GEF Portal Climate change adaptation and livelihoods in three arid regions of Mauritania Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10103 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund LDCF Project Title Climate change adaptation and livelihoods in three arid regions of Mauritania Countries Mauritania, Agency(ies) UNEP, Other Executing Partner(s): Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Climate Change Taxonomy Focal Areas, Climate Change, Climate Change Adaptation, Adaptation Tech Transfer, National Adaptation Programme of Action, Complementarity, Sea- level rise, Livelihoods, Climate resilience, National Adaptation Plan, Small Island Developing States, Disaster risk management, Least Developed Countries, Innovation, Private sector, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Community-based adaptation, Climate finance, Climate information, Influencing models, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Stakeholders, Beneficiaries, Local Communities, Gender Equality, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender-sensitive indicators, Gender results areas, Capacity Development, Access and control over natural resources, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge Generation, Workshop, Seminar, Master Classes, Training, Course, Professional Development, Climate Finance (Rio Markers), Climate Change Adaptation 2, Climate Change Mitigation 0, Mainstreaming adaptation, Participation and leadership Duration 48 In Months Agency Fee($) 419,540 Submission Date 10/4/2018 A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) CCA-1 LDCF 2,816,210 3,250,000 CCA-3 LDCF 1,600,000 13,000,000 Total Project Cost ($) 4,416,210 16,250,000 B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective To increase the adaptive capacity of rural communities in the wilayas of Adrar, Inchiri and Trarza. Project Financing Project Project Outputs Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Outcomes Component Technical Outcome 1: Output 1.1: ClimateLDCF 700,000 3,000,000 1: Assistance change vulnerability Institutional Increased assessments capacity technical and undertaken and development institutional adaptation options for planning capacity for identified for and climate change the wilayas of Adrar, implementin adaptation – Inchiri and Trarza. g climate particularly EbA change – in arid adaptation in ecosystems arid Output ecosystems 1.2: Institutional of capacity-building, Mauritania. including training, provided for DREDD and CNOEZA in each of the target wilayas. Output 1.3: Revisions to local development plans to integrate climate change adaptation proposed Project Financing Project Project Outputs Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Outcomes for each of the target wilayas. Output 1.4: Upscaling strategy for EbA in arid ecosystems of Mauritania developed. Component Investment Outcome 2: Output LDCF 2,955,915 10,000,000 2: Resilience 2.1: Community to climate Increased -level climate change in the resilience of action plans three target local developed, with wilayas. communities and a specific focus ecosystems in on gender. the wilayas of Adrar, Inchiri and Trarza to the Output effects of climate 2.2: Local change, communities including and Associations drought and for the desertification. Management of Natural Resources (AGL Cs) trained on Project Financing Project Project Outputs Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Outcomes the implementation of EbA. Output 2.3: Improved water management interventions implemented to increase resilience to climate change in the three target wilayas. Output 2.4: EbA interventions implemented to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems in the three target wilayas to the effects of drought, Project Financing Project Project Outputs Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Outcomes desertification and dune migration. Output 2.5: Additional natural resource- based livelihoods introduced, with a specific focus on the upliftment of local women. Component Technical Strengthened LDCF 550,000 2,000,000 3: Assistance knowledge on Output 3.1: Knowledge climate change Policy-relevant on climate adaptation – research findings change and particularly EbA published based EbA in arid – in arid on monitoring of ecosystems. ecosystems. adaptation results generated under Component 2. Output 3.2: EbA handbooks developed and shared with local implementation Project Financing Project Project Outputs Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Outcomes structures across the three target wilayas. Output 3.3: Knowledge- sharing events on climate change adaptation – including EbA implementation and best practices – conducted in non-target communities within the wilayas of Adrar, Inchiri and Trarza. Output 3.4: Climate