Fairmilehead Community Council Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 4 March 2014 in Fairmilehead Parish Church Present: Dennis Williams (Chair); Norman Tinlin (Secretary); Colin Anderson; Johanna Carrie; Barbara Dick (Buckstone Association); Alison Elfick; Carol Lonie (Buckstone Youth); Tom Strathdee Ex-Officio: Councillors Aitken & Lewis In Attendance: WPC Suzie Sandbach 14 members of the public Apologies: Sandy Macpherson; Fiona Simon; Councillor Rust; Ian Murray MP; PC Kenny Welsh 1. Police Report WPC Suzie Sandbach introduced herself and then gave the following report: In the period between 4h February 2014 and 4 March 2014, 77 calls were made to police for the Fairmilehead / Swanston area. 8 of these calls were intruder alarms, which turned out to be false alarms. There has been one domestic incident reported in this time along with 7 break-ins (including attempts). 4 of these have been solved with enquiries continuing into the remaining three. 5 offences of vandalism were recorded, 1 assault and 2 Breaches of the Peace were recorded. 6 vehicles were damaged in Swanston Avenue over the course of one evening. These crimes remain unsolved with all possible lines of enquiry completed. A total of 25 crimes were recorded from the 77 calls. On 18/02/2014 a prolific housebreaker was arrested in the Swanston Park area after a vigilant member of the public witnessed him trying car and garage doors. Arrested and seven crimes libelled against male with enquiries ongoing regarding other offences. Crimes of Note: 6 February 2014 Youth reported to have fired a pellet at a bedroom window of a house in East Caiystane – No damage 18 February A garage entered in Queen Margaret Close. Suspect disturbed by neighbour and made off on foot. No property stolen. 23 February Rear window forced in house in Buckstone Lea. Jewellery to value of £1000 stolen. Enquiries ongoing. 4 March 3 reports of vehicle crime. 2 thefts from motor vehicles and one attempt theft of motor vehicle (keys left in the door) The police at Oxgangs can be contacted by telephoning the new national non-emergency number 101 or be e-mail at [email protected]. In an emergency they can be contacted by dialing 999. 2. Minute Of Meeting Held On 4 February 2014 These were approved by the meeting. 1 3. Matters Arising: a) Scottish Water Site Proposals The Secretary informed the meeting that Condition 11 relating to the proposed play equipment had been discharged. CALA had also paid over £19,715.80 to the Council for the upgrade of the Buckstone Circle Play Area. This was not a condition of the planning permission. b) HRA Land at Oxgangs The Secretary gave a brief update on the current situation. The successful bidder had still not been made public but the consultation on the HRA land aspect had been extended to the end of February. He had received a response to his FOI request regarding the procedures to dispose of HRA land or property. The procedure depends on the size of the land, either greater or less than 150 square meters. The other request form information on the proposals to sell the land was refused under the provisions of the legislation as a report is expected to be heard at the Economy Committee on 29 April 2014. c) Complaint re wheelchair access Councillor Aitken reported that a walkabout with a member of the local roads team and the complainer was being arranged to highlight the problems. 4. Correspondence a) Tryst Patch and Quilt Group – Spring show and fundraiser, 28 and 29 March at the Pentland Community Centre b) CEC Traffic Orders – Proposals for double yellow lines at Buckstone Terrace/Waterfield Road; Frogston Road West at Queen Margaret Close and Pentland Terrace. Also amendments to restrictions in High Buckstone. c) Police Scotland - Details of Public Counter Provision. Note - Oxgangs now closed. Nearest available counters are at Wester Hailes or Howdenhall. Full details and opening times can be found on the Police Scotland website. d) Licensing Department – Liquor licenses for March Board (None in area) e) CEC – Press release re council budget f) Network Rail – Invitation to community engagement event, 28 March 2014. g) Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland- Advance notice of upcoming review on councillor numbers. h) Trading Standards – Posters and information on doorstep crime (Poster on notice board) i) SPOKES – Magazine for Spring 2014 j) Friends of the Pentlands – Invite to AGM and receipt for membership fee. 5. Councillors’ and MSP Reports Councillor Aitken Councillor Aitken distributed copies of her report. • Boroughmuir High School The plans for the new school are available on the Planning portal for comment. The parents’ new school subgroup has submitted comments, mainly about parking issues. • Buckstone Primary I had a meeting with a representative from Food for Life which is running a pilot project in Currie HS and Buckstone PS. This encourages school catering to use locally sourced, seasonal food in healthy dishes. Both schools have achieved the Bronze Catering Mark and are now going for Silver and Gold. • Pentland Primary School A problem with litter being blown on to surrounding paths was brought to my attention. This has now been resolve. I will be having a meeting with the Facilities Manager to discuss the report by Scottish Agriculture College on the drainage in the playing field. 