ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 0S233 Church Street; Winfield, Illinois 60190 | stjohnwinfield.org | Ph: 630.668.0918 | Fax: 630.668.1074 Please pray for our sick Erin Ackermann Gregory Garlt Ivanna Lamb Clare North John Shannon Alisa Allen Darlene Gedvilas Rick LeBreux Alex Novak Desireé Sheppard Sandy Anderson Danny Gonzalez Dolores Lewandowski Lesley (Tobin) Evelyn Skriba Dave Balseqiz Judy Gonzalez Nancy Liden Nygaard Dan Smyth Ada Bantola Dawn Grant Haley Lipnisky Joseph O’Brien Dolores Snyder Jennifer Bitterman Destin Green Marilyn Loechl Larry Orni Olivia Soto Nancy Bockelmann Daniel Guzman Sam Mahre Joan Pacer Diane Srachta Brian Burke Jim Hale Beth Majerczyk Josie Pasciak Michael John Stralko Allison Lamberts Burns Jennifer Hammerschmidt Gianna Malorny Jim Paulissen Rosemary Sumang Jean Bustamante Deborah Lynn Harris John Maltese Owen Payton Mary Tarchala Karen Cervenka Betty Hass Linda Marczewski Molly Peters Virg Tobin Lisa Cicero Jeremy Heintz Jan Masters Bane Petrov Jim Toman Kathy Connor John Heitzler, Jr. Al Mathieu Joseph Pirofalo Erin Anderson Tugman Georgene Cook Joseph & Joy Henczel Diane Maher Brittney Prehn Sheila Tomaszewski Julio Correa Paul Isherwood Alex McCall Ian Prosser Benjamin Vargas Rita Cross Edy Jacobs Michael McCall Tim Ptak Maria Vargas Mary Elaine Cruz Jason Jensen Perri McCall Theresa Ratterman Keith Venard Debra DePauw Margarita Jimenez Goldena McGee Mary Rauch Martha Vescio Anetta Derango Andrew Jin Bessy Miller Sam Reyes Genevieve Welch Nick DuBay Lynn Kadolph Colette Miller Alicia Ricciardi Kylie Wells-Long Ralph Eckhoff Mary Kallas Mayette Monales Cooper Rojas Elizabeth Wood Joann Eggebrecht Brandon Karimi Thomas Morris Gertie Romero Susan Woodbury Joan Enders Ken Kasnicka Megan Mueller Kelli Rooney Lexie Youngberg Aaron Erickson Carter Kettner Mary Lu Mulcahy Katherine Rose Larry Zengri William Ferdinand Donna Kevil Lauren Mungo John Rossi *New this week* Patrocinia Fernandez Joe Konopka Tim Murnane Marvin Rothweil Fr. Hilary Fischer Sharleen Kosusnik John Naill Susan Rothweil Marie Flores Margaret Krisch Becky Neal Bob Salat Kyle Freed Gerry Krug Johnny Neal Scott Schwartz Dolores Gabriel Korrin Kupris Maura Neuens Sven Segerlund Welcome - Bienvenido MASS SCHEDULE Please pray for Saturday: (Vigil) 5:00 p.m. those who defend Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., our nation, those 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m.-Spanish who serve in WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Active Duty Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m., 7:50 a.m.; Pvt James Luigi Akin Saturday - 8:30 a.m. SRA Francis Beifuss Major John Berg Parish Directory - 630-668-0918 SPC Tyler Bowling, US Army Pastor/Párroco: Fr. Matt Pratscher/Padre Mateo RECONCILIATION Parochial Vicar: Fr. Tom Dunn Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.- Sgt Melissa Brooker Church Confessional Pvt Timothy Conley Deacon: Dcn. Dave Ritter Secretaries: Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-7:45 a.m.- Lt. Jr. Gr. Nicholas Daly ………………….Ext 0 or 600………………… Chapel Confessional Major Daniel Durbin Secretaria Hispana: …………………….Ext 601 SA Dakota Enders 24–Hours of ADORATION Business Manager: Tuesdays from 7:30 a.m. through LCPI Ciro Esquivel, Jr. .…………….Dcn. Dave Ritter.………...Ext 616 Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m.-Chapel Pvt Nicholas Gedvilas Facilities Manager: Pv2 Nicholas Gorman ……………...Aaron Simpson..……........Ext 603 ROSARY RECITATION • Sgt Pamela Gray Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose…630-653-1489 Sundays, after the 7:30a Mass- A1C Seth Kelley Música Español: María Marquez.630-562-6894 Chapel • Sgt. David Lawless Religious Education:…………..Office: Ext 613 Weekdays, after the 7a Mass- Chapel SrA Robert Lawless Director: Maureen Brennan..…...Ext 612 Navy Marco Angelo Lomibao RCIA (Convert Preparation)……Ext 600 • Saturdays, after the 8:30 a.m. Youth Ministry: Mass-Chapel Commander Matthew Luff Coordinator: Ruben Chavez…...Ext. 611 CMDCM (SW/SS/AW) Timothy A. Newell Grade School:…………………...Office: Ext 618 TIME OF PREPARATION Principal: Joanne Policht…………...Ext 618 This life is the time of our prepara- ABH2 Sean Phillips Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176 tion for our future state. Our souls will 1st Lt. Colleen Rezabek St Vincent de Paul Society.…………..Ext 692 continue for ever what we make them in 1st Lt. Kevin Rezabek Mass Schedule this world. ~John Tillotson, A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez Weekend…….Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm; Archbishop of Canterbury PFC Riley Santoyo Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Sgt Ian Sarlitto Misa en Español……….