U. N. Group of Experts on Geographical Names .List of The

U. N. Group of Experts on Geographical Names .List of The

u. N. Group of Experts on Geographical Names .List of the most'important Polish exonyma for Europe /without USSR/ submitted ,by J. KONDRACKI and M. SZYMOZAK Introduction The selective list of Polish exonyms submitted to the UNGEGN has been worked out in accordance with the recomm.rendations of the United Nations of 1972 and 1977. By "exonym" tho United Nations understand a geographical name: 1/ used in a certaul language for a geographical object situated outside the area whe~e the given language has official status, "2/ which deviates in ita form from the name used in the official language, or languages, of the area where the gengraphi~al object is situated. According to Resolution 19, Athens ~977, the following categories of exonyms are excluded from the list: Names that differ from the official names" only by omission. addition, or modification of diacritical signa o~ ihe article; w nanlea which differ from the official names only by flexion or derivation; names which differ only by translatiollof the generic element of the name. 'l'he names of the continents and oceans are not :ucluded in the list. According to the selectivl=J cbaracter ot' the list a. great mUlIbar of current axonyms other than those excluded under the fibove-mentloned re::'-tl.'ictionf:3 has been left out. 3 Short name Official name capital Albania f.-niil Ludowa Socjalistyczna Tirana I-nyl AL Republika Albanii Shqip~ria Republika PopulIore Tiranl:! Socialiste e Shqipl!ris~ Andora I-ryl Doliny Andory Andora I-ryl AND Andorra Valls d'Andorra Andorra Ia Vella Les Val1ees d'Andorre Andorre-Ia-Vieille Principaao de Andorra Andorra la Vieja tHlstl'ia I-riil Repub1ika Austrii Wieden I-dnla! A Osterreich Hepublik esterreich \Vien Belgia I-giil Kr6lestwo Belgii Brukse1a /-111 B Bel@;ique Royawn0 de Belgique Bruxelles Belgil! Koninkrijk Belgi~ Brussel Dul['5rlria I-riil Bulgarska Republika Ludowa Sofia I-fiil BG B,'1 1garija Narodna HepulJlika Bylgarija So!'ija Czechoslowacja I-ojil Czechoslowacka I1eyublilca Praga. I-gil os Soc j alistyezna i~es1co81ovensko d0skoslovell:3ka ,:iocialistycka Praha RepuLlilm Dania I-niil l\opeuhaga DK DaUIIJark Kon~seriget DUllIllack }(¢bunhavn Finlandia I-diil HopuLlika Fil1ska Helsinki I;~nt;:k:/ SF dUOUli oUOmdtl 'l'ssavull;a lle113inki Finland Ikj s iIlgt01'13 Francja I-cjjj Ecpublika Hrancunka h:lL'y:Z /-20.1 Ii' France He~ubli4u~ Fran~aiBe l'uril;i 4 Short name Official name Capital Grecja I-cjil Republika GrecjL Ateny IAtenl GR Ellada Elliniki Dimokratia Athine Hiszpania I-niil Madryt I-tu/ E Espana lell Reino de Espana Madrid Holandia I-diil Kr6lestwo Holandii NL Nederland Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Amsterdam I-ul Irlandia I-diil Republika Irlandzka Dublin I-ul IRL rtire Saorstat Eireann Baile Atha Cl±ath Islandia I-diil Republika Islandzka IS Island Lydhveldidh lsland Reykjavlk I-ul ,Tugoslawia I-wiil Jugoslolflianska Fe<ienaeyjna Belgrad I-ul YU Republika Socjalistyczna Jugoslavija Socijalisticka Federativna Beograd Republika Jugoslavija Liechtenstein Ksi~8twO Liechtenstein Ftirstentum Liechtenstein Vaduz 1"L Luksemburg I-al Wielkie Ksi~stwo Luksemburga Lukselllburg L Luxembourg Grand-Duche de LLL"{embourg Luxembourg