4384 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 27, 1871. CO. 1018.) Cornet and Adjutant Thomas Henry Hartnell to Board of Trade, Whitehall, have the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 28th October 26, 1871. October, 1871. THE Right Honourable the Lords of the Com- Cornet Bernhard Henry Entwisle to be Lieu- mittee of Privy Council for Trade have received, tenant, by purchase, vice Pritchard. Dated from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 28th October, 1871. a Despatch, from Her Majesty's Consul at Copen- Cornet John Oswald Trotter to be Lieutenant, by hagen, reporting that the ports of Riga, Memel, purchase, vice Sankey. Dated 28th October, a Altonaj and Hamburg have been declared by the 1871. Danish Government free from cholera. 6th Dragoon Guards, Francis Ingram Main, Gent., to be Cornet, vice Byrom, promoted. Dated 28th October, J871. (C. 1019.) John Francis Upton Gaskell, Gent., to be Cornet, Board of Trade, Whitehall, vice Moore promoted. Dated 29th October, * October 26, 1871. 1871. THE Right Honourable the Lords of the Com- *lth Dragoon Guards, Robert Constable, Gent., to mittee of Privy Council for Trade have received, be Cornet, vice Chadwick, promoted. Dated from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,' 28 th October, 1871. copies of Quarantine Notices issued by the Portu- Charles Reagan Dinger, Gent., to be Cornet, vice guese declaring the port of Hamburg suspected of Johnstone, who has retired. Dated 29th Oc- cholera, and the port of Bahia suspected of yellow fever. tober, 1871. \.st Dragoons, Benjamin Ingham Tidswell, Gent.> to be Cornet, vice Tennant, promoted. Dated 28th October, 1871. • War Office, Pall Mall, 2nd Dragoons, William Francis Firmstqne, Gent., 21th October, 1871. to be Cornet, vice the Honourable W. P. Alex- ander, promoted. Dated 28th October, 1871. MEMORANDUM: Ronald Rivers Farquhard Campbell, Gent., to be Dated Horse Guards, Cornet, vice McClintock-Bunbury, promoted. War Office, 20th October, 1871. Dated 2.9th October, 1871. Hla Royal Highness the Field-Marshal Com- 3rd Hussars, Robert Elton Grey, Gent., to be mandiag-in-Ghief has been pleased to appoint Cornet, vice Rogers, promoted. Dated 28th Major-General Caledon Richard Egerton to be October, 1871. his Military Secretary, in succession to Lieutenant- 6th Dragoons, Alexander Chalmers McKean, Geneva! William Frederick Fprster, whose period GentM to be Cornet, vice Thackeray, promoted. of service in. that appointment has expired. Dated 28th October, 1871. Dated let November, 1871. 8th Hussars, Lieutenant Thomas Edward Stopford (Signed) RICHARD AIREY, Hickman, from 4th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Adjutant-General. Marley George Hutchinson, who retires. Dated 28th October, 1871. 1st Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Gentleman Andrew Pringle, Gent., to be Cornet, vice Eden, Cadet Peter Marrow, from the Royal Military promoted. Dated 28th October, 1871, College, to be Cornet, vice Underwood, pro- 9th Lancers, The Honourable George William moted. Dated 28th October, 1871. Gilbert Russell to be Cornet, vice Wheeler, 2nd. Dragoon Guards,..Cornet Edward Egerton promoted. Dated"28th October, 1871. Leigh, to, be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice John llth Hussars, Lieutenant George Clerk Cheape Henry .Le Bagge Bagge,.who retires. Dated to be Captain, by purchase, vice Robert Henry 28th October, 1871.:. .,'... Verschoyle, who retires. Dated 28th October, John Francis Wiseman, Gent., to be Cornet, vice. 1871. • - Bagge, promoted. Dated 28th October, 1871. Cornet Edward Eardley Lushington to be Lieu- 3rd.Dragoon Guards, Norman Bellas Barlow, ' tenant, by purchase, vice Cheape. .Dated 28th Gent., to be Cornet, vice Torin, transferred- to" October, 1871. 13th Hussars. Dated 28th October," 1871. William Henry Fothergill MacMullen, Gent., to be Cornet, vice Muudy, promoted. Dated 28th 5th Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant-Colonel James October, 187-1. Henry Wyatt, C.B., from half-pay, late Mili- tary Train, to be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice 12th Lancers, Henry Ashton Case, Gent., to be Frederick Hay Swinfen, who retires on tempo- Cornet, vice Mansel, promoted. Dated 28th rary half-pay, receiving a portion of .the former 1871.' difference between Cavalry and Infantry. 13th Hussars, Lieutenant Arthur Cotton Beare, Dated 28th October,-1871. from 16th Foot, to be Lie.utenant, vice Thomas Major Richard Temple Godman to be Lieutenant- Edward Rivis, who retires. Dated 28th Octo- Colonel, by purchase, vice J. H. Wyatt, C.B., ber, 1871. who retires. Dated 28th October, 1871. Ensign Anthony Charles Sykes Abdy, from 22nd Captain William Edward Marsland to be Major, Foot, to be Cornet, vice Hargreaves, promoted. by purchase, vice Godman. Dated 28th Octo- * Dated 28th October, 1871. ^ber, 1873. Lieutenant George Pritchar-d to be Captain, by Hussars, Llewellyn Wynn Bodychan Spar- purchase, vice William Behnion Foulke's, who row, Gent., to be Cornet, vice Merry, pro- retires. Dated 28th October, 1871. moted. Dated 28th October, 1871. • Lieutenant Richard Jones Sankey to be Captain, The Honourable .Hugh George Gough 'to be by purchase, vice Marsland. Dated 28.th Octo- • Cornet, vice Hyder, promoted. -Dated 29th. ber, 1874. ' ! October, 1871. - - -.
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