University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-25-1905 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-25-1905 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-25-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/4282 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALMJQ JERQUE MOKNING JO TWAL TWNTY-SEVENT- H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1905, 'nrSÍ&l 5 CENTS The President Has Aiiiioünced the Selection of Mr. Herbert j. Hagerman, of Roswell, as Governor of New Mexico. Mr. Hagermaii is a Man of High Ideals and of Clean Moral Character. He Takes a Strong Stand for Civic Righteousness and His Appointment Is Said to Mean the Wiping Out of the Old Factional Gangs at Santa Fe. Secretary Raynolds Islln Washington Seeking Reappointment With Small Prospect of Success. leave; the penitentiary walls. Almost before the four escaping convicta ha J covered the distance of one block, the prison officials, heavily armed, were In HERBERT HAGERMAN pursuit, shooting an they ran. Pedes- ILYH1S J. INK' trians Jumped behind trees,, ran Into houses and crouched down behind any obstacle that presented a refuge. Those UK " sr V a I tf living In houses along the Une ot Might, ilarmed by the shooting, rush- NEW MEXICO'S GOVERNOR ed out to ascertain the cause. Women OF screamed and fto.l precipitately, while HIM the majority of men seized weapons and Joined the prison officials in pur- suit. Convicts Seize a Wagon. "Repeals cMóre A desperate fear rave speed to the JRF convicts and they outran their pursu- j GOLD DUST méProbe DIM N'ear ers. the Missouri railway station I thes- - came upon a wagon being driven MIIL IIIUI1 by Orvllle Lane. Jumping into this HIEL wagon they seized Lane and held him Crooked Business in to act as a shield from the bullets of their pursuers. One convict lashed the horses Into a run. The wild ride was Seattle Man's PecuIationsOfficeps Narrowly Watching - FREEDOM of short duration, howevr;, as another posse, consisting of city-- ' police aug the York I New mented by citizens, appeared in front St. Life of them, and, seeing that further (light Petersburg Troops. was cut on", they stopped the horses i and ii le a desuérate stand. Lane was thrown to the bottom of wagon, the 59,-0- 00 and crouching over him, shielding HAS BEEN STEALING IT IMPERIAL ARNÍY RAPIDLY Hughes Squeezes Out Queer Tale of themselves to the best possible advant- age behind the side of tho vehicle, the FOR PAST TWO YEARS BECOMING DEMORALIZED i Convicts Terrorize convicts opened flee, back to back, on their pursuers. The prison officials Paid to Hamilton. on thc'Ouict. shouted to them to surrender or they i Jefferson City. would be shot dead. Their- only reply One Alaska Miner Complains He Was Assistant Minister Says Jews Are THE was a volley from their revolvers. New Nov. dev- PUM York, entry of this amount In lha account of Then followed a desperate street bat- Touched for One elopments were brought out today's New tle. The pose of men Jumped $800 on Ship Partly to Blame for Recent at the York Life read "as per can- 'eps and shot with telling effect, session of the Ai instrong committee on celled statement and arrangement wit li Insurance lu splintering the wagon and finally put- ment of Gold for Assay. Bloody Massacres. investigation the course Mr. G. W. Perkins." It was also de- of an inquiry by Mr. Hughe.-"- , ting u builet through one of the con- counsel veloped syn- to the committee, into syndicate trans- that participation In the BLOW UP GATE victs, who fell to the ground. There ef- actions participated in by dicate of the New York Life was upon, seeing that death wns Inevitable the New fected through New Security Seattle, Wash., Nov. 24. Late ile-o- f London, Nov. 24.