….Domingo 1:30 pm AN Michael Schieve Weekday M-F 7:00 am & 7:50 am & Sat. 8:30 am Please keep in your prayers our SSG Curtis Sigourney, US Army Confessions M-F 7:30-7:45am/Chapel Confessional Seminarians who are studying for Major Jim Smolucha Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm/Church Confessional the Priesthood: Captain Mike Smolucha SPC Thomas Stanhope SrA Zachary Ushman A letter from our pastor, Father Matt/Una carta de nuestro párroco, Padre Mateo Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: “Come, Lord Jesus!” The last three sentences “¡Ven, Señor Jesús!” Las últimas palabras del of the Book of Revelation are, “Amen! Come, libro de Apocalipsis son: “Amén. Ven, Señor Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be Jesús. Que la gracia del Señor Jesús esté con with all.” The Bible doesn’t begin with, todos." La Biblia no comienza con "¡Ven, “Come, Lord Jesus!” It doesn’t end with, “The Señor Jesús!" No termina con "El Señor Jesús Lord Jesus has come,” “We have found the Lord Je- ha venido," "Hemos encontrado al Señor sus,” or simply, “The end.” Rather, it ends with the Jesús,"ni simplemente, "El fin." Más sin embargo, termina con el Pueblo de Dios gritando: "¡Ven, People of God crying out, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Our Señor Jesús!" Nuestros corazones desean a Cristo. hearts desire Christ. We have a longing for more Deseamos algo más que simplemente saber sobre than simply knowing about Him or that He is near. dios o que él está cerca. Deseamos recibir a Dios, We long to receive God, to be united with Him, to estar unidos con Él, entrar en comunión con él, estar enter into communion with Him, to be in an eternal en una amistad eterna con él. La oración colecta de friendship with Him. This Sunday’s collect begins, este domingo comienza: "Concede a tus fieles, Dios “Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the re- todopoderoso, el deseo de salir al encuentro de solve to run forth to meet your Christ.” The collect Cristo, que viene a nosotros". La colecta para la misa for the morning Mass on December 24 says, “Come de la mañana del 24 de diciembre dice: "Apresúrate, quickly, we pray, Lord Jesus, and do not delay, that Señor Jesús, no tarde más, para que, a quienes those who trust in your compassion may find solace confiamos en tu bondad, nos reanime el Consuelo de and relief in your coming.” Let us spend these next tu venida.” Pasemos estas cuatro semanas siguientes preparando para recibir a Dios, quien se ha venido four weeks in an excited preparation to receive God, con nosotros para redimirnos, derramar su gracia who has become one with us to redeem us, shower sobre nosotros, y llevarnos al Reino de los cielos. down His grace upon us, and bring us to the eternal and blessed Kingdom of heaven. Cuando avanzamos para dar la bienvenida a nuestro As we move forward to welcome our Lord on Señor en Navidad, recordamos que el nombre de esta Christmas, we remember that the name of this sea- temporada es Adviento, que significa "a la venida". Es un tiempo de anticipación y preparación para la son is Advent, which means “coming.” It is a time of venida de Cristo. Espero que podamos tomar un anticipation and preparation for the coming of tiempo durante estas cuatro semanas de Adviento Christ. I hope that we are able to take some time dur- para preparar nuestros corazones y nuestros hogares ing these four weeks of Advent to prepare our hearts para recibir a Jesús de una manera nueva el día de and our households to receive Jesus in a new way on Navidad. Durante el próximo mes, tómense tiempo Christmas Day. During this next month, take some cada día para oración personal y devociones con la time each day for personal prayer as well as family familia, como la corona de Adviento, un calendario devotions such as the Advent wreath, an Advent cal- de Adviento que cuenta los días hasta Navidad, endar that counts down to Christmas, placing Jesus colocando a Jesús en el pesebre en la víspera de in the manger on Christmas Eve, the Rosary, serving Navidad, el Rosario, sirviendo a los pobres y the poor and needy, etc. necesitados. etc. Know of my continued prayers for you, and let us Recuerden mis oraciones continuas por ustedes y continue to pray for one another. May the Lord bless sigamos orando unos por otros. Que el Señor siempre los bendiga a ustedes y a sus famiias. you and your loved ones always. In Christ, En Cristo, Fr. Matt Padre Mateo Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Our Sanctuary Lamps November 24, 2019 This week, our Sanctuary Lamps* burn in I rejoiced because they said to me, Honor of/Memory of: “We will go up to the house of the L.” — Psalm 122:1 Chapel † Giuliana Capigatti Church † Marilynn Gehrke *If you would like to request a sanctuary lamp to burn in Mass Intentions for the Week memory of/in honor of a loved one, please contact the parish office. The cost is five dollars per week. Saturday, November 30 8:30 a.m. † Illa Venard (Lynn & Joseph Kadolph) Confession Schedule/Horario de Confesiones First Sunday of Advent • Monday thru Friday, 7:30a-7:45a-Chapel 5:00 p.m.
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