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J.Glucker, Antiochus and the Late Academy, Journal of Roman Studies 71, 205-206 [77] rev. varia, Greece and Rome 28, 12-14 [78] Editor’s Notes, Phronesis 26, 1; 88-90; 181-186; 319-322 5 1982 [79] Aristotle (OUP, Oxford) [80] ‘The Just War’, in N.Kretzmann, A.Kenny, J.Pinborg (edd), The Cambridge History of Later Mediaeval Philosophy (CUP, Cambridge) [81] ‘Medicine Experience and Logic’, in [86] [82] ‘Introduction’ to [86] [83] ‘The Beliefs of a Pyrrhonist’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 28, 1-28 [84] (as O.Testudo) ‘Space for Zeno’, Deucalion 33/34, 131-145 [85] ‘Sheep have four legs’, in Procedings of the World Congress on Aristotle III (Ministry of Culture and Science, Athens) [86] ed (with J.Brunschwig, M.F.Burnyeat, M.Schofield) Science and Speculation (CUP, Cambridge) [87] rev. C.H.Kahn, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus, Mind 91, 121-124 [88] rev. M.R.Wright, Empedocles: the extant Fragments, Classical Review 32, 191-196 [89] rev. varia, Greece and Rome 29 [90] Editor’s Notes, Phronesis 27, 107; 202-205; 306 [90a] 2nd edition of [52] [90b] Greek translation of [84], Deucalion 33/34, 147-163 1983 [91] ‘Terms and Sentences’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 69, 279-326 [92] ‘Ancient Scepticism and Causation’, in M.F.Burnyeat (ed), The Skeptical Tradition (U California Press, Berkeley) [93] ‘Immaterial Causes’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 1, 169-192 [94] ‘Aphorism and Argument’ in K.Robb (ed), Language and Thought in Early Greek Philosophy (Monist Library of Philosophy, La Salle, Ill.) [95] (as M.R.Stopper) ‘Schizzi Pirroniani’, Phronesis 28, 265-297 [96] rev. B.Cassin, Si Parménide, Classical Review 33, 66-67 [97] rev. A.R.Trejo (ed), Galeno: Iniciacion a la Dialectica, Classical Review 33, 336-337 [98] rev. P.Pellegrin, La classification des animaux chez Aristote, Classical Review 33, 334-335 [99] rev. varia Greece and Rome [100] Editor’s Notes, Phronesis 28, 104-112; 212; 307-311 [100a] reprint of [83], Elenchos 4, 5-43 6 [100b] Italian translation of [79] (dal Oglio, Milan) 1984 [101] ‘Cicero’s de fato and a Greek Source’, in P.Oliva and A.Frolikova (edd), Concilium Eirene XVI vol I (Prague) [102] ‘Reason and Necessity in Leucippus’, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Democritus (Xanthi) [103] ed, The Complete Works of Aristotle (Princeton UP, Princeton) [104] rev. G.E.R.Lloyd, Science Folklore and Ideology, London Review of Books (February 16-29), 9 [105] rev. H.D.Rankin, Sophists Socratics and Cynics, Joint Association of Classical Teachers Bulletin 64, xxv-xxvi [106] rev. M.Boylan, Method and Practice in Aristotle’s Biology, Classical Review 34, 55-57 [107] rev. R.Sorabji, Time Creation and the Continuum, Times Literary Supplement 4234 (May 25), 587 [108] rev. 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D.J.Furley and J.S.Wilkie, Galen: on Respiration and the Arteries, Times Literary Supplement 4257 (November 2), 1264 [111] Editor’s Notes, Phronesis 29, 100-103; 188-192; 333-334 1985 [112] (with J.Annas) The Modes of Scepticism (CUP, Cambridge) [113] ‘Cicero’s de fato and a Greek Source’, in J.Brunschwig, C.Imbert and J.Roger (edd), Histoire et Structure: à la mémoire de Victor Goldschmidt (Vrin, Paris) [114] (as H.Maconi) ‘Late Greek Syllogistic’, Phronesis 30, 92-98 [115] ‘Theophrastus and Hypothetical Syllogistic’, in J.Wiesner (ed), Aristoteles Werk und Wirkung - Paul Moraux gewidmet (de Gruyter, Berlin) [116] ‘Uma terceira especie de silogismo: Galeno e a logica das relacoes’, Analise 2, 35-61 [117] ‘Aristotelian Arithmetic’, Revue de la philosophie ancienne 3, 97-133 [118] ‘PIQANA SUNHMMENA’, Elenchos 6, 455-467 [119] rev.
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