Pt. 229 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–12 Edition) the employing railroad or its managers, su- 229.64 Plain bearings. pervisors, officers, or agents; and 229.65 Spring rigging. (9) Avoidance of abrupt changes in rest cy- 229.67 Trucks. cles for employees. 229.69 Side bearings. (c) Finally, if a railroad chooses to adopt a 229.71 Clearance above top of rail. fatigue management plan, FRA suggests 229.73 Wheel sets. that the railroad review the plan and update 229.75 Wheel and tire defects. it periodically as the railroad sees fit if changes are warranted. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM [76 FR 50400, Aug. 12, 2011] 229.77 Current collectors. 229.79 Third rail shoes. 229.81 Emergency pole; shoe insulation. PART 229—RAILROAD 229.83 Insulation or grounding of metal LOCOMOTIVE SAFETY STANDARDS parts. 229.85 High voltage markings: doors, cover Subpart A—General plates, or barriers. 229.87 Hand-operated switches. Sec. 229.89 Jumpers; cable connections. 229.1 Scope. 229.91 Motors and generators. 229.3 Applicability. 229.4 Information collection. INTERNAL COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT 229.5 Definitions. 229.7 Prohibited acts and penalties. 229.93 Safety cut-off device. 229.9 Movement of non-complying loco- 229.95 Venting. motives. 229.97 Grounding fuel tanks. 229.11 Locomotive identification. 229.99 Safety hangers. 229.13 Control of locomotives. 229.101 Engines. 229.14 Non-MU control cab locomotives. STEAM GENERATORS 229.15 Remote control locomotives. 229.17 Accident reports. 229.103 Safe working pressure; factor of 229.19 Prior waivers. safety. 229.20 Electronic recordkeeping. 229.105 Steam generator number. 229.107 Pressure gauge. Subpart B—Inspections and Tests 229.109 Safety valves. 229.111 Water-flow indicator. 229.21 Daily inspection. 229.113 Warning notice. 229.23 Periodic inspection: General. 229.114 Steam generator inspections and 229.25 Tests: Every periodic inspection. tests. 229.27 Annual tests. 229.29 Air brake system calibration, mainte- CABS AND CAB EQUIPMENT nance, and testing. 229.31 Main reservoir tests. 229.115 Slip/slide alarms. 229.33 Out-of-use credit. 229.117 Speed indicators. 229.119 Cabs, floors, and passageways. Subpart C—Safety Requirements 229.121 Locomotive cab noise. 229.123 Pilots, snowplows, end plates. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 229.125 Headlights and auxiliary lights. 229.41 Protection against personal injury. 229.127 Cab lights. 229.43 Exhaust and battery gases. 229.129 Locomotive horn. 229.45 General condition. 229.131 Sanders. 229.133 Interim locomotive conspicuity BRAKE SYSTEM measures—auxiliary external lights. 229.135 Event recorders. 229.46 Brakes: General. 229.137 Sanitation, general requirements. 229.47 Emergency brake valve. 229.139 Sanitation, servicing requirements. 229.49 Main reservoir system. 229.140 Alerters. 229.51 Aluminum main reservoirs. 229.141 Body structure, MU locomotives. 229.53 Brake gauges. 229.55 Piston travel. 229.57 Foundation brake gear. Subpart D—Locomotive Crashworthiness 229.59 Leakage. Design Requirements DRAFT SYSTEM 229.201 Purpose and scope. 229.203 Applicability. 229.61 Draft system. 229.205 General requirements. 229.206 Design requirements. SUSPENSION SYSTEM 229.207 New locomotive crashworthiness de- 229.63 Lateral motion. sign standards and changes to existing 468 VerDate Mar<15>2010 22:01 Dec 09, 2012 Jkt 226220 PO 00000 Frm 00478 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 229.5 FRA-approved locomotive crash- (2) Rapid transit operations in an worthiness design standards. urban area that are not connected with 229.209 Alternative locomotive crash- the general railroad system of trans- worthiness designs. 229.211 Processing of petitions. portation. 229.213 Locomotive manufacturing informa- (c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of § 229.125 tion. do not apply to Tier II passenger equip- 229.215 Retention and inspection of designs. ment as defined in § 238.5 of this chap- 229.217 Fuel tank. ter (i.e., passenger equipment operating at speeds exceeding 125 mph but not ex- Subpart E—Locomotive Electronics ceeding 150 mph). 229.301 Purpose and scope. (d) On or after November 8, 1999, 229.303 Applicability. paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1) of § 229.141 229.305 Definitions. do not apply to ‘‘passenger equipment’’ 229.307 Safety analysis. as defined in § 238.5 of this chapter, un- 229.309 Safety-critical changes and failures. 