BUSINESS PRESCRIPTION Don't wait for business to pick up; pick up the business.—-The Express Messenger. DEVOTED TÒ THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA Vol. 15,-No. 47, Whole No. 802 : SUMMERLAND, B. C, THURSDAY, June 21, 1923 $2.50, Payable in Advance SATISFIED WITH \ SUMMERLAND BOY AT COLD STORAGE LOCAL ASSOCIATION McGILL DOES WELL COMMUNITY , His many Summerland friends will At a meeting of the executive of Up Withbe please d to learn that Blanchard the Summerland Poultry Products As• TO FAREWELL INLIVERPOOL Munn, who for the past -year has sociation, held on Monday, night, the been studying medicine at McGill question of affiliating with the Val• University, .Montreal,': has success-, ley organization now in process of SUPT. HEMER FOR B.C. FRUIT fully completed his second year me• formation was discussed! > The. exe• Associated and Organizationdicine , according to word received cutive came to thé conclusion that, by his parents here. In th recent Board of Trade Plans Big Send May Ask Government of Pro• while it will probably be desirable examinations Blanchard was success Off for Farm Chief and vince to Assist with Erec• to link up with the larger organiza• ful in every subject, passing with His Wife. tion of Plant. tion Iter, our, local poultrymen aire honors in several instances. The stu-, „ . , , not yet prepared for this move. They A11 Controls 90 Per Cent U ummerland and At a conference of shipping men dent making the highest, standing in ^ S Naramata, or are well satisfied with the results of *-•>.;. ,;.. _ „ „ , _„ | at least as many as can'atterid, will and fruit growers last week plans this year medicine is also a B. C. u boy. the local organization and until pro• assemble at Empire Hall, Thursday for the better marketing of our apples Brokers and Jobbers Aided saved by them on cars shipped- to Pooling Plans Place Pre• Blanchard will spend the holidays' duction is greatly increased, the feel• evening of next week in a big com• were proposed. : those points which enjoy a- far .lower mium on Desirable Sizes. this summer with Mr. Walter Wright, ; ing is that Detter results can be,ob• to Bring About .This Ful• freight rate than those shipped from munity meeting to bid farewell to The growers estimate that there at Renfrew, Ont. 1 tained under existing conditions. common territory points like Vernon. This Compels Thinning Supt. R. H. Helmer, of the Experi• will be about 8J000 cars of fruit tó ler Co-operation of Bri• mental Farm and Mrs. Helmer. move this year, and claim that to suc• Prior ^to, the final conference in by Individual TOURIST TRAFFIC tish Columbia Fruit Calgary, Messrs. Steuart, McDonald HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Mr.. Helmer's resignation to accept cessfully market.the .fruit they must v : •r> and McNair, accompanied by Mr. J. - : Growers. the, position of director of the estate install a marketing man in Liverpool, At the.regular meeting of the La• The Oroville Gazette reports a con• Conway, left on June 2nd, via the of Major Goldriian in the Nicola Val• who will see that their goods arrive uiuwcr«. dies' Hospital Auxiliary, held on Tues• siderable flow of tourist traffic in Mr. A. M. Pratt, manager of the Kootenays, for a two weeks' visit Savage and Stockton, of-the Growers' ley, has already , been referred to. on a favorable market. day afternoon, sixteen -members at- and out of British Columbia, through Associated GrowersV'of' ;British 'Co; to all-Prairie;points. At Nelson they Sales. In addition to these gentle• Before going to his new duties, Mr. Some growers are even, planning that point and anticipates a largely lumbia, Ltd., gives out the following 4 conferred with representatives frorri men, representatives of the manage• tended. The president, Mrs. Solly,- and Mrs. Helmer will visit friends to ask' the British Columbia gov- i sing traffic. The Gazette says important statements 1 ncrea the differerit Local Directorates on ment of omany of the jobbing houses occupied the chair. , in England and will" leave here on ernment to give assistance'in the f ther: 1 With the public generally so inter ur Local - Managers.; At this conference were present. All phases ' of the A, request was on hand from the July 2nd or 3rd. Their young son, erection of a cold storage plant in Annually"the trip through this'part ested hospital for 12 yards rubber sheeting; Ronald, will stay'with relatives-in in the unity of jthe co-operative Mr. Conway, was appointed as Mana fruit and vegetable industry as af• Liverpool for British Columbia fruit £4.1.