CENSUS 197:l PART X-A TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY ,ERIES 21 UTTAR PRADESH DISTRICT SITAPUR DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK D. M. SINHA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIC1! Director of Census Operation! Utt(1,r Pradesh r"' ,..;;,.:;~-- ------------ 30' 45 1 81· i~----------------~-----------------T------------- T ,. K I c ,r I~-,. I DISTRICT SITAPUR • +;o!~ 0 v~ phadPur!,: ~ 't';';m ~~, ' \ Q :(;:oc ,: l(~~ . 45 g~~~.. '\ ~ Ahmadabad ...P5 ., ............. CJ 6~) Behla pOkaib"itmbour LAHARP£l+r Lalpun ~ .... : ~ , RfJt, .: CaChhQnnagar!, '. Sakaran 0 i:,:: ~HGan<Shpur (". ". P5 ( .... '-. : +6 Slota lSI 'JI' , 30 3O :r. "'JI' C n '" 1: Ii Ii _T9DVnollY .... ).Ii I I til ToUISIlHEADOttllntlS , ••••• © 'IIIAS KHUD HUDQlAR1US •• •• o POW1ST.I.nOJl PS o 'OWl! ••. , •• , I ~llIG' WITH """'IlOIl,OIIO. HOII •• NH 24 •~H 21 MGllWlIl'.'_,!.Ult ..\ .... _--.--- 0 TO'llK &! POPULATION IllE OTMD ttmR'UMT "AD •. ~ AS ') tAt.W1YLIlEVfITKSTlTlOll' Si01DG1\lG~ , HmEUUIiE f;) 5,000- "m ~ , 270 IIYIUNDSTIBM., " ...... 27 Nom. of Area In flO of 10.000 - I~,m the Population No of C.HUWlnlIHPORTAMTOrsfAlIUTAIY •• Tahsil Km' '1IIIag's Towns ~ POll lJI'IlL!GlI" "Aa PT MISRIIH 1,\\16 460,98\ m 10,000-49,m Rf5THDUS£,TUVELLERS'IUllGlLOW, T(. •• RH SITAPUR 1,3148 539,890 586 .~~ NOSPITAl.,DlfMAlY1'·HefrrrltE,rrC .•• + BISWAN 1,4799 433,856 51l 1,4371 449,669 O~'II:HCOU£GE,"'S SCItOOt •••••• S,D SIDHAULI 605 5,7380 1,664,400 :,361 l MANDl, '"lIOmlT YILlAR NUKIT •• '; I!. TOTAL U ,,' 81' IS CONTENTS Pages Acknowledgements iii Introductory Note v-'-xvii TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY Town Directory Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functionai Category of Towns 4-5 Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 4-5 Statement III-Municipal Finance. 1968-69 6-7 Statement IV--Civic and Other Amenities, 1969 6-7 Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities ~ in Towns, 1969 8-9 Statement VI -Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 8-9 Statement VII -Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, 1971 10 Village Directory 1. MISRIKH TAHSIL (i) Alph:1 betical List of Villages 14-19 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 20-73 2. SITAPUR TAHSIL (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 77-81 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 82-129 S. BISWAN TAHSIL (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 133-137 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 138- 179 4. SIDHAULI TAHSIL ( i) Alphabetical List of Villages 183--188 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 190-239 APPENDIX-Tahsilwi~e Abstract of Educational. Medical and other Amenities given in Village Directory 240-241 Introductory Note 1.. History of District Census Handbook It has been customary to bring out vital statistics at most of the Censuses. A list 'showing the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census. Such information was, however, not brought out in 1901. Village Directories were -prepared for all districts in 1911, but could be published only for thirteen due to the out­ break of the First World War. At the 1921 Census, these were published for all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 villagewise statistics were compiled but could not be published owing to financial stringency. resulting in loss of valuable data. At the 1941 Census, restricted tabulation was undertaken in the wake of the Second World 'War, but the utility of Census statistics was recognised and these were published. The District Census Handbook in its present form was brought out at the 1951 Census, and was published alongwith another volume titled District Population Statistics. In 1961 Census, attempts were made to render the District Census Handbook more informative as in addition to Census data pertaining to each village, data. about its level of develop­ ment and amenities were also collected. At the 1971 Census, efforts have been made to compile both Census and non-Census statistics at village/town level in a uniform manner with an enlarged scope. As the District Census Hand book makes Ceosus statistics available for the smaller territorial units, it is constantly referred to for several purposes of administration, demar­ cation of electoral constituencies, planning and development and so on. To ensure tha.t ~these statistics are available to the users early, the District Census Handbo0k has been divided for being published separately into three parts Part A: Town and Village Directory; Part B: Village and ,!:own-wise Primary Census Abstract; and Part C: Analytical Report, Administrative Statements and District Census Tables. ·2. Scope of District Census Handbook Part A of the Handbook comprises the Town and Village Directory. In Village Dire­ . ctory, particulars of amenities