THE NANAIMO FREE PRESS 40th YEAE NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1918. NUMBfiR 61 Hnvne IS mous TO END 1 milEPAYERSl] PERSiS BURQ: VnVEI! PROPOSE WIN TOI HE ASS'N REBUKE BOILDING COLUPSED INGCHiNElS rehree hundred vtoitors will be here Vancouver, June 12.—The Vancou ­ iea of securing an early return to tomorrow by Uio noon boat from ver Board of Trade baa oBlciaUy of ­ ork of the men now out on strike. .-nconver, June 13.—By the The Visit to Nanaimo yesterday g| Vancouver, Uieee being the Pioneera fered its services u mediator be­ The board operates under a federal Upee of a huilding an P«>dcr auoet of the Domia< of Sew Weaturiorter, and it in to be charter and is governed by a council T. Evans, Pourth Ave., Vivian Bd. hoped that weather conditlona will en the striking ifLoers on Vancou- eleven persons were buried. Six am folUngwood, West, bruieee. ‘“n Covemment. upo« a tear of of fifteen mombora elected annually, There in every In- Island and the mine owners, and • •Tlously injured, being recovered E. Leav, 4Sl, speetiou i#of ntfich importance to the and of this council the tweho reoei' i’ Assoeiation ll Pender Bt.. east, cute <llcntion or a fairer sky os we write, inications wore forwarded to ing the largest number of votes the poUce and firemen and W. P. *ty and also to the ehippmg inters and this ahouw ensure a pleasant Stockett, .Nanaimo, and K. tern the orUilration board of tiu meeting last I there were some eflorte areB being made to recover the . Ciotti, 480 Front Street, eUgfat a^'s outing for the visitors, who n, Cumberland, representing council, present tPtcluUlng the Chair- other five, Injuries to arms and logs. laimo under pleasant con- ne managements, and Frank .twelve A. Robinson, 848 Home St. South -rh» U an eg* of large eteanublpe . to the Farrington, representing the Intema- man. Oapt.lapt. Yalia m>d the «'e storey Blight cut to neck. the arrival of he Ehnpnass of Bos ................ Workers' Cn ;r, oei iWing In course of _______ A. Berle, addrees unknown, injuries ellght. ----------------------- - -------------- J»l*and the Niagara are but the forw S of thet Island coal, the bu- 2S3 Pender Street, east, was inspection of our guests and tbeaa Five of these ore In the hospital. vessels. In view luneBH Interesu of this city wore na ­ Minutes of la«t meeting i ere rea.l Barrett * Dean. The building will bo shown all the mementoes con- ^ action. thirty-five and forty persons , «>» the early opening of the Panama turally very anxious for a sotlle- was of mill construction and used os nectiBd with the interesting history of The board proposes to oiler the *r- mont. It was pointed out that nei­ and adopted on the r of Ji, _ . employed in the building wben Chnal we are pleased to endorse tno the city. At 1 o'clock it Is propos ­ vicea of its arbitration committee a storesto and rooming house. Amongst ther the mine workers nor operatora Jos. Piper, Becobded by Mr. J. Eo- It colUpeed. Andereon -iwork of our ed to hold on auto ride round towards settling the dispute or h^ suggeated ^ action, ................ the victima ore : in the b manoer. jar, ir. Harry .Anderson, towards the appointment of on arbi ­ the Board of Tade was a it suddenly settled and fell. II. Bheimerd in urging upon the Oov- cars are kindly invited to put these tration board to adjudicate all mat ­ by the desire for the welfare of this Others are stated to be buried .K, consummation of thetan. at the disposal of visitors so os to ters Involved In the dispute, with the The 8ccretni7| sUted that acting the ruins, amongst which the fi'-ce proposed with aU possi- make their trip in every was enjoy ­ under the instru^ons of the Assn. and others are diligently aearchi'tg in able. the hope of discovering ------ ble speed. May 2blh, he ba4 written the Coun ­ ■ yet alive. Nanainio'o claims to the axpendi ng cil inclosinglosing a resolutionrapolul asking that t public money for harbor works WELSH flUTPOINFS RAY HAVE ABSOLVED all worksrks of lo<^ in are baaed ppon the fact that thi. WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE caiTled CUuse 9 of port Is the premier export tonnagj mmsm FUNANBPATIER'.- port in the province, and wo feel sdre CAMPBELL IN BOUT MARCONI COMMIHEE not receivedreived a re^ tto the communl- that when this important work is AT CALGARY ------- - cation, but aU woro ■well' a- that the huthoriUee Vancouver, June 13.—Freddie Welsh Ixjndou, June 13.—'fhe Cabinet ware of the treat— „the Assodt- 011111)1)11116 OtUwa will t» strongly empowered AT BPERA HOUSE Ministers have absolved the Marconi tion bad reoei'Ivixi at the hands of -------- Calgary, AlU.. Juno 12.