information centres and demonstration sites established at focal water points – including oases and well points – Project Financing Project Project Outputs Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Outcomes to promote information sharing, particularly for nomadic pastoralists. Sub Total ($) 4,205,915 15,000,000 Project Management Cost (PMC) LDCF 210,295 1,250,000 Total Project Cost ($) 4,416,210 16,250,000 For multi-trust fund projects, provide the total amount of PMC in Table B and indicate the list of PMC among the different trust funds here: C. Indicative sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Co- Name of Co-financier Type of Co- Investment Amount($) financing financing Mobilized Government Government of Mauritania In-kind 500,000 Government Government of Mauritania Grant 500,000 Donor Agency World Bank Grant 13,500,000 Private Sector Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM) Grant 500,000 Donor Agency Japan International Cooperation Agency Grant 1,250,000 (JICA) Total Project Cost($) 16,250,000 Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified N/A D. Indicative Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), Focal Area and the Programming of Funds Agency Trust Fund Country Focal Area Programming of Funds Amount($) Fee($) UNEP LDCF Climate Change 4,416,210 419,540 Total Project Cost($) 4,416,210 419,540 E. Project Preparation Grant (PPG) PPG Amount ($) 150,000 PPG Agency Fee ($) 14,250 Agency Trust Country Focal Area Programming of Amount($) Fee($) Fund Funds UNEP LDCF Climate 150,000 14,250 Change Total Project Costs($) 150,000 14,250 Core Indicators Provide additional explanation on targets, other methodologies used, and other focal area specifics (i.e., Aichi targets in BD) including justification where core indicator targets are not provided Core Indicator Expected (at PIF) Number of direct beneficiaries M: 1,300 F: 2,200 Total: 3,500 Number of hectares of land under climate-resilient management 1,300 hectares Number of policies, plans and development frameworks that mainstream climate resilience 3 local development plans (1 in each target wilaya); 1 national plan for development of arid regions Number of people with enhanced capacity to identify climate risk and/or engage in adaptation measures M: 180 F: 220 Total: 400 Part II. Project Justification 1a. Project Description Briefly Describe a. The global environmental and/or adaptation problems, root causes and barriers that need to be addressed; b. The baseline scenario or any associated baseline Programs; c. The proposed alternative scenario with a brief description of expected outcomes and components of the Program; d. alignmenet with GEF Focal Area and/or Impact Program Strategies e. Incremental/additional cost reasoning and expected contributions from the baseline, the GEFTF, LDCF, SCCF, CBIT and co-financing; f. global environmental benefits (GEFTF) and/or adaptation benefits (LDCF/SCCF); and g. Innovation, sustainability and potential for scaling up. A1.1. The project problem, root causes and barriers that need to be addressed Mauritania is a least developed country (LDC) with a population of ~4.3 million people[1] and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$ 4.6 billion[2]. Economic growth in the country is dependent on natural resources, with the mining and agricultural sectors accounting for 38% and 20% of the GDP, respectively[3]. Recent economic growth – 3.1% in 2016[4] – can be attributed primarily to development in the mining sector, which includes copper and gold mines in the wilaya[5] of Inchiri. Despite this recent economic growth, more than 40% of the population of Mauritania live in poverty, with the majority (~70%) of these people living in rural areas. The communities located in these rural areas rely on rainfall-dependent, natural resource-based livelihoods including agriculture and pastoralism. The majority of Mauritania (77%) is considered arid or semi-arid. Land suitable for agriculture and pastoralism covers 397,110 km2 (39%), while irrigated land covers only 2,500 km2 (<1%) of the country’s 1.03 million km2.[6] The north of the country, including the wilayas of Adrar, Inchiri and Trarza, is more arid than the south and is dominated by Sahelian and Saharian desert ecoregions. Because of the particularly arid conditions, farmers and pastoralists living in these three northern wilayas – approximately 10% of the national population – are strongly reliant upon ecosystem goods (e.g. fodder) and services (e.g. groundwater recharge) for their livelihoods. Extreme poverty and a rapidly growing population[7](particularly around the urban areas of Trarza) have, however, led to considerable degradation of the local ecosystems, a phenomenon aggravated
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