NEWSLETTER OF AFIO NATIONAL AND CHAPTER PERISCOPE EVENTS, PLANS & NEWS Association of Former Intelligence Offi cers Volume XXV, Numbers 1 and 2, 2002 Gates rose through the ranks to the top job; but, incredibly, he didn’t C O N T E N T S bunki “get it”! Or perhaps he just forgot the e ng fundamental difference between a Debunking the CIA Case Offi cer D CIA “case offi cer” and an indigenous Myth by Fred Rustmann, Jr. .............. 1 “agent.” President’s Message and SpyCruise by Gene Poteat.................................. 2 More recent criticism has been What’s New in AFIO directed at the Agency by a few former by Roy Jonkers................................... 4 disgruntled junior case offi cers (who AFIO Board Actions on Bylaws ............ 6 also don’t get it, or don’t want to get it). Ballot for Election of New Board They claim that the Agency’s Members for 2003............................. 7 effectiveness, particularly regarding AFIO’s Strategic Plan Update .............. 8 Middle Eastern terrorist targets, is Honors Lists for 2001 - Donors, New hamstrung by the lack of case offi cers Member-Getters, Corporate Partners, with the requisite foreign language fl u- Volunteers .........................................10 the CIA Case Officer Myth ency, cultural knowledge and physical Welcome to the Board ........................13 characteristics to blend into a foreign Chapter Reports ...................................14 operational environment with the ease In Memorium .......................................15 Frederick W. Rustmann Jr. of a native of that country. They call Researchers Needing Assistance ..........16 July 23, 2002 for a recruitment drive to attract such Forthcoming Events/ souls, and that call has been fueled by Conferences ......................................17 Several years ago I was among a the press and others ever since. WIN Selections by Roy Jonkers ............18 group of senior case offi cers attending Quiz by Dwayne Anderson...................27 The CIA has taken a lot of heat Photo Highlights of AFIO’s a reception on the seventh fl oor of the over the past decade; some of it CIA headquarters building in Langley, National War Symposium 2002 ........30 deserved and some of it not. During AFIO Organization and Va. The speaker was Director of Cen- the ‘90s, budget cuts, reductions in tral Intelligence Robert Gates. Positions ............................................31 force, revolving-door directors and the The AFIO May Business & Law Director Gates was speaking on discovery of turncoats pushed morale Symposium – Photos .........................32 the need to improve the Agency’s to all-time lows, and effectiveness collection activities abroad when he and productivity suffered. Things had wagged his fi nger at the group and been improving in recent years, until exclaimed: “Look at you - you all look the intelligence failures leading to the alike! That’s the problem.” terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 brought DEATH OF renewed criticism of the Agency. He went on to say that we needed GRETCHEN to recruit more case offi cers who could Again, some of this was deserved, blend into foreign environments like but a lot of it was not. And some of CAMPBELL natives. what was not deserved came as a AFIO ADMINISTRATOR result of a complete misunderstand- OF 19 YEARS Bob Gates and I entered on duty ing of how the intelligence collection with the Agency on the same day and process works - a misunderstanding Mourned, greatly went through several months of train- shared by a number of journalists and missed, and memo- ing together before branching out into legislators who are calling for funda- rialized at recent AFIO Symposium via new our respective careers. I went into the mental changes in the CIA’s operations clandestine operations field and he directorate. “Gretchen Campbell Scholarship Fund.” entered the directorate of intelligence, where he spent his entire career as an analyst. Rustmann continues on page 30 Details on page 15 2002 • ASSOCIATION OF FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICER’S PERISCOPE NEWSLETTER • PAGE 1 twenty-five years by the Church and PERISCOPE Pike Congressional oversight commit- ISSN 1044-3819, in 2002 tees. On 25 October, one day after the is published twice per year by the President’s House, the Senate passed a sweeping anti-terrorism bill that President Bush Association of Former Intelligence Officers Message 6723 Whittier Avenue, Suite 303A, signed into law on 26 October 2001. It greatly expands the FBI’s and NSA’s McLean, VA 22101-4533 ability to conduct electronic surveil- S. Eugene Poteat Voice: 703-790-0320; Fax:703-790-0264; lance, erases legal information-passing e-mail: [email protected] boundaries between intelligence and Web: www.afio.com F I O law enforcement, allows the detention now Editors - of immigrants, and the penetration or h a s Senior: Roy K. Jonkers A sanctioning of banks suspected of a rare opportunity to deliver our posi- Managing: Elizabeth Bancroft money-laundering. The measure also tive message about the mission and permits officials to share grand