Ayrshire & Galloway

Ayrshire & Galloway

ARCH.,EOLOGICAL H ISTORICAL COLLtrCTIONS RELATING TO AYRSHIRE & GALLOWAY VOL. VII. EDINBURGH PRINTED FOR THE AYRSHIRE AND GALLOWAY ARCH.€OLOGICAL ASSOCIATION MDCCCXCIV !a't'j j..l I Pt'inted 6y Ii. €s" Il. Clarlt !'ott DAVID DOUGLAS, EDINBURGII 300 Copies lriruted, Of zu/aiclo tlais is Uo. 7, f ( AYRSHIRE AND GALLOUIAY ARCH.TOtOGICAL ASSOCIATION {D re 5itr e nt. Tnn EARL or STAIR, K.T., LL.D., LP.S.A. Scot., Iord.-Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Wigtonshire. zrlitv--ptviiU sntE, Tirn DUKE or PORTLAND. Tnn MARQUESS or BUTE, K.'I., LL.D., F;S.A. Scot. Tnn MARQUESS ol AILSA, F.S.A. Scot. Tun EARL ol GALLOWAY, K.T. Tltn EARL or GLASGOW. THs LORD HERRIES, Lord-Lieutenant of the Stewartry. Tnn Rr. HoN. SrnJAS. FERGUSSON, B.Enr.,M.P.,G.C.S.I.,K.C.M.G.,C.I.E., LL.D. Tun Rrcnr Hos. Srn J. DALRYMPLE -HAY, Bart., C.8., D.C.L., F.R.S. Srn M. SHAW-STEWART, BAnt., Lord-Lieutenant of Renfrewshire. Sm IMILLIAM J. MOI{TGOMERY-CUNINGIIAME, Banr., Y.C., bf Corsehill. Sm HERBERT EUSTACE MAXWELL, Banr., of Monreith, M.P., F.S.A. Scot. R. A. OSWALD, Esq., of Auchincui've. ilron- Secretsries tor Tvrsbite, R. \ry. COCHRAN-PATRICK, Esq., of Woodsicle, LL.D., F.S.A., F.S.A. Scot. Tsn Hon. HEW DALRYMPLE, tr'.S,A. Scot. (for Carrick). J. SHEDDEN-DOBIE, Est1., of Morishill, F.S.A. Scot (for Cuningharne). R. MUNRO, Esc1., ILD., M.A., F.S.A. Scot. bgn, Setretarieg for fuN,igtsnsbit.e, Tqn Rnv. G. WILSON, Glenluce, C.r\I.S.A. Scot. Srn HERBERT EUSTACE MAXWELL, Benr., of }fonreith, M.P., F.S.A. Scot. , 3o int'@'tegsutetg, C. G. SHAWI Erq., n*o D. W. SHAW, Esq., County Builclings, Ayr. (Eouncf [. Tnn Rrmrr Hox. Tnn EARL or GLASGOW. Trm HoN. HEW DALRYMPLE, F.S.A. Scot. Sin HERBERT EUSTACE MAXWELL, Banr., of Monreith, M.P., F.S.A. Scot Cor,oNnr, HUNTER-WESTON of Hunterston, F,S.A. J. MACDONALD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. Scot., Glasgow. R. MUNRO, Esq., M.D., M.A., F.S.A. Scoi., Edinburgh. J. SHEDDEN-DOBI$ Esq., of Morishili, F.S.A. Scot., Beith. J. F. DALRYMPLE HAY, Esq., of Dunlop. R. M. POLLOK, Esq., of Middleton. ROBERT GOUDIE, Esq., Ayr. I VI LIST OF MEMBERS. lLifit of Wembstfr, r8s4. ABERDEEN I]Nrvnnsrry Lrenlny. Aemnw, Alexander, Procurator-Fiscal, Court-House Buildings, Drrndee. AIlsA, Marquess of, Cuizean Castle, Maybole. Artrnx, A., Solicitor, Stranraer. 