229.311 Review of SAs. less such equipment is excluded from 229.313 Product testing results and records. the requirements of §§ 238.203 through 229.315 Operations and maintenance man- 238.219, and § 238.223 of this chapter by ual. operation of § 238.201(a)(2) of this chap- 229.317 Training and qualification program. ter. 229.319 Operating Personnel Training. (e) Paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(4), APPENDIX A TO PART 229—FORM FRA 6180– and (b)(2) through (b)(4) of § 229.141 do 49A [NOTE] not apply to ‘‘passenger equipment’’ as APPENDIX B TO PART 229—SCHEDULE OF CIVIL defined in § 238.5 of this chapter that is PENALTIES APPENDIX C TO PART 229—FRA LOCOMOTIVE placed in service for the first time on STANDARDS—CODE OF DEFECTS [NOTE] or after September 8, 2000, unless such APPENDIX D TO PART 229—CRITERIA FOR CER- equipment is excluded from the re- TIFICATION OF CRASHWORTHY EVENT RE- quirements of §§ 238.203 through 238.219, CORDER MEMORY MODULE and § 238.223 of this chapter by oper- APPENDIX E TO PART 229—PERFORMANCE CRI- ation of § 238.201(a)(2) of this chapter. TERIA FOR LOCOMOTIVE CRASHWORTHINESS APPENDIX F TO PART 229—RECOMMENDED [54 FR 33229, Aug. 14, 1989, as amended at 64 PRACTICES FOR DESIGN AND SAFETY ANAL- FR 25659, May 12, 1999] YSIS APPENDIX G TO PART 229 [RESERVED] § 229.4 Information collection. APPENDIX H TO PART 229—STATIC NOISE TEST PROTOCOLS—IN-CAB STATIC (a) The information collection re- quirements in this part have been re- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 20103, 20107, 20133, 20137–38, 20143, 20701–03, 21301–02, 21304; 28 viewed by the Office of Management U.S.C. 2401, note; and 49 CFR 1.49(c), (m). and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Public Law 96– SOURCE: 45 FR 21109, Mar. 31, 1980, unless 511, and have been assigned OMB con- otherwise noted. trol number 2130–0004. (b) The information collection re- Subpart A—General quirements are found in the following § 229.1 Scope. sections: §§ 229.9, 229.17, 229.21, 229.23, 229.25, 229.27, 229.29, 229.31, 229.33, 229.55, This part prescribes minimum Fed- 229.103, 229.105, 229.113, 229.121, 229.135, eral safety standards for all loco- and appendix H to part 229. motives except those propelled by steam power. [50 FR 6953, Feb. 19, 1985, as amended at 58 FR 36613, July 8, 1993; 71 FR 63136, Oct. 27, § 229.3 Applicability. 2006] (a) Except as provided in paragraphs § 229.5 Definitions. (b) through (e) of this section, this part applies to all standard gage railroads. As used in this part— (b) This part does not apply to: AAR means the Association of Amer- (1) A railroad that operates only on ican Railroads. track inside an installation which is Acceptable quality level (AQL). The not part of the general railroad system AQL is expressed in terms of percent of transportation; or defective or defects per 100 units. Lots 469 VerDate Mar<15>2010 22:01 Dec 09, 2012 Jkt 226220 PO 00000 Frm 00479 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 229.5 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–12 Edition) having a quality level equal to a speci- ject penetrating the vehicle during a fied AQL will be accepted approxi- collision. mately 95 percent of the time when Controlling locomotive means a loco- using the sampling plans prescribed for motive from where the operator con- that AQL. trols the traction and braking func- Alerter means a device or system in- tions of the locomotive or locomotive stalled in the locomotive cab to pro- consist, normally the lead locomotive. mote continuous, active locomotive en- Corner posts means structural mem- gineer attentiveness by monitoring se- bers located at the intersection of the lect locomotive engineer-induced con- front or rear surface with the side sur- trol activities. If fluctuation of a mon- face of a rail vehicle and which extend itored locomotive engineer-induced vertically from the underframe to the control activity is not detected within roof. a predetermined time, a sequence of Commuter service means the type of audible and visual alarms is activated railroad service described under the so as to progressively prompt a re- heading ‘‘Commuter Operations’’ in 49 sponse by the locomotive engineer. CFR part 209, Appendix A. Failure by the locomotive engineer to Commuter work train is a non-revenue institute a change of state in a mon- service train used in the administra- itored control, or acknowledge the tion and upkeep service of a commuter alerter alarm activity through a man- railroad. ual reset provision, results in a penalty Control cab locomotive means a loco- brake application that brings the loco- motive without propelling motors but motive or train to a stop. with one or more control stands. Anti-climbers means the parts at the Controlling remote distributed power lo- ends of adjoining rail vehicles in a comotive means the locomotive in a dis- train that are designed to engage when tributed power consist that receives subjected to large buff loads to prevent the coded signal from the lead loco- the override of one vehicle by another. motive consist of the train whether Assignment address means a unique commanded automatically by the dis- identifier of the RCL that insures that tributed power system or manually by only the OCU’s linked to a specific RCL the locomotive engineer.
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