonic of the worhl's best ~ FOR. ' RENT—Furnished room with ill the that is s®r another Paul In Unite, (’omptoii, light players fiehl competing ¦ hath. Outside good buy % ROOM FOR —One or two entrance .+l5. 435 he re in the- : ' j ]>EN'T V will meet Scott natimial m N iSC 0U weight, Harry ill ehaiiipiiinships Hamilton St. 14t3 pavcd 3trecf girls. Call 128.1 after sor 723 south' Tn°rt nf°l . the six round ami the re lias be-eu a to WBo seiniwiudiip. elispositiou »5H?3 ’ °- Broadway. 15t3 TYr Terma • K. O. ju-lge Tilden as of* his A NICE Brown, colored middle-' being gam-.-, y modern home on Sandal- J-NSLRANCE agency weight, will meet in but it is a safe iee-t that when the wood, Voting George, | LAIIY wishes to care for children garage and nice lawn. 14tf final reiunil is a special six. eompleteil next Sat- +4.250. Terms. during day. Call 128.1 after 5 or Hud Gswold Tilden will have vs. Hurry Lalcurc '¦ unlay survived an 723 loto TYLER INSURANCE AGENCY M - Broadway. c a Ut°’ and lianiiy McCoy vs. Arturo Tovar, ! olhe-r “narrow escape. Addrcss Alt lltf Parkerurker, B , in four rounders complete the card. ; All of the ranking stars tiiul tln* wo a FOR RENT—Room with housekeep- J Brawley. 14t6 seeileil vi veil tin- routine- FOR RENT Unluraiehcd. Four j players ,mil .-\..c L\ •<r»v»»«rtsTJrir^fsvwrrr ing privileges-in private home, al- F( of first rouiiel anil room modern L. Approximately lfHin football play I the yesterday so sleeping room. Call after (i. -i*e in roar. $25 Z I'l.s turned out for first at there- is oik- exciting match 567 Woodward Ave. Istf Apply 442 Hei> or 138 No. Fifth practice ! only evenings, ««» on St. Phono Uthof£l^ Southern California universities to-• on the second round e aril today. j 45J. 13tf j Date^a,r NO Rene l.aCoste- will Frank BASEEALL GTANEINS GOLF ACE \Ol MAN wants steady work. Oli SALE ‘•«y- , ! plav IS OREGON 1 OR Best . QUARTERBACK Phone 704 lot 2 double equipped With medicine chests full of lini i 11:: liter, the hard W. 1 RENT—Large room am hitting Olympic twin garage in bed-i. Southern Oalif. t < si.:r. in the match of private shower and I incut, the young huskie s started the i most important AMERICAN LEAGUE cm W ANTED who can 704 .rubber tired RUNS EVEN WITH ! Saleslady I entrance. State St. ltf dolly, b]ac season right with what is known as ; the elav. W. L. Pet. CHIEF NEED, SAYS smitli,. speak, read and write Spanish to acetelyene wehuU . fedball "setting up” exercises. Other fumtiii,- mate-lies will lie bi- 87 48 .044 j I OR RENT—6 lead Washington assist bookkeeper and sell and I room furnished burning outfits, batter Many new eoae-hes became a<- 1 tv i ell Tilden anil Lucicn Williams. 7b 50 ..iH.i house. Phone 391. charger, Philadelphia ARMSTRONG LOS ANGELES MAN ! demonstrate for —a 25tf electric COACH goods good drill, a ir co epiainte-el with their for the' Johnston against de 72 63 .555 players Chicago; Lcojn Detroit one can pressor, o ga l. I proposition to who qualify FOR gas p Ump e'ollibig sefeiMin. -Tunene, Psrrtlmi<i null Him it- Sortc.i-. 73- RENT Mission : st. Louis j .'.duress 80... EP A;*fc Apts. garage for At Ho- Ciiiverpit of Louis. to DEL MONTE, Cali'f., 15. Manager, 1147, Nation/, Au£t \ Soutiicia and Wray Brown, St. 71 06 .518 Getting a quarterback replace j Sept. 29tf club and Chicago Centro, Calif. lots alemite service. An star. Chandler Doi 05 < 4 ,408 Allen, who was graduated 1 invading Egan, e 'leve-lanel Bobby - COUNTRY CLUB CBSf INN—South on ai;T f »ccoe New York 59 78 .4.41 from Central Fnion school in ! Medford, Oregon, was off today on LETTUCE SEED FOR SALK. oi health.!H : high Sixth, Corner Holt. Room and ", Jacumba Hichw 40 90 .294 About 400 lbs. 3 Peter ®-- Boston con- the second of the California year old Garage, j June, is the big problem that ! day club privileges, +l5 and $2O Jacumba, Cal. Results Wheeler seed. El Centro mo. Yesterday’s trouts in the task | Phono SALESMEN and SALESWOMEN ' Coach Armstrong [Junutcur golf championships here on 24126 FOR SALE York Philneh-lphia 1. 667. lot 5 j - ai/, New 5, out a football eleven j acreSj rounding terms with Yon or se-heilnh-il. jof I even George Elm, 3 Only game that last stunt ROOMS AND BOARD ill nice mod- chickens, room iiouse. W can repeat year’s j in Los Each shot one WANTED—Partner in and house. Angeles, 73, I farming ern home.
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