Land-locked Countries of Africa Edited by Zdenek cervenka The Scandinavian Inst~tuteof African Stud~es Uppsala 1973 The Scandlnav~anInst~tute of Afr~canStud~es has served at Uppsala slnce 1962 as a Scandlnav~andocumentation and research centre on Afrlcan affalrs The vlews expressed In ~tspubl~catlons are entlrely those of the authors and do not necessar~lyreflect those of the Inst~tuteor the lnstltutlons where they are engaged at present @ 1973 Nord~skaafr~ka~nst~tutet All r~ghtsreserved ISBN 91 7106 065 0 Prlnted ln Sweden by Almqv~st& W~ksellUppsala 1973 ALLF 233 73 003 Contents Preface 13 The llm~tatlonslmposed on Afncan land locked countries 17 Zdenek cervenka Free access to the sea and the nght of trans~ton land and by alr The nght of access to the sea Vratlslav Pechota Land locked Afrlcan countrles and rlghts of access to the sea 44 Alfred P Rubln Alr transport m Afr~caand ~tsImportance for Afrlcan land locked countries 63 Austzn N E Amzssah The trans~t problems of Uganda wlthln the East Afrlcan Community 79 Yashpal Tandon The pollt~csof translt routes ln land locked southern Afrlca 98 Douglas G Anglzn The patterns of dependence of land-locked African countr~es"d'expresslon frangaee" The land locked countrles of Afrlque Occldentale Franqalse (AOF) Mall, Upper Volta and Nlger 137 Aerre Alexandre Problems and prospects of the seven land locked countrles of French-speakmg Afrlca Central Afrlcan Republic, Chad Mall Nlger, Upper Volta, Rwanda and Burundl 146 Louls Sabourln Land-locked countrles of Southern Afr~ca pol~hcsof confrontabon The lnternatlonal sub system of southern Afrlca Introduction 161 T M Shaw The problems of the land-locked countrles of Southern Afnca m the confrontation between independent Afrlca and South Afr~caRhodesla and Portugal 165 Cobn Legum The polltics of dependency and racism in Rhodesla 182 Larry W Bowman Zambla and the Whlte South 188 Benedtct V Mtshall Land-locked countnes of Southern Afr~ca pol~hcsof surv~val Botswana's options for independent existence H C L Hermans Malawl and South Afnca's CO prosperity sphere Anthony Hughes The problems of labour migration in southern Africa Larry W Bowman Lesotho, an Island in South African territory Lesotho, the real~tlesof land lockedness T T Thahane Lesotho and the Customs Union wlth the Republ~cof South Africa 250 Donald Kowet Can Lesotho reduce its economic dependency on South Afr~ca? 258 Arne Strom Swaziland's links wlth the outside world Zdenek eervenka The search for new pollc~esfor land-locked countr~es The economic problems of land locked countries 273 Tamas Szentes Relationship of underdevelopment of Afrlcan land locked coun tries wlth the general problem of economic development 278 Helge Hveem A theoretical approach to the problems of Afr~canland locked states 288 Ole Kurup Pedersen and Roger Los The ~mpllcatlonsof the TanZam rallway for the l~beratlonand development of south eastern Afrlca 293 Lzonel ClrffP Land locked countr~esand the Un~tedNat~ons Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 300 Robert McKlnnell The need for a cont~nentalapproach to the problems of Afrlcan land locked states 316 Zdenek tervenku Notes on authors 329 Selected b~bl~ography 3 74 Annexes 338 Acknowledgements Th~sbook IS the result of a splend~dCO -operative effort by all the authors of the papers who attended the Oslo Semlnar By conforming so adm~rablyto the dead llne for the subm~ss~onof thew papers- one month In advance of the Sem~nar-they enabled stlmulat~ngIlvely d~scuss~onto take place throughout the four days of plenary sesslons I am greatly ~ndebtedto my colleague Mr Olav Stokke for undertaking the demand~ngtask ot local organlsdtlon of the Oslo semlnar whlch he carr~ed out wlth customary perfect~on thus contrlbutlng to ~tssuccess My thanks go also to the staff of the Scand~nav~anInst~tute of Afr~canStud~es for thelr effic~encyIn handllng the admlnlstratlve and financial aspects of the Sem~narwh~ch Included the d~str~but~onof over 1 000 pages of papers and worklng documents I would also l~ke to express my appreclat~onto the Cal~forn~aState Unlvers~ty Fresno for the ass~stancewhlch enabled me to undertake the relevant research and work on the publlcatlon durlng my stay In Cal~forn~dMy thanks also go to Stanley Moody B Sc (Dunelm) of Blrmlngharn Polytechnic for edltlng all the manuscr~ptsw~th great care and profes51onal skill Finally I would l~keto express my Indebtedness to Karl Er~cErlcson for seelng the manuscript and proofs through to the prlnter Fresno Aprll 1973 ZtierleX Cer I errXn Preface The semlnar on the Land locked Countries of Afr~ca' held In Oslo, September 24-28, 1972 was the seventh semlnar organised by the Scandlnav~anInst~tute of Afr~canStud~es slnce 1963 As a part of ~tsfunct~on as a Scandlnav~andocumentation and research centre on Afncan problems, the