Compulsory Busing Rejected by Goy* Hughei SEE STORY BELOW Weather Clouding up this afternoon, high HOME in mid S6s. Chanc* of few show- THEDAW tri tonight, low in mid 4fc. Be- Red Bank, Freehold 7 coming fair tomorrow, Ugh In FINAL •' f Hi. Sunday's oatlock, mostly sun- ( Long Bwmdr J ny and MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 .-..':. i VOL 90, NO. 87 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE \ Garrison Regrets On Mideast Peace Proposal Yule Gifts Letter U.N. Accord Nearing FREEHOLD — Monmouth County Super- "As a member of the Board of Free- intendent of Schools Earl B. Garrison yes- holders," he concluded, "I humbly apologize UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. or withdrawal of Israeli troops council. He based this on the be- to 90 along the 107-mile Suez Ca- in Increasing the U.N. observer terday mailed out apologies to county busi- to our businessmen and the public." (AP) — A drafting team of the rom land they seized from lief that the Soviet Union, France nal and equip them with boats force if the Egyptian government also agrees. nessmen concerning a misinterpretation in Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin also U.N. Security Council was re- Egypt, Jordan and Syria in the and Bulgaria would go along with and helicopters. an earlier letter1, which solicited gifts for a said he did not favor this, adding that he ported near agreement today on jne war. the group thus making- a major- Although Tuesday's artillery One. Israeli source at the United 'county employes' annual Christmas party. believed Mr, Garrison made a mistake and a plan aimed at opening the way ity. This could be defeated only duel across the southern end oi The Danish draft, supported by Nations said Thant's plan would In his first letter to businessmen, Mr. is taking steps to correct it to. a permanent settlement of the by a veto-by one of the Western the canal wrecked two refineries he United States and Israel, make no difference because "it Garrison asked them to contribute toward Mr. Garrison said that this was the Arab-Israeli conflict. powers, and such a move was in Sue; _ ch produce about would merely give general in- all depends on the will toward Hie event. His letter, however, concluded , first time he had to handle a gift solicita- The 10 nonpermanent members tructions to the. representative. considered unlikely. three-fouri of Egypt's petrole- peace on the part of the parties with, "If our little plan doesn't succeed tion program. He thought it woud be less of the 15-nation council were to The Latin American proposal U.N. Secretary-General U um products, an Egyptian gov- concerned." But an Israeli For- BEWARE!! ! " embarrassing for the merchants if they put the final touches to a pro- resembles that of India, calling Thant meanwhile sought sup- ernment spokesman said no re- Merchants, however, didn't take this didn't want to contribute to simply throw posal to send a special U.N. rep- or Israeli withdrawal from "po- port lor his plan to increase the eign Ministry spokesman in Tel taliation is planned against Is- phrase as Mr. Garrison had Intended. Re- the letter away rather th,an be approached' resentative to the Middle East. itions occupied by it as a re number of observers from 43 Aviv said he saw no difficulty rael. ' ports indicate that a large number of them in a door-to-door solicitation campaign. The drafting team consists of suit" of the war. six of the 10 elected council were outraged. "It backfired," he said. "Perhaps I The Indian draft reported- don't know people as well as I thought I members—India, Argentina, Bra- BEDELL'S STAND zil, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Mali. ly calls for peace on the basis of did." espect for the rights of . all Democratic Freeholder Eugene J. fiedell Delegates predicted that the declared that he had no part in this pro- That last sentence was a gimmick, he tates to security and indepen- Bedell Urges County full 10-member group would firm cedure, adding that "tills conveys to the said, a humorous gimmick. He intended it up a resolution in time for the dence and an end to the Arab public and the business community a politi- to suggest that if this method didn't work, council to act on it next week. tate of belligerency toward Is- cal shakedown. the former approach of asking for donations The drafting/ committee has •ael. "I wish to make it perfectly clear that would have to be implemented, he said. been going over rival plans sub- It would also specify the need Employ a Manager I had no prior knowledge of this, nor do I "I take, full responsibility for the letter," mitted by India, Denmark and 'or free navigation