256 The Genus Popillia with Its Natural Enemies in the Orient (Col.). BY J. F. ILLINGWORTH. (Pl'csellte'l at the meeting of Febl'uary 5, ]925.) In this paper I wish to brieAy review the work as carried on in the Orient by the United States Department of Agriculture in their search for natural enemies of Popillia japonica Newm. Though this species is evidently confined to Japan, the Genus Popillia is widely distributed. Recorded species are very numer­ ous, being in their order 'if abundance from India, China, Korea, Africa, Japan, Mexico, lVIanchuria, etc. Clausen and King (1924)* have already given an excellent preliminary report on the work accomplished in Japan and Korea. The exceedingly effective tachinid parasite which they found in northern Japan was named Centetel' ciuerea by Doctor Aldrich (1923). This Ay practically wipes out the beetles during the years of their abundance, i. e., alternate years, parasitizing more than 99 per cent of the females. The eggs are firmly glued to the dorsum of the th()rax. Hatching. the maggots at once make their way through the hard chitin, quickly putting an end to the activities of the beetle. Since the maggot devours most of the internal anatomy, the host dies in about five days. The maggot then pupates within the empty, hard shell 'of the beetle. which makes it very convenient for handling and shipping them during their long dormant period. They do not emerge as Aies until the following spring. Hundreds of thousands of these parasitized heetles have been collected in northern Japan, and shipped to the laboratory at Riverton, New Jersey, where the issuing Aies were liberated. A few parasitized beetles were found in the field near Riverton during the summer of 1923, as reported by Mr. Smith (1924). The past season (1924) gave further very encouraging evidence, for Mr, Smith wrote that beetles with eggs attached to the thorax had been collected in considerable numbers and over a wide area, far removed from the point of original Iiherations of the flies. Proe. Haw.. Ent. Soc., VI, No.2, .July, 1926. * Figures in parentheses refer to bibliography. 257 Another. though less effective parasite of the adult b etles. is the yellow tachi'iid, found at Yokohama. Doctor Aldrich (1923) determined this as Ochromeigcuia ormioidcs Towns. T s fly is a most elusive creature. It is active only at night. expe­ rienced the greatest difficulty in trying to learn somethin of its habits, and were unable to discover just how it parasit zed the beetles. For this investigation we built a large scre 1 cage, covering native food-plants of the beetles. In this we w re able to observe that the flies remained absolutely motionles during the day, sitting wherever they chanced to be. either on the foliage, or on the screening of the walls. As soon as dusk app oached, however. they hecame exceedingly active. funning aro md the heetles and touching them with their antennae. Where th beetles were on the screen sides of the cage. the activities of he flies could be more easily followed in the semidarkness by getting down, so as to use the sky as a background. Under suc condi­ tions. I could see that the fly. with ovipositor exten ed and curved forward, ran quickly over the back of the beetl . This insect evidently was fully alive to its danger, for it remQ strated vigorously hy kicking its hind legs over its hack. The m vement of the parasite was so rapid. however, and the light 0 poor, that I was unable to make out just when parasitism toe place. At any rate, nothing was left on the surface of the he tIe, for I examined such specimens by lamplight. Yet flies d veloped later from these beetles, demonstrating that the act h d heen accomplished. Dissection of these veilow flies showed that they e vivi- parous-the eggs hatch~d within their body-so they vidently deposit the active larva upon the beetle. Hence. we may onelude that the maggot is possibly tucked under the wing cover, which are slightly raised during the struggle of the heetle to f ee itself of the troublesome parasite. At any rate, the maggot is quickly at work eating out the vitals of the host. Under most f vorable field conditions, in the vicinity of Yokohama, about 35 er cent of the pest succumbed to this parasite. Japanese parasites of the grubs of Popillia, so far di covered, are not as promising as the above. These are sco1ii wasps belonging to the Genus Tiphia. and a dexiid fly (Prosetl siberita Fabr.). This latter insect was exceedingly abundant n many ... 