5 Ar,nxaxonR, Dr,, Dundonald. Ar,nxlNnnn, General Sir Claud, of Ballochmyle, Bart,, Mauchline. Ar,r,rsox, R. A., Scaleby Hall, Carlisle. ANonnws, David, Solicitor, Girvan, Awtreulnrns, Society of, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, 'W. l0 Anrnun, M., Fullarton House, Troon, Ayrshire. Avn, Burgh of. BAILEY, J. Lambert, Banker, Ardrossan. Buno, J. G. A., of Adamton, M.P., Monkton. - BnuNnrt, W. 8., Newmarket Street, Ayr. 15 Br,arn, Captain, of Blair, Dairy, Ayrshire. BlAIn, Rev. D. Oswald Hunter-, O.S.B., St. Benedict's Monastery, Fort Augustus. BlAIn, T. C. Hunter-, F.S.A. Scot., \Yine Merchant, Leamington. BlnNC, Hippolyte J., 73 George Street, Edinburgh. Br,vgHswoon, Lord, of Biythswood, Ren{rew. 20 Bonr,ewn, J., Chemist, I(ilmarnock. BontuwIox, Lord, Ravenstone, IMhithorn. BosroN Public Library, U.S.A. BowIn, J. H., 16 Markland Terrace, Wilson Street, Hillhead, Glasgow' Bovo, Colonel HaR of Townend, Syrnington. 25 Bovn, D. A., Seamill, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. Bovln, The Hon. Col., R.E., 6 Sumner Terrace, Onslow Square, London, S.W' Bnowx, A. J. Dennistoun, of Bailoch Castle, Dumbartonshire. BnowN, J. T., Gibraltar House, Edinburgh. LIST OF MEMBERS. vii BnowN, Miss, of Lanfine, Newmilns. 30 Bnown, R. G., 7 Eglinton Tenace, Ayr. BnowN, llobert, Abercorn Bridge, Paisley. BRowN, D., & Co., Stationers, 2 IGng Street, Kilmarnock. Buru, Marquess of, Mountstuart, Rothesay. CAIRNEY, William, 4 Park Grove'I'errace, \Mest, Giasgow. 35 Cer,nwnr,L, James, Craigielea, Paisley. Clmrenr,l, Captain R. M., of Auchmannoch, Glaisnock House, Cumnock. CAlternr,r,, Colonel W. H., Treesbanks, Kilmarnock. Clnrn.Eo, Robert, 77 George Street, Edinburgh. CAmrnnr, J., LL.D., 32 Albany Street, Edinburgh. 40 Cannurnnns, David, Market Lane, Kilmarnock. Cnntstm, William, Royal Bank, frvine. Colrnm, Alexander, Accountant, Dalry. Coornn, Mrs. A. F., of Failford,nTarbolton, Connre, A. J. 45 Cowax, Hugh, St. Leonards, Ayr. CoruN, John, 12 Hill Street, Eclinburgh. CRawrunn, T. Macknight, of Cartsburn, Laurisbon Castle, Edinburgh. CuxrNcnalrn, John, fronmaster, St, yincent Street, Glasgow. CuNrNcnailrn, W. C. S., of Caprington, I(ilmarnock. 50 CuNrNcnaME, Sir W. J. M., Bart., v.C., of Corsehill, Kirkbricle House, Maybole. CuRnrn, Dr., Sydropathic Establishment, Skelmorlie, Curnennr, Alex. A., 14 Newton Tenace, Glasgow. DALRYMPLE, Sir Charles, Bart., ILp., New Hailes, Musselburgh. DAr,Rvmrln, Hon. Hew H., Lochinch, Casfle Kennedy, Stranraer. 