Inst~tutehas tr~edto choose toplcs for these lnternat~onalsemlnars that would be of Interest to academics as well as to planners admlnlstrators and pollt~c~ansThese toplcs have In cluded refugee problems, boundary problems problems of adult educa tlon, the role of mass med~a and CO operative development In East Afrlca Scholars from abroad-ma~nly of course from Afr~ca- have been lnvlted to discuss thew spec~altoplcs wlth Scandlnavlan speclal~stsand other Interested persons A current problems or~ented semlnar 1s d~fficultIn that problems keep developing even after the analys~shas gone to press Slnce the semlnar on land-locked coun trles was held In September 1972 several major developments have occurred whch dramatized the precarious pos~tlonof Afrlcan coun trles w~thoutaccess to the sea or wlth thelr l~nksw~th the outslde world controlled by hostlle neighbours The closlng of the border between Zamb~aand Rhodes~aon Jan uary 9 1973 was justified by Rhodes~aas a retal~at~onfor the actlons of the llberat~onmovements allegedly operating from a base In Zam b~aThe response of Zamb~awas very firm Instead of yleldlng ~t dec~dedto keep the border closed and re route all Zamblan exports, freeze all payments due to Rhodes~aand to take the matter before the Securlty Councll of the Unlted Nations As was the case after the UDI, Zambla once agaln pa~dthe hlghest prlce for ~tsprlnc~ples but ~ts stand remalned unshaken When Sal~sburyannounced In February 1973 that the border would be re opened Zamb~akept ~tclosed Other events, though not dlrectly related to the problems of land locked countrles further Increased the tenslon In Southern Africa The revelation In July 1973 of the massacre of the populat~onof the Wlry~ amy village In Mozambique gave rlse to such a wave of lnd~gnat~onin the world publlc opinion that ~t has already led to a re thlnklng of pohcles towards Portugal by a number of Western countrles Wlth drawal of the support to Portugal, or Increase of ald to the liberat~on movement FRELIMO In Mozambique (or both) would of course have significant consequences on the power structure In the area where the access to the sea is still under the exclusive control of white mlnority regmes Similarly, the shootlng of eleven mlners at Carletonvllle in South Afrlca m September 1973, among whlch five were from Lesotho, culminated In the worst crlsis in Lesotho-South Africa relations In the last years Lesotho rd~sed~ts complaint at the Un~tedNat~ons and ordered a stop to further recruitment of ~tsnat~onals for work In South Afrlca Among the encouraging developments was the UNCTAD meetlng of the Expert Group on the Transport Infrastructure for Land Locked Developing Countr~esIn May 1973 which worked out a transport strategy for land locked developing countries working out In detdll many of the Ideas ra~sedat the semlnar Flnally the declaration of Independence of Gulnea Bissau on Sep tember 24, 1973 created, hopefully only temporarily, another land locked State Although most of Gulnea B~ssaus territory has been hberated, the Portuguese still control the access to the sea However, it has never been the purpose of our semlnars to dwell on the topicality of the chosen problems of Afr~ca,but rather to pro vide a deeper inslght Into thelr backgrounds and cons~derposs~ble prospects and aspects of thelr solutions Thus, whlle the bu~ldingof alr bridges to land locked countries to whlch some of the part1 clpants of the semlnar attributed great Importance may still be a matter of decades, ~t 1s nevertheless one of the options deserving further study The completion of the TANZAM railway will dramatically change Zamb~a'sdependency on the Wh~teSouth The near future wlll show whether this new link wlth the independent north will meet the expectat~onsdiscussed at the seminar The diversity of the problems of land locked countries 1s shown al ready by the different legal positions taken by Vratlslav PEchota on the one hand and Alfred Rubln on the other Thls 1s also shown by the conceptual approaches put forward by Tamas Szentes, Helge Hveem, Cohn Legum, Louis Sabourin and Robert McKlnnell They all amply demonstrate the varlety of vlews which came out In the debate during the seminar The confrontat~onbetween schools of thlnklng and between attitudes to operational solut~onsmade us dec~de upon lncludlng in thls volumes even those contributions which were orlglnally submitted only as comments on the maln papers The semlnar coincided with the tenth anniversary of the Scandl navlan Inst~tuteof Afrlcan Stud~esOur maln task over the years has been to promote and sustam the Interest In Afrlcan affalrs among Scandlnavlans The semlnars, as the one presented In thls book, 1s one of the ways of dolng so on an academlc level However, durlng
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