-rhe Cal- lightweight champion of the BrltUn " to allow enflScleot m<mey to be spent blame in connec- the Council ona t^t oceaMon.occasion. gary Trades and l,abor Council nas hinpite and aspirant for the world a Another excellent show is on at the,*® b**"* ctmUnuous- Uon with the scandals. 'lUe report allied itaeU with the Calgary Worn- clearly outpoint Kay Camp- ... Opera House this week. From start ly prosecuted until the harbor wlU to finish theres m an interesting and be able to berth and accomodate the an'. Bullrage League and will a.e hell of San Frm.ciaco at the Brig- lOUK^ DC SUCH ainerencej ujent weather interfered with house e i last night. lu influence and power t secure for eaxwv B. A. and tU,.'Newcastle Island trip but the Jo.v- f this city the compleu. -ntest went the llmit-«teen rds- ^rmtstercor^cTetl aa franchise, which at the present Urn.- Welsh Btepi«d the entire dUtanoe *•--* va .. to the sgricultural grounds, new and all of thorn following the Ip utgiog Nanaimo's claims that bo that HI. “Clip ^‘STor member on the program ■ • ■ not fail Sojwiu have the eameet support i appears to be within the latur'. -under wraps. ” to use a racing ex- iTacZT ,wcT the ffcgnity of his ppsi el "stT-* ” grasp. Not long ago the Council preseion, and the decision of referee * ______ „ _ ho in- conflict with their outy as minlstexu tioners would receive some helplul.tho city «t heart, .h. ate A....U.. of the crown. No evidence was glv- hinte If they followed out the msth- As a result of n eou^lil. In no wa> -McHae. Four Isdies appeared .n .g.:-, naJj a showing sny member of the Gov •oOb as shown on the screen. ............. o.. pon the team, and although uol in tig.ila staged 1 ectercised any influence in or- I'atheFathe's e weekly, showingMiowlng the awful by Mr. Bhsfte privileges with men as quickly as toe cleanest contest Council nor just y unfriend tion baseball uniform th.- Indies run havoc wrought by ttm OWo floods is McLachlan has prepared ^ procure the contract for tl.r necessary legal forms which must «• British ColumhU and the contest- . ly attitude sally worth seeing. j plans for the widening of the lortts was formed ,. *3 ti.o- Jack Flemming, the tramp musl-^and south channels to a width ot three in favor of the Ci I tom's E£“ :£ SE- “ — - the election the ! Followed a three-tegg»d solecUons on tho violin are also «d to a depth of30 feet allow wafer, ‘tSS-HBptter sUting that In order to to make it Interostlng for the large ^ '»«•Pt*' Mayor nnd ald< : and gentleman, ankles tit equally good. DeBols and Young Eventuallylt is proposed to mivs an,! ■ runners came in give thi Vomen the franchise. It was crowd of boxing enthusiasts, and ,, concerned in any the floor and and ^eck and the winners have fleallngs with shares of the Company s^«“!4r^w.ir\nL,;^‘‘ ^l«>e middle bank entirely, thumiuro- o amend the city «hile Welsh had a goodly margii the only dil- [ been dwWMJded .vet. Miss liudwr M.r son M? D^lae Creighton, of Vnacou-•®»*^h channqta u- In conclusion the report strongly con- and the — ball throwing a mark charter, which cannot be done with when the Itell sent the principals to , , ver, one of the directors of the Na-jto one large extensive basin wfa-»wlii ildn't iote. I hitting the bull's xo, a. an. a. lat tip couldn' Caldwell - - :7** ••*^ “"‘1 wrtj.,Co.. U3SCH3MlesseoB oiof ttojwill1^1 WlU DObe AOidable loto lumturn tnethe largest vea- re oiAtoo piespleased to|j;„i, ---------- I and------ rianta, (the <),wra House, is spending today in' .u Legislature. ; j ! , I Campbell fought back with a deter- those ret 'Ths II. A. t of these reoiiective thq city, guest of Mr. Fred. ShllUng- 1 „ “ perfect eolety. p for their circulation disA mattermatter* of in famiUes) won the wheel barrow Fearing that their iouae, which minaUon which gained him addition- . hear them and u-htee. ^ the^j «*»'*—* --------------- L. the ?lec- ‘ Then followed a race in which the nearly won. might Ian- al- friends. • terest to the findings are' report of gulah during the charter controversy. ttIEVOBLT®B fit only to knock'the B. A. who, tad Miss Kitty Johnston. A man's j-s<» 999 is imderstood that there are rolnort- supported him at the poll. Th.-yjwHh the fair ones, decorating the . wu *" toughest bof ^ ^7 reports os yet not published, men at tho first course, was next. had hoped to work along lines to their side and gained os Welsh has tdrt during his recent . I With»vivi*- thev»«; assislancotumj»i.cuice ofoi an ade|>t lady CANAL SHM ME DllOiVNEn IN COAL CTIKEK.
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