55 Dar,nyurr,u, Major The Hon. North, Lochinch, Castle Kennedy, Stranrae!. DAlnvrurm, Hon. Robert M., Lochinch, Castle Kennedy, Stranraer. DAvrnsoN, Patrick, Glendoon, Ayr. Drcrrn, Hugh, Rector, Academy, Kilmarnock. DtcKIn, James, Town Clerk, frvine. vlll LIST OF MEMBERS. DtcrIr, James, 13 Fenchurch Avenue, London, E.C. DICt<soN, George, Sheriff-Substitute of Galloway, Auchendoon, Newton-Stewart. Dtcrsow, T., General Register House, Edinburgh. DonIn, J. Shedden; F.S.A. Scot., of Morishill, Beith. Donn, Mrs. Ashley, Stockton House, Codforcl.St. Mary, Bath. DoNAl,tsoN, J., Sunnyside, Formby, near Liverpool. DoucAr,r,, David, Solicitor, Ayr. Doucr,As, David, 10 Castle Street, Edinburgh. Douells, J. C., M.D., \Yhithorn, Wigtonshire. Doucl,As, IM. D. Robinson, of Orchardton, Castle-Eouglas. 70 Dnnw, James, Doonhill, Newton-Stewart, DuNcaN, James Dalrymple, 211 Hope Street, Glasgow. Duur,or, David, Solicitor, Ayr. DuNr,or, \M. H., of Doonside, Ayr. EASTON, John, C.A., 4l St. Yincent Place; Glasgou'. 75 Eer,rNrqx and WtnroN,\Earl of, Eglinton Castle, frvine. Er,nen, George, Knock Castle, Largs. Evaxs, Sir John, K.C.B., D.C.L., Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead. I'AED, James,: 7 Barnton Terrace, Edinburgh. Feur,os, A. IMilson, Knockbuckle, Beith. 80 Snneussow, David, Solicitor, Ayr. FnnoussoN, Right Hon. Sir James, Bart., K.C.M.G., of Kilkerran M.P, Maybole. Fr,nulNc, James, jr., lfilmory, Skelmorlie. .FlnilrrNe, John, 1 Lynedoch Terrace, Glasgow. FllNr, John, 2 Monbgomerie Terrace, Ayr. 85 Fonsvrn, John, Teacher, Castle-Douglas. FnANrs, Augustus W., British Mu$eum, London. FnAsnn, Sir W., K.C.B., 32 Castle Street, Edinburgh. Fnl:w, IMilliarn, M.D., Walmer, Dundonald Road, Kilmarnock. GALLOWAY, EarI of, Galloway House, lVigtonshire. 90 Gannxnn, Alexander, Publisher, Paisley. GanoNnn, William, Shawl Manufacturer, Paisley. LIST OF MEMBERS. Gnnoeg G. H., L42 Princes Street, Edinburgh. GnMunlr,, Thomas, Banker, Ayr. Gnuunr,r,, William, 62 Bath Street, Glasgow. 95 Gnuurr,r,, J.A., Barrister, Carlton Chambers, Ottawa, Canada. Glltuoun, A., Solicitor, frvine. Gtlltoun, Allan, Woodend, Kilmarnock. Grnvar, J. Graham, 186 West George Street, Glasgow. Gla.scow, Earl of, Kelburne Castle, Fairlie, Ayrshire. 100 Glascow, R. B. Robertson, of Montgreenan, I(ilwinning. Gounrn, Robert, Sheriff-Clerk, Ayr. GnAnAm, J., 212 West George Street, Glasgow. Gnav, G., Clerk of the Peace, Glasgow. Gnev, John, 181 Renfrew Street, Glasgow. 105 GnnnNwnLL, Rev. Canon, Durham. Gnnte, T. C., Rephad, Stranraer. GutHRIe, Arthur, J.P., Arclrossan. HAMILTON, Captain, of Pinmore, Girvan. HAulr,roN, Frank S., Cairnhiil, IGlmarnock. ' 110 Hlmrr,ro\ H. M., lB Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. Herlrrr,roN, James, Town Clerk, Kilmarnock, HAmrlroN, J. Wallace, of Cairnhill, Kilmarnock. Elalrrr,ron, John, of Sundrum, Ayr. ' H,turr,roN, Mrs. M. C., 13 Suffolk Square, Cheltenham. 