- The St. Peters York Life Insurance company. The the York and further resistance useless, the con- and company by one-four- most Important was A. Trust which New Chief victs surrendered. velopmenta in the arrest George burg- correspondent of tiie Times says: witness Miltirti of the profit of the former Executive Said To ANDKILLGUARI)S It Vaughn Edward Adams, cashier of the l'nited1 "1 huve endeavored in verify the ugly Madison, bookkeeper of the New York found that convicts Life Insurance company were retained. Pressed by and Blake were suffering fro-- i States assay office here, for embezzle-- rumors of disaffection inong coinpany, during whosu Mr. Hughes to iuPei ' the examination it wait brought nut in tell whether he knew wounds. Driver Orville and con- - re-.n- g that any Lane nent. Indicate that instead of steal- troops In Hi. Petersburg which is the of of other Instance of money due to Be Another Folk. victs Ryan and Raymond were unln-'upe- ca8e the Fulled States Steel Hie New $35,000 in gold dust, to which he! I orted to be causing i'" '" coru syndicate, the managers of York Life being p,ild to a The convicts were Immediately mauder-tn-chUi- f. party ' llas confessed his peculation' may 'Grand Duke Nicho which were J. p. Morgan and company third ua in the Hamilton case, taken back to the prison where the las Ni Mr. Madison payment lu mount to to $200,000, holaievitch. serious alarm, and there appeared In one a rivalled the Desperate Running wounded were given medical attention, clore and that statement to me Instance profit 1!04 of $40,000 to George W. Perkins, ' this has been made due to New York or while the uninjured were placed ir nstead nf covering a period of sit hy is the Life $Si,lN7, representing ' an otticer of the guards: 'There from Which was deducted, no the profit on a loan of WIPING OF solitary confinement In dungeon cells. "onths. they will run farther back no In- - reason to OUT ANCIENT GANGS use denying the fact that the being given, the sum of $rji,3IO paid $30.000 the Roston llrm of Kidder, Officers Convict Vaughn, from .St. Louis, was than 1903. t ci it t Huí of the workmen on behalf i Peabody & Co. protit, Fight With v' to Andrew Hamilton who been de- The witness sentenced for 35 years for first deg-e- Adams' bondsmen todav withdrew of the Cvonstadt mutineer has had a,! has said, came in the form of a check on SCHEDULED FOR SANTA FE i scribed in the course of the Investiga- robbery. Vaughn was a member of the from the $30.000 bond given last night deplorable effect on the morale of our the Fir-- National bank, which he Morrls-Rosena- u tion as' the "insurance legislative gen- gang, with which inn Adams was remanded to jail to soldier. We are doing our utmost to cashed, giving the money to Mr. Per- three detectives fought a terrific battle i wan a preliminary Hearing. counteract It bv a strict watch over eralissimo." It appeared from the rec- kins. on Chestnut street in St. Louis. One Several Alaska men have already the barracks ttpd the curtailment of; ords produced by Mr. Hughes that an WOMEN SHRIEK FOR HELP Morgan What he later did with It, the wit- detective was shot dead and the other Informed the federal officials that they ,leae. but .nevertheless, the greatest account of J. P, and company ness did not No Secretary J. Wallace Raynolds in by In with In know. entry of the two detectives died later In the hospi- have been defrauded someone anxiety prevails, uiner otneers are Hamilton showed that Decem- transaction was made on the books of AND MEN RUN FOR GUNS the assay office. One man ber, 90 . that llrm had to tal from their wounds. Koienau. one still more pessimistic, and fear advanced the New York Life. Other wltnessesex-amine- d -, that out $B!000 In gold depos- Washington Trying Hard to Hold of the leaders, was shot-dea- and Mo- of dust regiment will get out' of hand and Hamilton the sum of $00.720; that on during Hie day were George T. ited there, oníy $5,200 was returned Join the workmen If. as is feared, they October 1, 1U02. this amount amount- Wilson, ris, the other leader, died subsequently . fourth vice president of the to him. declare another strike when the Cron-sta- dt ed with Interest to $r,!,310. and that it Kqultable; W. audi- Onto His Job for Another Term. from his wounds, Vaughn was badly dar- Francis Jackson, up con- Friends of the family have not mutineers are sentenced. was then cancelled hy the entry of tor, and Gerald Drown, in charge of beaten and after recovery was ed Inform Mrs. of After Last Stand in Wagon While victed and sentenced to peniten- to Adams her hus "Grand Duke Nicholas Nlcolulevitch that amount to Hamilton's credit. The the bond department of the Kqultable. the band's trouble, for she is very ill andH Is investigating the origin of letters tiary. the news might kill her. Mrs. Adams Ilusa, pro- Bullets Fly Thick Jailbirds Are Kli Zelgler, from Warrensburg. was written by oflicera to the Special to the Morning Journal.
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