June 16, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4305 Whereas Gordie Howe retired from profes- Whereas providing unwanted medical from relocation and maintaining the team sional hockey in 1980, having scored 1,850 ca- treatment can be a form of elder abuse and for the city of Pittsburgh; reer points in the NHL, which are the third exploitation; Whereas Penguins General Manager Jim most of all time; Whereas public awareness has the poten- Rutherford made several critical trades to Whereas Gordie Howe appeared in 23 NHL tial to increase the identification and report- acquire talented players that fit perfectly All-Star games, led the NHL in scoring 6 ing of elder abuse by the public, profes- into the Penguins upbeat style of play, in- times, and won the Hart Memorial Trophy as sionals, and victims, and can act as a cata- cluding forwards Phil Kessel, Carl Hagelin, the most valuable player in the league 6 lyst to promote issue-based education and and Nick Bonino, who form the trio affec- times; long-term prevention; tionately known as the ‘‘HBK’’ line; Whereas, in 1997, at the age of 69, Gordie Whereas private individuals and public Whereas longtime Penguins radio an- Howe came out of retirement to join the De- agencies must work together on the Federal, nouncer Mike Lange is beloved by loyal fans troit Vipers of the International Hockey State, and local levels to combat increasing of the team for such expressions as ‘‘Lord League and became the first player ever to occurrences of abuse, neglect, and exploi- Stanley, Lord Stanley, get me the brandy’’; play professional hockey in 6 different dec- tation crime and violence against vulnerable Whereas Penguins Captain Sidney Crosby, ades; older adults and vulnerable adults, particu- who has shown immense leadership, commit- Whereas the ‘‘Gordie Howe hat trick’’, a larly in light of limited resources for vital ment to the team, and unparalleled skill goal, an assist, and a fight in the same game, protective services; and throughout his outstanding career, was is named after Gordie Howe, though he had Whereas 2016 is the 11th anniversary of awarded the Conn Smythe Trophy as the 2016 only 2 such games in his career; World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Now, NHL Playoffs Most Valuable Player; Whereas Gordie Howe is considered one of therefore, be it Whereas goaltender Matt Murray dazzled the greatest hockey players of all time and Resolved, That the Senate— throughout the playoffs, maintaining his un- to millions of fans worldwide will always be (1) designates June 15, 2016, as ‘‘World believably cool composure as a rookie on the known as ‘‘Mr. Hockey’’; Elder Abuse Awareness Day’’; biggest stage of hockey while compiling a 15– Whereas Gordie Howe was predeceased by (2) recognizes judges, lawyers, adult pro- 6 record, a 2.08 goals-against average, and a his wife of 56 years, Colleen Howe, who died tective services professionals, law enforce- 0.923 save percentage; and in 2009 and was affectionately known as ment officers, long-term care ombudsmen, Whereas the entire Penguins roster con- ‘‘Mrs. Hockey’’; social workers, health care providers, profes- tributed to the Stanley Cup victory, includ- Whereas Gordie Howe is so beloved sional guardians, advocates for victims, and ing Matt Cullen, Pascal Dupuis, Eric Fehr, throughout the United States and Canada other professionals and agencies for the ef- Patric Hornqvist, Tom Kuhnhackl, Chris that a new international bridge connecting forts to advance awareness of elder abuse; Kunitz, Evgeni Malkin, Bryan Rust, Conor Detroit and Windsor has been named in his and Sheary, Oskar Sundqvist, Ian Cole, Trevor honor; (3) encourages members of the public and Daley, Brian Dumoulin, Justin Schultz, Kris Whereas, on June 10, 2016, Gordie Howe professionals who work with older adults to Letang, Ben Lovejoy, Olli Maatta, Derrick died at 88 years of age, after a long career en- act as catalysts to promote awareness and Pouliot, Marc-Andre Fleury, and Jeff joyed by millions; and long-term prevention of elder abuse by Zatkoff: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas Gordie Howe is survived by his 4 reaching out to local adult protective serv- (1) congratulates the Pittsburgh Penguins children, many grandchildren and great- ices agencies, long-term care ombudsman and the loyal fans of the Penguins for becom- grandchildren, a sister, and by hockey fans programs, and the National Center on Elder across the United States: Now, therefore, be ing the 2016 NHL Stanley Cup champions; Abuse, and by learning to recognize, detect, and it report, and respond to elder abuse. Resolved, That the Senate— (2) respectfully directs the Secretary of the (1) honors the life and legacy of Gordon f Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this ‘‘Gordie’’ Howe for his significant contribu- resolution to— tions to the sport of hockey and