115 Hawxau, A., Cairnsmore, Bellahouston, Goyan. *il,il'il-, ?'""I*J,f'' ;::TlT;3;-lJ, nu,t, or park, wi gton. .= #ffi-H'*,i1ffi:,:ffi';-ff'#.,t::'-s 120 Hrr,r,, Daniel, Isalee Yilla, Ayr. Honnn, Robert R., 1b0 Hope Streei, Glasgow. HowATsolr, Charles, of Glenbuck, by Lanark. HuNTnn, Andrew, Ayr. IRYIN$ Burgh of. LIST OF MEMBERS. 125 JAMESON, Andrew, Advocate, 14 Moray Place, Edinburgh. JalrrnsoN, A., Riverbank, Newmilus. JonNsrorv, D., 160 West George Street, Glasgow. JouNstoN, T. 8., Geographer to the Queen, 9 Claremont Crescent. Edinburgh. JoNls, A. C., Fairfield, Poundfald, near Perrelawdd. 130 KENNEDY, Captain Clark, of l(nockgray, F.R.G.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Tra,vellers' Club, Pall Mall, London. KnNNnnv, J., of Underwooal, 71 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Knuxnnv, J.,yr., of TJnderwood, 71 Great King Street, Edinburgh. KnNNnnv, James, 25 Greendyke Street, Glasgow. KnNNEnv, Thomas, Glenfield, Kilmarnock. 135 Krr,parnrcr<, William, Solicitor, Ayr. KrNc, H. 8.,.Commercial Bank, Kilwinning. I(rnr<cuoenrcHr MusEUM, per S. Cowan, Kirkcudbright. Krmuoen, Thomas, Wliter, Ardrossan. KNox, Bryce. M., of Redheugh, Kilbirnie. i40 KNox, James, of Langlands, Dalry, Ayrshire. Kttox, R. W., Moorpark, Kilbirnie. LAMB, J. 8., Architect, Paisley. L,q.Nnssonouen, Re\,'. D., Kihnarnock. Lnannnrrsn, Thomas, 17 Young Street, Iidinburgh. 145 LrvrdesroN, Rev. N., D.D., ? Carrick Park, Ayr. Locrul.nr, John, 39 Sandgate Street, Ayr. LoNnoN Lrenanv, 12 St James's Square, London, S..W LonnAtNn, Dr., Castle-Douglas. Lvow, D. Murray, Secretary to Grand Lodge of Scotland, Free- masons' Ilall, Edinburgh. 150 M'ALISTER, J., Surgeon, Kilmarnock' M'Cl.r,r,, James, 6 St. John's Tenace, Hillhead, Glasgow. MtOer,r,, James, Monreith Arms, Port-'William. M'CAlLUtlt, Robert, Town Chamberlain, Ayr. LIST OF MEMBERS. xl M'Culnnv, William, Balminnoch, Kirkcowan. 155 M'Cr,nr,LAND, A. S., 115 St. \rincent St,, Glasgow. M'CowNacnrn, J. A., C.8., | 2 Yictoria Road, Kensington, London, IAr. M'CoNNnr,, William, of Knockdolian, Girvan. M'Costt, James M., Solicitor, Dalry, Ayrshire. M'Cur,loctt, Davicl, Beech Grove, Kilmarnock. 160 M'Cur,r,ocn, Thomas, Founder, Kilmarnock. M'EwnN, Robert F., of Bardrochwood, 20 Chester St., Edinburgh. M'GrnnoN, D., 65 Frederick Street, Edinburgh. M'IfArnrn, Wm. J., Aldvoulin, Leswalt, Stianraer. M'Knnlro, P. H., 26 Pembridge yillas, Bayswater, London, \v. 165 M'KnnnEr,L, R. M., of Hillhouse, Dundonald. M'Kl:nnow, George, M.D., 7 Barns Street, Ayr, Macoo'ar,n, Alexander, 9 Montgomerie Drive, Kelvinside, Glasgow.

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