258 parts of Hokkaido during August, 1923, when making a hurried scouting trip of that island. On this trip we found the Popillia beetles very scarce, but these natural enemies of the grubs were much in evidence. At Piuka, in northern Hokkaido, we also found scoliid wasps, belonging to the Genus Campsomeris, swarming over grub-infested soil along a railway embankment. Yet we were not able to devote sufficient time to digging to determine whether they were using Popillia for a host or 110t. Both Tiphia and Campsomeris wasps were found also in Korea, parasitizing the grubs of related Popillia and Anomala beetles. A second species of dexiid was also found there breed­ ing on these grubs. In November, 1923, I went over to China to make a study of the natural enemies of the related species of Popillia, which are rather abundant in that country. The fact that these beetles are so prolific there would suggest that parasites are few in the country. In the valley of the Yangtze River we found the fol­ lowing, named in the order of abundance: Popillia atrocOemlJ'1 Bates, P. illdigonacca Mots., P. cyanae Hope, and P. quadri­ guttala Fabr. We hired collectors to bring these in by the tens of thousauds. Each individual beetle was examined for external parasites, and, furthermore, all those that died within a week after collecting were kept. From all of these, only two parasites emerged, and they were the yellow tachinids, like we found at Yokohama. Farther south, at Foochow, P. cymlOe and P. qltadriguttata were the very abundant species, while we got a few of the sub­ tropical P. ntarginicollis Hope. Here, again, no parasites of the adult beetles were discovered. Toads and other predators, how­ ever, were much in evidence, feeding on this easily procured food. Scoliid wasps are considerably in evidence in China. At least three species of these were reared on Popillia grubs at our sta­ tions at Chinkiang, Nanking, and Hangchow. At the first of the above stations we bred out a species of Campsomeris wasp, but the life-cycle was so short that it could pass through several generations each season. Hence, it would probably require sev­ eral hosts. A small species of Tiphia was fairly common. and very peculiar in that it deposited a black egg on the venter. just 259 behind the legs of the paralyzed grub. A larger Tiphi placed a white egg on the dorsum of the thorax of its host. T ese two most promising species were bred out in considerable umbers, the cocoons being easily forwarded to Riverton for Ii 'eration. During this work in the Orient since its inception n 1920, more than a dozen true insect parasites of the Genus Popillia have been found. Several of them have been shipped in con­ siderable numbers to the New Jersey laboratory. Gre t hopes are based upon the known efficiency of the tachinid, ."teter ci"erea Ald. Yet the investigation is now being extende as far as India, and will be kept up until such time as the pe t ceases to be a menace in the infested region of the eastern United States. BffiLIOGRAPHY 1920. Davis, J. J., The Green Japanese Beetle: N. J. Dept. A rie. Cire., 30, pp. 33. ] 922. Hadley, C. H., 1'he Japanese Beetle: N. J. Dept. Agl·ic. Cire., 46, pp.20. 1923. Alc1rich, J. M., Two Asiatic 'Muscoid Flies parasitic npo the so· called Japanese Beetle: Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 63, ' o. 2474, pp. 1-4. 1924. Hadley, C. H" The Japanese Beetle in Penns)'h'auia: B 11. Penn. Dept. Agric., No. 390, pp. 19. 1924. Clausen, C. P., and King, J. L., A.. Preliminary Repo t on the Foreign Parasites of POLJillia japonit'lL: .JOUTU. Econ. En , Vol. 17, pp. 76-79. 1924. Smith, L. B., The Japanese Beetle Status in 1923: .TOl 'n. Econ. Ent., Vol. 17, pp. 107-111. 1924. Rohwer, S. A., Descriptions of Three Species of Tiphia Parasitic on Popillia jal>o/l'ica (Hymenoptera): Proc. Ent. Soc. Washing­ ton, Vol. 26, No.4, April 21, pp. 8;·92..
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