LLL"{€lliburg Gros sherzoe;tulU Luxemburg Luxemburg Malta I-tyl Republika Maltanska Republika ta I ~.Ial ta Valletta I-tyl Republic at b:alta Monako hsi\lstwo Monako Monako Me Monaco Princlpaut~ de Monaco Monaco NHD Nieruiecka Hepublika Demokratyczna Deutsche Demokratische Berlin I-a! DDH Re.publik Norwt::gia 1-15111 Kr61estwo Nor-wagii N 1'1 0 1:ge KongerH:et Norge Oalo Polska I-ki! Polska Hzeczpospolita Ludowa Warszo..Wd /-wy/ PL \ \ 5 Short name Official name capital Portugalia I-liil Republika Portugalska Lizbona I-DJI P Portugal Republica.Portugu~sa Llsboa RD .. RepU9lika Federalna Niemiec Bonn D BRD Bundesrepublik Deutschland Rumunia I-niil Rmnunska.Republika Bukareszt I-ul R \I .Socjaliatyczna !.Rom~ia Republica oocialiata Bucureliti Romania . san Marino Republika san larino San Marino Repubblica di San Marino ozwajcaria I-riil Konfederacja Szwajcarska Berno I-nal CH Schweiz Schweizerische Eidgenoasenschaft Bern tluisse CoDrederation Suisse Berne Svizzera Uontederazione Svizzera tlerna ovizera Confederazium bvizera Szwecja I:-cjil Kr6leatwo Szwecji Sztokholm I-ul S Sverige Konungariket Sverige Stockholm Watykan I-ul Panstwo Watykanakie , . Vaticano Stato della uitta del Vaticano v W~gry IW~gierl W~gier6ka Hepublika Ludowa Bud~peszt/-u/H Magyaroszag Magyar ~epk~ztarsasag Budapest Wielk;a Br;ytania Zjednoczone Kr6lestwo Wielkiej Londyn I-ul GB /-kieJ -niil ( Brytanii i P61nocnej Irlandii Great Britain United Kingdom o~ Great Britain London United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Wlochy /Wlochl Republika Wloska Rzym I-ul I Italia Ilal Repubbliea Italiana Roma l Zwi~zek Radziecki Zwi~zek Socjalistycznych ZSRR RepublikRadzieckichMoskwa /-wyl SU Sovietskij SOJuz Sojuz Sovietskich Socyaliaticzeskich BSSR Riespublik LIST OF EXONYMS kind of exonym object official name state Adrianopol I-a/ town Edirne .TR Adriatyckie, Morze sea Mare Adriatico I . /-kiego, -rza! Jadranako More YU Det Adriatik AL Adyga I-gi/ X'iver ·£'dige I Akwitanski, Basen region Bassin Aquitain. F I-kiego, -nul • Akwizgran I-ul town Aachen D adm. Alandzkie, Morze sea Alands" Hav S / -kiego, .-rza/ Ahvenan Meri SF .. Alandzkie, Wyspy islands Aland S /-kich, Wysp/ Ahvenanmaa SF Alpy IAlp/ mountains Alpes F Alpi I Alpen A, D Alpe YU Apeniny I-now/ mountains Appennino I Apeninski, P61wysep peninsula Penisola Appennini I I-kiego, -wyspuj Apulia I-lii/, region Puglia I Aragonia /-nii/ region Aragon E Ardeny /-nOw/ mountains Ardennes }i' Argolida /-dy/ region Argol:!s GR· Argolidzka, Nizina plain Argonavpliak! Pediada GH /~kiej, -ny/ Argolidzka, Zatoka bay Argolikos Kolpos GR /-kiej, -kil 7 .,I.' kind 01' exonym o,bject ot'ficial name state Arnisa, Jezioro lake Wegoritis GR I-sy, -ral Arty, Zatoka bay Amwrakikos Kolpos GR I-kil Asyz, I-u/ . town Assisi I Asturia I-riil region Asturias E Ateny /Aten/ town ~thine /Athenail GR Atty~a I -kil region Atik! GR Aw1nion I-u/ town Avignon F Azory /-r6wl islands Arqutpelago des Agores P B· Badenia I-niil region Baden D Badenia-Wirtembergia adm. iladen-WUrttemberg D I-nii Jgiil Bale~ry l-r6wl islands Islas Baleares Balkany l-n6w/ mountains Stara Planina BG Baltyk /-ul sea It!! Meri SF Baltyckie, Morze Ostsee D /-kiego. -rzal . ~sters~en DK ~stersjtln S Baskonia /-niil region Vascongadas E Bawaria I-riil adm. Bayern D Bawarska, Wyzyna plateau Bayerische Hochebene D /-kiej, -ny/ 8 kind ot' exonym object tlfficial name state Bazylea I-leil town Basel OR Bale ~i Bas:L+eaI Belgrad r-ul town Beograd YU Belt Fehmarn strait Ferner B~t DK I-ul Fehmarnbelt D Belt Langelandzki strait Langelanda~t D I-u I-kiego/ Beocja/-cjil region Wiot!a GR Berno I~nal town Bern OH adm. Berne Berna Beskidy l-d6wl mountains Beskydy CS.PL Betyckie. G6ry moun~ains Sistemas Beticos E - !