o/ + I0 a, THE FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION SOLICITS NO ADVERTISING PUBLISHED FOR AND DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF GOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IN FLORIDA Yol. 2, Na. 10 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA DECEMBER, 1958 e or nwan e Florida Has lhousauds Who Need 6ood Home Ex Go-v Ca. ldwell and Sen. Johnson aud Secure Future Mid W-inter Conference Speakers It's sad, but it's true. Florida has thousands of "UNWANTED BOYS." ORLANDO —Former Gov- Election of new Sheriffs As- Sheriffs Bureau, by Don Mc- Some are from broken homes, others are ernor Millard Caldwell and sociation oflicers and directors, Leod, director. needy, homeless State Senate President-Desig- January 16. Starr said several hundred or just plain neglected. nate Dewey Johnson will be An exhibition drill by Sher- invitations will be sent out to From bitter experience, Florida's Sheriffs know that among the featured speakers at iffs' mounted posses from sev- State and Orange County of- many of these boys will become the "WANTED CRIM- the Mid-Winter Conference of eral counties, January 15. flcials. INALS" of tomorrow unless the Florida Sheriffs Association A cocktail party and cabaret- He said arrangements for the something is done to give which will be held here January style banquet, followed by an conference are being made by a them a good home and a secure future. 14, 15 and 16. entertainment program, Janu- committee composed of: his With this in mind, the Florida Sheriffs Association will Orange County Sheriff Dave ary 15. wife, Doris, as official hostess; launch its third annual Honorary Membership Campaign Starr, conference host, said Cov. Progress reports on: the Flor- Sam Bush, program chairman; next month. Caldwell will address a luncheon ida Sheriffs Boys Ranch, by Mrs. Anna Lee Pethtel, regis- meeting on January 15; and Sheriff Ed Blackburn Jr., execu- tration chairman; and Miss In this state-wide campaign each of Florida's 67 Sheriffs Sen. Johnson will address a tive director; and the Florida Ruby Poole, banquet chairman. will mail letters to selected citizens in his county inviting luncheon meeting on January them to become Honorary Members of the Sheriffs Asso- 16. All meetings will be held at the San Juan Hotel. ciation. (See complete conference pro- gram on page 8.) From Dues —Operating Fund He said other highlights will The dues of those who accept the nomination (minimum include: dues are $10 a year, Sheriffs pay as high as $400 a year) AN INVITATION will be used to provide operating funds for the Florida Honorary Members of the Sheriffs Boys Ranch, a friendly home for "unwanted" Association are invited to boys attend the Mid-Winter Con- located on the beautiful Suwannee River, near Live Oak. ference. However, it will be In effect, Florida's Sheriffs will be saying: "Join the necessary for them to notify Sheriffs Association and help us give shelter and loving Sheriff Dave Starr in ad- care to some 'unwanted' boy. " vance, so that proper ar- rangements can be made. This is an invitation to participate in a bold humanitarian venture without parallel. It is also an opportunity to assist in a unique crime prevention program that strikes at the 3 Sheriffs very roots of crime. Reappoiuted Impossible to Contact Everyone The 1959 Honorary Membership Campaign will continue 1'o through January and February, but it will be impossible for Bureau each sheriff to send a letter to every qualified citizen during TALLAHASSEE —Gov. Le- Roy Collins reappointed Sher- this short period. Therefore, if you do not receive a letter, iffs John Hall, of Clay County; ask your Sheriff to nominate you for membership. John Spotts wood, of Monroe If you are already a member, please respond promptly County; and Ceorge Watts, of when you receive a reminder requesting payment of your Washington County, to the Florida Sheriffs Bureau. 1959 dues. Their previous terms expired In just 18 months the Ranch has materialized from dream Oct. 1 of this year and their to reality. With the assistance of our Honorary Members we new terms will run until Oct. acquired a 722-acre site late in 1957 and started construction 1, 1960. of Sheriff Hall has been serving the first buildings in 1958. as vice-chairman of the seven- man bureau. The other mem- Bring On the Boys bers are Gov. LeRoy Collins, The first two buildings, designed to provide residence chairman; Attorney Ceneral facilities for 40 boys, are now nearing completion and prepa- Richard Ervin; Sheriff Broward rations are made admit the first in Coker, of Highlands County; being to boys the early and Sheriff Leslie Bessenger, of UHWAHTSD BOY—This photograph has been selected as the official part of 1959. Pasco County. symbol for the 1959 Honorary Membership Campaign of the Florida Sheriffs Association. (Photo by Ken Richards) (Continued on Page 2) Bad Check Alarm System Spreading PALM BEACH —Things are Sheriffs' Budget law