the city of SENATE RESOLUTION 499—CON- (A) the co-owners of the Pittsburgh Pen- Detroit; GRATULATING THE PITTSBURGH guins, Mario Lemieux and Ron Burkle; (2) expresses its deepest sympathies and PENGUINS FOR WINNING THE (B) the President of the Pittsburgh Pen- condolences to the family of Gordie Howe on 2016 STANLEY CUP HOCKEY guins, David Morehouse; and (C) the Head Coach of the Pittsburgh Pen- his passing; and CHAMPIONSHIP (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary guins, Mike Sullivan. of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of Mr. TOOMEY (for himself and Mr. f CASEY) submitted the following resolu- this resolution to the family of Gordie Howe. SENATE RESOLUTION 500—DESIG- f tion; which was considered and agreed to: NATING JUNE 19, 2016, AS SENATE RESOLUTION 498—DESIG- ‘‘JUNETEENTH INDEPENDENCE S. RES. 499 NATING JUNE 15, 2016, AS DAY’’ IN RECOGNITION OF JUNE Whereas on June 12, 2016, the Pittsburgh ‘‘WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARE- 19, 1865, THE DATE ON WHICH Penguins won the 2016 Stanley Cup hockey SLAVERY LEGALLY CAME TO AN NESS DAY’’ championship; END IN THE UNITED STATES Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, Ms. Whereas the Penguins, in their 49th year COLLINS, Ms. AYOTTE, Mrs. MCCASKILL, playing in the National Hockey League Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mrs. Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. CASEY, Mr. COTTON, (NHL), won their fourth Stanley Cup; BOXER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. Mr. TILLIS, Mr. MURPHY, and Mr. HELL- Whereas the Penguins defeated the West- BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. BURR, Mr. ern Conference Champion San Jose Sharks in ER) submitted the following resolution; CASEY, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. the Stanley Cup Finals, clinching the series CRUZ, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. which was considered and agreed to: with 4 wins and 2 losses; FRANKEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. S. RES. 498 Whereas the Penguins endured 3 tough op- Whereas Federal Government estimates ponents en route to the championship, de- HIRONO, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. KAINE, Ms. show that more than 1 in 10 persons over age feating the New York Rangers, the Wash- KLOBUCHAR, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. LEAHY, 60, or 6,000,000 individuals, are victims of ington Capitals, and the Tampa Bay Light- Mr. LEE, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, elder abuse each year; ning to clinch the Eastern Conference title Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. Whereas the vast majority of the abuse, and win their fifth Prince of Wales Trophy; MURRAY, Mr. NELSON, Mr. PAUL, Mr. neglect, and exploitation of older adults in Whereas the city of Pittsburgh is fittingly PETERS, Mr. REID, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. the United States goes unidentified and un- nicknamed ‘‘The City of Champions’’, high- SCHUMER, Mr. SCOTT, Ms. STABENOW, reported; lighting the success of Pittsburgh profes- Mr. TILLIS, Mr. WARNER, Mr. WHITE- Whereas only 1 in 44 cases of financial sional sports teams, which have tallied 15 HOUSE, Mr. WICKER, Mr. WYDEN, and abuse of older adults is reported; championships; Ms. WARREN) submitted the following Whereas at least $2,900,000,000 is taken Whereas the Penguins have an active sell- from older adults each year due to financial out streak of 431 games, illustrating the love resolution; which was considered and abuse and exploitation; of the fans for the Penguins team and play- agreed to: Whereas elder abuse, neglect, and exploi- ers; S. RES. 500 tation have no boundaries and cross all ra- Whereas Mike Sullivan took over as Pen- Whereas news of the end of slavery did not cial, social, class, gender, and geographic guins head coach on December 12, 2015, turn- reach the frontier areas of the United States, lines; ing around the Penguins season and leading in particular the State of Texas and the Whereas older adults who are abused are 3 the team to a second-place finish in the Met- other Southwestern States, until months times more likely to die earlier than older ropolitan Division and a spot in the playoffs; after the conclusion of the Civil War, more adults of the same age who are not abused; Whereas NHL Hall of Famer Mario than 2 1⁄2 years after President Abraham Lin- Whereas 1⁄2 of all older adults with demen- Lemieux and Ron Burkle have jointly owned coln issued the Emancipation Proclamation tia will experience abuse; the team for 17 years, saving the Penguins on January 1, 1863; VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:42 Jun 17, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.037 S16JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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