through inter- condone it. If the county can't provide a he said. Latin America. ational waterways and settle- FREEHOLD — Democratic moded governmental form." icials, he said. His duties should Christmas party for its own employes'at One department, selected at random, is The Indian plan,, favored by ment of refugee problems. Freeholder Eugene J. Bedell The freeholder said that coun- « limited to carrying out the their own expense, much the same as a pri- host for the annual Christmas party, this the Soviet bloc and the Arabs, U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. yesterday suggested that a full ty government was the most loHcies and decisions formulated vate industry does, perhaps it would be year to be held Dec. 8. Gifts usually are would give the U.N. representa- Goldberg canceled an appearance time county manager be ap- rapidly growing level of gov- / the freeholders, he said. better to forget the whole thing. donated by some merchants for door prizes. tive specific instructions to call efore the Senate Foreign Rela- pointed to correct the present ernment. He suggested that a "I would hope. for the creaV tions Committee on Viet- county governmental structure home rule county compact or ion of an elected county may- am scheduled for yesterday which is inadequate to cope charter be drawn to streamline he said, "as the chief et- when he learned that thhe drafterdf s with today's increasingly com- county governmental structure cutive. The current method of were on the brink of agreement. plex problems. and operations. electing the director at the an- South Vlets Slay 134 Foes A U.S. spokesman said the Mr. Bedeh said that freehold- Mr. Bedell said he Is not en- lual reorganization meeting is chief U.S. delegate would arrange ers in Monmouth County and thusiastic about the manager ome 350 years old. :r- to appear before the Washington elsewhere in the state are often form provided for municipalities Since the national govern- committee "as soon as the cur- stymied by laws regulated by the under the Faulkner Act. He said ment has a: president, the state rent consultations and meetings state instead of the county. that there were too many ex- governor and the municipality are concluded." "The changing character ot amples where this method has mayor, it logically follows that Final decision on a Middle East our county," he said, "as a re- provided to be a handicap rather :ounty government should also Suicide Charges plan rests with the big powers. sult of increasing urbanization than an asset. lave an, elected chief executive." But one delegate predicted that brings more demands for a te- The - county manager should Mr. Bedell also suggested that SAIGON (AP) - A Wh Viet- and all three pilots were missing. the Soviet news agency, indicated Cain Jr., the U.S. Navy com- any plan approved by the pix gionalization. We can't rise to not become an autonomous en- number of committees and de- namese infantry battalion hurled This brought U.S. losses in the that Hanoi was hit again. A Tass mander in chief in Europe, and drafting nations would pass th the occasion shackled by ad out- tity subordinating the elected of- partments under county Jurisdic- .back three suicidal charges .by past three days to 10 planes dispatch from the North Viet- the grandson of one of the Na- tion be revised and greater con- a North Vietnamese regiment to- and raised to 717 the total of namese capital said that "accord- vy's greatest carrier task force trol placed over them. He men- day and reported 134 of the en- U.S. combat planes officially re- ing to preliminary data," anti- commanders in World War II, tioned the Welfare Board and emy killed in a jungle clearing ported lost over Norm Vietnam. aircraft Units shot down six U.S. Adm. McCain said at his head- Marlboro Critic Bids Mayor, Parks Commission, which, he 70 miles north of Saigon. American pilots reported shoot- planes today "over Hanoi and its quarters in London he had been said, are presently «utonomoa». The action' near Phoc Binh, ing down twomore,enemy MIGs lt" notified his son was missing over He said that feg«*Uoo «o«*Nf capital of Phuoc Long Province, during raids on Hanoi yesterday, Admiral's' Son Missing North Vietnam. In 1948 authorizes any county,to was the biggest grown! battle in bringing their score to 24 Com- Hanoi's official Vietnam News Hanoi said McCain was hit it Councilman Quit, Stop Race petition the state legislature for a week dominated by intense U.S. munist jets reported destroyed or Agency said one of "the many the leg when his Phantom jel jpecial, charter setting forth air raids on North Vietnam.
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