• • PRODUCTION GUIDE by Jose Arroyo Grosso, Larry Jacobson p. Jeff King sup. p. Harbron pub. Jeremy Kalz. I. p. Denholm Elliot. annually since 1972 for inclusion in the Canadian Slephen J. Roth exec. In ch. of prod. Mimi Donald Pleasance . Cyril CusaCk. Susan Wool· version of Sesame Streel. They foster aware· Bohbot exec. story ed. Philip Rosenberg d. dridge. Ian Bannen . ness of Canada's regional diversity and multicul· he f~lIowing ~s ~ lis.t of films in production (actually before cameras) George Mendeluk, Rene Bonniere. Jorge Mon· lural nalure and teach basic French. Four new and In negotiation In Canada. Needless to say, the films which are lesi. Tim Bond d. O. p. Miklos Lenle casting Canadian Muppet characters have been created Tstill in the project stage are subject to changes. A third category,ln Clare Walker pub. Bill Vigars. Theresa Burke THE BRAIN by the CBC in association with Him Henson. Pre-Production, will be used to indicate films which are in active pre-pro­ I.p. Nicholas Campbell . Peggy Smithart. Tony PRODUCTIONS INCo exec. p. Michel Lavoie p. various, across the duction, having set a date for the beginning of principal photography and Rosalo, Alan Fieman. Richard Co mar. Laurie country in CBC regional centres. pub. Barbara Paton. (416) 596·8305 being engaged in casting and crewing . Films are listed by the name of the Chernin, (416) 975·6776. company which initiated the project, or with which the project is popularly IRON EAGLES THE BRAIN TWO MEN associated. This is not necessarily the name of the production company. Feature film . Canada·lsrale co·produclion Thealrica Fealure. Sci·fi. Shooting in toronto A made·for·TV·movie shooting January 20 Where the two companies are different, the name of the production com­ shooling in Israel. Principal pholography began un Iii Jan . 8. p. Anthony Kramreither co-p.! Ihrough February 24. 1988 in Toronto. Ihe film Dec. 20. exec. p. John Kemeny. Jacob Kolzky, prod. man. Ken Gord d. Ed Hunt d. O. p. Gilles will be telecast in the '88/'89 season. sc. Anna pany, if known, is also given . In instances where a producer has asked us Sharon Harel sc. Sidney Furie. Kevin Elders d. Sandor d. Gordon Pin sent p. William Gough not to list a project, or to withhold certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, Corbeil prod. eo-ord. Sandra Dezeil , Sandi Sidney Furie d. O. p. Alian Dostie casting Claire Henry I.p. Tom Breznahan, Cindy Preston . line p. Joseph Partington story consul. t Jim we have respected hislher request. The guide only lists productions or series Walker pub. Theresa Burke (Canada), Barbara Osbome 1at a. d. David Webb 2nd a. d. Cynthia whose duration will be one hour or over. Barkay (Israel) I. p. Lou Gossel Jr. Mark Hum· Gillespie unit man. AI McPherson prod. des. Please telephone additions and up-dates information to: phrey. Sharon Brandon. Stuart Margolin, Alan CAMBIUM FILM AND Arthur Herriott asst. des. Doug Payne set dec. Scarfe. Maury Chaykin. dlstrlb. U. S. - Tri·Slar Peter Razmovsky cost. Suzanne Mess make­ Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272·5354 Piclures! Canada - Alliance Releasing/ loreign VIDEO PRODUCTIONS up Mario CaciOppo des. co-ord. bill Perry film - Carolco Piclures. ed. Bruce Annis d. O. p. Kenneth Gregg light. FILII CREDIT ABBREVIATIONS LTD, Len Watier cast Susan Morgan cont. Nancy cL director asst. d. assistant director s.c. script adapt. adaptation dial. dialogue ph./dop. MOUNT ROYAL * (416) 964·8750 Beck prod. sec. Twila Linden I.p. John Vernon, photography sp. ph. efx. special photographic effects ed. editor sup. ed. supervising editor A new prime·time weekly Canadian dramallc Jan rubes. Martha Gibson. Patricia Collins, Ken series. An official Canada·France co·produc· LUBA James. Les Carlson, Chuck Shamata, Lila Ked· sd. sound sd. ed. sound editor sd. ret. sound recording p: des. production designer art. d. One hour music special on singer/songwriter lion . Mounl Royal is being produced by Alliance rova. Robert Wisder, Patrusha Sarakula, art director set dec. set decorator m. music cost. costumes I.p. leading players exec. p. 'Luba ·. the 2nd in a collection of Specials on in· Enlertainmenl Corporation in associalion with Nicholas Rice, Tanya Jacobs. executive producer p. producer assoc. p. associate producer line p. line producer p. sup. Ihe CTV Television Nelwork, Sociele Radio· lernalional pop!rock performance artists. Pro· production supervisor p. man. production manager p.c. production company dist. distributor Canada, Rogers Telecommunications and SFP duced wilh Ihe participation of the Ontario Film UNDER THE UMBRELLA TREE An asterisk (0) follOwing the film's title indicates financial participation by Teiefilm Canada's (France) , with Ihe participalion oITelefilm Cana· Development Corporation , Telefilm Canada and This preschool series is a variety show with pup· Broadcast Program Development Fund. da. PrinCipal photography on Ihe Iwo·hour pilol CBC. Shooting