Passes First Court lest; Appeal Expected getting hotter for the bad- check "artist" who tries to ply PANAMA CITY —The 1957 off the antiquated fee system houn County Sheriff W. C. ifl' Ree der by Bill Leath of his trade in Florida, as the use budget law that brought na- and placed them on a business- Reeder, the Florida Sheriffs Panama City; The Sheriffs As- of the merchants-alarm system tion-wide praise and recogni- like budget-salary system. Association and the Attorney sociation by John A. Madigan spreads to more Florida cities. tion to Florida's Sheriffs passed Uniformity Questioned General argued that: Jr. of Tallahassee; and the West Palm Beach and Riviera the first test of its constitution- The Calhoun County Com- (1) The budget law did not Attorney Ceneral's Office by Beach are among the latest ality in circuit court here, Nov. mission attacked the law on come within the purview of the Assistant Attorney Ceneral communities to install the sys- 29. grounds that it did not comply constitutional provision cited .Ralph McLane. tem. No count is available, but Ruling on a suit flie by the with a constitutional provision (Article 3, Sections 20 and 21). Judge Lewis refused to grant about a score of cities now use Calhoun County Commission, requiring general laws regula- the County Commission's re- fees and duties (2) And, even if it did come the system, which has proved Circuit Judge Clay Lewis held ting of county under the purview oi' Article quest for an injunction which effectIve. that the law was valid. offlcials to be of uniform appli- 3, would have prevented Sheriff Commission cation throughout the state. Sections 20 and 21, the salaries Under the alarm system, with The County is and exclusions were based upon Reeder from receiving funds to variations in each community, expected to appeal the ruling Uniform application was lack- reasonable classifications. operate his department under when a bad-check "artist" is and, since a constitutional ques- ing, the Commission argued, be- the budget system. spotted or suspected, each mer- tion is involved, it is likely that cause certain counties were Injunction Refused He also ordered the County chant is responsible for notify- the appeal will go directly to excluded and the salaries of The County Commission was Commission to give Sheriff ing other merchants until all the State Supreme Court. sheriffs in coun. ies of similar represented by Attorneys Ernest Reeder the budget funds he had businesses in the area have The Budget Law took all but size were not the same. Welch of Panama City and Vir- requisitioned to the extent that been alerted. a handful of Florida counties Attorneys representing Cal- gil Mayo of Blountstown; Sher- the board was financially able. PAGE 2 'THE siHERIFF'S 'STAR DECEMBER, 1958 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Published For end Dedicated To the Advancement of Good Law Enforcement In Florida By THE FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION At Tallahassee, Fla. EDITORIAL BOARD Mardee County Sheriff E. Odell Carlton Wauchula Clay County Sheriff John P. Hall . Green Cove Springs Florida Sheriffs Bureau Director Don McLeod . Tallahassee Pasca County Sheriff Leslie Bessenger .Dade City EDITOR Carl Stouffer. Field Secretary Florida Sheriffs Association entered as Secoad Class Slsll Matter at Tallahassee, Florida. Published monthly by thc Florida Shcrirrs hssoctatioa. P. O. Sox S44. Tallahassee, Florida. Sabscrip- ilen rate SLSS per year. Wenteii-Help for "Unwanted Bey" TALLAHASSEE —THE MODERN SHERIFF—Sheriff W. P. (Bill) Joyce featured modern crime fighting tools (Continued from Page I) in the exhibit he prepared for the North Florida Fair. Another modern touch was added with the new uni- How many boys we admit and how fast we expand our forms worn by Deputy Sheriffs Abbie Bakes (left) and Helen Whiddon. facilities will depend upon how many persons become Honorary Members in 1959. The formula is simple: MORE MEMBERS EQUALS MORE DUES —MORE lleyii Thanked DUES EQUALS MORE BOYS AT THE RANCH. The Ranch has been hailed as one of the outstanding For Treeteient projects ever undertaken by a law enforcement organization, yet it is only one of several projects sponsored by the Of Prisoners Sheriffs Association, with the help of its Honorary Members, FORT LAUDERDALE to combat juvenile delinquency and promote better law Twenty-nine Cuban "rebels, " enforcement. finishing 60-day sentences for smuggling arms to Cuba, liked Two Scholarships Awarded their jail treatment so much The Marianna Scholarship Plan, while not as widely pub- they presented Broward County Sheriff J. A. Lloyd with a scroll licized, is equally bold and unique. Under this plan the As- of appreciation. sociation provides scholarships for outstanding youths re- The "rebels" had been sen- leased from the Florida School for Boys, at Marianna, to tenced to 60 days in jail and universities and vocational schools.
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