- i-1 ' - _•.».. * . ( of the northwest 1S growing in popu fecting the . Associated Growers were 20 feet hose, and varnish, Which Peachland, and tbeir daughter, Isobei, movement as expressed through the ger'of a Sub-Central for th'e Kooten and fish. ^ These exports couWthen larity> both on acCQunt of gQod ^ ( _ ^ ^ Cq_ B U s ay, pending final arrangements. He fully discussed, and the sinceré de• the purchasing committee were au- willgo as far as:Winnipeg with: them, be carried in .refrigerator ships to anA "A,." fnnf -°° I°*° Associated Growers'-of. British Co remained at Nelson,; taking up his sire to work with and'for the growers thorized to secure. v where she will be .with friends until lumbia the hesitan of Liverpool and be fn a cool state tJ^Z.X^T? , * ' <* *e Cres- duties at once. was expressed by all present. , 1 This was the Last meeting until her parents return from the Old Cb ton from the time they leave the Okana- Zh*f™ 7! n"Z *? T Fruit .Growers' Union at Cres-^ The 'remainder of the party pro At Calgary^ plans as to packing and September, it- having been decided Country. gan Valley until they go onto the ?! ^ ^ 7^ T &t tonto (becomes part of this general to adjourn for the; summer months: • The community gathering planned ceeded Eastward, visiting Calgary, pooling were carefully discussed with ; British markets. With such a cold ^^'^J^}™^ ^ co-operative plan has in the minds , Tea was served by Mrs. Helmer f next Thursday, is the. outcome of Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Re the brokers 'and jobbers so as ¡to ( or stor4^1ant the fruit and-fish from XZ^^J^Jfr «T***™ ^fly in the ointment. reach the most practical solution, and Mrs. D^enny. the expressed desire of many citi• ...... i parties are made .up of entire fairii- and public sentiment has been strong •gma';'and Moose Jaw, conferring with B. C; could beheld in storage until hies, and get the buyers' co-operation on zens to have an opportunity of bid• that this trouble be overcome. ithe'trade at all points and- discussing the market was favorable! the , grades .and: packs of the Asso• ding Mr. and Mrs. Helmer farewell. Convictions along, .this line have ^with them marketing, packing, gra• fting, etc.; in fact, all features that ciated. The recommendations as ge• The Board of Trade has takeri the BIG APPLE PRICES not been entirely confined to.. Bri• «nter into and insure uniform pack nerally laid down by the Sales Mana• ASSIGNMENT matter in hand and at a meeting tish C blumbia^ibW . The Wentachee World reports a 1 •and grade suitable to the domestic ger, McDonald, with but ;f ew: modi• held Tuesday evening,' a •, committee , record price of $5.14 a box received brofceffand jobbingijhp^ markets. , . - fications were enthusiastically en• was appointed to arrange a brief for Winesap apples oh the New York ally represented iri; their affiliations In this connection they visited the dorsed, these to a .great extent be• program. It is the purpose to make market. That price arouses no par• with these brokers,.have likewise si POSSESS RICH McDonald Crawford, McDonald Goo ing the recommendations of the pack-: the gathering, an informal one with ticular excitement as there are.no milarly ;seen^^ per, "and the Western^,Grocers, ex ers meeting at Vernon some time plenty of opportunity for social inter• more Winesaps to be put on the industry): to^ changing views, and endeavoring to ago. '•'• This fact together with the FOR course. market.—Oroville Gazette. ing the smallest possible amount of GOLD MINE •lay before the management of these fact that the pool agreement will be tonnage, outside to. "disturb market so based on the matter of separating BRITISH COLUMBIA'S conditions on the Prairies! It was h>ouses..the sincere desire of the As Old Union Loosens Strings - on MANY ATTRACTIONS the smaller sizes into' pooling them• NEW MOTOR HIGHWAY AT VETS ENCAMPMENT ^attlP'es from Silver Bar Pro- because of 1 he "brokers and jobbers • sociated Growers to make every con- Growers — Financing: i«fissiori possible to bring about the selves, will' be especially interesting themselves being just as: determined Made .'Easier. - The' building of the new -motor A1 Vt ILNLAMfMLIN 1 | perty Near Ewihg's Land• at this time, as bearing on the (thin• ing Very Rich. as mny of the Associated members ijbest possible marketing arrangements highway, through; the Canadian Roc• The mamrrioth re-union encamp• JiBraltli their respective:firms. ning problem. When- the rules' and; to bring about this unification that ; That the assignment of the Okana regulations defining pools' and so forth kies and; the linking up of; the great ment promoted by, the • veterans of ; At Moose Jaw the Associated re• gari United Growers, Ltd., announced .. Sensational .values, in gold are be- a joint -conference of the Creston, 6,000 miles - system known as: the British Columbia for the week com presentatives were ro.A by Mr. Si- are finally published it.>will beí.séen mg obtained at a mine operating 0f the, Associated and' the.
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