on location in Montreal and Ot· pets and a permanenl host, HOlly LaRocque. began Aug. 25. with shooting on 15 one· hour tawa. scheduled for broadcast on CBC . April The series is strongly oriented towards music episodes 10 follow . exec. p. / creator Robert 1988. p. Bruce Glawson . Arnie Zipursky assoc. with a happy blend of entertainment and educa· Lantos I.p. Emile Genesl, Palrick Bauchau . Do· p. Charles Zamana d. Don Allan marketing! tion. Production Company : Noreen Young Pro­ ON LOCATION mini Blythe. Catherine Colvey. Jonalhan Crom· pub. Pamela M. Keary d.o.p. Alan MacPher· duction in co·production with CBC and with Ihe bie. Guylaine SI. Onge. Monique Mercure. son creative consultant flnterviewer Peter participation of Telefilm Canada. exec. p. No· Pierre Kohl. Goddard . reen Young. p. Sheila Petzold d. Wayne Moss, Bray post prod. sup. Catherine Hunl post Richard Mortimer sC. Ken Sobel. pub. Barbara ALFRED HITCHCOCK prod. co-ord. Louise Mo ritsugu m. prod. David NIGHT HEAT Chernin. (416) 975·6776. Greene eds Tom Joerin , Bill 'Pooch ' Goddard Weekly television series produced in association CANAMEDIA FILMS asst. ed. Lan Lamon with Grosso! Jacobson Produclions lor CTV and PRODUCTIONS LTD, WHAT'S NEW (416) 530-0300 CBS. Shooting on location in Toronlo, Onlario. A weekly half·hour series produced by CBC TV sup. p. Stephen J. Roth . Andras Hamori exec. (416) 591-6612 children's department in Toronto. A frank. fun ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS ALLIANCE p. Sonny Grosso. Larry Jacobson p. Jeff King fast·paced show for and about teenagers. the Production began Nov. 30th on 41 new episodes exec. In ch. of p. Mimi Bohbot exec. story ed. AVIATION IN THE NORTH world they live in. their interests and concerns. One hour documentary special on bush pilots of the series. Shooting will continue until Nov . ENTERTAINMENT Bob Carney d. Mario Azzopardi, Rene Bonniere, The show looks at news events and issues, and aviation in Ihe north . Shooting will continue 1988. Produced by Paragon Motion Pictures for George Mendeluk, Jorge Montesi. TIm Bond movies and music. always asking and answering CORPORATION through Summer '88. p.!d. Les Harris assoc. p. Universal Television and USA Network in the d. O. p. Malcolm Cross casting Clare Walker questions from the view point of kids. exec. p. Andrew Johnson. Participants include Telefilm United States and for Global Television In Cana· Head Office - Toronto (416) 967·11741 pub. Bill Vigars. Theresa Burke I. p. Scott Hy· Cindy Reyes p. Lynne Sleigh , Donna Lee Aprile. Canada. OFDC and TVOnlario. da. exec. p. Jon Sian, Michael Sloan sup. p. Los Angeles - (213) 477-5112/ lands. Allan Royal . Jeff Wincott, Su san Hogan. Dee Gibney. Kathy Price host! p. Howard Green Robert Delaurentis p. Barbara Joy Laffey co-po Montreal - (514) 284·9354 Sean McCann . Deborah Grover, Stephen Men· and Suhana Meharchand pub. Barbara Cher· Niegel Watts assoc. p./ prod. man. Mary Kalhn del , Eugene Clark, Laura Robinson , Tony CANNELL FILMS OF nino (416) 975·6776. prod. co-ord. Sandie Pereira 1st a.d. Allan AFTER FOOD OF THE GODS Rosalo. Clark Johnson WONDERSTRUCK Goluboff. Felix Gray 2nd a. d. Karen Hall. David Feature film shooting in Toronlo. Produced in CANADALTDo An on·going science magazine for 8 . 17 year Vaughan lrd a. d. Chrisopher Ball trainee asst. association w~h Rose and Ruby productions. (604) 683·2362 Production Office olds. produced by the CBC TV Network Chil· d. Eric Banz prod. sec. Allison Baln prod. exec. p. Andras Hamori p. David Mitchell se. ATLANTIS dren's Departmenl. A fast·paced eclectic series asst. Lana Danielson office asst. Art Clarke. Michael Werb d. Damien Lee d. o. p. Curtis (604) 734-2362. (416) 462-0246 lor young people who are curious about every· John Beder loc. man. David Flaherty. Michael Petersen I. p. Jackie Burroughs. Paul Coufos. WISEGUY Ihing. The series shows that science and tech· Tough loc. asst. Sharon Haxton cont. Lisa Schrage dlstrlb. Allaince Releasing (Cana· RAY BRADBURY THEATRE TV Series. 11 episodes. exec. p. Les Sheldon nology can be entertaining, relevant and par· da ). Caroloc Pictures (world·wide ). Catherine Buck unit pub. Janice Kaye casting Production began Oct . 14th in Toronto on 12 p. Alex Beaton d. various loc. man. Don Mc· ticipalory. Baffin Island shoot in February.exec. Armstrong! Clysdeale extras cast. Rose Lewis new half·hour episodes 01 the award·winning Lean , Tracy Jeffrey cast. d. Michelle Allen. p. Liz Fox p. Paul Goodman. Bob McDonald, prod. ace. Dorothy Precious asst. acc. Robert CHILDREN OF POVERTY Movie of the Week. Produced by Phoenix Enter· science liction anlhology series. 12 new hall· Shooting from July 21 10 Feb. 24 '88 Debra Mathews host Bob McDonald pub. Bar· Mayer prod. des. Dave Davis art d. Elinor Gal· hour episodes. Project Will wrap in March. An lainment group and IndieProd Company in as· bara Chernin, (416) 975·6776.
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