2 At the Education, Children & Families Committee today, we considered a report on the accommodation pressures on primary schools which included Pentland PS. I have sent a copy of the report to the Head Teacher and will discuss it with her next week. • Braid Road Following an accident on 14th November, an audit of vehicles and pedestrians will be carried out later this month. • Traffic Signals I was made aware of a potentially dangerous situation at the Fairmilehead crossroads. While turning right from Biggar Road into Frogston Road West on the green filter arrow, cars coming in the opposite direction have driven straight across the junction to Biggar Road. I asked that sequence of the lights could be checked and received the following response: Further to receipt of your enquiry I organised for the traffic signal engineer responsible for this area to review operation of this junction. This confirmed that, on occasion, vehicles on Comiston Road heading south towards Biggar Road can be delayed within the junction, behind right turning vehicles. When this is the case, he noted an instance where a vehicle proceeded through the red signal (once the right-turner had turned) as the vehicle had passed the stop-line / traffic signals. He believes the main reasoning for this relates to the road markings on Comiston Road (straight ahead and right) and therefore intends to investigate a change to the road markings for the offside lane to act as a dedicated right turn lane only. The design layout of the traffic signals at this location is consistent with other sites throughout the City. ‘Far sided’ signal heads are not routinely installed at junctions where the opposing phase has a right turn indicative arrow, which is the case at this location. This ensures that the onus is on the drivers wishing to turn right to make their decision based on gaps in oncoming traffic, rather than assuming that when the signals change to red on their approach, the same will occur for the opposing traffic across which they wish to make their right turn, which in many instances will not be the case. • Site Visit for TROs • Buckstone Road The parking near the entrance to Buckstone Road from Buckstone Terrace was monitored and our Roads Officer will be raising an order to extend the length of the double yellow line on the north side. • Queen Margaret Close A Traffic Regulation Order for double yellow lines on the corners at Frogston Road West has been advertised for public consultation on the 14 February 2014 until 7 March 2014. If there are no objections, the double yellow lines could go down as soon as can be arranged after the closing date. Following the visit, which was attended by a number of residents, another TRO is being prepared to extend the double yellow lines and include a time limited single yellow line on the opposite side of Frogston Road West. • Margaret Rose Avenue Parking near the junctions with Frogston Road West is being monitored. • Buckstone Terrace Proposals for double yellow lines are being drawn for the corners of the cul de sac opposite the Scottish Water offices. • Pentland Terrace Parking is being monitored here and at the junction with Comiston Springs Avenue. Drivers are parking over driveways and on the corners, causing obstructions and reducing sightlines. • 20 mph Signs I have requested that the 20mph signs on the roads in Buckstone be refreshed. • Frogston Road West Complaints have been made about the deteriorating condition of the carriageway. This will be reassessed for possible inclusion in the capital budget. • Pentland Community Centre Trade Waste collections have been missed on a number of occasions. This has now been rectified. The wheelchair lift will be installed as soon as the building warrant is in place. The new programme is now available on the website. 3 • Tusitala I have spoken the owner who assured me that the Tusitala is not up for sale and there have been no negotiations with any supermarkets. He is most anxious to dispel this rumour. Issues raised were overhanging branches at the foot of Buckstone Road and the timing of the pedestrian lights at Buckstone Gardens. Councillor Lewis Councillor Lewis reported on enquiries regarding a skatepark for the area. This was in a very early stages and he was having a meeting at Colinton Mains Pavilion the following day.
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