jury Copy: Constance N. Bates role intelligence plays in our national Robert E. Redding information to thwart terrorism and security. Before September 11, 2001, relaxes the conditions under which © 2002, AFIO, All Rights Reserved the press often called the CIA a relic of judges may authorize intelligence the Cold War and no longer needed in wiretaps. “peacetime.” NSA, with its ECHELON A F I O P UBLICATIONS was given the same treatment, but with There are no other organizations, WINs – Weekly Intelligence Notes— added questions about possible abuse other than our intelligence services, to News, Issues, Commentaries, of Americans’ privacy. After the ter- which our nation’s leadership can turn delivered by e-mail. rorists’ attacks on the 11th the press for informed, critical intelligence and e-BBNs – e-Bulletin Board Notices— switched to calling it an intelligence analysis they need in this very danger- Upcoming Events, Career announce- failure—with fingers pointed at the ous world. The several shadowy terror- ments, Requests by Researchers/ ist groups will be extremely difficult Authors for assistance—delivered CIA, NSA and the FBI for not having monthly by e-mail. predicted and prevented the attacks. to penetrate and counter—but it can Website – www.afio.com – Fast-Break- This was not surprising since Ameri- and will be done. We are living in a ing National and Foreign News, cans have always been uncomfortable very dangerous and uncertain world. Events, Scholarships, Legislation, with secrecy and secret organizations, The nation needs warning now, just WINs, Careers, Store...and more. especially in peacetime, and have as much as we needed it before Pearl Updated daily. always valued their privacy. Harbor. We can’t always send in the Periscope – AFIO Newsletter for Marines, or rely on the investigative National and Chapter news and Soon after 9/11, however, Ameri- reporters and journalist, and certainly internal Association issues and cans heard and read something else. never accept only what other nations policies of interest to members and Director of CIA, George Tenet, going donors. 2x/year. wish us to know. public at a funeral in Arlington cem- Intelligencer – Journal of U.S. Intel- These recent terrorist events have ligence Studies—AFIO’s flagship etery, told the public something they publication—substantive articles needed to know; that the CIA had been awakened Americans to the realization ranging from historic surveys of on the ground in Afghanistan, even that the world is more dangerous now intelligence practices, to current before the Army’s Special Forces, than ever—and the enemy amorphous, cutting-edge concerns and direc- had already engaged the enemy and ubiquitous, transnational, living in the tions. Includes book reviews, essays, suffered the first casualty when their shadows (some within this country), reprints and columnists. 2x/year. agent, Johnny Spann, became the first and willing to die while killing Ameri- American to die in the fighting. As a can men, women and children, for their result, the press has been more positive cause. Our people, communities, busi- nesses and government leaders now MEMBERSHIP SERVICES REQUESTS OF YOU… in their reporting and thinking about intelligence, and the public more sup- understand the critical nature and role Are you receiving AFIO’s popular Weekly portive of their intelligence services. intelligence and counterterrorism must Intelligence Notes [WINs] or monthly e-Mailed Applications for employment at our play. The CIA’s and FBI’s hands are Bulletin Board Notices [eBBNs]? Were you once intelligence services have surged, just now being untied so they can recruit getting them but no longer? Members occasion- as they did after Pearl Harbor. Ameri- anyone, of any character, able to infil- ally change e-mail service providers or offices cans, suddenly know that intelligence trate and destroy terrorist cells or other and forget to notify us of new addresses. If this is their front line of defense—and groups bent on our destruction. has happened, or you have just signed up for e- offense—in the war on terrorism. Intelligence is the first line of mail service, send a message to AFIO Information Congress too has quickly defense, the eyes and ears of the nation Systems at [email protected] asking we update our responded by untying the CIA’s hands, in dark, sinister and threatening areas records or add you to our lists. which had been tied for more than PAGE 2 • ASSOCIATION OF FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICER’S PERISCOPE NEWSLETTER • 2002 2002 • ASSOCIATION OF FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICER’S PERISCOPE NEWSLETTER • PAGE 3 of human groups and states. Like all RUISE C else in this world, US intelligence is not PY perfect, but it is the best—a cross-sec- / S ENTRE C tion of patriotic Americans dedicated to I . / C high risk and sacrifice, as necessary. The NC CIA is not a sinister menace intent on , I subverting or stealing the patrimony of SSOCIATES others—their wealth, their culture, and & A APPS their freedom.
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