in regard to Education, Medical, Power supply, Drinking water supply, Post and Telegraph and Communications have been given. Besides, it con- 'tains land-use statistics, days of weekly markets and plac~s of religious, historical or archa­ eological interest in each village. The Town Directory comprising seven statements throws light on the status of the town, its origin, growth of population, functional cate­ gory, location and physical aspects, MuniCipal finances, Civic and other amenities, Medi- . cal and Educational facilities and statistics pertaining to Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking. Apart from these, it also gives the distribution of population of each town by religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. Part B represents data down to village level for rural area and block level for towns. It contains the Primary Censug Abstract which incorporates figures of area, number of occupied residential houses and households, total population and its break-up by sex, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, literate population, working population by nine htQad industrial categories of qdtivators, agricultural labourers, workers engaged In forestry and lives tack etc., in mining and quarrying, in manufacture or repair, in ."construction, in trade ~nd commerce, In transport and cammUI idltions ' and in other s('rvices as well as the non-working population. VI Part C deals with the administrative statistics pertalUlog to the district in all fields.­ <Jf development. The Census tables pertaining to language, religion, migration and economic activities are being reJ-'roduced in this part. A write-up indicating changes in socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the district during the last decade is also being included in it. 3. Town Directory_given in Part A presents data for all the Census towns or the district. There is no unIformly accepted definition of a town. The historical, poli­ ticaL cultural and administrative considerations are generally taken as criteria for rural­ urban classification. An urban area, in contradistinction to the rnral, comprises a large majority ('f inhabitants who are engaged in industrial and non-agricultural activities. In addition to its size, population and occupational characteristics, an urban area pro­ vides such facilities a<; transportation, banking, commercia I and technical services, com~ !nunity facilities and other civic services. According to the State Government, all Muni­ cipal Corporations, Municipal Boards, Cantonment Board,>, Notified Areas and Town Areas are con'>idered as towns, and according to their average annual income from their own resources, these have been classified into different classes of local bodies. The criterian adopted under the Census Operations i~ slightly different from the State GovernIDE'nt. In 1971 Census all places satisfying the following conditions have been treated as Towns 1. All Municipal Corporations, Municipal Boards, Cantonments & Notified Areas. 2. All localities though not in themselves local bodies but forming part of a city or town agglomeration. 3. Other places sati.~fying all the three underrnentioned conditions :­ (0 Population exceeds 5,000, (ii) At least 75~~ of the male working population engages m non-agricultural pursuits, and (iii) Thf> density of population €>xceeds 1,000 persons per sq. mile (386 persons per sq. krn.). The information given in the Town Directory relates to the year 1969. The data has been presented in the following seven statements:- (a) StatelDent I-This statement presen£s the population of the towns at the end_ of each decade from 1901 to 1971, the Civic status of the towns and their functional categories at 1961 and 1971 Censuses. The functional categories given in columns 14 and 15 have been determined on the basis of the predominant functional character of the town, to derive which the working population under the broad industrial categories has been­ regrouped into five broad functional classificatIons :- Primary Activities-Categories I, II, III &. IV, (ii) Industry--Categorif's V (a), V (b) and VI, (iii) TrClde and Commerce-Category VII (iv) Transport--Category VIII, and (v) Servic'3s-Category IX. For each town, the percentage of workers under each of the aforesaid classes to total: workers is worked out, and where the workers under one of the classes comprhe 40%) or more of the total workers, the town is taken as mono~functional. In other cases, the next predominant occupatiun is taken into aCcount and if the total of the two comes to 600/0- vii or above, the town is designated as bi-functional. If the total does not yield 60%, the third predominant occupation is also taken and such a town is treated as multi-func­ tional. The notations used in column 5 of the statement are ;-- M-Municipal Board TC~-Town
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