-kich. G6rl -, Bihorskie. G6ry mountains Bihor R I-kich. G6rl Biskajska. Zatoka golf Golt'o de Vizcaya E I-kiej. -kil Blot\nf:l,-Jezioro /Balatonl lake .Balaton H I-nego, -ral I-ul Bodenakie. Jezioro lake Bodensee CH, D I-kiego. -ral Bolonia I-niil town Bologue I Bosnia i Hercegowina adm. Boana-Hercegovina" YU I-nil I-nyl Pohjanlanti SF B-ottenviken S 9 , - kind ot'. exonym object official name state Bosfor I-ul strait Bogazici listambul Bogaz~/ TR . Brabancja I-cjil adm. Brabant B BrandenbUrgia/-giil regi~n Brandenburg DDR Bra~zowskiet G6ry mountains Mun~ii Btrsei R Bratyslawa I-wyl town Bratislava OS Bregencja I-cjil " town Bregenz A Brema I-myl town Bremen D adm. Brenerska, Przel~cz pass Passo del Brennero I I-kiej t. -czyl Brenner A ':Brugia I-giil town Brugge B Bruges Bruksela I-Iii tbwn· Bruxellea B Brussel Brunszwik I.,.u! town Braunschweig D ~ . adm. Brytyjskie. Wyspy islands The British Isles GB : I-kich. Wyspl Bryzgowia I-wiil region Breisgau D BUdapeszt I-ul town Budapest .H Budziszyn I-al town Baut·zen DDR BUdyain Bukareszt I-ul town Bucure~'ti R Bukowe t G6ry mountains· BUkk H I-wych, Gorl 10 - kind of exonym object official name state Burbo~la I-niil region Bourbonnais F Burg\lD.dia I-diil region Bourgogne F -o , Cecora l-rll town 'l'u~ora R Celowiee I-wca/ town Klagenfurt A Celovec Celowieek.a. Kotlina basin Klagenf'urter Becken A /-kiej, ' -nyl Cetynia I-nii/ town Cetinje YU Chalcydycki, P61wysep leninsula Chalkidik! , GR /-kiego, -wyspu Chociebuz /-zal town Cottbus DDR adm. Ohorwacja /-cjil adm. Hrvataka YU Cieplice /-plic/ town Teplice ,OS' Cisa I;;'sy/ river Tisa R, YU, au Tisza H Cyklady I-lad/ islands Kiklades GR Czarnog6ra /-ry/ adm. Crna Gora YU Czarne, Morze ' sea ~erno More EG /-nego, -rza/' Kara Deniz TR Marea Neagrl1 R ~ornoje More SU Czerwiszcze I-cza/ town Zerbst DDR Czeski Cieszyn town Ceskj Tesin CS /-kieg~ -al v Czeskie BUdziejowice town deske Budejovice OS I-kich -wie/ , . Czterech Kanton6w, Jeziorolake Vierwald8t~tter See OH , I-raj Lac des Quatre Cantons f} Czukaskie, G6ry I mountains Ciue R . /-ki~ G6r/ 11 kind 01: object official name state Dalmacja I-cjil region Da1macija YU v D3.rdane1e 1-1il lJtra.it Canakka1e Bogazi TR Debreczyn I-nal town Debrecen H ~ De1finat I-ul relSion Dauphine F v Dobrudza I-dzyl region Dobrudza BG Dobrogea R Dodekanez I-ul . islands Dodekckisos liR Dojran I-ul . lake Dojransko ezero YU Do1na Austria adm. Niedertlsterreich A I-nej -riil Dolna Saksonia adm. Niedersachsen D 'I-nej -niil Drawa I -vryI river .lJrau A Dra:va H Drava YU Drezno I-nal town Dresden DDR adm. Drinska, ~a toka bay Gji i .lJrinit AL I-kiej -kil Dunaj I-ul river Donau A uuna H Dun~j OS Dunar&a n Dunav Y1J Dunkierka I-kil town Dun..kcrque F Dyja }jil river Dyje OS T'haya tU D;;mar'skie, G6ry ILcuntains JJinara .flanina Y1J /-kich, G6rl Ed,)'LtU.rg I-ul town Idinbtu'gh GB r:!'eska.

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